SC 2014: Third Party Buzz

South Carolina politicos are buzzing about the possibility of several third party candidates entering the state’s upcoming gubernatorial race. Most of these candidate would pose problems for incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley – who appears to be coasting to her party’s nomination in 2014 – although some have the potential to…

South Carolina politicos are buzzing about the possibility of several third party candidates entering the state’s upcoming gubernatorial race. Most of these candidate would pose problems for incumbent “Republican” Nikki Haley – who appears to be coasting to her party’s nomination in 2014 – although some have the potential to siphon votes from presumed Democratic nominee Vincent Sheheen.

The most popular rumor centers around a candidate from the so-called “Free Citizens Party,” which was launched (sort of) earlier this year by former Democratic Superintendent of Education Jim Rex and Newberry, S.C. physician Dr. Oscar Lovelace, a liberal Republican.

We wrote about the “Free Citizens Party” back in February, concluding that its emergence “would be a coup” for Haley.

“Were either of these politicians to run for governor as a third party candidate, they would likely pull thousands of votes away from presumed Democratic nominee Vincent Sheheen,” we wrote.

In April we wrote about former S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer’s interest in a possible third party bid, quoting sources close to Bauer as saying he was envisioning a “libertarian leaning” campaign. These sources tell FITS Bauer is still considering his options.

Assuming he were to jump into the race, Bauer has the potential to pull votes from Haley – especially among the elderly, where he has an existing network given his prior management of the state’s Office on Aging. Would it be enough to swing the election in Sheheen’s favor, though?

It’s doubtful …

By far Haley’s biggest concern is the possible emergence of a challenger from the right – one who could exploit her glaring vulnerabilities on tax, spending and economic issues (including the infamous “Savannah River Sellout“). Fiscal conservatives have reportedly approached several top lawmakers – including S.C. Sen. Tom Davis – in the hopes of convincing them to run against Haley, but so far no one has taken the bait.

If a credible fiscal conservative jumps into the 2014 general election, Haley is toast. In fact she’d be lucky to finish in second place in such a scenario.

This website has consistently supported the emergence of third parties in Palmetto politics. How come? Because there is currently no party representing the best interests of taxpayers or fighting to protect freedom and free markets.

We’re not alone. A FITS poll last week found 65 percent of our readers would support a third party candidate – compared to 35 percent who said they wouldn’t.

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Jackie Chiles August 20, 2013 at 2:59 pm

“If a credible fiscal conservative jumps into the 2014 general election, Haley is toast. In fact she’d be lucky to finish in second place in such a scenario.”

I can only hope and pray this happens.

southmauldin August 20, 2013 at 9:20 pm

Andre told me last week that he is considering a third party run. As a Democrat, I would welcome such an endeavor.

lindsey g August 20, 2013 at 3:04 pm

John Rainey would make an excellent candidate.

CNSYD August 20, 2013 at 3:10 pm

He could bring along his buddy Sanfraud.

Jackie Chiles August 20, 2013 at 4:32 pm

Sanford is George Washington compared to Nikki Haley, so I’d be ok with that.

Sarah Palin Forever! August 20, 2013 at 3:44 pm

I dont understand why a Right Wing candidate would run third party.Why not just oppose her in the Republican Primary?.Everyone here says shes not a “conservative” ,”real Republican ” etc.It should be like taking candy from a baby!

Or could it be that the majority of SC Republicans LIKE Haley ?And these so called “conservatives “are afraid that the “Real” Republicans will whip their butts?

Frank Pytel August 20, 2013 at 4:34 pm

A right wing candidate definitely does not belong in the Republicrat party. Republicrats and Demlicans belong in the same party along with all the other little specialty parties. Conservatives need to be in there own house. Then we’ll actually be able to get something done.

Republicrats like Haley because she’s a libitard, Just like Oshitforbrains.

? August 20, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Great picture.

Worker & drone bees waiting for their new Queen, it doesn’t matter if the Queen has an “R”, “D”, or “I” by their name….the worker and drone bees know their place.

Manray9 August 20, 2013 at 4:15 pm

This state needs a viable third party. I just hope it creates one without the certifiable “wingnuttery” of the recent politics. If all the right-wing kooks come out of the woodwork, Haley wins!

