Donald Trump remains the “Republican” frontrunner in early voting South Carolina, but he’s lost ground to retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson. That’s according to a new survey released this week by North Carolina-based Public Policy Polling (PPP).
Trump received 25 percent support in the poll compared to 21 percent for Carson, who has been dealing with allegations that he fabricated parts of his personal narrative.
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas finished third in the poll with 15 percent, followed by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida with 13 percent.
Cruz has seen his Palmetto State support nearly triple – from six to fifteen percent – in the last two months, while Rubio has more than tripled his support, from four to thirteen percent.
“The only two candidates with any sort of momentum in South Carolina are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both of whom are up 9 points from our September poll,” PPP’s pollsters noted.
The biggest loser in the survey? Former Florida governor Jeb Bush – who received the support of only eight percent of respondents despite blanketing the state with television ads in recent weeks.
Bush and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker – who dropped out of the race back in September – were the early frontrunners in South Carolina.
Poor Jeb. Whoever is the mastermind behind those “Veto Corleone” ads is my hero. Comedy gold.
Have you recanted your claim against Carson yet? You claim you KNOW for a fact he was not made a verbal West Point offer. Unless you were by his side, there is NO way you could know that. Aside from that West Point- on its website- reports it does offer scholarships. You said they have never have.
The fact that you disgraced yourself over the Carson attack, represents your character and intelligence. Until you admit you made a judgment error, you have no credibility, except that you are not very intelligent and/or honest.
Bush and Kasich sealed their fate last night by advocating for Amnesty.Both of em are liberals.I watched the debate with some ‘local’ politicians and 100% stated that Kasich has lost his mind.
p.s. easy on mamatiger92…she has developed the dreaded ‘FitslibetardliberalLIAR Disease’.
Agreed. Kasich was desperate,. Hopefully they will kick his ass off the stage for the next debate. Jeb, too.
The only time Hillary was high-fiving was when Jeb was talking about how much like a Democrat he is. What he said was STUPID, and defined who he is, and why he’s losing.
Cruz commented on that. He took Bush and Kasich to the woodshed-all but called them Democrats and the media is ignoring it today.The MSM is trying to prop Bush up because of Amnesty.
msnbc said cruz and rubio had a great night, what more do you want?
Link to that scholarship reference, please.
West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards.
Link to your recording of Carson’s 1969 meeting w/ West Point representatives, PLEASE.
Present that or STFU.
All in the article which I’ve linked for you on several occasions.
Now, about that link on the West Point website. Thanks in advance.
Carson would have paid tuition,room and board and fees when enrolling?No.Sounds like a scholarship to me.
Just like at the Mormon BYU when they give students a FREE education IF they serve a mission tour.
FREE RIDE! ha ha ha ha ha
Have a read. Thanks!
You’ve killed Hank ‘flip’ Geepers! You bastard! (said in Stan’s voice)
Was it mama or stump ?
not me, i could care less about some internet kook’s threats
That didn’t last long. He was only gone about 15 minutes.
I know
Andreas had arrived in America from Greece and on his first day was walking down Main
Street seeing the sights when two men approached him and asked, “Would you like
to become a Jehovah’s Witness?”
Andreas replied, “I am sorry, but I really can’t.
I didn’t see the accident.”
A Mormon wedding was in full swing. The minister started the part where each bride
or groom is asked if he or she accepts the other’s hand in marriage. His voice was so low, one of the brides said, “Please talk louder. Those of us in back can’t hear when to say ‘I do’..”
this pretty much proves carson made up the whole west point story.
You are a stupid pussy and IF you were the one that posted the comments about me and my children the other night, you WILL be sued.
there is a troll using my handle, first i heard about this.
Already met with my attorney.We shall see.
well that is just about the same waste of time as me reading your posts
Many people know who I am on FitsNews.I have turned 50+ people on to reading FitsNews INCLUDING family members and clients of mine.
Several read the allegations of pedophilia and molestation that were made the other night.You have damaged me personally and hurt my business- IF you were the one posting that trash.
if they read what you post on fits, i’m sure they fired you, i know i would.
See ya in court.
Discus says it is illegal to impersonate. Get a avatar.
You impersonate a human being.Is that legal?
Mocking children on an internet forum is clearly out of line.
**clearing throat**
One, or both of them, will call you names and then change the subject. Neither will actually read the article & address the inconsistencies it exposes.
You are a proven liar.What time is the next meeting? What a fool!
Called it!
