By Will Folks || While the rest of you saps were working (or commenting on FITS’ recent Bowe Bergdahl post), I’ve been vacationing new media mogul style on Pawleys Island, S.C.
Where I will be staying for the next seven days …
Seriously … you can’t beat that view (above ), can you?
No, you can’t. And yes, I roll deep.
Contrary to the flurry of postings this morning, I am not back from hiatus … this is a two-week vacation, which means I’ll be soaking up the sun all the way through Monday, June 16. Assuming I ever come back …

Of course like last week, this week FITS will be updating as the mood strikes … not totally checking out as I’ve done in years past.
Our trip has been fun so far. Despite my contempt for state-run tourism facilities, I took my family to Huntington Beach State Park one afternoon last week where we toured Atalaya Castle – the Moorish-themed mansion that served as the vacation home of industrialist Archer Huntington and his wife, noted sculptor Anne Hyatt Huntington.
I hope to have a recap of that trip later this week …
In the meantime, if you’ve got a tip on something you think we should cover while I’m gone you can send it via the tip line or via email (I’ll be checking those sporadically). Also, I’ll be randomly updating my Twitter and Facebook pages while I’m gone … so be sure to sign up for my tweets or “friend” me if you haven’t already.
Oh and be sure to check FITS tomorrow (Tuesday) evening as we bring results and analysis from this week’s primary elections in South Carolina (assuming anyone shows up to vote).
Have you submitted your application to Forest Lake Country Club yet?
I don’t think Will is white enough for them.
Is he white enough for Pawley’s?
Oh he’s white enough, the problem is you left off the “…trash” part
None of us are, really, including the members. They are deluding themselves, and have whitewashed the hell out of their family trees. Only way you can get real white people in the Southeast is to import ’em from Duluth.
Why, in God’s name, would ANYONE want to play that old man’s course? I mean, it’s bad enough that you don’t have enough space for really good water skiing, but those 18 holes are the major cause of mosquitoes in the area. That being said, several of my beloved old school buds live around the lake. A lot of indoor tile and 1950’s air conditioning.
Is there any way to tune off that stupid Loftis Commercial. At this point it has to be costing him votes.
Excuse me, Turn off
Tune off works, too. That’s when you make the silence go to eleven.
Yes, Will please address this issue. It is NOT doing Mr Loftis any good or gaining him votes. It is highly obnoxious.
A single high brass #8 12 gauge blast to the monitor solved the video….unfortunately the audio continues….
*adjusts chair to aim at CPU*
Squeeeeeeeezes trig-*
TBG – when shot gunning, one does not “squeeze” the trigger, one “slaps” the trigger.
TBG – when shot gunning, one does not “squeeze” the trigger, one “slaps” the trigger.
Thanks, Colonel.
That could ‘splain TBG’s lack of dove shooting prowess.
*Sent from TBG’s Smartphone*
Learned that at an NRA coach’s course 30 years ago – improved my skeet score by 4-5 birds a round and more doves per shoot than decorum (and migratory bird laws) permits me to mention…
Another vote for, turn the fucking video off or I will refuse to vote for Loftis. Political ads are one thing, in your face political ads are another… this is a step above the in your face variety.
Meet the real Loftis. In your face bull$@&! All the time. Please stop the ad, Will!
Thank God someone mentioned it first! That stupid thing kills brain cells (and I’m trying to hang on to the few working ones I have remaining).
Thank you! I’m glad somebody other than me posted it first. I thought I was just being a little grumpy because I can’t stand Loftis.
Huntington Beach State Park is not state run tourism facility. It is a STATE PARK. The intension of State Parks (and our state has many beautiful ones) is to preserve some natural beauty for people to enjoy and to serve as a preserved habitat for God’s creatures. Otherwise developers would have paved over Huntington Beach State park with houses and condos. Huntington is home to several endangered species. Also it gives the opportunity for less privileged families to take their kids and learn about natural coastal habitats. FYI, unlike yours, most families do not have the means to stay at Pawley’s. Instead, they take their families and camp at a state park like Huntington. (BTW, I do not have a case of class envy. In fact I have spent a lot of time at Pawley’s – I’ll give you a lesson on how not to boost later, young man)
Huntington Beach State Park is run by the State but owned by Brookgreen Gardens. Brookgreen leases the property to the State of South Carolina. It is a fabulous piece of property.
You are right – I forgot about the Brookgreen lease. But Huntington Beach State Park is still a State Park and operated like all the rest of them. Campground, nature classes, modest supplies store, modest entrance fee, lots of unadulterated land for future generations to enjoy.