El Kabong August 20, 2013 at 5:29 pm

“A FITS poll last week found 65 percent of our readers would support a third party candidate – compared to 35 percent who said they wouldn’t.”

Why not mention the FITS poll from a few weeks back where Sheheen beat Haley on this very website?

Mike at the Beach August 20, 2013 at 11:52 pm

…or the one where Graham was spanking Mace…

Philip Branton August 21, 2013 at 2:37 pm

LOL…….yet right, and that poll was an “Operation Chaos” snookery. Just think what has occurred during the Graham “gilded age”..?


Homeland Security……..”Birth”



Foreign Oil ……..”fighting bonanza”….

Obamacare…………”Uh, oh”

Boeing……….”900 Million silent votes”

Yep…………the only one getting SPANKED is Graham…

Manray9 August 21, 2013 at 4:33 pm

I grew up a big Quick Draw McGraw fan!

Mike at the Beach August 20, 2013 at 9:44 pm

We’re going to have to invent a new cliché for Bauer; he just won’t go away. Bad penny, boomerang, herpes…none of the old crop of sayings are adequate. We may just have to pay him the ultimate compliment and turn his name into a verb.
“That guy just keeps coming back to say more stupid things. He’s Bauering the hell out of us…”

Jimmy the Cricket August 20, 2013 at 11:28 pm

That’s good. Like “Bork.” I think of Bauer as a teenager with large ears constantly crashing automobiles, airplanes, motorcycles, anything he can ride. I don’t think he can really do anything responsibly.

AnnieWho August 21, 2013 at 8:54 am

Andre Bauer went to my high school, and I also know many people who interacted with him while working in state government. Pretty much everyone I have ever discussed him with says he’s the biggest tool they’ve ever met. Seriously.

The Colonel August 21, 2013 at 2:10 am

A third party guarantees a Democrat win. I South Carolina, the majority of minority voters, the uninvolved and the low intelligence voters see the D and pull the lever (or touch the screen) every time. How else can you explain Alvin Greene and Ol’Enos?

If “Mario” Andre’ Bauer thinks he can win he should challenge Trikki Nikki in the primary system. I think the “Swami of Strays” would have his ass handed to him by Nikki and he’d finally realize just how superfluous he really is. As it is, “Crash” Bauer is setting himself up for just one more bad take off that will end in yet another flaming wreck at the end of the runway.

Maybe he and MoRon Paul ought to run for President on the “Goofy Ideas and Ambiguous Sexuality” Ticket.

Jan August 21, 2013 at 1:13 pm

“the low intelligence voters see the D and pull the lever (or touch the screen) every time. ”

So you vote Democrat? I am surprised.

usc1801 August 21, 2013 at 2:47 am

Bauer needs to find a real job. He is a political whore. He’ll move anywhere to run for anything. He’s a total joke and an embarrassment to S.C. along with just about everyone else elected office around here. I’m all for a 3d Party but one built of moderates of both parties. The Democrats are way too liberal, the SCGOP is becoming more and more like the Nazi Party (except the hit you with Bibles instead of billy clubs), and the citizens of this state are getting it up the a$$ from both sides. Actually we really need an Independent that is beholden to NO ONE rather that an organized party. I just keep reminding voters of what George Washington said in his Farewell Address to Congress (paraphrase): Political parties will be the doom of this nation as members will do what’s best for the party rather than what’s best for the nation. How true Father of our Country how true indeed.

ScrewedNSC August 21, 2013 at 7:35 am

Those of you who speak ill of Andre Bauer need to look at his entire accomplishment of work and just not one comment or his fast driving. As someone who grew up in a single parent home and struggled to make ends meat, Andre has been rather successful. He serves a Captain in the South Carolina Guard and works daily to help those in need. If he is in office or not. I believe the critics are just jealous of Andre’s accomplishments and successes in life. If the critics took as much time getting to know Andre Bauer as they do criticizing him, they would be sing a different song.

BIN News Editorial Staff August 21, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Our Funding Editor recently said she is a “…big supporter of turd party candidates.”

Of course, she made that comment after her second triple Black Jack and Metamucil cocktail of the evening.

When her Chief of Stiff pointed out the phrase is “third party” rather than “turd party,” she said, “Ohhhh, whatever. It’s all the same thing.”

Before she went to bed tonight she did comment that if the Dixiecrats ever come back, she might be interested in supporting them.


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