Swamp Watch: Idle Hands

Porn viewership surges in Washington, D.C. during partial government shutdown …

The partial shutdown of the federal government in Washington, D.C. has produced no shortage of political drama …

But as U.S. president Donald Trump and Democratic leaders trade barbs and play the blame game over budgets and border walls, what is the rest of the district doing? 

Watching porn, it would appear …

According to data from adult entertainment provider PornHub, district residents are watching more online pornography during the shutdown – and have changed their viewing habits.  Since the partial shutdown began on December 22, porn viewership is up by 6.34 percent in the district compared to the pre-shutdown average.  Also, with many government employees not having to report to work early each morning, late night porn viewership is up by 11.9 percent since the shutdown began.

No word on whether Trump – who obviously fancies adult entertainers – has contributed to the post-shutdown spike in porn viewership.


On Friday, the partial shutdown entered its 28th day – extending a new record.  At issue?  An estimated $4.4 billion in funding for part of Trump’s proposed wall on the border between the United States and Mexico.

Trump is seeking $5.7 billion as an initial installment on the $25 billion wall, but Democrats have agreed to appropriate only $1.3 billion.

Trump tried to back down from his initial shutdown vow over this discrepancy, but his conservative base wouldn’t let him off the hook … and he has since dug in on the matter.

How will the drama end?  Your guess is as good as ours …

In the meantime, though, it certainly seems as if district residents have found something to keep them occupied while the political brinksmanship escalates.



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