So flip, you’ve surely had time to read the article now. Which conclusions, specifically, do you take issue with?
flip done flopped.
I wish him nothing but the best.
Nope. He’s back already.
Ugh. Another comment section dominated by him posting to himself.
My brother was offered an appointment in 1983.A ‘full scholarship’ was the exact wording they used to describe the tuition arrangement. They even went further to note that it also included room, board, uniform allowance, and stipend.
My parents thought it was a ‘full scholarship’.
RCP has Republicans winning Minnesota.Every Republican defeats Clinton.Sweet Jesus.That was the ONLY state Mondale won in 1988.
Bye Bye Dems
For a detailed explanation as to why this offer never happened:
The writer is retired Army LtCol Bateman; apropos for Veterans Day, he considers this a case of Stolen Valor.
The bottom line for those who are of the TL:DR persuasion:
Ben Carson did not receive any offer of a scholarship, or an appointment, or whatever you might want to call it. Not spoken or even implied. When he says that he did (and he has not backed off of this part of the story) he is not telling the truth. There is another word for that. It is apparent from everything listed above that he was not assured of acceptance, or anything like it, by any military officer. When he makes assertions to the contrary he is pitting his solitary word against the multi-century tradition of military subordination to civil authority and the honor of 240 years of oaths from the entire officer corps of the United States Army. Not to mention the legal proscriptions of the Acts of Congress dating all the way back to March 1, 1843.
In effect he was making up a story deliberately designed to show that not only could Ben Carson cut it in Detroit Junior ROTC as a military member; he could have been at West Point (a national institution) if he felt like it. This has become part and parcel of his personal myth as evidenced by the multiple times the story has been repeated by him over the years (and especially in the past few months). It steals from the honor of those who actually get in to West Point, let alone those who graduate, to make up such a story. Right now the ghosts of more than two hundred years of USMA graduates should be rising from their graves and shaking in rage that someone would tell a story about how he could have been one of them if only he had wanted to, just to advance himself personally.
Ben Carson did not tell the truth about meeting General Westmoreland on Memorial Day. Perhaps he was confused. Today he is claiming that all of this was so long ago. Who can remember such details?
Does any of this matter? Yes. Actually, it does.
As I said, we often deal with issues of Stolen Valor such as Ben Carson perpetrated, but usually the stories are larger and more outrageous. Most of those stories, however, occur in bars and are merely designed to puff up the thief’s reputation to the others drinking beside him, most of whom know nothing of the military and therefore can’t check his story. Other times, Stolen Valor perps get caught because they screw up and go out, boasting of their actions in public, and get caught by those who know what they are hearing is bullshit.
This is one of those times. But this time a lot more than a little ego is on the line.
Carson did not use his story to cadge a beer or sweet-talk a lady. No, he has used it to help launch his “brand” and then elevate that brand on to ever higher heights.
Remember that very first non-Carson retelling of the tale to a broad political audience, the one in National Review, the one which essentially helped launch him as a potential candidate? “Five Things You Didn’t Know About Ben Carson,” and that was number four, in February 2013. Since then he has repeated it again and again and again.
Ben Carson did, in fact, fabricate this story.
You liberals NEVER admit it when you’re caught. Obama and Hillary have NEVER apologized for claiming it was a video that got the ambassador (they sent to Benghazi) killed….
Young lady I have been reading your comments this morning and you seem real dumb.You remind me of this joke:
My wife is so stupid, she goes down the road to Mr.Jones house to babysit for a few hours every Friday and still hasn’t realized he doesn’t have any kids. Dumb bitch.
I thought you were taking your barbie’s and going home, flip. Your attorney have a change of heart?
BTW, I like this new profile better already. You had me at “YOUNG lady”. #45isthenew25
You’re making sense, young lady, a sense of your own. You’re not crazy the way they think. Yes…I see..
bush just comes across as pleading instead to stating his positions, his delivery is so bad it is hard to give much credit to the content.
There’s this sick image in my mind of Jeb as a teenager trying to get laid! (heh) (heh)
+100 hehe
Parking in the driveway after their first date, Roger leaned over and gave Linda a passionate kiss. When she responded warmly, he unzipped his fly and pulled her hand to his penis. Furious, Linda opened the
door and jumped out of the car.
“I’ve got just two words for you,” she screamed. “DROP DEAD!”
“And I’ve got just two words for you,” Roger screamed, “LET GO!”
Bush is just an awful debater.
