Larry Grooms For Congress

Talk is cheap in politics … increasingly so, as a matter of fact. And the longer “conservatives” and “Republicans” permit fiscal liberals and closeted Democrats to self-apply these labels with impunity, the less meaning these terms will have – and the more watered down the GOP brand will become. And…

Talk is cheap in politics … increasingly so, as a matter of fact. And the longer “conservatives” and “Republicans” permit fiscal liberals and closeted Democrats to self-apply these labels with impunity, the less meaning these terms will have – and the more watered down the GOP brand will become.

And the further to the left our country will slide …

Fortunately in South Carolina’s first congressional district there is no need for voters to settle for a “talker.” Standing out in an uninspiring field of unproven options and outright hypocrites is one candidate who has consistently demonstrated a firm commitment to protecting the best interests of Palmetto State taxpayers. He also happens to be the candidate best positioned to defeat former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford in a Republican runoff election on April 2 – and strongest GOP option against likely Democratic nominee Elizabeth Colbert-Busch.

Which candidate are we referring to? S.C. Sen. Larry Grooms.

Unlike the rest of this field (which is replete with glad handers who say one thing and do another), Grooms walks the walk when it comes to fiscal conservatism, free market reform and protecting individual liberty. And not only does he vote the right way on these issues, he has carried the flag on some of the major pro-free market reforms this website has consistently advanced.

For example, while liberal Republicans in the S.C. Senate (like John Courson, Wes Hayes, Hugh Leatherman and Larry Martin) were endorsing the Barack Obama position on parental choice – Grooms was rolling out one of the most comprehensive parental choice bills the nation has ever seen.

That’s walking the walk …

He’s also been a strong supporter of S.C. Sen. Tom Davis’ taxpayer rebate fund proposal – an effort to take government “savings” and surpluses and route that money back to the people who sent it to Columbia, S.C. in the first place.

Why have these reforms failed to pass? Because Columbia, S.C. – like Washington, D.C. – is full of “Republicans” whose commitment to conservatism stops and starts with the hot air that emanates from their word holes.

Sadly this race (like most South Carolina elections) is full of such politicians – including hypocrites like Mark Sanford, Teddy Turner, Curtis Bostic and Chip Limehouse. Bottom line? None of them can be trusted to keep their word.

Grooms on the other hand has kept his word – which is why he’s been endorsed by U.S. Reps. Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney, a pair of fiscal conservative champions who know exactly the sort of consistent commitment to fiscal values that’s required right now in our nation’s capital.

For fiscal conservatives, free market backers and supporters of individual liberty, there is only one sure choice in South Carolina’s first district GOP primary: Larry Grooms.


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CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 8:54 am

“Unlike the rest of this field (which is replete with glad handers who
say one thing and do another), Grooms walks the walk when it comes to
fiscal conservatism, free market reform and protecting individual liberty.”

Since Sic Willie favorite Sanfraud is in this field, one would deduce from this statement that Sanfraud is indeed a conservative, free market and individual liberty fraud.

Sanford is not Salvation March 18, 2013 at 10:00 am

Fits is right to turn away from Sanford for a host of reasons. One of them not named is the “Chapur Factor.” In the wake of their intense affair, they have been exchanging more than bodily fluids. Who knows what she has been marinating his brain in, coming from the Socialista South America. While the reverse may also be true, Sanford is more vulnerable to manipulation by his beloved; anything to keep his ally and narcissistic supply in place.

Wondering March 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Wonder if the Argentine President and MBC are friends? They seem nervy.

CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 8:54 am

“Unlike the rest of this field (which is replete with glad handers who
say one thing and do another), Grooms walks the walk when it comes to
fiscal conservatism, free market reform and protecting individual liberty.”

Since Sic Willie favorite Sanfraud is in this field, one would deduce from this statement that Sanfraud is indeed a conservative, free market and individual liberty fraud.

Sanford is not Salvation March 18, 2013 at 10:00 am

Fits is right to turn away from Sanford for a host of reasons. One of them not named is the “Chapur Factor.” In the wake of their intense affair, they have been exchanging more than bodily fluids. Who knows what she has been marinating his brain in, coming from the Socialista South America. While the reverse may also be true, Sanford is more vulnerable to manipulation by his beloved; anything to keep his ally and narcissistic supply in place.

