Liberal GOP Hopes “Magic” Will Save Them From Themselves

PRESTO! CHANGE-O! Don’t like the current electoral landscape?  Or any of those other pesky problems facing the American Republic?  Then by all means … presto change-o!  The solution could be just a wave of the wand away … As “Republicans” survey the complete and total meltdown of their party –…


Don’t like the current electoral landscape?  Or any of those other pesky problems facing the American Republic?  Then by all means … presto change-o!  The solution could be just a wave of the wand away …

As “Republicans” survey the complete and total meltdown of their party – and options to address it – one liberal GOP congressman has an idea to make everything “right” again.


No seriously …

U.S. Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas has sponsored legislation which would recognize magic “as a rare and valuable art form and national treasure,” something that “transcends any barrier of race, religion, language, or culture” and “enables people to experience the impossible”

Wait … what?

Is this guy for real?

Yes.  He is.  According to Sessions’ bill, H. Res. 642, magic has “not been properly recognized as a great American art form, nor has it been accorded the institutional status on a national level commensurate with its value and importance.”

Also, “there is not an effective national effort to support and preserve magic.”

And they say nothing gets done in Washington, D.C.

Obviously the policy implications of this legislation are incredibly far-reaching.  Sessions is talking about equipping the “Republican-controlled” Congress with the ability to make deficits, illegal immigrants, radical jihadists, Iranian and North Korean nuclear weaponry and yes … Donald Trump … completely disappear!

What power!


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Point of view March 16, 2016 at 1:28 pm

Love how the ‘conservative’ internet media business model is more responsible for the rise of Trump and the death of the GOP than anything. Throw FitsNews in there…..


TroubleBaby March 16, 2016 at 2:15 pm

The Feds use magic every day to pay their bills. They create currency out of thin air, just like a magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat.

It only makes sense that they would deify such an art in their own special government way.

Flip March 16, 2016 at 2:38 pm

You have to admit, it is a neat trick, right up until it ends in a game of 52 card pickup.

Lone Ranger March 17, 2016 at 9:00 pm

It was 2015 and South Carolina’s gutless RINO members of the RINO U.S. House were partying well

They’d ALL (except Jeff Duncan) voted for Obama-Door-Mat-Boehner
to blow conservatives to…

This dishonor roll of gutless, lying scumbags included Trey-Sure-I-Gave-Obama-Fast Track-Gowdy to start

Then there was Mick-What’s-In-It-For-ME-Mulvaney who piled on conservatives to play his back-stabbing part

And let’s not leave out Tom-Sure-I’m-A-Flaming-Lib-Rice who’d sell his grandma’s jugular for personal gain

And who can forgetMark-I-Walked-Out-On-My-Wife-And-Four-Sons-Sanford—serial adulterer with no

Rounding out this cast of dirtbags is arrogant flag-ripping I-Lie-To-Conservatives-Joe Wilson himself

Doesn’t give a *amn about NOT letting YOU vote on the flag because he IS a RINO Lilliputian elf

So these RINO scum are STILL betting on the come by voting for FELLOW RINO Paul Ryan as well

Let-In-30-MILLION-MORE-Illegals-Ryan…meeting back-door with Obama—telling you to go to…

But then 2016 rolled in with a roaring Tea Party win and all of the above RINOs had to leave town fast

Don’t look now you ingrates but that political fire you smell burning?…the last of your gutless RINO… !!!


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