
Blue Cross Job Losses

HEALTH CARE INSURER TERMINATING THIRTY HIGH-PAYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POSITIONS By FITSNEWS || It’s not a “great day in South Carolina” for roughly thirty employees at health care insurer Blue Cross Blue Shied of South Carolina (BCBSSC). According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, that’s the number of full-time BCBSSC employees…


By FITSNEWS || It’s not a “great day in South Carolina” for roughly thirty employees at health care insurer Blue Cross Blue Shied of South Carolina (BCBSSC).

According to multiple sources familiar with the situation, that’s the number of full-time BCBSSC employees losing their jobs as a result of a reduction in force (RIF) that began this Thursday.

The job cuts appear (initially, anyway) to be confined to BCBSSC’s information technology department – where up to 2.5 percent of the workforce could be out of a job by the end of the week.

According to our sources, the positions being cut are “mostly programmers with salaries averaging about $60-65K (annually).”

“Some have been there fifteen-plus years,” one source added.

Ouch …

Unlike most positions in the Palmetto State (where household incomes rank No. 44 nationally), those are good paying jobs – which means there elimination will have a real impact on the consumer economy.

Oh well, maybe some of the newly unemployed can find work at the Nephron Pharmaceutical company in Cayce, S.C.  – the facility Gov. Nikki Haley lavished with taxpayer-funded incentives three years ago on the promise it would create 707 new jobs at $71,000 a pop.

Errr … maybe not.

Anyway, why did BCBSSC terminate these positions?

According to one source, the agency is trying to comply with the “80/20 rule” of U.S. president Barack Obama‘s socialized medicine plan – which requires insurers to spend no less than 80 percent of health care premiums on patient care or be forced to refund the money.

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JohnQ October 24, 2014 at 9:55 am

So to make up for the money they couldn’t cheat out of customers they have decided to lay off employees to make up the difference. Republicanism at its finest and you have the gall to blame Obamacare for BCBS greed.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 10:14 am

Shut up you F*#king idiot. It’s a legitimate business. When you give me the money your lord-god and @$$hole Obama has stolen from us, you can run your mouth. Until then STFU….

Smirks October 24, 2014 at 10:33 am

Shut up you F*#king idiot.

mamatiger92 October 24, 2014 at 11:46 am


Rocky October 24, 2014 at 10:51 am

What money has he stolen from you. It’s not like he took $4 trillion and flushed it down Iraq.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:25 am

Yes: It’s stolen from me. When I pay a dollar more a gallon for gas, for the last six years, that is a TAX Obama placed on my family. When my insurance premium skyrocketed, and my deductible tripled, I’m being robbed because of Obama’s Ignorance, mis-management, hatred and stupidity.

Groceries are exponentially more expensive, while people have income decline, and under-employment. ALL because of Obama …You sound like a sycophant Dumb@$$ apologist…spreading myths and lies in defense of the B@$t@*d in the White House. You are the kind of person I pray to hear running your mouth in public…because I’d challenge you…and if you lied I’d slap you so F*#king hard (figuratively of course) your teeth would crack..

You are an ignorant piece of S#!t .. who cares about your government check, and forcing your morals of class-warfare, racism and hate on the Workers and earners, to fund lazy @$$holes like you…You won’t listen to truth, so there is not much more to do, except kick your F*#king Stupid @$$…(figuratively of course)…

And oh Yeah: Have a Blessed Day…

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:37 am

What planet do you live in. I pay less today for a gallon of gas than I did in July 2008. About a $1 less. My grocery bill is about the same. My insurance premiums are actually increasing at a lower pace than they did 2002 to 2008 – and I get more coverage. I don’t know what twisted stupid lemming brain you have, or how you obtained your dementia – but back here in the real world – things are looking up. Property values are on the upswing, employment is up, manufacturing jobs are coming back. The dollar is stronger. Challange me? You couldn’t challange a retard in a spelling bee. As for ingorant – you need to take a look in the mirror (assuming it wouldn’t crack) – and as a six-figure earner of the private sector – I don’t wait for government checks. I leave that to you – since you seem to think you’re not getting enough in your entitlements. You’re just a blow hard – except you couldn’t blow hard enough.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:49 am

Gas was under $2 a gallon in Bush’s first 6 years. How many trillions of dollars in Obama tax is $1 a gallon for every gallon sold in the US for SIX years?

