By FITSNEWS || We’ve already weighed in on the manufactured, misplaced outrage flowing from Ferguson, Missouri following the August shooting of robbery suspect Michael Brown.
Our view? Quoting James Howard Kunstler, we believe Brown is a “poor candidate for martyrdom.” And his death, while tragic, represents a ridiculous effort by racial agitators and left-leaning (ratings-starved) media outlets to foment discord, thus drawing attention away from the real enemy of blacks (and whites) in this country.
Anyway … America’s impressionable youth have bought into the drama hook, line and sinker. Which is why college campuses across the country have erupted in protests of a Missouri grand jury’s decision not to indict white police officer Darren Wilson of a crime in the aftermath of Brown’s shooting.
One campus beset by protest? Smith College – a private women’s school in Massachusetts that’s working overtime to put the “liberal” into liberal arts.
There, according to emails obtained by Campus Reform‘s Kaitlyn Schallhorn, college president Kathleen McCartney joined the chorus of contrived anger over Ferguson.
“We gather in vigil, we raise our voices in protest; yet we wake again to news of violence that reminds us, painfully, of the stark reality of racial injustice,” McCartney wrote in an email to her student body.

McCartney also announced plans to create a new office of diversity at the school – vowing to “teach, learn and share what we know” and to “work for equity and justice.”
Of course McCartney’s weeping and gnashing of teeth wasn’t sufficient to sate the politically correct legions. In fact the subject line of her mail – “All Lives Matter” – sparked outrage.
“No, Kathy. Please do not send out an email saying ‘All lives matter.’ This isn’t about everyone, this is about black lives,” one Smith student tweeted.
“Black lives can’t be central to the conversation if the word black isn’t even in the title,” another wrote.
Wow … and there you have it.
Did McCartney bow to this nonsense? Of course she did … less than six hours after her original email was sent to students, she sent another missive apologizing for her choice of words.
Political correctness has come full circle in this country, people …
Manufactured outrage by guilt-ridden white college profs. Get a life. That goes for English Department Professors Ashton and Lauro over at Clemson too. If you want to shame someone, look in a mirror.
Manufactured outrage is all the conservatives have to live on. It’s all you respond to. Police are killing unarmed people almost daily in America. That’s a documented fact. Ebola, immigrants, women, Bengahzi, ISIS, taking away guns, socialism, healthcare, marriage equality, etc : all manufactured outrage propagated by conservatives. Now, because people are organizing real actual protests in the streets (something conservatives can’t seem to do) you old farts are getting scared. You guys are becoming a minority and its scares you, because of how you’ve viewed and treated minorties for centuries. Not all people are bigots who fear others. Relax.
Relax… isn’t that a song about gay sex? Not a homophobe, just asking.
I thought it was about smoking dope.
Maybe it’s about smoking dope, then “dropping the soap”.
You threw up a laundry list of straw men I didn’t mention. In doing so you directed at me many incorrect assumptions and accusations. I won’t respond further, except to say: Relax yourself. I probably agree with a good bit of what you hold most dear. Are you always spring-loaded to counterpunch?
Nothing in this article surprises me.
McCartney <<< All that education, and still a delusional psychotic. Is there anywhere a University that teaches common sense? Hate to be doom and gloom, but allowing nutcases like this woman to brainwash our youth only makes reality harder for them to acknowledge and accept. And we wonder why Haley and Obama are so screwed up in the head.
Hillsdale ?
What a pathetic existence it must be to sit around and look for things to be offended by.
I know I feel sorry for you.
Your intellect is weak, come back when you have something witty to say.
Says the guy who identifies, literally, with pieces of shit. You are incapable of recognizing wit.
It’s a joke, sorry it’s over your pointed head.
But if he parts his hair just right, it will never show.
Yes, it is a joke. Much like you.
ur a fagit
If black lives really mattered, seems as though the black community would try to understand why 13% of the population account for 40% of the abortion rate. Bueller?
I forget where I read the story,but a facebook user created a fake incident of racial injustice,and invited all his friends to participate in a march/demonstration,and hundreds showed up with signs and everything…
Shiite happens.
FITS: You are no different from this woman. If you feel just the least bit threatened of rejection by your gaggle of idiot followers…you immediately adopt whatever ignorant stance, the media tells y’all to take…
After the bombers in Boston blew up children…you, like a colossal fool…effeminately and shrilly demanded we forget their murder, and give them due process…based on yours and Lizenby’s communist definition of it…
It made you feel superior because the immoral leftwing religious zealot moralists, tell you that…
You are just as easily-led as the next coward of pop culture…It’s why anyone who is intelligent laughs at you…You attack the people just like you…for doing the same that you do…
/// demanded we forget their murder, and give them due process ///
Imagine that! Actually affirming the primacy of law, in a nation of laws. Actually standing up for the principles inherent in the Constitution of the United States of America.