Wondering March 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Wonder if the Argentine President and MBC are friends? They seem nervy.

SC1 Truth March 18, 2013 at 9:01 am

I usually don’t agree with FITS and his endorsement means very little, but he got this one right. Grooms has a record of fiscal responsibiliy and does not have any of the skeletons in the closet like the other candidates. Limehouse, Bostic, Nash, Turner, and Sanford all may have good ideas but you can’t TRUST them enough that they will deliver, with Grooms you can.

CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 9:01 am

“Reps. Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney, a pair of fiscal conservative champions” Without conceding that either of the two are “champions”, lets look at the mathematical advantage of adding one more to their numbers. In a 435 member house their ranks would increase from .459 of 1% to .689 of 1%. A more sobering way to look at it is that Los Angeles County has 18 representatives in the House whereas the WHOLE state of SC has 7.

SC1 Truth March 18, 2013 at 9:01 am

I usually don’t agree with FITS and his endorsement means very little, but he got this one right. Grooms has a record of fiscal responsibiliy and does not have any of the skeletons in the closet like the other candidates. Limehouse, Bostic, Nash, Turner, and Sanford all may have good ideas but you can’t TRUST them enough that they will deliver, with Grooms you can.

CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 9:01 am

“Reps. Jeff Duncan and Mick Mulvaney, a pair of fiscal conservative champions” Without conceding that either of the two are “champions”, lets look at the mathematical advantage of adding one more to their numbers. In a 435 member house their ranks would increase from .459 of 1% to .689 of 1%. A more sobering way to look at it is that Los Angeles County has 18 representatives in the House whereas the WHOLE state of SC has 7.

ForestBeach March 18, 2013 at 9:03 am

Sounds good to me… Vote Grooms! Better to vote for someone who has a consistent conservative record… then all the “mystery candidates” who “talk the talk” but may not know how to “walk the walk.” We need someone who is prepared and ready to go! Plus, he’s a nice guy!

ForestBeach March 18, 2013 at 9:03 am

Sounds good to me… Vote Grooms! Better to vote for someone who has a consistent conservative record… then all the “mystery candidates” who “talk the talk” but may not know how to “walk the walk.” We need someone who is prepared and ready to go! Plus, he’s a nice guy!

BigT March 18, 2013 at 9:14 am

Bravo FITS. I’m going to have to eat some of my words protesting your usual anti-Conservative fare…
The State newspaper seems to most fear Grooms…and that tells me is likely the best candidate for the right.
I was trending toward Grooms beforehand. And FITS makes some good points…
Also: The cynic in me tells me Sanford’s internals may show all the support shifting to Grooms in a run-off…so FITS is just reading the T-Leaves….but whatever reason, Grooms needs to win this saet. If Sanford wins, it shows GOP voters are just as oblivious as they were when they put Moderates up, like McCain and Romney, vs Obama….

The General March 18, 2013 at 9:48 am

Oh my god. Lightning may just very well strike.

Where's Waldo March 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

That’s not BigT. The spelling and grammar are not even close. Its comprehensible.

BigT March 18, 2013 at 9:14 am

Bravo FITS. I’m going to have to eat some of my words protesting your usual anti-Conservative fare…
The State newspaper seems to most fear Grooms…and that tells me is likely the best candidate for the right.
I was trending toward Grooms beforehand. And FITS makes some good points…
Also: The cynic in me tells me Sanford’s internals may show all the support shifting to Grooms in a run-off…so FITS is just reading the T-Leaves….but whatever reason, Grooms needs to win this saet. If Sanford wins, it shows GOP voters are just as oblivious as they were when they put Moderates up, like McCain and Romney, vs Obama….

The General March 18, 2013 at 9:48 am

Oh my god. Lightning may just very well strike.

Where's Waldo March 18, 2013 at 7:51 pm

That’s not BigT. The spelling and grammar are not even close. Its comprehensible.