Rockin' out on Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:54 am

Gas was $1.35 under Clinton, and 99-cents in 1981. What’s your point idiot. Point is, Bush left us with $4.35 gasoline in July 2008 – and now it’s $3.20. Do I need to do the math for you too? Or do you think you can handle that?

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:58 am

Bang..facts hurt huh you fucking lunatic..hey SC what about your blog site? what happened was it Obamas fault you are a laughing stock and a joke and no one takes you seriously as that why its such a huge, huge failure? What happened pork chop, the fact no one like a troll loser who lies is that the reason you reek of failure?

RLara October 24, 2014 at 2:11 pm

You can’t cherry pick a date for a starting point on how high gas was.
It was $2.77 or so when Obama took office, so it is higher now.
None the less, Gas prices are coming down despite Obama.
Lower demand globally and higher supply thanks to fracking.
But commodity and energy prices are up.

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:39 am

Slap down – b!t@h!!!

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:45 am

Gas in under 3 bucks you lunatic. Seek help about your Obama obsession. You scream and insult people you huge asshole and seem to forget the economic decline highest gas prices etc happened in last administration, not to mention a couple poorly planned wars that cost trillions but keep raving you fucking asshole as it drives moderates who have never come in contact with your lunacy to the other side. And you couldnt slap a poodle without peeing all over yourself so enough with the internet tough guy act.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:48 am

It was under $2 a gallon in Bush’s first 6 years. How many trillions of dollars in Obama tax is $1 a gallon for every gallon sold in the US for SIX years?

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:55 am

Eggs used to cost a nickle in 1953 – stupid.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 12:37 pm

But salaries used to increase, instead of decrease, before Obama…Dumb@$$#$…

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 12:41 pm

Salaries started decreasing in 2001 stupid. Remember the mental midget we elected that year? Were you not involed in the “McCain has a Black Baby” campaign efforts here in SC? I bet you were. Takes time to fix something. Only about 18-months to break it – as we learned with the last Gupper Dumb @ss Administration.

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 12:45 pm

And thank goodness we don’t have Wailin’ Palin as the President now – we’d be at 15% unemployment and living off foodstamps and meth like they are up in Alaska.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 24, 2014 at 8:07 pm

…we’d be at 15% unemployment and living off foodstamps and meth…

Change the 15% to 100% and TBG suspects you’ve described GrandTango….

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:56 am

Movies use to cost cost 1.50 in the 70s, dam you Obama

tomstickler October 25, 2014 at 12:31 pm

From my Quicken records:
799 gallons under Bush: average $3.1138
5712 gallons under Obama: average $2.9955

Of course, this ignores any CPI adjustment that would raise the cost of Bushgas in today’s dollars.

The only time I bought gas under $2.00/gal while Bush was President was a short time in the Fall of 2006 and then after he crashed the economy after the 2008 election.

SC Political Digest October 25, 2014 at 12:53 pm

I’m not sure what 799 gallons you’re measuring under Bush, and where the 5,792 number under Obama means. If you are picking and choosing…Bush at the WORST (after Congress was overtaken by Democrats, and Obama at his best, when Bush’s reserves release was kicking in) then you are the Typical Corrupt, lying liberal…
I’m saying the first 6 years of Bush’s terms, and the first six of Obama’s – you are a Mother-F*#king liar to see say it is lower under Obama. I LIVED the period. I worked for a daily newspaper. I had a very liberal editor, who told me to do stories EVERY TIME gas prices went up when Bush was president. He S#!* his pants when gas went up to $1.66 a gallon one time. It was as low as $1.30. I got HATE mail from Republicans for doing stories on tiny gas price increases under Bush…
So link your charts, and the Myth-builders for your hideous and Failed god. Again: you’re just a common, F*#king liar to try to peddle your STUIPD S#!* that gas prices are lower now…
END of F*#King story…It seems like you IGNOARANT F*#ks would have learned – from Obama’s current numbers – that lying will eventually catch you…

Put Up Or Shut Up October 25, 2014 at 2:28 pm

I’d love a face to face with you and we’ll see who gets the shit slapped out of whom. I should have kicked your ass at the Burger King when I had the chance, but you were with family members. Looked to me that you guys should control your diabetes and cholesterol.

SC Political Digest October 25, 2014 at 4:13 pm

Trip much?

Put Up Or Shut Up October 25, 2014 at 4:24 pm

Pussy out much??

