
On Femdom …

IS IT “WHAT A GIRL WANTS?” OR A DEMEANING PERVERSION …  By Will Folks || There’s a bizarre kids video on YouTube about the concept of time – and how it “never moves backward, only one way.” It’s a quirky little “gather ye rosebuds” reminder … one that my children have…


By Will Folks || There’s a bizarre kids video on YouTube about the concept of time – and how it “never moves backward, only one way.” It’s a quirky little “gather ye rosebuds” reminder … one that my children have forced me to watch eleventy kabillion times over the last few weeks.

Painful …

Like it or not, though, old time she IS a-flying … which means many (if not most) of the norms which governed our social structure as recently as three decades ago continue to be shredded by a mix of evolving tolerances, easing cultural mores and expanding technologies.

More boundary-pushing (even borderline perverse) proclivities are commonly accepted now … and with supercharged smart phones tapped into blazing fast 4G wireless networks it’s easier than ever to indulge them (well … assuming you’re okay with the National Security Agency monitoring your activities).

We are experiencing a fundamental reordering of American culture … to say nothing of a potentially irreversible rewiring of our brains.

Is that a good thing? As a social libertarian, I believe so. Consenting adults should be able to pursue just about any fetish they want behind closed doors – so long as that pursuit doesn’t infringe upon anyone else’s freedoms. Or involve animals. Or peanut butter …

Anyway … one of the more common fetishes being indulged these days is femdom (or “female domination” for those of you not hip to the phraseology).

Technically “femdom” is defined as a subset of the BDSM sexual discipline (yes, the whips and chains crowd) in which the female is the dominant partner. It can range from activities as harmless as light scolding (or spanking) all the way up to degradation, torture and … um, other things.

“Like 50 Shades but the chick is in charge,” one of the women I spoke with noted.

Basically, yes.

Of course femdom doesn’t have to involve whips and chains – nor does it necessarily have to be confined to the bedroom. In a broader sense it’s a mentality – one borne of the women’s liberation movement and the desire of some men (often powerful men) to surrender control in some aspect of their lives … if only for a little while.

Prior to last December, I had only a vague notion of what “femdom” was – and had never met or spoken with anyone who practiced it (at least not that I knew of). Around that time, though, a source reached out to me offering information about a South Carolina lawmaker who frequents the lair of a local dominatrix (a.k.a. “dominant female”).

Note the present tense in that last sentence …

Anyway, my investigation confirmed that the lawmaker in question regularly visited this dominatrix. I also confirmed he was married with children (as my source said he was) – but in an open relationship. And his wife (who upon being granted anonymity spoke as candidly about all of this as she would speak about compiling a grocery list) not only knew of and condoned his activities – but actively participated in them when her husband was back home.

Yeah. Wow.

Upon determining that this lawmaker’s private fetish had no bearing on his job performance – and did not expose him to a charge of hypocrisy – I decided against publishing anything about it.

But it did get me thinking … and more specifically, it got me wondering just how my network of brilliant, influential, gorgeous and sexually liberated women felt about the whole femdom concept.

Generally, the reaction I got was negative – which I guess surprised me somewhat.

“It’s not for me,” one of my girlfriends told me flatly.

“Nothing turns me on about that,” another said. “Either in home life or a partnership or in (my) sex life.”

Even a woman who has engaged in the practice (repeatedly) in the past at the request of some of her male sexual partners offered a surprisingly unenthusiastic assessment.


“That’s not exactly my thing,” she said, adding pointedly “those girls are dykes who won’t admit it to themselves.”

Ouch …

Is that true?

“Eh, (they’re) bored maybe,” another opined. “I just think gimmicky sex seems fake. (It’s) trying too hard. Looking to fill a void.”

Yet another girlfriend I spoke with referred to the entire concept of femdom as “demeaning and unnatural.”

“Who wants a subservient man?” she said. “I want my man to take me – and not pansy f*ck me when he does.”

Wow …

So … in this era of female empowerment were any of the women I spoke with on board with the concept?

Yes … thoughtfully so, even.

“Society tells us it’s taboo to embrace our sexual desires and you’re a whore if you do,” one proponent of femdom explained to me. “As a general rule women like to follow instead of lead in the bedroom. With the pressure to not be a ‘slut’ most women take a passive role so they don’t feel guilty for what transpires.”

That leads to bad sex, she says, with women “giving consent and then laying there like a dead fish.”

“It’s been my experience that men are so used to having to aimlessly try to please women in bed that they LOVE when she takes charge and tells them exactly what she is going to do,” she says. “Instead of faking it or letting them figure it out the hard way I speak up! I make it very clear to them that I’ll sit on their face all afternoon until they get it right. And trust me, they know when it’s right and my rewards to them for being great in bed are generous. I think every women should try it! Men never expect it – but they love every second of it. If the men don’t like total submission that’s fine. I’ll leave the handcuffs, whip, ball gag, and nipple clamps at home. Those are just accessories to the rockstar attitude that goes with getting everything you want in bed (and more)!”