The horror … THE HORROR!!!!
You F*#king Liberal Dumb@$$#$ all of the sudden claim some attachment to the Constitution when you want to exonerate some murderous Islamic Jihadist…Yet, if he were a Christian, you’d crucify him on the spot. And get some radical liberal judge – you stacked the courts with -to tell us that is Constitutional…
Not to mention: you define Due Process based on your Ignorant and leftwing ideology…which has nothing to do w/ the Constitution…Did I mention how IGNORANT and cliche you are?
Don’t blow a gasket, Mistah Lawrence.
You’re way off the beam here. Never in my life have I ever disparaged the Constitution of the United States of America. Nor do I have love for terrorists, of any stripe. But we remain a nation of law. Our law is decreed by the Constitution, and by the constitutions of the states. Due process is due process, it is not dependent on your interpretation or on mine. It is what it is. Why don’t you just say what you really believe, which is that you can subvert and ignore the Constitution at will, depending on what citizen you want to prosecute, and for what crime?
That’s the nut of it. You are willing to wipe your ass with the Constitution if it suits your purposes to do so. And claim the high moral ground for doing so. The depths of hypocrisy. You make yourself more of a buffoon with every comment you make on here.
You’re like most ignorant liberals…you’ll use the Bible or the Constitution, or any document of substance to say what you want it to say, in accordance with your ideology.
You have no core, or the intelligence to persuade, so you have to try to commandeer character in your stead, because of your lack of credibility.
There IS an echo in here. … Helloooooooo ….. ooooo
I was in Northhampton, Mass at Smith College two years ago. The moment any of those Smithy’s heard my Southern accent, you have never heard such condescension come into a tone of voice. The superiority attitude was pathetic.
They have the airs of an Episcopalian.
Doesn’t FITS – and a majority of his followers – hate South Carolina and the South just as much?
Self-loathing – and marching in pop culture lockstep – is how the pious make themselves feel sophisticated….
Hatred of PC stupidity and love of South Carolina can co-exist.
Only one of us here is perfect.
Au contraire…and that is the point. If you’ll notice it is the penultimate mission of the leftwing PC crowd to hate SC and all of the South. They even hate La. now that their Obamacare prostitute queen has been slung to the dung-heap, where so many of Obama’s whores end up.
Every survey, every study and every bit of research is a “scientific” statistical Bashing of the GOP South… And FITS is as ignorant as the next to crap all of the state that set him up in a cul-d-sac and gave his daddy and mama socialized medicine–so he could suck at the knee of a government largess savior named Sanford –while they decry that, that feeds their greed, and bloats their egos. They’ll always do as their masters tell them, no matter who has to be put asunder…
Mmmmmm … Trust fund babies, go figure.
As for the rest: We have gotta get the schools from kindergarten on to teach something about the US Constitution … hopefully every year of school clear through any Masters’ programs, fur sure.
It is The Rule Book, after all. And even those on football scholarships would see the light in that.
Insane in the brain.
Why are grown men who sit inside all day commenting on this site so scared of everything? Blacks, Ebola, ISIS, Obama, women, young people…just the beginning of the list. So funny.
They’re likely sitting inside because they have jobs, as for being scared of black, ebola, isis, obama, women, young people, etc… shove that list up your ass. Hilarious.
Obsessed with butts much? Just listing the lastest articles here that have gotten all you tough guys panties in a wad. You use the perfect screen name by the way. Nothing but shit coming out of your brain.
I wear boxer briefs.
This is as good a place as any to swap jokes and lies … -)
Two outta nine things we can laugh at fur sure. … Grown men, not so much, unless they are sitting on that striped couch (above) writing on their Play Station.
She should send out an email apologizing for taking the front seat cover out of a 1939 Cadillac and making clothes out of it
Exactly. Who killed the couch?
Hey, she’s just a pioneer of the Upholstery As Fashion Statement Movement. Give ‘er a break!
Scarlett O’hara, she ain’t.
Cushions up, don’t cut.
Perfect saddle blanket for that Old Nag. She looks like Jethro Bodine and Miss Jane’s love child, educated, yet dopey.
She a brain surgeon like Jethro?
Now cut that out..!!
WRONG — it’s the front floor carpet of a 1972 GMC pickup…
I think I’ve seen Nikki Haley wearing that particular carpet.
Yes, thanks for refreshing my memory!
Thank God it’s not the back floor carpet of a 1972 GMC pickup.
Cabellas has a seat cover that looks like that. After market slip over.
This is silly,but no more silly than a site where Right Wing Republicans are called”ultra liberals”i e . Lindsay Graham,Nikki Haley or ,well, ANY Republican who disagree with Fits.
That is “political correctness,” Fits style!
