On his first day as an official candidate for the U.S. Senate, Lowcountry businessman and reality television star Thomas Ravenel thanked his supporters for signing and collecting the signatures that put him on the November ballot against incumbent “Republican” Lindsey Graham, Democrat Brad Hutto and Libertarian Victor Kocher.
“A lot of people worked very hard on that (signature) effort – and I’m tremendously grateful to each one of them,” Ravenel said. “This is democracy in action – whether the warmongers and welfare statists in Washington like it or not.”
In his thank you message, Ravenel invoked the memory of Barry Goldwater – the late politician from Arizona who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1964 against Lyndon Johnson.
“For the first time in recent memory voters in South Carolina will have what Barry Goldwater once called ‘a choice, not an echo’ when they head to the polls this November,” Ravenel said.
“Democrats and ‘Republicans’ like Lindsey Graham care about them – the D.C. special interests – not us,” Ravenel added. “They care about controlling the government, not reducing its size and scope. They care about spending our tax dollars, not sending them back to us so we can empower the consumer economy. They care about snooping through our private information – not protecting it. And they care about sending our best and bravest to fight in foreign entanglements in which we have absolutely no business getting entangled – wars and occupations that achieve little to nothing and make us less safe as a country.”
Ravenel said his campaign will provide South Carolinians with a real choice between “the parties of big and bigger government, bad and worse foreign policy and slow and slower economic growth.”
Ravenel is one of two petition candidates in top-ticket races this November. In the race for government, self-styled “Independent Republican” Tom Ervin – a former judge and state lawmaker – has been certified as a petition candidate in the race against incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley, Democrat Vincent Sheheen and Libertarian nominee Steve French.
T-Rav is a scripted “reality” show participant.
T-Rav is a gay marriage supporter. Goldwater once proposed bombing the dykes in North Vietnam.
T-Rav ain’t no Goldwater. :-)
“The big thing is to make this country, along with every other country
in the world with a few exceptions, quit discriminating against people
just because they’re gay. You don’t have to agree with it, but they have
a constitutional right to be gay. And that’s what brings me into it.”
-Barry Goldwater
What year did Barry say that? Was it after he became a liberal?
I do agree we should not discriminate against ANYONE although socialists like yourself are the reason Christians are the most persecuted group of people in the world today.
most persecuted group of people in the world today.
While you ROFL, ass hole, Christians are watching their babies being slaughtered daily by ISIS in Iraq and Syria simply because they are Christians.
They are not Christians. Not that it matters.
Take your meds and STFU until you learn what a socialist is
“Christians are the most persecuted group of people in the world today.” You should visit South Carolina. There are Christian churches almost everywhere you look. These people worship out in the open where they can be observed. No persecution here.
Barry Goldwater never became liberal. The far right wing of the Republican party took over just as the far left wing of the Democrat part has take over. There is no room for the middle in either party anymore and it’s sad. The quote is from 1993 BTW and here’s some more. Guess what, He’s right.
“Liberals love Barry Goldwater, the late five-term Arizona senator who launched the modern conservative movement. In the HBO documentary Mr. Conservative, now out on DVD, Goldwater gets glowing praise from Democrats Edward Kennedy and Hillary Clinton; the new edition of Goldwater’s 1960 “The Conscience of a Conservative,” the first volume to appear in the historian Sean Wilentz’s series of works in American political thought, has a warm afterword by the liberal activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ”
Communist Walter Cronkite even knew he became a liberal.
Goldwater knew what TRUE conservativism is/was. When the GOP was hijacked by religious zealots that seek to replace democracy with theocracy, he called them out on it. He never became a liberal. He just wasn’t afraid to call a (nutty) spade a (nutty) spade.
Goldwater is like Tom Ervin. The Republican Party rejected him (like Ervin) and he became a liberal that supported state sanctioned gay marriage just praying that somebody would like him.
Nope. He never became a liberal. If anything, he breached the Libertarian camp.
