
Just In Time For The Immigration Debate!

We’ve stated on numerous occasions that we believe “immigration reform” is a pointless exercise. America lacks the resources or political will to deport anyone, and all this talk of “securing the border” is little more than red meat for the intellectually incurious. Nobody’s building a fence … Meanwhile the real…

We’ve stated on numerous occasions that we believe “immigration reform” is a pointless exercise.

America lacks the resources or political will to deport anyone, and all this talk of “securing the border” is little more than red meat for the intellectually incurious. Nobody’s building a fence …

Meanwhile the real overdue immigration reform – a.k.a. expanded legal immigration – continues to go nowhere in Washington, D.C. because the Democratic establishment there is firmly in the pocket of the labor unions, who are fighting it tooth and nail.

The result? A lot of hot air …

“They’re not reforming anything,” we wrote recently in response to the latest exercise in pandering. “They’re waving a white flag at a situation they lost control of decades ago.”

Anyway … as if this debate needed a flash point, along comes a story out of Maury County, Tennessee in which a 20-year-old illegal immigrant has been accused of raping an eight-year-old girl.

From The Columbia (Tennessee) Daily Herald:

Yelsin A. Cruz, 20, a native of Tegucigalpa in Honduras, was also being held for Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after investigators learned he is in the U.S. illegally, Maury County Sheriff’s officials said.

Cruz was arrested and booked for rape of a child at 12:45 a.m. Thursday after a physician at Maury Regional Medical Center called authorities two hours before and told the responding officer that she had examined an 8-year-old girl and found signs of a sexual assault, according to an incident report.

The doctor said the child’s mother, who had brought her to the ER, “was not sure how the child had been injured,” the report said. The mother then told the investigating officer that her daughter had said she “fell on a swing set,” then “changed her story and said that she fell on a stick and that is how she was injured,” the report continued.

The mother then said the girl “told the staff of the ER that she fell on a plant and injured herself,” the report said.

Wait … fell on a swingset? Then a stick? Then a plant?

Sheesh …

Oh, and in case you’re wondering why the child’s mother is “covering” for Cruz – she’s his girlfriend.

How pathetic …

Anyway, we’re sure the alleged rape of an eight-year-old girl by a 20-year-old illegal immigrant will have absolutely no long-term bearing on the millions of people who are in this country illegally (or the millions of people who will continue entering this country illegally in spite of political protestations).

What will it do, though? Fire up the political pandering …


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CNSYD May 8, 2013 at 3:24 pm

” Nobody’s building a fence … and nobody’s going to” Apparently you have never crossed the border at Tijuana. You walk into Mexico through a one way gate. No one stops you or asks for ID. Now coming back into the US is a totally different ball game. Hours in line. Third degree by US Border Agents. You need a passport (if you don’t have one of those new US ID cards). And yes there are fences. So nobody is building a fence?

Frank Pytel May 8, 2013 at 4:16 pm

100% correct. And further, very few latins actually cross at the TJ border crossing. Only Americans and Canadians looking the tax man in the face.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

FlatFoot May 8, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Official Points of Entry at the Northern and Southern borders always have fencing and barricades and they always have had them to some extent.

‘Nobody is building a fence’ or is going to ever build a fence that will seal off our Sovereign Nation from Scofflaw Criminal Illegal Immigrants from Foreign Nations he|| bent on usurping and flat ignoring our immigration laws — and then some.

There are small stretches of fence near American moderately and heavily populated areas adjacent to the border and there are colossal gaps of no fence or any other deterrents whatsoever all along the border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico across 4 states in the south — and practically no border fences at all across the entire Canadian border with the exception of Official Points of Entry.

CNSYD May 8, 2013 at 3:24 pm

” Nobody’s building a fence … and nobody’s going to” Apparently you have never crossed the border at Tijuana. You walk into Mexico through a one way gate. No one stops you or asks for ID. Now coming back into the US is a totally different ball game. Hours in line. Third degree by US Border Agents. You need a passport (if you don’t have one of those new US ID cards). And yes there are fences. So nobody is building a fence?

Frank Pytel May 8, 2013 at 4:16 pm

100% correct. And further, very few latins actually cross at the TJ border crossing. Only Americans and Canadians looking the tax man in the face.

Latins typically cross about 5 miles west of the coast line or head over to Tecate where security is light.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

FlatFoot May 8, 2013 at 4:38 pm

Official Points of Entry at the Northern and Southern borders always have fencing and barricades and they always have had them to some extent.

‘Nobody is building a fence’ or is going to ever build a fence that will seal off our Sovereign Nation from Scofflaw Criminal Illegal Immigrants from Foreign Nations he|| bent on usurping and flat ignoring our immigration laws — and then some.

There are small stretches of fence near American moderately and heavily populated areas adjacent to the border and there are colossal gaps of no fence or any other deterrents whatsoever all along the border from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico across 4 states in the south — and practically no border fences at all across the entire Canadian border with the exception of Official Points of Entry.

