Vincent Sheheen’s Ad Buys Dwindle

By FITSNEWS || S.C. Senator Vincent Sheheen‘s second campaign against incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley has been a joke. Every wrong turn Sheheen could have made, he’s made it … and in addition to terrible policy decisions he’s also proven ineffective at delivering bad news about his opponent. The only candidate taking the fight…

By FITSNEWS || S.C. Senator Vincent Sheheen‘s second campaign against incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley has been a joke.

Every wrong turn Sheheen could have made, he’s made it … and in addition to terrible policy decisions he’s also proven ineffective at delivering bad news about his opponent.

The only candidate taking the fight to Haley?  Self-styled “independent Republican” Tom Ervin.

Oh well … as the days before the November 4 election dwindle, Sheheen’s campaign is rapidly assuming a “tree falling in the woods” dimension.

Specifically, we’re told Sheheen’s latest statewide television advertising buy has “fallen off the map,” with the candidate able to afford fewer ads given his depleted resources.  That’s consistent with Democratic donors who have long lamented Sheheen’s inability to raise money.

“Vincent Sheheen’s ad buy is all of $116,000,” Haley advisor Tim Pearson noted on Twitter.  “Smaller than buys in August, most of September.  Not much message a month from election.”

For once, Pearson is correct …

Oh, we’re also told Haley’s campaign and the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) – an organization she’ll be leading next year – will be scooping up whatever available advertising time Sheheen is unable to pay for.  Which compounds his problem.

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Just another guy October 13, 2014 at 9:11 am

All Hail the Queen???

SC Political Digest October 13, 2014 at 9:28 am

But Don’t worry: FITS will run a feel-good, mean-nothing propaganda photo for his Democrat buddy…

Does FITS and The State newspaper have to report in-kind butt-pumping of Sheheen, as they all whine about ethics reform, and outside money influence in politics?

Check out SCPSD for a list of headlines The State has been running as OBJECTIVE coverage. And we already know FITS; ploy. We ran it yesterday. It’s laughable they pass Sheheen Campaign slur off as news.

PS: remember that GOP operative posted on here 2 weeks ago. Said they moved all imported Haley campaign staff out to help in “competitive” races like La. Senate. Haley had already won, according to the campaign worker.

guest October 13, 2014 at 10:14 am

CBS/New York Times poll from this weekend has Haley up 53%-36%.
Race is over.

SC Political Digest October 13, 2014 at 11:18 am

Wow that’s the best showing for a Democrat in the country…LMAO…6 years of Obama has done wonders for the party… (:

RogueElephant October 13, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Obummer has done more for gun sales and the Republican party than anyone else this century. LOL—no more like ROFLMAO !!

SC Political Digest October 14, 2014 at 10:57 am

Exactly RE. The only sad part is that Obama has so destroyed the Democrat Brand, the GOP can just sit back and get elected, w/o even having to tell Americans how they will be the anti-Obama. Voters want ANYTHING but Democrats because of the total MESS they have made…

And: I bought 2 more guns too. No telling when we’ll have to go “Rogue”…(pun intended)…and when the so-called “protection” of Democrat Judges peters out…I’ll protect myself from the Obama Thugs, thank you…They don’t understand logic…but they’ll understand what I got for em… (:

Grover October 13, 2014 at 9:54 am

All that matters is if the voters turn out next month. Its true money affects elections but also disgust like Haleys repeated failures in office.

The Colonel October 13, 2014 at 9:56 am

Haley by 5%

WW October 13, 2014 at 11:26 am

If so, it will be a travesty for South Carolina!
Haley claims to support ethic reform. When her leadership was needed and ethics reform was being debated, where was Haley? Answer, in New York, at the Waldorf Astoria partying with Joan Jett (of rock band Black Hearts) black Hearts appropriate for Haley.
Haley and her black heart was focused on fund raising, while her DSS was allowing, by negligence, even complicit in the murders of innocent children!
Haley needs to GO! Our State will suffer immeasurably if she is reelected!

The Colonel October 13, 2014 at 11:58 am

I love Joan Jett and the Black Hearts – I’d much rather hang out with them than the idiots in the State House!

Mike at the Beach October 14, 2014 at 5:34 pm

I see your “Bad Reputation” and raise you a “Dirty Deeds” cover. Hottest Joan Jett look EVER. Period. I refuse to argue with you.

RogueElephant October 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Maybe even more.

Mike at the Beach October 14, 2014 at 5:26 pm

I think she’s going to surprise the FITScentric universe and edge up closer to ten…

As every grownup here has said FROM THE OUTSET, TR will also “implode” on down to 5%-ville (FITS’ fabricated “momemtum” stories were just as fabricated as the “ooh… they screwed up their campaigns” stories they’re spinning now. Neither Vinnie nor TR imploded; they both sucked (hard) from the jump.

the self identified loser October 13, 2014 at 10:53 am

LMAO…Ervin spent over 4 million dollars to elect Haley.
Ervin is polling at 3%-how much is that per vote?

Jimbo October 13, 2014 at 10:47 am

It’s a sad state of affairs when someone who is unfit to be an accountant is going to win unopposed because of the R next to her name.

I dont know anyone who could survive:
– Dead children (DSS) : (
– SCDOR breach
– Pay to Play appointments
– Cooked up Job Numbers
– Savannah River Sellout
– Multiple allegations of infidelity

And still easily cruise to a win – all while playing up to her bible thumping base, speaking at Bob Jones University (lol) and trying to prevent gays from marrying all while harping on being a minority woman while her license says white Methodist…

South Carolina – I’m hoping there is a silent majority that will wake up on election day – unlikely though – we get what we deserve. She will be a senator next….