FITS wrote: “Carson, who has been dealing with allegations that he fabricated parts of his personal narrative.”…
Yeah, he DEALT with them all right. Carson proved you are an ignorant, and common, LIAR…He slapped the shit out of your stupid ass.
The good part: Carson – like Trump – knows he MUST defeat the media, and the hacks, to persevere….So far, in his press conference, he made you look like the clueless fucking clown you are…
Bravo…and it’s paying off. Same for Trump.
Ben Carson Debunked: Inside His Made-Up West Point Story
hehe, i posted the same link
GT & flip refuse to actually read it. Shocking, I know.
i liked the part of any army officer would have their career ruined if they made a offer to someone to go to west point. something about misrepresenting the army, i think is was.
Truth is treason in the empire of lies.
You probably read Das Kapital to prove Capitalism does not work, too. LMAO…where does the Democrat party get you Dumbasses?
Who was your favorite clown last night ?
What on earth would MAKE a nut like you want to do something like disrupt the ward for FITS? What possible motive…?
You seem to forget, faux Marine, that this is an institution for the liberal/socialist insane.
You and your hack are the disruption on fits. What ya going to do about it anyway, is it ? OHH I see some tears !!!
Does the Spearmint lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?
I’m sure you can answer that.
Aw come on, you’re not gonna say that now! You’re not gonna say that now! You’re gonna pull that hen house shit?
Nothin’. A handful of nothin’. You stupid mullet head. I beat you with nothin’. Just like today when you kept comin’ back at me – with nothin’.
The author certainly has an ideology problem. Robert said West Point does not recruit except for athletes. Sure, that can be said, but as I told you earlier it fell on each counselor in my SD to offer candidates and promote their candidacy as each Senator is offered so many slots. Someone is going to fill those slots and there will be a certain size class that year. Like I said Carson more than likely embellished but the scenario he put out was not completely impossible. I feel, scratch that, I know the Liberal press will seek to destroy any non-Democrat Black candidate. Hell, they hate the white ones. You never said what happened with your daughter BTW.
Scratch that, you know, you just know, like a sixth sense kind of thing right? You got that tingling up your leg? Have fun letting your feelings cloud your objectivity.
Carson’s habitual lying is what will destroy him, not the media. Allen West destroyed himself in a similar manner. If you refrain from doing that shit your political career doesn’t skip a beat, just ask our own black senator.
any is too strong a word, Michael Steele is a regular on msnbc just off the top of my head, i do agree to the basic primis but hey even the liberal press have their tokens.
Was “tokens” your only word choice?
i did think about it, thought about using darlings but as i have seen what you were talking about decided on token
I remember you saying that. I guess it depends on your definition of “recruiting”.
My daughter (thanks for asking, btw), got an offer from a school that she really loved, so she decided to bow out of the process. Her ROTC instructors tried to talk her into re-considering, especially after she was named Battalion Commander her senior year. But, she had made up her mind. I admit that I was a little disappointed that she didn’t complete the application process.
My folks were severely disappointed in me to say the least. i guess I eventually wound up getting their approval career wise, then I ripped them up again with interracial marriage, can’t please everyone. One more thing with that author, he was being clever with words by saying no officer can promise you a spot. Technically that is true in the sense of power play and favors and that Senators are the ones who make appointments.
Hey, you gotta do what makes you happy. No way was I going to pressure her. Would’ve been great though. And, a lot cheaper :) Female athletes rarely get full rides.
Not sure I follow the last bit. Are you saying that officers can influence/encourage Senators to make certain appointments?
An officer can’t corruptly attempt to peddle his influence, which seems to be a no brainer to me but there is nothing that says he isn’t allowed to voice an opinion to a Senator. The sentence about separation of military and civilians was an obfuscation IMO. The separation is that officers can’t make law and politicians, except POTUS, can’t command troops. Read this guy’s NRA rant and see if you come away just a little disturbed. Megalomaniac is the first word I can think of. Officers hold the candidacy meetings with the school officials and collect the applications. I was under the impression that the officers and school decided which apps to offer to the Senators office. Work with a guy whose daughter is a volleyball star, the colleges aren’t allowed to officially recruit her yet because of her age but she gets all kinds of nice brochures of great campuses from all over.
Gotcha. I will check out the other article.
Here are the steps per their website:
Step 1: Determine whether you meet the Basic
Requirements. If you are eligible, fill out and submit the initial screening application, called the Candidate Questionnaire.
