The crisis in Ukraine is blowing up … and America’s leaders are scrambling to respond to it.
What will they wind up doing? Who knows … but it’s clear that the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama is in a box.
Consistent with our support for global non-interventionism (absent a compelling national interest) this website has already weighed in decisively against American interference in the crisis – invoking the wisdom of our founding fathers. Yet while we will continue to advocate (aggressively) against any American intervention in this dispute, it would be foolish of us not to acknowledge that such a policy is not without consequences.
Specifically, it will leave America (again) in the unenviable position of talking the talk … but not walking the walk.
We’re referring to a 1994 agreement called the “Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances,” which was signed by America, Great Britain, Russia and Ukraine as part of the denuclearization of the former Soviet satellite.
Under the terms of the agreement, Ukraine agreed to give up all Soviet-era nuclear weapons within its territory – and not to pursue a nuclear program of its own. It has kept both of these promises.
In exchange, the other three nations – America, England and Russia – vow never to infringe upon Ukraine’s national sovereignty.
This agreement was invoked this week by former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko (above) in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula.
“We are not alone in this confrontation with Russia,” Tymoshenko said. “In 1994 Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum with the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia guaranteeing our security in exchange for giving up our nuclear arsenal. Russia today is flagrantly violating its obligations and invading our territory. But I’m confident that the United States and Britain will never violate this memorandum and will do everything they can to ensure peace in Ukraine.”
Tymoshenko – who narrowly lost a national election in 2010 and was imprisoned by the administration of Russian loyalist Viktor Yanukovych the following year – added that “Vladimir Putin knows that by declaring war on us, he is declaring war on the guarantors of our security – the United States and Britain. I don’t think that Russia will cross this line, because if it does it will lose.”
Tymoshenko is one optimistic lady, if you ask us.
Like it or not, America really has no choice in this matter but to permit the Ukrainian drama to unfold on its own (i.e. reneging on its 1994 commitments). There is simply no justification for intervention on our part because no compelling national interest is at stake.
But to presume that following the proper course will not result in egg all over our faces is incredibly naïve … which is why it is incredibly important for nations not to make promises they aren’t willing to keep.
TBG still wonders what the US promised Col. Qaddafi when he turned over his “WMDs”.
Bet Col. Kadhafi regretted that when he was hiding in that culvert clutching his golden revolver.
TBG bets the NORKs and Iranians are taking notes on what happened in the Ukraine and to Col. Gadhafi……
Don’t give up nukes for *promises*.
Don’t allow foreign troops to have bases in your country.
“Don’t give up nukes for *promises*.”
Iran on line 1 sir.
Kerry seems fixed on talk loudly and play with your…
Can I get a younger model with the same hairdo?
Zat you?
[stupid laughing grin with two chins]
I’m kinda digging the Princess Leia thing. I wonder if she shaves her pits & legs.
That hair is *kickin’*
Those “braids” are actually serpents, and when she gets angry (say, during tense negotiations) you can only imagine how intimidating she must look.
My imagination doesn’t work that way. Probably accounts for more than a few misadventures in romance.
Just on her, Max, she has an extreme braid. My ex-wife is German and she never braided her hair (no matter how much I begged!)
A German? What did your kin think about *that*?
All was fine overrall …..
At first, I thought she might be Swedish, but then I noticed the wrinkles and blemishes, and that tendon sticking out of her neck – even *I* know the Swedes are 16 for life.
haw! haw! — Max, your hormones are out of control with that gal. What you could think about is — if you were Putin, how would you deal with her?
I’d ride into town on a horse without my shirt on and flex my pecs.
Might be time for you and Shifty to ditch the PBRs and go for some classic Old Milwaukee.