All Republican icons are doomed to become commie socialist liberals given a few decades. You have Republicans that simply refuse to acknowledge that Reagan was a big spender and actually raised taxes on occasion.
” Communist Walter Cronkite + 100 for that one. I had just returned from Vietnam in Nov. 68. My parents and I were watching the news and he came on telling the lie that American Military was being defeated at every turn during Tet. I jumped up and said ” that’s a damned lie.” I thought my mother was going to faint. Anyone that would call Walter a liar . WOW I went on to explain to her what we were really doing and she to this day thought I didn’t know what I was talking about and Cronkite did. So mane good people were hoodwinked by the liberal media then and it is even worse today but at least we have the internet to check some.
Rouge you get it! Cronkite and CBS did more damage to this country than the communists and filthy ,lawless Vietnam era dope smoking hippies could ever do.
True, Those “filthy, lawless Vietnam era dope smoking hippies” are todays” Senior fellows” at the schools that are supposed to be teaching our children and grand children. Makes you wonder about “higher education”
Exactly right. Tet was the biggest media propaganda tool and rendered the spirit of Joseph Goebbels envious.
Wrong about that. The Republican party has moved so far right Goldwater would be considered a liberal today. So would Nixon, what with signing EPA and OSHA. But the Democrats haven’t moved left, they’ve moved right. Instead of offering up single payer health care they trotted out Romney’s Republican approach, which is only now vilified as leftist. They embraced welfare reform. Clinton signed DOMA. Democrats keep trying to move to the middle and Republicans just move further right, thereby moving the middle.
So would Nixon, what with signing EPA and OSHA.
Let us not forget removing the US from the Gold Standard and good ol’ Wage and Price controls…
The Democrats have moved so far right that Kennedy & Humphrey would be considered conservatives today.
Barry never became a liberal.
AND……..Quit discriminating against people who have paid their debt to society for drug related crimes.
Paid his debt? He didn’t even come close to pay a real debt. If he weren’t rich and named Ravanel he would still be in jail.
“a gay marriage supporter . . . bombing the dykes”
Too funny. And not a single comment.
It was a test for bigots. You and SCBlues passed!!!!! Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You said: “T-Rav is a gay marriage supporter.” When asked, by a reporter, to comment about that, Lindsey Graham said: “Oooooohhhh that is so hot….. My boyfriend and I will probably vote for him.”
Lindsey Graham change his panties yet?
Anyone can read a script. Even someone not wise enough to use a condom.
His mother was the one who should have used a condom.
Quite a leap for one to think that everyone who signed the petition is a supporter….even for two people as vain Ravenel and Folks.
“Democrats and ‘Republicans’ like Lindsey Graham care about them – the D.C. special interests – not us,” He would then go on to say that “I however believe in selling cocaine and promises give a percentage of my profits from selling It back to, well myself”
Tell us about your past arrest records Snort. I’d rather have a guy who did cocaine but is now clean, in the Senate, that the little fag boy.
I have no arrest record dumbass, as I have NEVER been arrested. But you keep buying your drugs from Ravenel you coke head.
Didn’t Goldwater get his ass handed to him?
Ahhh, don’t mess up the narrative… but yes, Goldwater got his ass handed to him by LBJ. He managed to garnerless than 40% of the popular vote, win only six states and 10% of the electoral vote. T-Ravwill be lucky to pull 5%.
Oh, did I mention that he’s a convicted drug dealer, drunk driver, FEC rule violator, disgraced former state treasurer, father of an illegitimate child and “star” of one of the lamest “reality TV” shows on cable.
He paid his debt to society for his drinking and drug problems. What he did is not nearly as bad as the “High Crimes and Treason” committed by Lindsey Graham and the other scum buckets in D. C. But, tell us Colonel how many arrests do you have in your past….. what about the times your kids were arrested? I’m so glad that self-righteous A-holes like you are not God. BTW, at least he’s not a faggot like “you know who” currently serving in the U.S. Senate.
Damn. “The Colonel” has always been a gentleman on this forum. Why attack his family?