Another girlfriend I spoke with made no bones about her love of the practice – and her lack of concern for what her partners get out of the deal.

“I’m not interested in their pleasure or satisfaction,” she told me. “My gratification is based on their humiliation. Nothing else! And the first time they use a ‘safe word’ is when I tell them to get the f*ck out of my house and never come back.”

A ‘safe word,’ incidentally, is a word or phrase in BDSM agreed to a priori by both parties. Its use signals that the submissive partner would like whatever activity is transpiring to come to an immediate end. Honoring safe words is indispensable to preserving the consensual nature of such practices, experts say.

“We have a saying – ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me,'” one practicing dominatrix told me. “But that excitement must have a boundary of consent – or else it goes from erotic to criminal like that (snapping fingers).”

While not directly embracing specific components of femdom, another girlfriend I spoke with expressed support for it in a general sense – and concern at those who opposed it.

“I’m seriously concerned that so many women are against it,” one told me, referring to its opponents as “Stepford wives.”

Another girlfriend agreed, saying “what are they afraid of? And what business is it of theirs anyway?”

Clearly there is no shortage of intelligent opinions on this subject …

What do you think? FITS’ always lively comment board awaits …

Will Folks is the editor of the website you are currently reading. Reach him via email here.

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jimlewisowb February 20, 2014 at 1:22 pm

If there is a lady out there with whips, handcuffs, leather thong etc. who has a need to dominant a male, then please feel free to stop by BOB’s off Highway 6 on any Friday around 4:30 PM to discuss the details

Will Folks aka Sic February 20, 2014 at 1:23 pm

OWB! How did I know you would break the seal on this … cue Big T equating this post to the collapse of the empire in 3, 2, 1 …

The Colonel February 20, 2014 at 3:04 pm

The titillation of reading this one may have been too much for Bit T – I shudder to think about it…

TontoBubbaGoldstein February 20, 2014 at 8:57 pm

TBG suspects that BidT’s “typing hand’ is acting all palsied an sheet.

shifty henry February 20, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Hmmmm – this article has been up for 9 hours; GT must be saving this one for tonight – after his grits and collards have settled…..

Big Bertha, your BBW Dom February 20, 2014 at 3:21 pm

I’m coming to get you my little pig. Once I squeeze you into patent leather, pop the gimp ball into your mouth and ride you around the living room you’ll truly know what it is to be loved.

Big Bertha, your BBW Dom February 20, 2014 at 5:06 pm

Just for giving me that thumbs up, you’re gonna get some face sitting time too.

BDSM_FAN February 20, 2014 at 1:24 pm

I love being a submissive slave. This was what I wrote this Valentine’s day describing my Master.

He is my love. He is my Master.

“You will get down on your knees, slave!” he scolded as he jerked the chain tighter around my neck. He put his hands on the top of my head and told me that from now on, I am his submissive- his slave and he is my Master. “You address me as your Master, and nothing else. I will be a loving and kind Master, but when punishment is needed, it will be doled out swiftly. Now tell me who I am!” I look up to him and say, “You are my master and I am your slave.” He tells me I’m a good girl and then pulls me to my feet. I shake in fear, worried about the rules that are sure to follow. I must be a good slave, but I know that I am in need of punishment. He promises to be a strict disciplinarian while he teaches me lessons of humility and degradation. I must obey. For he is my love. He is my Master.

shifty henry February 20, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Thank you, GT, for your tender story — it brings tears to my eyes.

Cunta Kentey February 20, 2014 at 4:19 pm

And I thought picking cotton was bad

JJEvans February 20, 2014 at 1:43 pm

I’ll take a beautiful, classy woman spread eagle on the bed. That will satisfy me. But then again, it never hurts to try something new.

Frank Pytel February 20, 2014 at 1:47 pm

It might, but only a little.

SCBlueWoman February 20, 2014 at 1:55 pm

Isn’t that illegal in SC? Whatever floats your boat if it’s two consenting adults and no one is being hurt. But, please, stop referring to women as chicks. They are women. It might be of some note that many who like pain and bondage grew up in less than ideal situations. Proven fact.

shifty henry February 20, 2014 at 10:12 pm

WHEN BROADS WERE BROADS (page 265) … { D R A F T #9 }

The door was opened by a glamorous blonde in a negligee. Her eyes were blue and her breasts substantial.

He showed his badge. I’m Detective Ripper from the 21st Precinct. Are you Miss Thricejoy? I heard you have some information for me.”

“Yes. Please come in. Would you like a drink?”

“I don’t drink on duty.”

“Do you sit down on duty?”

He walked across the room and sat on the sofa. “What’s the information?”

She sat opposite him on a chair, and when she crossed her legs he could see she wasn’t wearing underwear. She wasn’t a real blonde either. “Actually I wanted to talk about Clarence, who you arrested last night. I wonder if you’d consider dropping your charges against him.”

“What’s he to you?”

She looked him squarely in the eye. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“You’d better find another boyfriend, because he is going away for a long time.”

She stood up, pulled a piece of lace, and her negligee fell away. She
was naked as hell and beautiful as heaven. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to change your mind?”

