Savannah River Sellout Overturned … For Now



The “Savannah River Sellout” – S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s most flagrant betrayal of our state’s economic competitiveness – was overturned late last week by the South Carolina Supreme Court, although it may be too late for the damage to be undone.

Last November, Haley convinced her appointees on the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) board of directors to overturn the agency’s prior rejection of a water quality permit for the State of Georgia’s federally funded port expansion plans.  In exchange for this flip-flop, Haley received financial support from Georgia donors as well as a prime time speaking slot at the 2012 Republican National Convention.

Haley’s sellout was unanimously rebuked by the S.C. General Assembly – and harshly criticized by the S.C. Supreme Court.

Why?  Because allowing the Savannah River to be dredged this far inland gift wraps a major competitive advantage for Georgia – at South Carolina’s expense.  Not only that, it’s terrible policy from a taxpayer’s perspective – paving the way for a government-subsidized port in another state while effectively killing the creation of a private sector port in the Palmetto State.  In fact under the terms of the “sellout” toxic sludge would be dumped on South Carolina’s port site for the next fifty years.

Now that the court has declared the sellout null and void, though, what happens?

It’s not clear …

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has already asked the federal government to disregard the South Carolina case – arguing that the deliberations represented an “inappropriate delay” of the Georgia project.  And they may have the firepower needed to bulldoze any opposition.

“The Feds don’t care what we do or say in South Carolina,” one source intimately familiar with the legal maneuverings in this case tells FITS. “They will dredge regardless – and now – with no opportunity for South Carolina to hold it up in court.  They win.”

In other words, the damage really is done (as we noted back in June).

Still … this is a time for South Carolina’s leaders to be fighting tooth and nail on behalf of our state’s interests, not watching as those interests are sold down the river (again).  Unfortunately Haley – who loves to talk tough against the big bad federal government (and against Georgia) – is sitting this fight out, having already taken her thirty pieces of silver from Peach State port interests.

“Georgia has had their way with us for way too long, and I don’t have the patience to let it happen anymore,” Haley said in November 2010 shortly after she was elected governor.

Hmmmm …

Apparently Haley’s definition of not letting Georgia “have its way with us” means our state bending over and taking it squarely up the ass.


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Jan November 5, 2012 at 12:03 pm

If Haley is really for SC she will order the Cadets at the Citadel to open fire upon anyone attempting to dump sludge on the the Jasper Port site and Federal Dredging ships operating in SC territorial waters.

insider November 5, 2012 at 12:21 pm

Amen, preach it, sister.

jimlewis,owb November 5, 2012 at 1:14 pm

Interesting proposal.

However, if recent reports are accurate the only thing the Bellhops are interesting in firing are their peckers up little boys’ assess.

Todd November 5, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Sounds like an El CID grad fucked your ex wife JimLewis.

jimlewis,owb November 5, 2012 at 1:26 pm

Ain’t got no ex wife and the only goddamn thing a Bellhop has ever fucked is his hand, a 10 year old’s ass, a goat or your momma: peckerhead.

Crooner November 5, 2012 at 12:24 pm

Does she pull her boy shorts down or to the side?

Stephan November 5, 2012 at 12:25 pm

Can’t Nikki overturn the Supreme Court ruling? Does she have to give the money back?

Dobber November 5, 2012 at 12:37 pm

If this stupid port idea is such a money maker, then why aren’t private businesses jumping on it??? This has been nothing but a fiasco from day one. I be damned if a nickle on my taxpayer money should be spent on this idiotic project – but I,m sure it already has.

anna_nimmitty November 5, 2012 at 1:36 pm

That woman baffles me. Well, her lack of honesty and integrity baffle the hail out of me, not mention how someone could actually be “turned on and/or erected” by/with her.

Nothin’ personal there Slic, just sayin’. (~_O)

Moving To Canada November 5, 2012 at 2:09 pm

Stimulus! We need you about now!

Smirks November 5, 2012 at 2:47 pm

What will SCOTUS do regarding this case? I imagine they will take it up. How will they rule?

I’m guessing very likely in Georgia’s (and Haley’s) favor.

Rumpole November 5, 2012 at 5:16 pm

She SC Supreme Court is comprised of politically fungible opportunists who are constantly on the lookout for renomination. They cave in on cases like that of Sen. Mike Rose (R-Dorchester) and ignore their own prior decisions. When a case can cost them their jobs, don’t expect blind justice.

Lewis November 5, 2012 at 6:09 pm

Rumpole: You are on the money. Toal completely dominates the SCSC. On any decision that comes down from this five-some, just ask the question: What is in Toal’s best political interest? and you will know what the decision will be.

Old Bike Dude November 5, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Nimmy Boo Boo does come from Pak-it-Stan. Whahahahahahahah

mlynn November 6, 2012 at 2:33 pm

Have you heard anything about whether environmental lawyers (like the S.C. Environmental Law Project) will take this case up? I know that in the past, SCELP has been VERY successful taking up cases against the Corps.

At this point, this may be South Carolina’s only “saving grace”.

mlynn November 6, 2012 at 2:57 pm

I just found that the Coastal Conservation League, in conjunction with the Southern Environmental Law Center, have been working on this for quite a while. I am sure they WILL be aggressive, even against the Corps!!! Here is a link from Coastal Conservation League that outlines the bad things that will happen (especially to Jasper County, both environmentally and economically) if the dredging is done:


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