Ronnie Fowler March 18, 2013 at 9:54 am

Fiscal Conservative? REALLY?! Larry Grooms is not a fiscal
conservative. He sponsored a huge bond bill, voted no on the Spending
Accountability Act and he got an “F” from the Club for Growth in 2012. If you
need more convincing, Larry Grooms was called a “nightmare” by the Club for
Growth in 2011 and he voted for the Hybrid Car Tax Credit that distorts the
free market with subsidies. Larry Grooms will just be another go along to get
along member of congress.

WanabeJedi March 18, 2013 at 2:31 pm

If Grooms is a conservative then Al Gore is a scientist

Former Republican March 18, 2013 at 4:39 pm

Gonna have to go Democrat in the morn…

ForestBeach March 18, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Grooms got a B and had the 6th best score. Perhaps u mixed him up with someone else.

Matthew Wade Darsey March 19, 2013 at 5:48 pm


Ronnie Fowler March 18, 2013 at 9:54 am

Fiscal Conservative? REALLY?! Larry Grooms is not a fiscal
conservative. He sponsored a huge bond bill, voted no on the Spending
Accountability Act and he got an “F” from the Club for Growth in 2012. If you
need more convincing, Larry Grooms was called a “nightmare” by the Club for
Growth in 2011 and he voted for the Hybrid Car Tax Credit that distorts the
free market with subsidies. Larry Grooms will just be another go along to get
along member of congress.

WanabeJedi March 18, 2013 at 2:31 pm

If Grooms is a conservative then Al Gore is a scientist

Former Republican March 18, 2013 at 4:39 pm

Gonna have to go Democrat in the morn…

ForestBeach March 18, 2013 at 4:37 pm

Grooms got a B and had the 6th best score. Perhaps u mixed him up with someone else.

Dremple Wade March 19, 2013 at 5:48 pm


General Mace March 18, 2013 at 10:39 am

Should be noted that this is a bought and paid for article via Nancy Mace…Larrry Grooms would be an awful choice. Here are some interesting words from Christ Drummond in support of Teddy Turner. Vote Teddy Turner for Congress March 19!

Special Republican GOP Primary is tomorrow -Tuesday, March 19th and I’m
supporting Teddy Turner for Congress and think you should too. Teddy is
a republican and a fiscal conservative –period. He has fresh ideas and
he’s not beholden to special interest groups. I’ve campaigned with Teddy
and he’s able to make a positive connection about his vision with
voters versus many of the canned comments or
answers you hear from the career politicians who are in this race. Like
you, I’ve looked closely not only at their records, but their vision
and their past. I think Teddy will bring common sense solutions to many
of the problems we face in our country. First, he’ll fight for a
balanced budget, he believes in term limits and he has self-imposed term
limits. You’ll hear the career politicians say they support a
Constitutional Amendment for term limits but they don’t impose one for
themselves if elected. You won’t hear career politicians limit
themselves for the office they are either holding or seeking. Mark
Sanford has been in politics for 20 years, Chip Limehouse for 18 years
and Larry Grooms for more than 12 years. Recently Grooms told the Post
and Courier, he’s been training for Congress for the past 15 years.
Really? If elected, can you imagine how long Grooms or the others will
be in office?
Curtis Bostic’s record while on Charleston County
Council of increasing local government spending is just wrong. During
third and final reading of Charleston County’s budget, Bostic supported
increasing government spending six times. Charleston County taxpayers
saw a nearly 40% in the growth of Charleston County spending while
Bostic was in office and he voted six times to increase spending. This
is not how we want our next congressman to vote! John Kuhn is the
biggest ‘nut case’ I’ve ever met and has an ego so large his head could
not fit in the House Chamber in Washington. While Kuhn’s brief time in
the state senate, he did not work with democrats or even members of his
own party to get anything accomplished. His behavior is weird; it’s
almost scary that he thinks he can hold office.
I think Teddy is
worthy of your vote and hope you’ll join me in supporting Teddy Turner
for Congress. Please call, email or Facebook your friends to remind them
to vote on Tuesday and please ask them to vote for Teddy too.” -Chris Drummond

Lowcountry March 18, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Drummond is Christ now? Geez.

General Mace March 18, 2013 at 10:39 am

Should be noted that this is a bought and paid for article via Nancy Mace…Larrry Grooms would be an awful choice. Here are some interesting words from Christ Drummond in support of Teddy Turner. Vote Teddy Turner for Congress March 19!

