
IRS Scandal: Washington Was Involved

The scandal surrounding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gained additional steam this week, as a new report in The Washington Post further exposed the agency’s inability to come clean regarding its discriminatory campaign against limited government advocates. “Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved…

The scandal surrounding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) gained additional steam this week, as a new report in The Washington Post further exposed the agency’s inability to come clean regarding its discriminatory campaign against limited government advocates.

“Internal Revenue Service officials in Washington and at least two other offices were involved in the targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, making clear that the effort reached well beyond the branch in Cincinnati that was initially blamed,” the Post reported late Monday.

This scandal – which broke late last week – is yet another example of the selective treatment Washington, D.C. doles out based on whether individuals or groups conform to its increasingly left-leaning ideology. And while that’s bad enough, the scandal has been compounded by government’s inability to tell the truth.

Initially, the IRS claimed its discriminatory behavior regarding tax-exempt applications was confined to low level employees in a single office. It was later learned that this office handles all tax-exempt applications – and that the singling out of conservative groups was official policy, not some “random error.”

Thus far no one has been held accountable for the scandal … which IRS leadership first became aware of nearly two years ago.


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GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 8:09 am

Mr. Obama: (and let me remind you, you are under OATH)…WHAT DID YOU KNOW….AND WHEN DID YOU KNOW IT?

Remember, you ARE UNDER OATH!!!!!!…Lying is punishable by imprisonment.

shifty henry May 14, 2013 at 8:26 am

CAUGHT !!! …..does potus look familiar?

Recovering Lobbyist May 14, 2013 at 8:20 am

This story is a symptom of the larger problem of dishonesty in our government and society. The sad part is that lying rarely pays. Lie and you will get caught. Except in Washington. Sometimes they don’t get caught because their buds in the media are complicit in their dishonesty.

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 8:31 am

It ain’t dishonesty in Gov’t or Society…
It’s Dishonesty among Liberals and Obama…
And Liberals LIE all the time and get away w/ it.
Look at Clinton…he lied and he is a king among the Corrupt and Immoral..
You people are now coming out with “THEY ALL DO IT” because your Corrupt Stooge got caught….
When you are FORCED by the American People to Answer for the Corruption Liberalism is: Then it may begin to change. But as long we have dumb@$$#$, making excuses (they all do it) to avoid accountability for the REAL Guilty…it will just get worse…

South of Broad Daze May 14, 2013 at 9:22 am

Tango, slither back under the rock you crawled out of. You are just a silly stupid boy ! Who appointed you God ??!!

Fandango May 14, 2013 at 9:31 am

Negative Sir, they all do it! A self agrandizing group. If they are honest and then elected, they are soon corrupted by a system and re-elected by an apathetic and uninformed voter !

Brigid May 15, 2013 at 1:52 pm

The most certainly do not ‘all do it.’ That is a lie meant to deflect attention on the many crimes of this administration. You got nothing, and you pretend a wave of the hand will make it all go away, but it won’t, not this time. Let the criminal investigations begin. You are part of the problem, by wishing that everyone was as corrupt as Obama, that is a lie.

Sailor May 14, 2013 at 10:28 am

I guess you don’t remember Bush, Cheney, Iraq etc. etc. etc.

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 10:35 am

Sorry: Bush and Cheney are LONG Gone. They were investigated to the Hilt, and all they were accused of was trumped up…
You DID it…and Hopefully Obama will have to account for it…

Brigid May 15, 2013 at 1:50 pm

What exactly were they charged with? You don’t agree with their politics or decisions, fine, but what were they charged with? The congress voted along with all of it, so please inform us how that matters now.

Recovering Lobbyist May 14, 2013 at 8:20 am

This story is a symptom of the larger problem of dishonesty in our government and society. The sad part is that lying rarely pays. Lie and you will get caught. Except in Washington. Sometimes they don’t get caught because their buds in the media are complicit in their dishonesty.

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 9:07 am

The Big Picture, That the media will eventually figure out: (and SCARE the H#!! out of the liberals and Liberal-Tarians…

The Obama Corruption solidifies a GOP House for 2014.

Will It give us the US Senate, too????

If the people want to see this investigated justly: They’ll vote Republicans in the House and Senate.

The GOP is going after Justice, and defeating Obama on his corrupt Schemes…when Republicans in office figure out THAT is what the American people want (liberals Prosecuted)…not even FITS and the left can sway the people from electing Republicans…

The GOP just needs to stay RIGHT, keep pursuing justice for Obama and Co….and do not flinch this time….

Labor Finders May 14, 2013 at 2:30 pm

The big picture? You getting a job instead of wishful daydreaming on Fits all damn day?

Bass Nascar, III May 14, 2013 at 10:09 am

The IRS is Washington. Johnny Walters (lawyer Greenville) resigned after Nixon asked him to do the same thing while running the IRS. People who like to daydream about how things are so much worse or so much better than the old days are irritating. Our government is a big game of tug-of-war and every four years one side or the other gets an extra man (President) or three (House and Senate). They then dominate the game until the balances change, then the undoing begins. Unfortunately, not as much gets undone and therefore the code of laws continues to expand. Meanwhile, the players in the game get a front row seat into ways to exploit the new laws, set up friends and family back home with huge advantages and reap the benefits. Meanwhile, the worker bees and average citizens relish that our gas is cheap because it’s cheaper than somewhere like California. Lazy and uninformed which boils down to believing that their vote which goes to one of the two idiots placed before them (the third-party candidate is not invited to the debate sir) will be the solution. In summary, you been fucked, you gonna get fucked some more and the fucking ain’t gonna stop until you have nothing left to fuck.
Gooooooooooood Day.

Sailor May 14, 2013 at 10:25 am

That is the most accurate comment I’ve seen today.