SC Political Digest October 25, 2014 at 4:35 pm

Looks like some immature, Dabo-Sweeny looking effeminate redneck has started drinking Black-Jack early….LMAO…

Dude, I see you hicks at football games, department stores and in Five Points. You all have that same Clemson-fan look. A little doughy and country looking. Usually very deficient- breeding-obvious small boys, except the gut…And you think you can make up for all the high school put-downs dealt to you now that you’re an adult. Believe me, it would be no different now than it was in back then for you…LMAO…

PS: Are you Tom’s-Licker, or some tough boy big boy (his licker) jumping in because I’ve made you so mad, you’ve S#!t all over yourself??….Hahahaha…

Put Up Or Shut Up October 25, 2014 at 4:46 pm

Man, you sure have a way of making up shit. I have a . 32″ waist, hate football, hate Five Points, two college degrees, and 20 years of Karate. So watch your fucking mouth before saying tough guy bullshit you can’t back up.

You beat my ass and I’ll give you $100 to put in Ben Carson’s campaign fund.

SC Political Digest October 26, 2014 at 8:43 am

LMAO…you have to be one of the BIGGEST F*#king idiots in the country to make cyber challenges.

Liberals are just STUPID w/ no control of your emotions…and you prove that.

Just accept the fact that Obama KICKED the Democrat Party’s @$$….and no matter how much you lie, people see you for the selfish, ignorant and failed piece of $#!* you represent yourself as being…if you cannot accept that, quit running your mouth. When you have been exposed as a total Dumb@$$ – as you have – but act like you’re not…people will slap the living S#!t out of you (figuratively of course) …now STFU, and accept that you are not the Best and Brightest, like they tell you. You are the worst and the dullest…

PS: isn’t Karate for people who have had their @$$#$ kicked in the conventional style …and you think you can prove your manhood by giving your money to these Dojo Dumb@$$#$???…Hahahaha..

E Norma Scok October 27, 2014 at 10:31 am

What exactly is your educational background? After reading your blog once, I’m doubting you could even be accepted to Clemson, much less graduate from there from any college.

LD October 24, 2014 at 2:05 pm

Is it the black man in the white house that has so upset? Besides how much did you steal in fudging on your income taxes?

Just Me October 24, 2014 at 11:14 pm

It took me 1 minute to look up a historical chart on gas prices. There are others too:

I agree that Obama has a lot to do with the mess this economy is in. But then Bush (who I voted for twice) and Clinton also had a hand in it. But it’s not even them so much as the progressive movement started by Teddy Roosevelt and solidified by Woodrow Wilson.

The progressive politicians along with their progressive news agency accomplices have been moving the country in the direction that they want. They have the stick (do what we say or get beat up in the press) and the carrot (if you help me with this then I will help you with that Lindsey Graham).

So now here we are and what are we going to do about it. Just keep swinging at each other and calling each other names? While we are rolling around in the mud the progressives are getting things done.

We need a call to action and I am not hearing it yet.

SC Political Digest October 25, 2014 at 10:01 am

Swinging at each and namecalling???? That’s IGNORANT Bull-$#!*…the left is swinging, with the media and landing DEVASTATING blows to our country and the people. To make it sound like both sides are doing it, tells me you are a F*#king IDIOT….

The right – or at least who we elect – is mostly standing there and taking it, w/o FORCING their proven solutions after they are put in power to fix the F*#king mess the DEMOCRATS, and the Democrats by themselves, have forged….

And to go all the way back to Teddy or Wilson, is some more of that Glen Beck Bull-S#!* that gives cover to imbeciles acting as if it will take forever to blast these pieces of $#!* Democrats back to the F*#king Stone Age where they belong..

Reagan did in one term what we need. Bush did a lot of good, except he conceded WAY TOO much to Democrats because he thought that was being a good president to ALL Americans. Democrats give a S#!* about Liberals, and liberals only, along w/ their worthless, counter-culture special interests…

Conservatives, and us only, have the answer to make this country THRIVE. F*#k the Democrats…they are dangerous and failed…

PS: I hope your chart was meant to PROVE what I said about gas prices. Obama has Totally F*#ked that up by himself. To imply anything else, is TOTAL ignorance on your part….

Republican Follies October 25, 2014 at 10:28 am

Oh pipe down!

Cut rich people’s taxes and watch the jobs be “created!”