Special Republican GOP Primary is tomorrow -Tuesday, March 19th and I’m
supporting Teddy Turner for Congress and think you should too. Teddy is
a republican and a fiscal conservative –period. He has fresh ideas and
he’s not beholden to special interest groups. I’ve campaigned with Teddy
and he’s able to make a positive connection about his vision with
voters versus many of the canned comments or
answers you hear from the career politicians who are in this race. Like
you, I’ve looked closely not only at their records, but their vision
and their past. I think Teddy will bring common sense solutions to many
of the problems we face in our country. First, he’ll fight for a
balanced budget, he believes in term limits and he has self-imposed term
limits. You’ll hear the career politicians say they support a
Constitutional Amendment for term limits but they don’t impose one for
themselves if elected. You won’t hear career politicians limit
themselves for the office they are either holding or seeking. Mark
Sanford has been in politics for 20 years, Chip Limehouse for 18 years
and Larry Grooms for more than 12 years. Recently Grooms told the Post
and Courier, he’s been training for Congress for the past 15 years.
Really? If elected, can you imagine how long Grooms or the others will
be in office?
Curtis Bostic’s record while on Charleston County
Council of increasing local government spending is just wrong. During
third and final reading of Charleston County’s budget, Bostic supported
increasing government spending six times. Charleston County taxpayers
saw a nearly 40% in the growth of Charleston County spending while
Bostic was in office and he voted six times to increase spending. This
is not how we want our next congressman to vote! John Kuhn is the
biggest ‘nut case’ I’ve ever met and has an ego so large his head could
not fit in the House Chamber in Washington. While Kuhn’s brief time in
the state senate, he did not work with democrats or even members of his
own party to get anything accomplished. His behavior is weird; it’s
almost scary that he thinks he can hold office.
I think Teddy is
worthy of your vote and hope you’ll join me in supporting Teddy Turner
for Congress. Please call, email or Facebook your friends to remind them
to vote on Tuesday and please ask them to vote for Teddy too.” -Chris Drummond

Lowcountry March 18, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Drummond is Christ now? Geez.

Kuyperdog March 18, 2013 at 10:46 am

100% Larry Grooms-
1.Lives in the District (unlike Bostic!!!!! the arrogance!)
2.Not just self funded (unlike Limehousre!!! the stupidity!)
3.Not an X-Rated AWOL former Governor with 37 ETHICS VIOLATIONS (unlike Sanford!!! the narcissism!)
Come you First District Republiucans, gives us a candidate that can beat Cobert-Bush!
No question, that’s GROOMS!

Kuyperdog March 18, 2013 at 10:46 am

100% Larry Grooms-
1.Lives in the District (unlike Bostic!!!!! the arrogance!)
2.Not just self funded (unlike Limehousre!!! the stupidity!)
3.Not an X-Rated AWOL former Governor with 37 ETHICS VIOLATIONS (unlike Sanford!!! the narcissism!)
Come you First District Republiucans, gives us a candidate that can beat Cobert-Bush!
No question, that’s GROOMS!

Johnny Jump-Up March 18, 2013 at 11:40 am

OK, OK, OK, I’ll vote for Grooms. But what do the polls say about Grooms’ ability in the runoff to beat Sanford — who will be the top vote-getter? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY don’t want to see any more of Mark “Appalachian Trail” Sanford.

Johnny Jump-Up March 18, 2013 at 11:40 am

OK, OK, OK, I’ll vote for Grooms. But what do the polls say about Grooms’ ability in the runoff to beat Sanford — who will be the top vote-getter? I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY don’t want to see any more of Mark “Appalachian Trail” Sanford.

Right March 18, 2013 at 1:52 pm

For “supporters of individual liberty there is only one sure choice?” Boy, please. Grooms is a social conservative, and that doesn’t mesh too well with “individual liberty.” Perhaps FITS is really a social conservative masquerading as a libertarian conservative – kinda like Grooms.