?Step 2: Start a File Online
West Point will start your candidate file upon receiving a completed Candidate Questionnaire online located here,
in the middle of your junior year in high school or as soon after that as possible. You must have a Social Security Number to start a file. Your file will be reviewed, and you will be notified if you have the qualifications to compete for admissions.
?Step 3: Apply for a Nomination
You must obtain a nomination in order to compete for admission to West Point, and you should apply for all nominations for which you are eligible during the spring of your junior year. At a minimum, candidates are eligible for
a congressional nomination from their representative in Congress, their two U.S. senators, and the vice president of the United States.
?Step 4: Fill Out West Point Forms
?Step 5: Follow Up on Nominations
Each year, more than 10,000 candidates open files for admission to West Point, but only about 4,000 receive nominations. A nomination is the legal authority for
West Point to offer admission, and it’s very important that you aggressively pursue every nomination available to you.
?Step 6: Complete Testing
Your co-worker is in for quite a ride. It’s exciting.
Even Politico has had to change the story.Face it, you’ve been discredited.
READ the article and then get back to me.
No one has changed the story you fool. He said he was offered admission to West Point. He was not. He said he was offered a scholarship. He was not. He said he met General Westmoreland in Detroit. General Westmoreland was not even in Detroit when he said he met him. These are not things one gets confused about. These are lies.
Lie #1 from Politico: Carson in his book Gifted Hands never said he applied to or was accepted into West Point. Not once. Lie #2 from Politico: Carson never said that he and William Westmoreland dined together (implying that it was a private dinner). This is what Carson wrote: “I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners.” This was a public dinner, which has not been refuted by anyone. –
Lie #3 from Politico: The article’s headline is that Carson “fabricated” the story and that the campaign admitted that “fact.” This is simply not true.
The campaign merely clarified what was communicated in Gifted Hands—that he was “introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. “They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.”
There is no admission lying about anything. Young Ben Carson was, in essence, told that he would get an appointment based on his grades. He would go to West Point. His college would be paid for. It’s a four-year scholarship (as civilians understand it), which is a big deal to a poor kid from Detroit. To try to portray this as some big lie is a joke. The fact is Carson was told he’d get into West Point, which is the same thing as being offered a scholarship (again, in laymen’s terms). He turned down the offer to be accepted at the school because he wanted to be a doctor, which he went on to do. He never said he applied or accepted any offer.
Who said he was not offered admission?…link please…You’ve offered NO proof of your claim…
I will provide you with a link as soon as you provide us with that Drudge link, where it said Politico had admitted they were wrong and agreed to pay 6 million to the Carson campaign.
WTF are you talking about.. Liberals are becoming unglued…
Also: You are the Hoaxers…see Mizzou, Ferguson and East Anglia (in addition to Carson) …all lies, and you got caught up in them…
While Ben Carson has been saving lives, Hillary Clinton has been lying to America—and people have died as a result…..
You are “THE” authority of lies !
Still using a dead Marine as your avatar? Ain’t that illegal?
For you, yes. For me, no.
No, my friend. You liberals are lunatics from the hospital up the highway, psycho-ceramics, the cracked pots of mankind.
I haven’t overlooked the possibility that you might be feigning psychosis to escape the drudgery of the work farm.
Won’t be contributing on FitsNews per the advice of my attorney.Cousin ‘Vinny’ told me to get off.Keep up the good work and will catch up with you.Hope you get SCPD up and running again.Glad to help you however I can.You are a class act.
God Bless
Told you to leave us alone? Praise Jesus, we have a miracle worker in our midst! Bye bye turd for brains.
Truth is, flip…as the chances for these Democrats look slimmer and slimmer, they get more absurd.
It’s getting to where it’s not even any fun poking the truth at them (because reality makes no difference to them)….
Not sure if 100% of the Democrat Party is like this…but they are Nutjob level blind….and that’s not that much fun when you have cultish like minds you’re dealing with…
I really liked that flip.Seems like you,flip,erneba and Rogue Elephant are the only ones that ‘get it’ on FITS.
Welcome back, flip.
It took him a couple of minutes to take his activity private. Usual MO. Still, gotta give him props for funny tags: @bimbofinkleton
Who are you sir?That avatar looks queer.You at a KKK rally?
I’m a sucker for a good farewell speech.
I enjoy the futile rants.
Q28: What purpose do you think the ancient pyramids were built for: burying the dead, storing grain, or something for the usage of aliens?
75% Burying the dead
7% Storing grain
3% Something for the usage of aliens
15% Not sure
PPP is the best
Yet how many support Carson? More than 7%, it seems.
