Nikki Haley’s Ethics Commission: “Vacant”

Eight of the nine seats on the S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s State Ethics Commission (SCSEC) are either vacant or filled by a member whose term has expired, the agency’s website reveals. That’s pathetic, obviously … but not as pathetic as the selective self-policing done by the S.C. House of Representatives…

Eight of the nine seats on the S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s State Ethics Commission (SCSEC) are either vacant or filled by a member whose term has expired, the agency’s website reveals.

That’s pathetic, obviously … but not as pathetic as the selective self-policing done by the S.C. House of Representatives and the State Senate, each of which have their own ethics committees to rule on allegations of impropriety against members (and former members like Haley).

Still, it’s hard for Haley to complain about her watered-down ethics bill stalling in the legislature when only one member of the SCSEC – which she is responsible for appointing in its entirety – is serving legally. As it currently stands, both the third and sixth congressional district seats on this committee are vacant. Meanwhile the first, second and fifth district seats – and all three of the commission’s at-large seats – are occupied by members with expired terms (including one member who is still serving on the commission more than three years after his term expired).

Pitiful …

Only fourth district representative James I. Warren – who was appointed by former Gov. Mark Sanford in 2010 – is serving in an unexpired capacity.

Technically each of Haley’s six expired “holdover” appointments are legal, but here’s the problem: Were Haley to name new appointments to these seats, they would be locked into five-year terms. However by leaving these seats unfilled, Haley gets to exercise complete control over the existing appointments.

They are serving at her whim, in other words – which is a recipe for all sorts of corruption.

If Haley were serious about ethics reform, she would have proposed real legislation at some point over the last three years – not engaged in some hypocritical dog and pony show aimed exclusively at rebuilding her damaged brand. She also would have moved quickly to put reformers in these key posts as opposed to letting all of these terms expire.

Of course if Haley were really serious about ethics reform, she wouldn’t have broken virtually every ethics law on the books while serving as a member of the S.C. House …

Anyway, Haley needs to move now to fill these eight seats or risk further hypocrisy on this issue … not to mention placing the integrity of this commission at further risk.


Pic: Travis Bell Photography

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Ed July 25, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Gees…this is pathic! Now I bet haley will rush out and find 8 financial donors in a hurry.

Good job, Will.

Ed July 25, 2013 at 2:29 pm

Gees…this is pathic! Now I bet haley will rush out and find 8 financial donors in a hurry.

Good job, Will.

Janice July 25, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Vincent should call for her to fill those seats by September 1. And he should immediately send a list of QUALITY nominees putting her in the position of actually having to give a crap about quality governance!

afmajret July 26, 2013 at 5:41 pm

OK, I’m with you. But, you have to name six ‘quality’ candidates from either party currently serving in the legislature. We got the government we paid for.

Janice July 25, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Vincent should call for her to fill those seats by September 1. And he should immediately send a list of QUALITY nominees putting her in the position of actually having to give a crap about quality governance!

afmajret July 26, 2013 at 5:41 pm

OK, I’m with you. But, you have to name six ‘quality’ candidates from either party currently serving in the legislature. We got the government we paid for.

Marie Harrison July 25, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Decent people don’t want to be associated with Haley. Will, I am so glad you did not let her leave her husband for you. You ended up with a nice girl and beautiful kids.

junior justice July 25, 2013 at 5:33 pm

That is the nicest thing to say to Will, but it would have had more impact on him if you could have told him this after his first date with Nikki. Are you really his Aunt Marie?

Marie Harrison July 25, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Decent people don’t want to be associated with Haley. Will, I am so glad you did not let her leave her husband for you. You ended up with a nice girl and beautiful kids.

junior justice July 25, 2013 at 5:33 pm

That is the nicest thing to say to Will, but it would have had more impact on him if you could have told him this after his first date with Nikki. Are you really his Aunt Marie?

Queen of Hearts July 25, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Just another confirmed sighting of her lies, incompetence, lack of transparency and self serving attitude.
What a fricking joke!
“Join the Movement”, VOTE OUT HALEY! It will be a “Great day in South Carolina”!

Fandango July 25, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Then South Carolina will be “Just Right”!!!!

Queen of Hearts July 25, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Just another confirmed sighting of her lies, incompetence, lack of transparency and self serving attitude.
What a fricking joke!
“Join the Movement”, VOTE OUT HALEY! It will be a “Great day in South Carolina”!