Graham is a neocon, an Internationalist, and a willing tool of the Military Industrial Complex and it’s greedy, malevolent war profiteers. He’s a major war pig, like McCain. NOTHING truly conservative about either of them.
Nikki Haley is all about using government to pick winners and losers in the marketplace, manipulating facts and figures to cover incompetence and corruption for herself and her appointed minions, selling out her own state for the sake of her national political ambitions, etc., etc. She’s whatever she needs to be to make Nikki look good, no matter what.
These are your paragons of conservative Republican values.
Just fucking pitiful.
Maybe “fucking pitiful “but referring to them as ultra liberals is absurd .they both OPPOSE almost EVERY program proposed by REAL ultra liberals.
You don’t like Lindsay Graham ?Fine by me ,but don’t play SILLY ASS word games.Hes no “ultra liberal” but a mainstream Republican whose views coincide with MANY here who are labeled good “conservatives.”
And such is just as ridiculous as this silliness at Smith.
Please note that I did not call Graham or Haley “ultra liberals.” If Will did, that’s on him, I do not agree. I called them both exactly as I see them. You, on the other hand, suggest that they are “Right Wing Republicans”, and they are nothing of the sort.
So … which one of us is really playing the “SILLY ASS word games” here?
Oh certainly Graham and Haley are Right Wing Republicans.
Indeed Im sure they consider themselves such.Heck Graham was rated over 90% by the American Conservative Union ,sponsor of the well known Right Wing Talkathon CPAC.
I also find it odd that you believe,I presume, that Grahams hawkish views are not Right Wing.Almost every Right Winger I know shares those views.
Also, and somewhat amusingly,everyone’s favorite Right Winger hereabouts ,Gran Tango ,is a big fan of both Haley and Graham.I mean he wouldn’t be so toward some mushy headed “moderates” now would he?
If Grand Tango is the standard, conservatism is in a world of trouble.
Graham is certainly no fiscal conservative, since in his view no cost is too great for escalating or re-starting existing wars, or starting new ones. An approach that is not exactly anathema to Barack Obama — in case you haven’t noticed what he actually does, as opposed to what comes out of his mouth.
And I suppose Graham’s reputation for being someone the left can count on for support when they need it most is just something that somebody created out of whole cloth, that for some reason became the standard view of him expressed by the most of tea party orgs and virtually every other “grass roots patriot” group in the nation for the last 10 years or more.
As for the ACU, that’s just one organization. Sure, they sponsor a big, spashy event — at which Rand Paul is consistently a huge favorite among attendees. If the straw polls are any indication of the way conservatives are leaning. And I’d say they are.
Did you not notice the war that was waged against the senator by the far right in his last bid for re-election? The tea party did their best to take him down. That did not happen on the Bizzarro planet. It happened on this one.
None of these groups or movements appeal to me. Nor do most of the stridently leftist orgs. I’m looking at all this analytically, not from extreme bias, one way or another.
FITS is Libertarian. Libertarians have been mounting a hostile takeover of the once GOP for years. They do that by attacking the Real Republicans as RINOs while the Libertarians pretend to be Republicans. That’s because the Libertarians know they can’t get elected dogcatcher running as a Libertarians.
If their actions are any indication, LIbertarians are gutless liars. But, like the Dominionists and Richard Nixon, the ends justify the means.
Hey, who you calling republican?
That’s just nuts. “All Lives Matter”, regardless of the content of her original pronouncement on the subject needed no defense. This is not leadership, an apology like that. It is knuckling under to pressure from people who have no idea what freedom is really all about.
This reminds me of how some “Movement” peeps get all bent out of shape if anyone calls abusive sex trafficking or sweat shops a form of slavery — or points out that American Indians were enslaved before Africans in this “New World.” ONLY the black experience matters to them. It’s one of the reasons people tune them out. It’s why, even though racism truly exists, the meaning of it has become debased.
She should have said “All non-white lives matter, honkies not so much”
Uncanny resemblance to Paul McCartney.
… and Alfred E. Newman.
Same group of good ol’ boy bigots here again today. Same bat time, same bat channel…just a different headline.
I think I’ll go buy a confederate flag and cut it into strips to wipe my ass with….after some delicious Chipotle.
Hey, who you calling good? ….
What about those Oreos? Why is the white only inside the cookie? Why can’t we have WHITE peanut butter? Damn..!!
And what ever happened to white wall tires?
It’s sort of neat to see old movie and tv programs with those whitewalls. In later years they seemed only to be on pimpmobiles!
There IS an echo in here …. Helloooooooo …. ooooo
It’s really cool to watch old movie and tv programs showing those whitewalls. In later years you always could spot a “pimpmobile” because it had those wide whitewalls.
She should tell the abortionists that “all lives matter.” But she won’t.
Society: “be yourself”
Society: “no, not like that…”