Right March 18, 2013 at 1:52 pm

For “supporters of individual liberty there is only one sure choice?” Boy, please. Grooms is a social conservative, and that doesn’t mesh too well with “individual liberty.” Perhaps FITS is really a social conservative masquerading as a libertarian conservative – kinda like Grooms.

traveling man March 18, 2013 at 1:57 pm

My vote goes to anyone running against Sanford……Republican or Democrat.Sanford is a snake oil salesman,who because of his Argentine girlfriend will spend more time out of SC,than in.

traveling man March 18, 2013 at 1:57 pm

My vote goes to anyone running against Sanford……Republican or Democrat.Sanford is a snake oil salesman,who because of his Argentine girlfriend will spend more time out of SC,than in.

Philip Branton March 18, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Dear Mrs Larry Grooms………

We concerned citizens have taken a fair review of this information in this post and have read in earnest your thoughts located here…

Mrs Grooms….what do you think about this article.? For someone in a position such as yourself, we find it rather interesting that you would not find the time nor the inclination to offer your thoughts on any of the articles that Wil spends time and diligence on..?? In all truthfulness my wife has never offered her insight to any of the articles that are found on this website either. She is not the wife of a man who was silent on 900 MILLION of taxpayer funding for BOEING with out a public VOTE..!!!

Mrs Grooms, we have never met, and YOU are probably a nice lady and I dare say that you and my wife could probably have a lengthy and lively chat about men who PRAY…!!!! What we want to know Mrs Grooms is if you asked your boys to vote between Wil Folks or your husband for an elected office…..would they know which one to choose..!? Would they even stop to consider which person has the guts to speak freely..!?!? Which person publicly is more accountable..?? WHO would be a better write-in candidate…??

Mrs Grooms….have you ever taken time to write-in ANY person you ever thought would do a great job for ANY office instead of settling for who Lin Bennett decides gets a SEAT at the candidate table…??

Where has your husband been on FITSNEWS concerning ……port dredging..??

….concerning BOEING Battery research…..??

…..concerning “Fast and Furious”…??

…..concerning Oil for FOOD….???

……concerning the Hillary Clinton “ambush” in Benghazi….???

…..concerning our Nation’s Slavery to foreign OIL….???

……concerning our local farming “security”…..????

…….concerning our LOCAL Wind Energy…..????

……concerning Mayor Riley’s 35 year reign while citizens have had no CHOICE at the pump between foreign OIL and LOCALLY produced energy…??

…..concerning our local SHRIMP fisherman and the outright import DUMPING of questionable foreign grown tiger shrimp….???

Mrs Grooms, do you remember the first time you ever had a coach get in your child’s face to get him pumped up about his performance..?? It wasn’t a look of anger…was it..?? It most certainly was a look of competitive “passion”..!!! Mrs Grooms….your a winner…..even if your husband loses the primary tomorrow. Get in your husband’s face and tell him to stop smiling….North Korea is getting frisky and the rising cost of foreign OIL is killing the WORLD Economy….!!! We know you have been to the pump lately and have a fair clue what EVERYONE’s family budget is getting buzzed due to gas prices…!!!

Mrs Grooms it is time for you to stand UP and yank your husband’s ear….!!! Are you going to let Colbert-Busch tip toe to DC..?????

Mrs GROOMS……… would you USE this website to pack a keg “whupp’om” for the morning NEWS cycle ….??

Philip Branton March 18, 2013 at 1:58 pm

Dear Mrs Larry Grooms………

We concerned citizens have taken a fair review of this information in this post and have read in earnest your thoughts located here…

Mrs Grooms….what do you think about this article.? For someone in a position such as yourself, we find it rather interesting that you would not find the time nor the inclination to offer your thoughts on any of the articles that Wil spends time and diligence on..?? In all truthfulness my wife has never offered her insight to any of the articles that are found on this website either. She is not the wife of a man who was silent on 900 MILLION of taxpayer funding for BOEING with out a public VOTE..!!!

Mrs Grooms, we have never met, and YOU are probably a nice lady and I dare say that you and my wife could probably have a lengthy and lively chat about men who PRAY…!!!! What we want to know Mrs Grooms is if you asked your boys to vote between Wil Folks or your husband for an elected office…..would they know which one to choose..!? Would they even stop to consider which person has the guts to speak freely..!?!? Which person publicly is more accountable..?? WHO would be a better write-in candidate…??

Mrs Grooms….have you ever taken time to write-in ANY person you ever thought would do a great job for ANY office instead of settling for who Lin Bennett decides gets a SEAT at the candidate table…??