GrandTango May 8, 2013 at 4:23 pm

I find your Sub-head DISGUSTING. To try to minimize the RAPE of an 8-year old girl is as disgusting as you putting Terrorsts rights before the life of an 8-year-old boy. Like you did in the Boston Bombing.

These are REAL People, not just hypotheticals put before you, so you ca wax Ignorantly about your silly and immature political opinions…
I wonder if Sanford will treat American lives like you, Hillary and Obama treated the Four Dead americans who were brutalized at out Embassy in Libya?
You realy are a Disgrace. I hope Sanford is not paying you for any advice.

Smirks May 8, 2013 at 4:29 pm

They’re real people, unless they need food stamps, right T?

Charlie Daniels May 8, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Put a giant fence around Ohio and call it a fucking day!

Charlie Daniels May 8, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Put a giant fence around Ohio and call it a fucking day!

Smirks May 8, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Build a fence? Yeah, sure, OK. They still come through tunnels, are smuggled via coyotes, float across the ocean, etc. Send them back and they’ll just cross again. The only reason they go to these lengths is because people here hire them by the droves, but I guess we can’t question the free market rewarding something like that.

Bubbas Brother May 8, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Concur that the major issue is the folks hiring them. It’s time to make the penalties for hiring illegal aliens so draconian that most employers will stop.

Then we’ll have time to play whack a “mole at the borders” as the crossings dry up.

Frank et al, there are many, many miles of border with no fence of any kind and still many more with just a three or four strand barbed wire fence. I worked on a DoD task force to support the Border Patrol a few years ago and have driven much of the border in Arizona – most of it with no fence or a cattle fence at best. Conservative estimates put the number of illegal immigrants entering the US each year at 300-400,000. Many of these folks are gang members or are being used as pack mules. Many will be abused by their “employer”. Arizona estimates that they leave behind 1,500-2,000 tons of trash every year and blame illegal aliens on 5-8 wildfires each year.

Smirks May 8, 2013 at 4:27 pm

Build a fence? Yeah, sure, OK. They still come through tunnels, are smuggled via coyotes, float across the ocean, etc. Send them back and they’ll just cross again. The only reason they go to these lengths is because people here hire them by the droves, but I guess we can’t question the free market rewarding something like that.

The Colonel (R) May 8, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Concur that the major issue is the folks hiring them. It’s time to make the penalties for hiring illegal aliens so draconian that most employers will stop.

Then we’ll have time to play whack a “mole at the borders” as the crossings dry up.

Frank et al, there are many, many miles of border with no fence of any kind and still many more with just a three or four strand barbed wire fence. I worked on a DoD task force to support the Border Patrol a few years ago and have driven much of the border in Arizona – most of it with no fence or a cattle fence at best. Conservative estimates put the number of illegal immigrants entering the US each year at 300-400,000. Many of these folks are gang members or are being used as pack mules. Many will be abused by their “employer”. Arizona estimates that they leave behind 1,500-2,000 tons of trash every year and blame illegal aliens on 5-8 wildfires each year.

mph May 8, 2013 at 6:27 pm

The number of illegals has decreased dramatically in recent years. They’re coming over in smaller numbers and now many more are heading home. Additionally, if the pace remains the same, it’s estimated that two million illegals will be evicted between 2008 and 2014.

You guys are always behind the curve.

Personally, I agree that we need a fence across I-77. There’s a plague of grown men wearing jerseys and baseball hats backwards in the Lowcountry. And they can’t even frame a house.

Frank Pytel May 9, 2013 at 6:10 am

Are you counting them? I won’t say they have or haven’t decreased or increased. But they are clearly here.

So because there here, that’s why we need the fence? No. We don’t even need the fence. Want them to stop coming here? Stop giving them free shite. They will stop coming. Many latin governments, excepting some south of panama/Nicaragua, do not provide gubmint anything. I got news for ya bub. They don’t just come here for jobs. They grow up in a communist society (I don’t give a crap what you say about Mexican “democracy”. They’re a bunch of fracking commies. Period. They vote now in Russia and parts of China too. Think they’re democratic?)

They see higher payouts here than in their own countries. Free medical care. Free food. Free cell phones (nearly free. Neighbor swears the Obutthead phone is about $5 per month +/-). Free raping and pillaging (nearly free. Get deported, get drunk, jump the fence, repeat).

Crap. This issue just pisses me off to no end. I just don’t have time to put pen to paper and I’m sounding like Fracking T. Facts are accurate. No time to make it cohesive or coherent. Gee, wish I was a talking head. Stand around all day with someone combing my hair and reading/feeding pablum to the masses.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

mph May 9, 2013 at 9:29 am

No, Frank, we have a thing called the census. It’s part of conspiracy to do something. I can’t keep up with the conservative conspiracy du jour.