I wonder how much the tour would have cost if Huntington was a privately owned property?
Be a good way to keep all the middle class “trash” off their beach, wouldn’t it?
My point exactly!
sorry ’bout the spelling errors
You give him a how not to “boost” lesson and maybe he’ll help you with your word usage so we can better understand your “intensions”…
Yep. Got all that. You must be a gem of a gentleman! After all, correcting people’s spelling is a great sport for fat, ugly, lonely men like you.
I’m a college lecturer, red pen work just slips out from time to time-sorry bout that. As for fat, well you got me but I’m working on it. But lonely? I wish I could be so lucky…
Tibi fumus obsideo septum doro.
Help me out here euwe, what is it I frequently smoke?
yeah. huntington should be a privately owned park so they can build a roller coaster around the atalaya ruins and maybe a gator wrestling arena.
Don’t forget the Slingshot. Or the gator tatoos. Need them beachwear and vape shops, too. Lots of ’em. Maybe preserve one or two sand dunes in a little area and rope it off. But put a giant pelican statue between them, with its
mouth open to serve as a “wishing well”, so that won’t be wasted space.
Holy shit, how fanatical can you get, to feel you have to fucking apologize for going to such a fantastic facility as Huntington Beach State Park.
Beachwear stores, Buz…you know in your heart that we need more beachwear stores along the Redneck Riviera!
Oh, yes, how could I forget. Now, of course, an “enlightened” type of “developer” would not have such. It would simply become a super-sized version what folks in PI like most about it. Which would not be horrible — except that you can just forget about any maritime forest remaining, the hell with that it’s only that one of those pesky “environment” issues, right?
And of course, to make sure that only an “enlightened” and “arrogantly shabby” type of “developer” will “develop” the park, there would have to be new legislation mandating only that type of “development.” But it is not a core function of government to decide such, is it? So someone like Will who adamantly despises state-run parks (apparently even those owned by private foundations) would have to violate his own principles to get the optimum privately-owned “development” at Huntington.
a) – ‘Assuming I ever come back’ —COME BACK LITTLE SHEBA!
b) – ‘And yes, I roll deep, not totally checking out as I’ve done in years past’ — Mrs. Folks is EXTREMELY grateful!
No OBX no care.
I’ve been vacationing new media mogul style…
*Image of Pierre Manigault dangling our founding editor from a second story window ala Suge Knight and Vanilla Ice.*
I thought maybe he put on an appliance that makes him look 80, and holed up with a cute Asian.
I thought maybe he put on an appliance that makes him look 80, and holed up with a cute Asian.
Thats…um…TBG’s retirement plan, EL Jefe.
Holy shit, why would anyone feel they have to apologize for taking the family to such a fantastic facility as Huntington Beach State Park? Along with Brookgreen Gardens it is one of the features of this area that makes living here worthwhile after the “developers” have fucked up almost everything else. btw, they are working on fucking up Pawleys too, don’t kid yourself. And they don’t give a rats ass whether we like it or not.
Some of us are working to keep Pawleys the way it is. The results of the 6th Council District race will determine the direction, so stay tuned for Will’s (and my) elections report Tuesday night.
Tom, I’ve been focused on Horry races, as usual, to the exclusion of Georgetown County. Let me know who you honestly believe will do the most to preserve PI, and I will vote for them. You have always struck me as someone with good judgement.
There are three Georgetown County Council races on the primary ballot. John Thomas has no opposition for Jerry Oakley’s old Murrells Inlet district.
Johnny Morant, Council Chair, has an opponent, Ben Grate, in the Democratic primary for the District 7 nomination, a largely rural district in the western part of the county.
The Republican primary finds the incumbent, Bob Anderson, being challenged by Steve Goggans for the 6th District seat. No Democrat has filed, so the winner will likely take office in January. The big issues are the proposed median through downtown Pawleys mainland on US 17, appearance codes in the Waccamaw Neck commercial corridor overlay, a proposed business sign ordinance, off-shore oil exploration and tree protection.
I cannot vote in the 6th District primary and neither can you, but I do support the election of Goggans.
Thank you. I do know a little about Goggans. May indeed vote for him.
Unofficial results: Goggans 922, Anderson 548 for a 25.4% margin for Goggans.
Some of us are working to keep Pawleys the way it is.
Perhaps a few coated deck screws would be a modernization that would spoil the view…
It’s only a matter of time before you will see oil rigs and windmills across the horizon. Enjoy it while you may.