I store my grain in the survival underground bomb shelter with my gold. Gold will be real useful in a disaster. I’ll get rid of the grain. ;-)
So your claim is that there has nothing else found in a Pyramid but the dead?…
The Pharoes believed they could take NOTHING w/ them bu their souls.
Is that your understanding of the reason the Pyramids were constructed?
Please don’t ask that moron to demonstrate critical thinking skills.
The level of ignorance needed to believe all the Bullshit the Democrats feed their minions, is ENORMOUS….
I get Trump. Don’t get me wrong I won’t be voting for him. But I get why someone might. But Carson? Really. I am at a loss. I guess 21% of the people in this state are as deranged as BigT/GrandTango/TARevolution/Flip.
Hilary says thanks…so does China, Iraq and the remnants of NAZI Germany.
The entire world thanks him, not just the elements you selectively listed.
No, the whole World does not hate America, like him, Obama and Hillary. That’s who thanks him, our enemies.
If by us you mean your multiple personalities BigT-Grandtango-Filp-TARevoltion, you are wrong. We all hate you. In all your incarnations. If you were to disappear from the earth tomorrow, we would not miss you, mourn your passing, or wonder what happen. We would all go about our lives knowing we had one less deranged nut living among us and on the backs of the taxpayer. We would quietly thank the fickeled finger of fate for easing our burden in this and reducing the deficit by the elimination of you care and feeding from our backs.
Wow..I had know idea. I thought you loved and respected me as much as respect the truth, and honor…
I fully love and respect truth and honor, ergo i cannot love and respect you as you are in all ways the exact opposite.
You’re a hateful joke.
Jack.What fuels such inner hatred on the left? I don’t want to get all Dr. Phil here, but why do you liberals have so little happiness?
Have so little confidence in Americans?
YOU don’t want Americans to plan for themselves, work for themselves, have opinions for themselves. They prefer government making the rules, whether Americans like it or not.
YOU don’t trust businesses. YOU don’t trust job creators. YOU don’t trust people like you and me to make decisions and run our own lives.
“You didn’t build that” – and liberals wouldn’t let you if you tried.
Basically, YOU don’t like most Americans, who work hard and raise a family and would just like the knowledge that they are free to succeed or fail from their own efforts and sweat, rather than government telling them which categorical box they check and what program they qualify for.
Then you project YOUR miserable soul onto others.Shameful!
It’s Amazing how they personally HATE those of us who point out their mass delusion, that is fed to them by the Democrat Party…
We dispel their illusions, and it shows their ignorance…they blame us that they are duped by their gods. It’s very much like all false religion.
It’s funny how you are having a conversation with yourself through two different disqus accounts.
2 ? You must be new.
Hi flip. New profile already?
Terry, need I remind you that not a single vote has been cast?
Opinion, have had an embarrassing time for the last couple of years, the latest being the Kentucky governor’s race. And that is a poll in which they know they will be exposed if they are wrong.
People like BT hangup on pollsters.
You appear upset that liberal Bush is only at 5%?
Hi flip. New one already?
You sure are in contact with a high-voltage wavelength of hate..why so hateful?
You sure are in contact with a high-volume script of meaningless blather with nothing but the word “hate” in it. Any other staunch intellectual statements you’d like to give?
Most merciful God, accept this poor sinner into your arms. And keep the doors ajar for
the coming of the rest of us, because you are witnessing the end, the absolute, irrevocable, fantastic
end. I’ve finally realized what is happening. It is our last fling. We are doomed henceforth.
Do pseudo-conservatives like you need prayer? Or would that blow your cover?
If you don’t want to take your medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that you can have it some other way. But I don’t think that you would like it.
Sounds a lot like most liberals when the truth hits them, just go for the personal attacks. You have been exposed.
Now the Mizzou story of racist graphetti is being revealed as a HOAX…
Wonder how that will affect Hillary in her polling…??? (:
It just keeps getting worse for you. First you get busted lying about Dr. Carson…now your Race Hate launching base for the Democrat Party is a ruse…
It just keeps raining on you…LMAO…
My Granddad in Mississippi told me this as the truth. Growing up in his rural crossroads community there was a guy who had gotten into some kind of conflict with some other guys who just happened to be in the Klan. While trying to decide what they wanted to do to him they discovered that he was an atheist, So they burned a question mark in his front yard.
Marco Rubio has to be the favorite now unless it’s a brokered convention. Trump and Carson only can go so high in the polls. Rubio is waiting until the garbage clears out below him and will grab their support and voters.