Fandango July 25, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Then South Carolina will be “Just Right”!!!!

nitrat July 25, 2013 at 5:06 pm


The Fact Checker at Washington Post has awarded SC AG Alan Wilson 4 Pinocchios for his lies and response tre: his zombie voter issue. Nikki is mentioned, but Alan gets the big blame:

WT Sherman July 25, 2013 at 6:33 pm

Wilson’s comments should have been readily debunked as soon as he made them, since it is common knowledge that there isn’t a soul in SC government capable of counting to 25 accurately, let alone 900…

nitrat July 25, 2013 at 5:06 pm


The Fact Checker at Washington Post has awarded SC AG Alan Wilson 4 Pinocchios for his lies and response re: his zombie voter issue. Nikki is mentioned, but Alan gets the big blame:

WT Sherman July 25, 2013 at 6:33 pm

Wilson’s comments should have been readily debunked as soon as he made them, since it is common knowledge that there isn’t a soul in SC government capable of counting to 25 accurately, let alone 900…

WT Sherman July 25, 2013 at 6:14 pm

Please- enough with the whining about Haley. You yokels voted for her because she had an “R” next to her name and a nice ass. You’ll keep voting for her because she has an “R” next to her name and will tell you she is the only thing standing between you and me coming back to do to Charleston what I did to Atlanta…
Like I would even bother this time…

Your Optometrist July 26, 2013 at 6:36 am

Nice Ass????????
My Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WT get your eyes checked! And with those ugly Ass bird legs (no shape), no Tits! And only a decent , pocked marked face!
Give me a Fricking break!!!

WT Sherman July 25, 2013 at 6:14 pm

Please- enough with the whining about Haley. You yokels voted for her because she had an “R” next to her name and a nice ass. You’ll keep voting for her because she has an “R” next to her name and will tell you she is the only thing standing between you and me coming back to do to Charleston what I did to Atlanta…
Like I would even bother this time…

Your Optometrist July 26, 2013 at 6:36 am

Nice Ass????????
My Ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WT get your eyes checked! And with those ugly Ass bird legs (no shape), no Tits! And only a decent , pocked marked face!
Give me a Fricking break!!!

Ralph Hightower July 25, 2013 at 6:44 pm

The seats on the Ethics Commission should have no ties to elected officials. How can the Ethics Commission conduct an independent investigation against Governot Haley if “Boss Hogg” Haley appointed them to the commission?

Marie Harrison July 26, 2013 at 9:35 am

Well, she has put on quite a few pounders lately.

Ralph Hightower July 25, 2013 at 6:44 pm

The seats on the Ethics Commission should have no ties to elected officials. How can the Ethics Commission conduct an independent investigation against Governot Haley if “Boss Hogg” Haley appointed them to the commission?

Marie Harrison July 26, 2013 at 9:35 am

Well, she has put on quite a few pounders lately.

Sex Pistol July 25, 2013 at 6:57 pm

VA CUNT! And she don’t care!

Sex Pistol July 25, 2013 at 6:57 pm

VA CUNT! And she don’t care!

Scooter July 25, 2013 at 9:31 pm

I doubt if there 8 ethical qualified people in the state judging by the news.

Scooter July 25, 2013 at 9:31 pm

I doubt if there 8 ethical qualified people in the state judging by the news.

Polyphemos July 25, 2013 at 11:03 pm

How does one create a system free of corruption? We all seem to want it. We all seem to think that Ms. Haley can’t provide it. But who can? Seriously. Do we elect an overseeing group, or should it be appointed? How much would we pay such people or should we use computers to decide who’s cheating and who’s not?

It’s one thing to bitch and moan about corruption, and God knows, there really is a bunch of it, but who and what do we do? Isn’t this why we have legislative and gubernatorial elections?

I propose that what we have is a society of people who mostly just want to be left alone. And that presents a problem, because in order to have justice, there must be participation by a majority of the populace. Then we have a large enough population that wants to be given stuff. They can be easily corrupted, so just having an election won’t work either.

The task is not impossible. But the challenge won’t be solved here, even though the earnestness of spirit may be pure among many who visit.

Slartibartfast July 25, 2013 at 11:03 pm

How does one create a system free of corruption? We all seem to want it. We all seem to think that Ms. Haley can’t provide it. But who can? Seriously. Do we elect an overseeing group, or should it be appointed? How much would we pay such people or should we use computers to decide who’s cheating and who’s not?

It’s one thing to bitch and moan about corruption, and God knows, there really is a bunch of it, but who and what do we do? Isn’t this why we have legislative and gubernatorial elections?

I propose that what we have is a society of people who mostly just want to be left alone. And that presents a problem, because in order to have justice, there must be participation by a majority of the populace. Then we have a large enough population that wants to be given stuff. They can be easily corrupted, so just having an election won’t work either.

The task is not impossible. But the challenge won’t be solved here, even though the earnestness of spirit may be pure among many who visit.

IVEBEENHACKED July 26, 2013 at 11:13 am

Nikki Haley’ cabinet agencies are in shambles the employees are leaving in droves from civilians to officers due to her memo of hiring only temps and minimum salaries. The counties and city’s are paying a lot more money…

IVEBEENHACKED July 26, 2013 at 11:13 am

Nikki Haley’ cabinet agencies are in shambles the employees are leaving in droves from civilians to officers due to her memo of hiring only temps and minimum salaries. The counties and city’s are paying a lot more money…


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