RLara October 24, 2014 at 2:04 pm

What liberals don’t get, and seem like they will never get. If you raise taxes or costs of doing business (healthcare, regulations, etc.) they will most likely either pass on to consumer in higher prices or cut costs, most likely labor.
The hit on the bottom line will be minimal.
Even in a case where you dictate an 80/20 rule.

Republican Follies October 24, 2014 at 3:24 pm

What conservatives don’t get is most businessmen are common thieves and crooks who claim higher taxes,costs etc.are the reason they are raising prices or laying off workers,then lie on their taxes,keep the excess money as profits and cry all the way to the bank,while dumbass suckers like you wail copious tears over their plight.

RLara October 24, 2014 at 3:49 pm

Marx and Stalin would love you.

Republican Follies October 25, 2014 at 10:29 am

Oh get off your knees.

The Koch boys have already zipped up.

Republican Follies October 24, 2014 at 3:19 pm

Once again,Free Enterprise at work.

Why this implied rage by Fits?

I thought he supported this kind of thing?

Alfred E. Obama October 24, 2014 at 10:11 am

Hopey changey.

Free word association October 24, 2014 at 4:40 pm

Changey hopeless.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 10:12 am

How many millions of jobs has America bled since Obama was elected? This country needs an enema…to pass Barack Obama. Nothing gets better until we go back to Conservative principles…and take pride in out nation, instead of giving the haters and the takers front stage. We can start to heal on Nov., if we can take the US Senate.

It’s screwed up now, and has been since late 2008, unless you count Nov. 2006, when Congress went Democrat, and the failure began to rot our nation from within.

We need a TATALLY new, and rightward direction. What we’re doing is NOT working…

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 10:53 am

Actually none. Unemployment is now down to 5.8%. We’re creating about 3 million new jobs a year, times five years – so what – about 15 million new jobs. Better than the GOP record. Bush 1 – net loss. Bush 2 – bigger net loss. Jeb’s coming next week – can you imagine how well he’d do?

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:27 am

Manipulated Dumb@$$ much?

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:40 am

You must really hate facts. I guess in your world they don’t exist – unless you say it’s true. Sorry – you’re gay lover know you lie all the time? Or is he still in an upstate jail waiting on his bond hearing.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:47 am

You IGNORANT F*#k…the only reason the unemployment number is smaller is because the workforce shrank drastically. It’s the lowest since 1978. People are so demoralized, they QUIT looking.

On top of that, many employers, who cannot afford the Obamacare mandate, cut FT jobs into two PT jobs.

You are a F*#king idiot to be peddling MORE jobs under Obama. The only people you will fool are people so stupid they’d vote for Obama anyway, if he could run again. The economy SUCKS. Us real people KNOW how bad it is. It’s depressing, w/ no sign it gets better, unless we shout down the cheating voters, put your @$#$ in jail where you belong…and TAKE back the country from the worthless pieces of $#!* like you…

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:51 am

All around my house construction is booming and since ive left SC the state I reside in has a 4% unemployment rate so factually you are of course lying again but hey, just cause you have no job skills and spend all day trolling a site where you are a laughing stock i guess you will spend the rest of your life being a loser who blames others for your obvious short comings. have you thought of suicide, you would be a great candidate, i mean unless you consider trolling a future you have nothing but your obsession for Obama so in fact you have absolutely nothing to live for.

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:58 am

Interesting. So what you describe is that outside of South Carolina things are really good. Yet Grande Tangoita says it’s bad in SC – so – therefore – we should re-elect Haley because she’s doing a good job keeping TG and others poor, hungry and out of work. Makes sense to me.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 12:01 pm

What is Obama’s NATIONAL job approval rating Dumb@$$. What are the prospects for the midterms, w/o widespread voter fraud?

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 12:04 pm

the same as every president in his 6th year mid terms, every president but hey i know facts are your enemy, and we are all use to your political predictions, how is President Perry, uhh i mean President Pailin, uhh i mean President Bachman, uhh i really meant President Romney working out for you? and how is that blog site coming?

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 12:36 pm

So You’re admitting Obama is as bad as you say Bush was??…So why are you kissing Obama’s @$$ and you HATED Bush. Are you a Bigot, or a Dumb@$$???

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 12:43 pm

No, Bush was way worse. Those 1,500 dead bodies floating around New Orleans – that pretty much summed ‘er up for me.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 12:00 pm

“All around my house construction is booming”…Why didn’t you tell me that…That’s PROOF positive the Obama Depression is over.