He reached down and unzipped his fly. “I don’t know. What can you do?”

She walked toward him tantalizingly, dropped to her knees, and reached for his

BDSM_FAN February 21, 2014 at 9:22 pm

You can’t stop there!!!

Mike at the Beach February 21, 2014 at 12:39 am

Come on chic..I mean woman. Out of habit (developed from what my wife refers to as “brain damage” from my years of military and federal service) I use an assortment of silly tags for men- bro, dude, friend, amigo, asshat (that one’s for special occasions), etc. For some reason, there just aren’t aren’t as many for the fairer sex- chic just seems to fit during informal conversations. I wouldn’t use “dude” or “chic” in court, but on FITS? Yeah… ;-)

Original Good Old Boy February 20, 2014 at 2:13 pm

Speaking only for me personally, I think it’s pretty hot to have a girl tie you up and fuck you. But I would draw the line on getting a dildo rammed up my ass, clothes pins stuck on my balls, hot wax on my nipples, or other forms of tortue.

:) February 20, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Good to know your boundaries. We were all wondering.

Original Good Old Boy February 20, 2014 at 2:20 pm

My safe word word is “ouch.”

JJEvans February 20, 2014 at 2:24 pm

My safe word is “Stop Bitch!”

Buz Martin February 20, 2014 at 7:08 pm

Me too, on both of those.

BDSM_FAN February 21, 2014 at 9:11 pm

Oddly enough, my safe word is “Rich O’dell”

euwe max February 20, 2014 at 4:56 pm

I think it’s pretty hot to have a girl tie you up and fuck you.

I think it’s funny to have a girl tie you up and fuck you…. I’d rather have my hands free so I can make faces at you through the window.

Careful what you wish for February 20, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Years ago a friend of mine who played racquetball professionally for a short time picked up a chick in a bar in Atlanta. She invited him home. The babysitter had put the kid to bed before they arrived and she was dismissed.
They end up in bed and this babe reaches under the bed and pulls out a big paddleball paddle and suggests he gives her a whack or two.

Without thinking he smacks her with what he thought was a light tap and she went totally bizerk screeching like a scalded pig. Before he can get his pants on the door flies open and there is junior asking what did you do to my mommy.

dwb619 February 20, 2014 at 5:47 pm

Sitting the crew shack years ago when a young journeyman told this story on himself.
He was picked up at a bar in Atlanta by an attractive lady. She wanted him to come home with her and tie her up.
So he did.
she wanted to tie him to the bed,FACE DOWN!
To any reasonable person this was a red flag.
Not him , he agreed,and said that the next thing he saw was some dude jump out of the louvered door closet with a Bat Man costume !
Told us he didn’t remember much after that, and he woke in his car with a sore butt!

Soccer Mom February 20, 2014 at 4:28 pm

This doesn’t bother me at all. What I hate is seeing grown men dressing like Tiger Woods to go to work, couples decked out in Hells Angels costumes on the weekend trying to act like outlaws and the bitches at Whole Foods wearing yoga pants. Yoga pants! First we had to deal with camel toes now you can see their assholes too!

euwe max February 20, 2014 at 6:55 pm

I hope the retro see-through-blouses get popular again!

Mike at the Beach February 21, 2014 at 12:32 am

Whoa there, Nelly…don’t go trashing tights and yoga pants on hot mommies at Whole Foods. Fat chics, no problem, but leave the MILF’s alone!

9" February 20, 2014 at 4:50 pm

Have you ever had a Hands Free Orgasm(HFO) with somebody else in control of the settings being used on the generating source (example: The P.E.S. Power Box).
erotic electrostimulation

BDSM_FAN February 21, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Hi. I don’t think we’ve met.

euwe max February 20, 2014 at 4:53 pm

It’s high time we outlawed sex. It’s gotten completely out of control.

9" February 20, 2014 at 4:55 pm

…,only outlaws will have sex

euwe max February 20, 2014 at 5:13 pm

Take off and nuke the balls from orbit – it’s the only way to be sure.

Will Folks aka Sic February 20, 2014 at 7:44 pm


Mistress Catherine November 4, 2015 at 12:48 pm

….you do know what your saying right……Someone really needs to whip you properly gezz

ravenhaired vixen February 20, 2014 at 8:51 pm

Next time run a photo with a decent pair of real Italian thigh- high leather boots rather than these cheap looking sorry ass stretchy pleather boots with cankles!

shifty henry February 20, 2014 at 9:17 pm

Shifty awaits your photo —

“If you submit — Fits will permit”

shifty henry February 21, 2014 at 12:17 am

OK, Vixen, I took another look at those boots because I thought they looked familiar – aren’t they the boots the Cisco Kid wore?

tomstickler February 21, 2014 at 3:30 pm

“Or involve animals. Or peanut butter … ” or both.

Huger February 22, 2014 at 8:17 am

Damn, I’d like to know who the sub legislator is. Lots of players at the Statehouse to choose from.

Caroline February 26, 2014 at 4:00 pm

you’ll find your domm on http://slave-selection.com


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