Export Pain At The Port Of Charleston

SENDING “CERTIFIED S.C. GROWN” AIR ACROSS THE GLOBE … One segment of the Port of Charleston’s business is booming amid the lurking economic downturn … but it’s not something you want to see growing. We’re referring to empty containers … which of late represent roughly a third of the government-run facility’s…


One segment of the Port of Charleston’s business is booming amid the lurking economic downturn … but it’s not something you want to see growing.

We’re referring to empty containers … which of late represent roughly a third of the government-run facility’s business.

According to data published by The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier, of the 92,592 containers exported by the port during the month of September a whopping 34.6 percent of them (32,088) contained nothing but “certified S.C. grown” air.

Which is to say nothing at all …

Through the end of last month, these empty export containers are up 45.7 percent compared to the same point a year ago.

Yikes …

The problem?  A cooling U.S. economy – most notably a trade deficit that reached $48.3 billion in August (up $6.5 billion from the previous month).

It’s been a terrible few weeks for the S.C. State Ports Authority (SCSPA) – the government agency which runs the Port of Charleston.  The SCSPA has been blasted for dragging its feet on a long-overdue public-private project in Jasper County, for overstating the benefits of a government-run dredging project in Charleston, for effectively bribing the most powerful politician in the state and for paying out tens of thousands of dollars to a shady neo-Confederate consultant.

It’s also staring down a legislative audit – and recently lost the services of one of state government’s top turnaround experts, Catherine Templeton.

Do we see things getting better for the SCSPA anytime soon?  No.

As we’ve said for years, we believe government should continue to maintain public ownership of critical infrastructure – like our ports.  But for the better part of the last decade we have repeatedly argued that private investment (and management) of these facilities was a far better method of maximizing our state’s competitive advantage.

Legislative leaders and port officials didn’t listen to us, though … and as a result our assets went undeveloped and underutilized.  Now we’re entering an economic downturn with one hand tied behind our back … well, two if you count governor Nikki Haley’s “Savannah River Sellout.”

Typical South Carolina …

(Pic: Via)


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JJenkins November 1, 2015 at 5:10 pm

“Nikki Haley’s “Savannah River Sellout.”


I’ve long wondered why Haley gets all of the blame here and the DHEC Bureau of Water which in an instant turnaround approved the pig in a poke scheme “justifying” it gets none. Just also guess what organization gets to determine whether the pig in a poke scheme actually works? Bingo! You guessed it. The same bureau that is in charge of dam “safety”. Haley had help.

'real' republican November 1, 2015 at 5:13 pm

“As we’ve said for years, we believe government should continue to maintain public ownership of critical infrastructure – like our ports.” I love the smell of democratic socialism in the morning.

Bernie Sanders 2016!

CNSYD November 1, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Blasted on the Jasper project? Other than by carpetbagger Davis and his paid troll Sic Willie, who of import has been “blasting”? Templeton? You mean the person who when they found out the position involved real work and she would not only have to show up but show up sober, quit?

How Fucking Stupid R U? November 1, 2015 at 5:50 pm

94 million out of work- that’s an unemployment rate of 40% – 50 million living in poverty..and Obamacare will add millions more to the jobless line- and destroy even more families than Obama has ALREADY made economically miserable..

And this this colossal fucking idiot is trying to strangle Haley….

Would you STFU, if you don’t have the BALLS to take on the TRUE enemy to Americans…????…you ignorant FUCK…

Rocky Verdad November 1, 2015 at 9:04 pm

False numbers, false narrative. You live in a bubble of cow farts, and take it all in as truth. Hey stupid, if we had a 40% unemployment rate, what do you think the GDP figures would look like. Grow up and realize, you’ve had your brainless ass handed to you since 2008. And 2016 won’t be any different – Go Romney!!!!

TARevolution November 1, 2015 at 9:48 pm

94 million not working. Even the White House does not dispute that. So run the numbers on how many adults who can work, and tell me what you get.
And 48 million on EBT. That’s a FACT, too.

Denying who you are, and what you have done, will not not make it untrue. It is the reality Obama has stuck us with. Why do you think Hillary and Bernie are running against the status quo and against Obama’s record?

Rocky Verdad November 2, 2015 at 10:36 am

Hey look, Cracker Barrell is having a special today. Don’t be late.

jimlewisowb November 1, 2015 at 6:04 pm

“… of state government’s top turnaround experts, Catherine Templeton ….”