Let me guess…T-Rav and Tom Ervin are going to announce a joint effort/collaboration of political ads and a new reality show called “South Carolina Chainsaw Massacre” ?
T-Rav will host a T-Party with ISIS and Rand Paul while Tom Ervin asks Kathryn if he gets 3% of the vote, can he play “glass bottom boat” (SNL) on the kitchen table? Kathryn will be the narrator.
Yes, The Colonel has always conducted himself as a gentleman and dosen’t deserve to be treated otherwise. A little full of sh– sometimes, but I digress . However as to the rest of your post: Why do some here lump T RAV and Erwin in the same group.? T Rav has paid his debt to society both for the drugs and drinking. He was elected by the people of SC to the treasurers job, so he has succeeded at running for public office. Erwin has lost both as a Dim and a Republican. Which says a lot right there. T Rav is an accomplished businessman. Erwin , on the other hand is a LOOSER from the word go. They are nothing alike politically or otherwise. Graham is a liar, a weak kneed liberal that goes along to get along. He has sold his soul to the highest bidder more often than not. He deserves to be defeated. Nikki has done an acceptable job as governor, not the best by a long shot, but much better than any of the trash that is running against her. So: I will support T Rav and our governor at the same time.
Just saw this. I understand and will refrain from ‘lumping’ both in the future.
To be honest I would support Graham as he has always been faithful on issues of ‘life’. My faith and ‘world view’ dictate that vote from my Soul , right or wrong.
T-Rav? I am a ‘sinner’ and only thru the Grace of God do I have a beautiful family and successful life and business. I have so much respect for the man apparently coming all the way back from addiction and ‘evil’ and I have been torn on this one.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this. Much respect for you and the way you handle yourself on FITS.
With you all the way except the part about Nikki doing an acceptable job as governor. Her blatant, shameless, corruption and malfeasance in office are not what I call acceptable.
Hey the idiot coke head from San Diego is back with a new name
Arrests? Never, not once. Self righteous? Not hardly, I’m as failed as any but I’m not running for office after having to step down in disgrace on my way to prison.
Did he serve his time? Well, sort of, he should have done time for
“He paid his debt to society for his drinking and drug problems. What he did is not nearly as bad as the “High Crimes and Treason” committed by Lindsey Graham and the other scum buckets in D. C.”
I 100%+ agree with this part of your post. Like others, I don’t agree with the personal attacks on The Colonel.
Goldwater’s loss to Lyndon Johnson Lowlife is one of the great tragedies in U.S. history. Goldwater was a man of principle and integrity ( one of the few) who would have put a halt to the ever expanding, corrupt and incompetent Federal government.
I get it now. Smirks works 1st shift and ewe max works 2nd. Okay with me.
You are dead on with this post. When Goldwater lost this country took a hard left turn it will never recover from. If historians ever look back on our history like we look back on say the dark ages, from the vantage point of several hundred years, his defeat will be a major turning point in history. I firmly believe it to be the beginning of the end to freedom and liberty.
Are you and Southern on drugs or just that dumb?
They are that dumb.
That will be 2 petition candidates getting my vote, Ravenel and Ervin.
“That will be 2 petition candidates getting my vote, Ravenel and Ervin.”
YES! You go guy!
Go do another line, you are rambling on and on and on…..
Said the unrepentant child molester.
Border Patrol agent and vice president of the National Border Patrol Council, Shawn Moran, debunked Lindsey Graham’s argument that illegal immigrants are only coming to the United States to work.
Not even close.
Great comment.
Krauthammer exposes Graham’s immigration lies.
U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham says America’s retirement system could be at risk unless the nation’s immigration problems get fixed.
In a speech to a Charleston business group, Graham said the U.S.’s graying population means there will be fewer workers in the job stream to keep stocking stressed government budget and benefit accounts, including Social Security.
(Never mind that there are approximately 92,000,000 Americans out of work – can’t find jobs – dropped off the radar. Never mind that illegal aliens have no real education, can’t speak English, lie about who they are, steal and cheat, murder, rape, sell and transport drugs).
its not just illegal aliens that sell drugs, so does your little bitch boy Ravanel
Awww, did Spawn hit a soft spot on you?