A state park????…I thought FITS, as a Liberal-Tarian, was ONE-THOUSAND PERCENT against Government ownership of ANY property…????
Can this Stupid Son of B!*ch be so weak that he is dirtying his hands by wallowing his Lazy, Govt.t Check Gobbling @$$ on government-maintained land, that his cheap @$$ could not otherwise afford to trod???
Typical Liberal-Tarian,. He (and Sanford) demand you not to use YOUR property…but he does as he pleases…Hypocrite Much…????
There is an admissions fee to Huntington Beach State Park, so no hypocrisy there. Brookgreen Gardens ain’t free, neither.
Both are well worth the admissions fee.
If it’s subsidized by the state. FITS is a freakin’ hypocrite for visiting.
As a Liberal-Tarian, he decries gov’t association…yet he is a party to it.
But of course, most of you liberals and Liberal-Tarians will quickly abandon any of the ‘principles’ you preach to everybody else…if your selfish desires need to be served….
And so, once again, innocence triumphs over evil.
Once again…you bring nothing to the table, but a testament to how F*#king Stupid and outmatched you are…
All you bring to the table is a shit sandwich.
Wow, that is so CLEVER and Creative. You are totally DNC-level brilliant. LMAO!
A longitudinal study found that self-enhancement biases were associated with poor social skills and psychological maladjustment. Unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude.
Those persons to whom a skill or set of skills come easily may find themselves with weak self-confidence, as they may falsely assume that others have an equivalent understanding. The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others.
No need to grind your heel into working folks (or unemployed or those between prison sentences) like Jake Knotts at his 30k a year security job. Then again, your comeuppance may not be to your liking when someday you figure out you are on borrowed time, so beware.
Ok… so I started a business… I chose 4 stocks and every day I predict whether each one will go up or go down and send it to random people in the US. Each newsletter has a different combination of predictions, making 16 unique newsletters every day. I sent out 65536 newsletters the first day. The second day, I only sent newsletters to those that got the winning combination – 4096 newsletters.. The third day to 256… all of which saw that I had predicted correctly 3 times all 4 stocks… and asked for 5k to invest in the next day…and the next day sent out 16 newsletters with a request for 10k to invest the next day, and to the final guy a request for 20k for the next day.
I’m going to have a huge deduction this year for mailing costs!
There 4096 climate change studies.
Only 256 get published because they confirm the mainstream opinion.
The 16 with the most alarming predictions get reported.
The worst one is the topic for all the talk shows and brings praise and recognition to its author.
All the other scientists seeking recognition for themselves fall in line. The few outliers are condemned as right wing nuts.
Science, as an external source of discipline, is much more easily dismissed by the uneducated than their social, religious and political indoctrinations.
Scientists and other educated people are just as susceptible to political indoctrination as anyone else. Nazis, communists etc.
Scientists are very willing to subordinate their profession to their political ideology.
Popularity is no indication of correctness, that’s true. But assigning hysteria to scientific study of the environment is hysterical.
True. I actually believe some the science. Scientists however have terrible record predicting the future going back hundreds of years.
Scientists however have terrible record predicting the future going back hundreds of years.
They have a good record of predicting that tobacco causes cancer, through statistical analysis… they have a good record of predicting the effects of earthquakes…. but when money is involved, science becomes political, and statistical inference is no longer “proof.”
Sort of like someone addicted to tobacco explaining how there’s no proof that tobacco causes cancer, and siding with the “science” sponsored by the tobacco companies… nuclear waste… erosion… temperature effects on streams and rivers… by-products of combustion engines.. water tables… ozone layers…
Tobacco killed for hundreds of years before they made the connection. Predictions should happen before the event. I did see a guy predict Hurricane Katrina. Not the time but the amount of death and damage.
The way the scientists talk about climate change, you would think it will be as bad as World War I I or the Middle Ages.
What ever economic damage should already be happening. Either it is not as bad as they predict or our technological and political development is outpacing it. We have been using fossil fuels for over 150 years. Deforestation has been going on a long time. Even with drought Texas is thriving. Prediction dates have already passed. The worst thing to happen to climate change advocates is Al Gore.
Doctors had argued the health effects of tobacco as far back as the 18th century. The first report in the medical literature to suggest a link between tobacco and lung cancer was published in 1912. The first formal studies showing a link were published in the late 20s.
There are still people running around claiming there’s no connection.
“Call 1-800 IAM IDIOT for the ABSOLUTE 1000% free lock pick on Monday Night Football.”
Have fun. Drink beer.