In any event, if you think Mexico is communist, you need an freshman class in political ideology.

The rest of that post was an incoherent mess of foot stomping, obama phones (existed since Reagan Admin, by the way), 47% nonsense, yada yada, blah, blah, insert tired old cliches.


Frank Pytel May 9, 2013 at 9:36 am


I said it was incoherent you moron. As to communism, just cause you can vote doesn’t change the politics.
As to the census, they’re here to count citizens, not occupants. Their numbers can’t be relied upon. No guarantee that there anywhere near correct. They can’t even accurately count homeless citizens. You’re relying on their illegals numbers. BBBwwaaahahhahahahahahahaah. MORON

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

mph May 8, 2013 at 6:27 pm

The number of illegals has decreased dramatically in recent years. They’re coming over in smaller numbers and now many more are heading home. Additionally, if the pace remains the same, it’s estimated that two million illegals will be evicted between 2008 and 2014.

You guys are always behind the curve.

Personally, I agree that we need a fence across I-77. There’s a plague of grown men wearing jerseys and baseball hats backwards in the Lowcountry. And they can’t even frame a house.

Frank Pytel May 9, 2013 at 6:10 am

Are you counting them? I won’t say they have or haven’t decreased or increased. But they are clearly here.

So because there here, that’s why we need the fence? No. We don’t even need the fence. Want them to stop coming here? Stop giving them free shite. They will stop coming. Many latin governments, excepting some south of panama/Nicaragua, do not provide gubmint anything. I got news for ya bub. They don’t just come here for jobs. They grow up in a communist society (I don’t give a crap what you say about Mexican “democracy”. They’re a bunch of fracking commies. Period. They vote now in Russia and parts of China too. Think they’re democratic?)

They see higher payouts here than in their own countries. Free medical care. Free food. Free cell phones (nearly free. Neighbor swears the Obutthead phone is about $5 per month +/-). Free raping and pillaging (nearly free. Get deported, get drunk, jump the fence, repeat).

Crap. This issue just pisses me off to no end. I just don’t have time to put pen to paper and I’m sounding like Fracking T. Facts are accurate. No time to make it cohesive or coherent. Gee, wish I was a talking head. Stand around all day with someone combing my hair and reading/feeding pablum to the masses.

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

mph May 9, 2013 at 9:29 am

No, Frank, we have a thing called the census. It’s part of conspiracy to do something. I can’t keep up with the conservative conspiracy du jour.

In any event, if you think Mexico is communist, you need an freshman class in political ideology.

The rest of that post was an incoherent mess of foot stomping, obama phones (existed since Reagan Admin, by the way), 47% nonsense, yada yada, blah, blah, insert tired old cliches.


Frank Pytel May 9, 2013 at 9:36 am


I said it was incoherent you moron. As to communism, just cause you can vote doesn’t change the politics.
As to the census, they’re here to count citizens, not occupants. Their numbers can’t be relied upon. No guarantee that there anywhere near correct. They can’t even accurately count homeless citizens. You’re relying on their illegals numbers. BBBwwaaahahhahahahahahahaah. MORON

Have a Great Day!! :) There won’t be many left with the Demlicans and Republicrats in charge.

Frank Pytel

mph May 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm

“or the millions of people who will continue entering this country illegally”

Washington Post:

A four-decade tidal wave of Mexican immigration to the United States has receded, causing a historic shift in migration patterns as more Mexicans appear to be leaving the United States for Mexico than the other way around, according to a report from the Pew Hispanic Center.

It looks to be the first reversal in the trend since the Depression, and experts say that a declining Mexican birthrate and other factors may make it permanent.

“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

mph May 8, 2013 at 6:30 pm

“or the millions of people who will continue entering this country illegally”

Washington Post:

A four-decade tidal wave of Mexican immigration to the United States has receded, causing a historic shift in migration patterns as more Mexicans appear to be leaving the United States for Mexico than the other way around, according to a report from the Pew Hispanic Center.

It looks to be the first reversal in the trend since the Depression, and experts say that a declining Mexican birthrate and other factors may make it permanent.

“I think the massive boom in Mexican immigration is over and I don’t think it will ever return to the numbers we saw in the 1990s and 2000s,” said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University and co-director of the Mexican Migration Project, which has been gathering data on the subject for 30 years.

Steve May 9, 2013 at 8:51 am

Why would this have anything to do with immigration? We have more Bubbas in this state raping their daughters, daughters’ friends, nieces, etc than we can shake a stick at.

Steve May 9, 2013 at 8:51 am

Why would this have anything to do with immigration? We have more Bubbas in this state raping their daughters, daughters’ friends, nieces, etc than we can shake a stick at.

idiotwind May 9, 2013 at 11:22 am

this is ugly and beneath you. yes, i think there are things beneath you.

idiotwind May 9, 2013 at 11:22 am

this is ugly and beneath you. yes, i think there are things beneath you.


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