Your cul-d-sac of effeminate, wine-sipping yuppies are white flighting to the boring burbs, because they feel comfortable around dull-@$$ cliches like you.

If it’s happening on your street, that’s National News…And it means the polls are F*#king your lord-god Obama…if you rush and tell CNN and MSNBC that the unemployed, suffering and hopeless are imagining the disaster of Obama…I’m sure it’ll turn the country around..from the Absolute catastrophe your F*#king Democrats have caused…

You may even save them from being OBLITERATED on Nov. 4…LMAO….

If only someone would listen…LMAO……Hahahahaha…you may be the most delusional F*#k in the world…

Rocky October 24, 2014 at 11:57 am

The economy SUCKS – well stupid – move out of Barnwell you idiot. Else, start pickin’ more cotton, and hard times will be forgotten.

Planter's® October 24, 2014 at 11:23 am

You sound as stupid as an Ayn Rand nut.

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:48 am

Dont you have a blog site that no one, and i mean no one reads or have you given up like a loser quitter and will just troll this site all day. Well since you are an absolute failure at starting a business why dont you come and wipe my dogs ass, i know you arent qualified but i feel sorry for such a sociopath such as you so i want to throw you a bone.

SCBlueWoman October 24, 2014 at 10:19 am

Greed, plain and simple. Don’t cut the CEO’s multimillion dollar package, cut the IT jobs. The CEO wouldn’t even miss it. But, yes, blame Obamacare.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 24, 2014 at 10:35 am

Greed, plain and simple. Don’t cut the CEO’s multimillion dollar package, cut the IT jobs. The CEO wouldn’t even miss it. But, yes, blame Obamacare.

Maybe they had too many IT people.

Yeah…TBG knows…the CEO should take a paycut so they can keep paying employees to do nothing. Here’s an idea: We could do away with CEO’s and their bloated salaries altogether. Let some bureaucrats run the companies for the workers. It’ll be a Worker’s Paradise, TBG tells ya!! Get back to me in 5 years.

Interestingly enough, it seems Obamacare needs some quality IT guys….

Smirks October 24, 2014 at 10:53 am

We could do away with CEO’s and their bloated salaries altogether. Let some bureaucrats run the companies for the workers.

Meh, same thing.

Public sector: Bureaucrat gets paid huge bucks, no guarantee they will succeed. If they fuck up, they get let go, but probably find a nice job elsewhere through their connections while their peers mitigate the fuck up to save their jobs.

Private sector: Executive gets paid huge bucks, no guarantee they will succeed. If they fuck up, they get let go, cash out on golden parachute and/or find a nice job elsewhere through their connections while their peers mitigate the fuck up to save their jobs.

The worst executive at BCBS will still get paid far, far more than the best IT grunt at BCBS. And he’ll keep his bigger paycheck at the expense of said IT grunt if it’s within his power.

Soft Sigh from Hell October 25, 2014 at 4:21 pm

“Public sector: Bureaucrat gets paid huge bucks . . . If they fuck up, they get let go”

Oh. if that only were so.

I'm confused October 24, 2014 at 11:42 am

I’m shocked that Obamacare isn’t making things more efficient myself.

It was supposed to reduce costs and I can’t understand why it’s not.

Maybe letting go these programmers will drop costs. Don’t we just have to pass laws to make things cost less?

Republican Follies October 24, 2014 at 3:28 pm

What does the CEO do TBG to justify his high salary?

Most businesses can be run by a graduate of a technical college with an Asdociates Degree.

Conservatives have totally bought into the myth that it takes a lot to be a crook,er CEO.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 24, 2014 at 7:57 pm

No argument here.

New Coke, taking the Southern 500 from Darlington, Countrywide etc. TBG had better business acumen when he graduated 6th grade. Seriously.

It’s just that TBG doesn’t believe the government should determine CEO pay. In the original post, TBG alluded to Five Year Plans and Worker’s Paradises….How have those worked out so far?

Soft Sigh from Hell October 25, 2014 at 4:19 pm

I instantly caught the 5-Year Plan inference.

But I live in the past.

Squishy123 October 24, 2014 at 11:01 am

Why pay $65,000 when you can get some guy in India to do it for $6500.

soxinsc October 24, 2014 at 11:36 am

Most of the revenue generated by BCBSSC comes from government contracts (TRICARE, Medicare, etc.) which require that the work be done by US citizens or green card holders.