WW October 13, 2014 at 11:27 am


Ervin 4 County Clerk 2016 October 13, 2014 at 1:03 pm

Silent majority? You must not live in the south.
They don’t vote for candidates that support abortion and gay marriage like Sheheen and Ervin.

Nölff October 13, 2014 at 10:55 am

I know the outcome of the race. Haley.
Why? She has an (R) behind her name.

jurisdoc October 13, 2014 at 11:05 am

Sheheen has run one of the worst campaigns I’ve seen in a while. His wimpy crap has cost him on the fundraising trail. When Haley’s minions attacked him for being one of those nasty criminal defense lawyers, he says “well, I don’t do it much.” If he had come out with a “Hell yes I represent the accused and protect their constitutional rights, and Haley should be ashamed for even trying to make my constitutionally mandated service an issue” the coffers would be full of criminal defense lawyer money.

He’s tried to ride the fence on issues – and he fell off numerous times. What a waste of an opportunity to unseat Haley. Wish we had a credible candidate with some balls, not some has been with seemingly no real positions.

Fed Up Republican October 13, 2014 at 11:28 am

Ervin is our only hope!

SC Political Digest October 13, 2014 at 12:00 pm

Ever hear the term S.O.L. …LMAO….

swervin ervin n the cock shots October 13, 2014 at 12:55 pm

For what? More abortions and perverted marriages?

SC Political Digest October 13, 2014 at 12:03 pm

LMAO…A lot of DEMOCRATS are all of the sudden running “one of the worst campaigns I’ve seen in a while.”

You reckon it’s got anything to do w/ the D – and the current occupant of the White House, and TOTAL FAILURE of the party???….Hahahaha…

jurisdoc October 13, 2014 at 5:23 pm

No, I think it’s got more to do with the fact that people like you who associate with the Republican party will vote R every time, no matter what, leaving us with imbeciles (both D and R). And that’s because you have your head up your ass so far you can see your food being digested.

Now, please respond. I want to see some &^%*$ and #@#@Q and $#@%^4.. Or better yet, just type out FUCKFACE and get it over with you little pussy.

jurisdoc October 13, 2014 at 5:23 pm

No, I think it’s got more to do with the fact that people like you who associate with the Republican party will vote R every time, no matter what, leaving us with imbeciles (both D and R). And that’s because you have your head up your ass so far you can see your food being digested.

Now, please respond. I want to see some &^%*$ and #@#@Q and $#@%^4.. Or better yet, just type out FUCKFACE and get it over with you little pussy.

nitrat October 13, 2014 at 11:31 am

Yeah, but Nikki will have been indicted, maybe even gone to trial or copped a plea, this time next year.

How does “Governor McMaster” sound?

With his connections, Henry knows what’s going down and he’s set to finally be governor…since he can’t win it any other way.

mamatiger92 October 13, 2014 at 12:36 pm

there’s a sobering thought

RogueElephant October 13, 2014 at 6:54 pm

Henry has wanted to be governor since he learned that SC had one. He is so over qualified for the Lt. Gov. job it will be interesting to watch him wait patiently for the prize. He should make a great governor, let’s see.

Dan Ruck October 13, 2014 at 11:50 am

As a senior all I can hope for is the Dem wins Lt. Gov’s race because McMaster will be death on aid for oldsters. A GOP sweep is going to be murder because some of these sure-to-win firebrands want to kill gov’t. Forget fixing the roads and doing anything at all for the poor. These butchers want a feudal society and I’m afraid we in Nov. might give it to them.

SC Political Digest October 13, 2014 at 12:05 pm

We got an average of several polls in the Haley-Sheheen race on SCPSD.

Funny thing, other than the PPP, FITS, who is not afraid to bring you ALL the news, seems a little timid on giving us any real-time coverage of the Gov’s race. Yet he spends SO MUCH time convincing us about the candidates…Hahahaha…

truthmonger October 13, 2014 at 12:34 pm

I would have preferred an actual Republican to vote for in this election, but they gave the hooker the nod. Even Sheheen is better than her (his positions are predictable). Another four years of Haley raping the citizens of SC? No, thanks!

Tired and Retired October 13, 2014 at 6:26 pm

Has there ever been a worse political line than Nikki Haley’s promise at the end of her “vote for me because I created jobs ad” to the effect that “we won’t stop until every South Carolina citizen is free to reach their dreams”.

IjustKnow October 14, 2014 at 1:20 am

Folks, Nikki is going to jail…very soon…along with several other folks down at the Dept of Commerce. They are all under Federal investigation. By this time next year, many will not recognize the great State of South Carolina. So many webs are being “unwoven” until it’s actually comical. I gladly assist the agents with research, key details and key names. They’ve been watching our state for YEARS! Bobby was the warning–Wilson didn’t sell Bobby out because He wanted to. The guy was FORCED to. Greed got the best of him…and the best of Nikki too. The old man will not escape either–he can thank Nikki for that. FEDERAL INVESTIGATORS don’t give a shit about your good ole boy system . They shut GOB systems down. Nikki’s ass is going to jail. Mark my words–Bobby is the first of MANY who are going down. The budget & control board is in a shit-hole that they can’t even buy their way out of. Rug sweeping days are over. DOT, DSS, DOC, B&CB, DHEC….all have one thing in common: QUESTIONABLE ACTIVITY THAT HAS CAUGHT THE ATTENTION OF CERTAIN FEDERAL AGENTS! Operation Lost Trust is BACK. Stay tuned…you’ll see!

IjustKnow October 14, 2014 at 1:26 am

Ever heard of the SCMEP? Hmmmm…. Who are they & why do they get so much of the taxpayer’s money each year?

IjustKnow October 14, 2014 at 1:26 am

Ever heard of the SCMEP? Hmmmm…. Who are they & why do they get so much of the taxpayer’s money each year?


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