At last something that we can agree on

Yep, go ahead and turnaround, she will fuck you face to face or face to ass

Fuckin’ Cockroach

9" November 1, 2015 at 6:37 pm

USA businesses who depend on international sales have gone under or will soon.The shipping charges by USPS are outrageous.Shipping air will probably cost more too,with the packing costs to keep the air from getting damaged in transit…

TARevolution November 1, 2015 at 7:18 pm

You’re right. It’s a FUCKING mess…and has been since Nov. 2008. Especially any business that is based on fuel use…

The attack on our energy industry by Obama has been CRIMINAL…he has choked off coal (like he promised) regulated and fined the hell out of nuclear…and extracted EXORBITANT fees and taxes from power producers…

And the ignorant Fucks in the media (see FITS) just blame SCE&G or Big Oil…and the slimy bastards in the Democrat Party just grin like the sorry son-of-a-bitches y’all are…

Rocky Verdad November 1, 2015 at 9:02 pm

See above, you’re just a shrill moron dumb ass foock with the intellect of a stinking pile of dog crap. You truly are a canker sore on humanity.

TARevolution November 1, 2015 at 9:44 pm

You HATE it when I blaspheme your filthy, and failed, god, with truth…don’t you?…

Liberalism is a Religion…Its practitioners follow in blind allegiance to the corruption and the misery perpetuated by your unholy deities.

Rocky Verdad November 2, 2015 at 10:36 am

You’re an idiot. Entertaining, but an idiot.

Sheik Abdula November 1, 2015 at 7:18 pm

But as soon as that Leatherman terminal is open we will be stalling through high cotton.

Yes sir, naming an empty terminal after a crooked politician is the way to the top!

TARevolution November 1, 2015 at 7:20 pm

Funny how our ports were producing Billions until Nov. 2008…then your lord god Obama began Fucking up the national economy…

You’re either an ignorant FUCK…or a liar…

Rocky Verdad November 1, 2015 at 9:01 pm

You’re an idiot. Our exports are up from 2008 moron.
2008 – exports of goods – $1.07 trillion
2010 – exports of goods – $1.28 trillion
2012 – exports of goods – $1.56 trillion
2014 – exports of goods – $1.63 trillion

Oh by the way – 2005 – $900 billion. So up what, nearly 85%.

I get tired of having to slap the SHIT out of you with facts. Please grow up and try reading educational information – ignorant foock turd chucker liar.

Bible Thumper November 1, 2015 at 9:33 pm

South Carolina’s exports thru June 2015 are up over 2014. South Carolina exports have reached all time highs every year except 2009. SC exports have increased 112% since 2005. The link has drop down arrows to control map display and table years and percent change. Start at middle box link.

TARevolution November 2, 2015 at 6:22 am

Then why are 94 million people unemployed, and salaries in a nosedive, w/ 50 million Americans (most in history) living in poverty?

Something ain’t right.

Rocky Verdad November 2, 2015 at 10:36 am

See below, Thumper proves you wrong. Ain’t no 94 million people unemployed moron, get some education.

Ron November 1, 2015 at 7:24 pm

Well when you put all your eggs into branch manufacturing for the export market you will be the first to feel the pinch in a global decline.
The tumble weeds will not only blow through the port of Charleston but the upstate is starting to loose businesses ( Proterra) despite a better environment ( top university, proximity to Atlanta and North Carolina). Columbia is an economic wasteland. Once those cheap student housing projects are done so is Columbia -and then the great crunch will come. USC not only has declining athletics programs it is limping along academically and will soon have to announce a ‘major problem’ It can’t solve without help from the tax payer- and no it has nothing to do with athletics.

Bible Thumper November 1, 2015 at 8:02 pm

Charleston, one of the nation’s fastest-growing seaports, has to date bucked the declining trade trend with a nearly double-digit increase in all cargo traffic this year. But the percentage growth in imports outnumbers export growth by about 2-to-1.

Post and Courier

In other words exports have increased at the port of Charleston. There are other positives from Fits source article which he fails to mention. I recommend you read it.

Rocky Verdad November 1, 2015 at 8:55 pm

That ain’t gonna happen. It’s against the narrative.

Rocky Verdad November 1, 2015 at 8:55 pm

Wil, not trying to be snarky, but if the issue was a cooling US economy, would not the containers actually not be there, since we’d not be importing as much? It seems the issue is other countries economies, since the exports are lower. Sometimes just common sense can be of great value.

TARevolution November 2, 2015 at 8:02 am

If you are not aware of how bad it is…then you must live under a rock…and get all of your news from the disgraced CNBC…

It’s a freaking mess, no matter what kind of trash the DNC is feeding its idiots…And you’re making a fool of yourself denying it.

Rocky Verdad November 2, 2015 at 10:35 am

5.1% unemployment, growing home values. Horrible.

ELCID November 1, 2015 at 10:19 pm

It’s also staring down a legislative audit – and recently lost the services of one of state government’s top turnaround experts, Catherine Templeton.

COW MANURE:::>>> Cathy Templeton = Corruption and no show job performance.!!!!


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