Human Resources October 24, 2014 at 11:41 am

I would hope the US citizens get to keep their jobs and the green card holders are the one’s let go.

HaHa! October 24, 2014 at 11:43 am

Why do you think Zuckerberg and all the other CEO’s in the high tech industry are lobbying for more green card allowances?

Smirks October 24, 2014 at 10:37 am

Trying to comply with the 80/20 rule? You realize that they’re basically justifying the layoffs by bemoaning the fact that they only have to spend 80 cents of every dollar you give them on actual health care. 20% overhead is a fucking joke.

Anyone care to wager what the overhead is for programs like Medicare and Medicaid?

Tazmaniac October 24, 2014 at 11:49 am

Interesting reading. Makes a lot more sense than Barbra boxer, but the bar isn’t set high by her.

SC Political Digest October 24, 2014 at 11:51 am

Obama’s approval number is 40% or under. Haley is cruising to an even bigger victory in ’14 than in ’10.

Who do you think the people are holding responsible for the total mess of the economy?….I’ll give you ONE guess..and call you a Friggin’ Dumb@$$ if you get it worong..

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 11:54 am

Well since the house, which is controlled by the GOP has a 11% approval rating i guess we know the answer to your answer asshole dont we?

RLara October 24, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Its 11% because liberal hate it because they are not in charge, Conseratives hate it because it is not conservative enough, moderates hate it because it can’t do anything.
Truth is, most incumbents will get reelected.

grandtangosuglydog October 24, 2014 at 2:49 pm

most incumbents will get re elected due to gerrymandering not because they do a good job. Truth is both parties pretty much suck at what they do and focus solely and taking in more money for the next election. The only thing that will fix this IMHO is campaign finance reform and the elimination of Citizens United, probably the most destructive ruling ever enacted.

RLara October 24, 2014 at 4:46 pm

I think the most destructive ruling ever was the allowing government workers to unionize. The use of union dues to get politicians elected, who then give contracts, raises, and pension deals/promises to the same, that will be near impossible to honor.

FDR knew it, labor leaders knew it, and until late 1950s it was absurd.

nitrat October 25, 2014 at 12:20 am

How does that work in SC where state govt workers are prohibited by law from unionizing?
In how many other states is that the law?

ELCID October 24, 2014 at 11:52 am

I seriously doubt it has anything at all to do with the 80/20 requirements. Which is an outstanding law. Instead, it has more to do with Blue Cross giving upper management raises at the expense of the lower personnel.

Republican Follies October 24, 2014 at 3:30 pm

TBG and other conservatives are very concerned about the poor CEOs and their salaries.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 24, 2014 at 7:59 pm

TBG worries about TBG’s salary and couldn’t give a rat’s ass about what anyone else (in the private sector) makes.

Republican Follies October 25, 2014 at 10:33 am

TBG changes tune from his earlier post lamenting poor CEOs cutting their salaries for other workers who don’t work implying that poor CEOs do work!

TyroneMamaCollards October 24, 2014 at 6:24 pm

SC has one of the lowest gas taxes in the US. And the price of oil is set not by Obama but by the New York Mercantile Exchange. Obama has zero to do with gas taxes. Obama has stolen nothing from me. I am glad to be in business and glad to be prosperous. You obviously have financial problems, SC Digest, and need to work your butt off a little harder. SC Digest, you spend way too much time here that you could use to be making more money. You poor little conservative.

NitsFews October 25, 2014 at 6:05 am

I bet the BCBS execs will get bonuses for cutting these costs… Beats selling their fleet of private jets, though. How many jets do they have now?

Peter October 25, 2014 at 7:20 am

There should be no sympathy for the criminals that work for BCBS. No matter what their role.

E Norma Scok October 26, 2014 at 8:05 pm

30 people? I worked there..there are at least 130 dead weights they’ll never miss.

E Norma Scok October 26, 2014 at 8:08 pm

And SC Political digest..what exactly is your educational background? After surviving a few thermodynamics, heat transfer and dynamics classes at Clemson and graduating with a Mechanical Engineering degree, after reading your shit blog, I’d put money on teh fact that your dumb ass couldn’t get past Engineering 101, dumbass.

And you can tweet that, you fuck.


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