A Friend May 14, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Totally hit the mark with that one.

Bass Nascar, III May 14, 2013 at 10:09 am

The IRS is Washington. Johnny Walters (lawyer Greenville) resigned after Nixon asked him to do the same thing while running the IRS. People who like to daydream about how things are so much worse or so much better than the old days are irritating. Our government is a big game of tug-of-war and every four years one side or the other gets an extra man (President) or three (House and Senate). They then dominate the game until the balances change, then the undoing begins. Unfortunately, not as much gets undone and therefore the code of laws continues to expand. Meanwhile, the players in the game get a front row seat into ways to exploit the new laws, set up friends and family back home with huge advantages and reap the benefits. Meanwhile, the worker bees and average citizens relish that our gas is cheap because it’s cheaper than somewhere like California. Lazy and uninformed which boils down to believing that their vote which goes to one of the two idiots placed before them (the third-party candidate is not invited to the debate sir) will be the solution. In summary, you been fucked, you gonna get fucked some more and the fucking ain’t gonna stop until you have nothing left to fuck.
Gooooooooooood Day.

Sailor May 14, 2013 at 10:25 am

That is the most accurate comment I’ve seen today.

A Friend May 14, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Totally hit the mark with that one.

GrandTango May 14, 2013 at 11:10 am

It gives me GOOSE BUMPS Seeing all the Liberals referencing Nixon. Nixon RESIGNED the presidency. To imagine Obama waving good-bye, likewise, feels me with warmth…

Nixon is the Epitome of Government Corruption to the democrat party…Even the most stupid of them, blurt out Nixon automatically, w/o thought…Obama is NOW in that same class…
For Leftwingers, to be ALREADY Associating Obama and his Wire-Tapping and Enemies List, shows how Powerful a Weapon this Scandal can be…

I just get GIDDY thinking about all the good that can come from Obama being exposed for what he is,….For that I thank yall….

ed May 14, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Fast and Furious…IRS gate…Benghazi gate…AP wire-tapping…where does the buck stop? LOok…there’s a squirrel!

ed May 14, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Fast and Furious…IRS gate…Benghazi gate…AP wire-tapping…where does the buck stop? LOok…there’s a squirrel!

Andy Nonymous May 14, 2013 at 5:53 pm

Maybe it’s time and more to tell ALL of the elected politicians (both good, bad, indifferent, and ugly) to quit, resign, or retire———–NOW——————so that we, the people, can “create a more perfect union”. And, when they refuse, then RECALL them ALL!!!
Only then can “we, the people” start to take an honest look at ALL of the things our government does, pays for, and buys off.

Andy Nonymous May 14, 2013 at 5:53 pm

Maybe it’s time and more to tell ALL of the elected politicians (both good, bad, indifferent, and ugly) to quit, resign, or retire———–NOW——————so that we, the people, can “create a more perfect union”. And, when they refuse, then RECALL them ALL!!!
Only then can “we, the people” start to take an honest look at ALL of the things our government does, pays for, and buys off.

Andy Nonymous May 14, 2013 at 5:57 pm

What I dream of happening is for Congress to, agency by agency, department by department, entity by entity———start scrutinizing them all——-review their initial charter, or legislative act, and determine what they’re DOING, and why THEY are tasked———as opposed to what the agency, etc is SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!!! The revelations may well be astonishing!!!
But of course, that requires a sufficiency of congresspeople with BOTH brains and (excuse me) balls to do what is NEEDED, not what is “politically palatable”

Andy Nonymous May 14, 2013 at 5:57 pm

What I dream of happening is for Congress to, agency by agency, department by department, entity by entity———start scrutinizing them all——-review their initial charter, or legislative act, and determine what they’re DOING, and why THEY are tasked———as opposed to what the agency, etc is SUPPOSED TO BE DOING!!! The revelations may well be astonishing!!!
But of course, that requires a sufficiency of congresspeople with BOTH brains and (excuse me) balls to do what is NEEDED, not what is “politically palatable”

Off With Their Heads May 14, 2013 at 7:52 pm

There is already rock solid evidence that Obama’s chief of staff was briefed on all of these Gestopo tactics.
Get ready for all out war on the enemy within. Even Homeland Security will not be spared this time.

Off With Their Heads May 14, 2013 at 7:52 pm

There is already rock solid evidence that Obama’s chief of staff was briefed on all of these Gestopo tactics.
Get ready for all out war on the enemy within. Even Homeland Security will not be spared this time.

Brigid May 15, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Organizing for America needs to be looked at
next, they were given tax exempt status within one month of filing by
none other than Lois Lerner. There is nothing that this reverse-midas
has touched that hasn’t been turned to shit. And we wonder why Romney
lost–he was prevented from bringing the ground game he needed to match
the ground game the Dems had, because they illegally prevented people
and groups
from engaging in their rightful election activities. Obama’s campaign bullied and threatened reporters who were critical of him, threatened groups that tried to take him on, and threatened donors to the Romney campaign. So we witnessed
Obama not able to fill even a small auditorium while Romney was filling
stadiums. This will go down as bigger than Watergate, history will not
be kind.

Brigid May 15, 2013 at 2:18 pm

Organizing for America needs to be looked at
next, they were given tax exempt status within one month of filing by
none other than Lois Lerner. There is nothing that this reverse-midas
has touched that hasn’t been turned to shit. And we wonder why Romney
lost–he was prevented from bringing the ground game he needed to match
the ground game the Dems had, because they illegally prevented people
and groups
from engaging in their rightful election activities. Obama’s campaign bullied and threatened reporters who were critical of him, threatened groups that tried to take him on, and threatened donors to the Romney campaign. So we witnessed
Obama not able to fill even a small auditorium while Romney was filling
stadiums. This will go down as bigger than Watergate, history will not
be kind.


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