Nov 11, 2012 · WASHINGTON — Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Sunday they are working together on a plan to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, including members of the Mexican Drug Cartel and Mexican gang members who enjoy cutting people’s heads off.
I wonder what Air Force Colonel US Senator Graham is withholding about the Major Jill Metzger scandal. I believe Graham protected them .
America does not need more workers of any kind. America does not need more people of any kind. America needs to REPLENISH it’s industrial base. We need more factories that increase wealth by turning raw materials into finished products.
How ’bout channeling some Lloyd Bentsen here for the self-important wing of the tin-foil hat party…
“Senator (wannabe), I served with Jack Kennedy (Barry Goldwater). I knew Jack Kennedy (Barry Goldwater). Jack Kennedy (Barry Goldwater) was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy (Barry Goldwater).
I’m old enough to remember casting my first vote in a presidential election for Barry Goldwater & would’ve walked through the gates of hell with him. This Ravenel felon isn’t ‘worthy so much as to gather the crumbs from under Goldwater’s table’.
Former S.C. Treasurer Thomas Ravenel has renounced his American citizenship and is leaving the United States to live in a country where he “can be free.”
“Because I’m a convicted felon, I can never possess a firearm,” Ravenel wrote on his Facebook page. “Even if I’m in a home where there’s a gun or even just a single bullet the govt. would construe that as constructive possession according to legal counsel which would guarantee me 15 years in federal prison without parole. After carefully weighing my options and not wanting to put my freedom in jeopardy every time I visit my family or friends I’ve decided to renounce my American citizenship and live where I can be free.”
Ravenel said that he would “keep a house (in America) and maintain investments,” but that he would do so as a non-citizen.
Ravenel – a longtime friend and former client of our founding editor, Will Folks – resigned as State Treasurer in July 2007 after being indicted on federal drug charges. In September of that year, he pleaded guilty to ”conspiring to buy and distribute less than 100 grams of cocaine” and served ten months in a federal prison.
Gen. / Sen Goldwater got to fly the C-5 (so did I) but cousin Thomas didn’t. Thomas has no military service other then attending the Citadel but that’s good enough! Goldwater was tough as nails and an Air Force General….
he deals coke
The traitor poofter Lindsay Lohan Graham needs to get drummed out of the US Senate . We don’t want open borders and lost wars. Boot Graham , Vote Ravenel!
he is a coke dealer
I can deal with a coke dealer better than a traitor.
Goldwater’s books reveal a lot about him—-his biography “Goldwater” was very interesting and inspirational reading as he told of his service and exploits in war and the cold war. His accounts of the events were interesting and informative. Goldwater once said “always have faith in the young people”…
…and the home of the brave.
Well, if Ravenel is channeling Goldwater, there may be hope for him.
Barry evolved over time and by the time of his death was as bipartisan a statesman as a nation could want.
But, what you Libertarians seem to prefer is rigid craziness a whole life long…like Ron Paul.
Barry was straddling the bridge between Lonservatism & Libertarianism.
Gutless liberals like yourself are content with your status quo of failed progressivism masquerading as enlightened beings.
Dear Lindsey Graham……..
Ya know……..that presser in the Post and Courier with a picture with John McCain is doing more harm than good.
I gotta ask you a question though………
If we have the technology to use a “telescope” to find water on a planet in another solar system, then why do we not have the technology to count how many people are on a mountain top in Iraq..? Is it 20,000 people on that mountain or is it 32,468..? How many of these people have cell phones..? How far away is the nearest cell tower..?
Ya know Lindsey……….one “phone call” from that mountain top is gonna do ..WHAT..?
Dear Thomas Ravenel……..
Care to watch this video and crack an election night….smile..?
We wonder what type of puzzles your going to ask your “Southern Charm” viewers to solve..??
{Boomerang 101, 404, 90210…}