Where has your husband been on FITSNEWS concerning ……port dredging..??

….concerning BOEING Battery research…..??

…..concerning “Fast and Furious”…??

…..concerning Oil for FOOD….???

……concerning the Hillary Clinton “ambush” in Benghazi….???

…..concerning our Nation’s Slavery to foreign OIL….???

……concerning our local farming “security”…..????

…….concerning our LOCAL Wind Energy…..????

……concerning Mayor Riley’s 35 year reign while citizens have had no CHOICE at the pump between foreign OIL and LOCALLY produced energy…??

…..concerning our local SHRIMP fisherman and the outright import DUMPING of questionable foreign grown tiger shrimp….???

Mrs Grooms, do you remember the first time you ever had a coach get in your child’s face to get him pumped up about his performance..?? It wasn’t a look of anger…was it..?? It most certainly was a look of competitive “passion”..!!! Mrs Grooms….your a winner…..even if your husband loses the primary tomorrow. Get in your husband’s face and tell him to stop smiling….North Korea is getting frisky and the rising cost of foreign OIL is killing the WORLD Economy….!!! We know you have been to the pump lately and have a fair clue what EVERYONE’s family budget is getting buzzed due to gas prices…!!!

Mrs Grooms it is time for you to stand UP and yank your husband’s ear….!!! Are you going to let Colbert-Busch tip toe to DC..?????

Mrs GROOMS……… would you USE this website to pack a keg “whupp’om” for the morning NEWS cycle ….??

Moman50 March 18, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I thought you werent a “Republican” Fits?Hell that rant for the intellectually challenged Grooms sounded like a standard GOP talking point!Back where you belong-REPUBLICAN!

Moman50 March 18, 2013 at 2:55 pm

I thought you werent a “Republican” Fits?Hell that rant for the intellectually challenged Grooms sounded like a standard GOP talking point!Back where you belong-REPUBLICAN!

Philip Branton March 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Hmm……we wonder if Larry Grooms would talk to Trey Gowdy about this…..

We wonder if Wil Folks has any questions about this for LARRY GROOMS…???

Philip Branton March 18, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Hmm……we wonder if Larry Grooms would talk to Trey Gowdy about this…..

We wonder if Wil Folks has any questions about this for LARRY GROOMS…???

Bumpkin March 18, 2013 at 4:55 pm


Lots of pictures with your wife and family.

Sanford cannot compete on that score because he dumped his wife and his boys despise him.

Larry is “Mister Normal SC family man.”

Sanford is “Unmarried, divorced, estranged, departed, out-of-touch, cheating, lying, egomaniac.”

Bumpkin March 18, 2013 at 4:55 pm


Lots of pictures with your wife and family.

Sanford cannot compete on that score because he dumped his wife and his boys despise him.

Larry is “Mister Normal SC family man.”

Sanford is “Unmarried, divorced, estranged, departed, out-of-touch, cheating, lying, egomaniac.”

Beat Sanford Please March 18, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Go Larry go!!!

Beat Sanford Please March 18, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Go Larry go!!!

Friendly Banker March 19, 2013 at 1:09 am

I don’t believe Grooms is carrying water for McConnell any more. If so, Grooms may be clean, purified. I’m sure he owes favors to donors and endorsers, but cannot identify them right now. Most politicians are whores, but Grooms does not appear to be . . . what’s the word . . . whore-like right now. If he gets into office, I suspect that’ll change as he spends most of his time asking for money. Like Tim Scott.

Friendly Banker March 19, 2013 at 1:09 am

I don’t believe Grooms is carrying water for McConnell any more. If so, Grooms may be clean, purified. I’m sure he owes favors to donors and endorsers, but cannot identify them right now. Most politicians are whores, but Grooms does not appear to be . . . what’s the word . . . whore-like right now. If he gets into office, I suspect that’ll change as he spends most of his time asking for money. Like Tim Scott.

BigT March 19, 2013 at 8:28 am

Lookie what I found in The State newspaper: “State Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, has endorsed Sanford and is working to help him win.

Looks like FITS is pumping up Grooms to take votes from Bostic, who The State said is coming on strong…

FITS, Sanford and Davis think they stand a better chance vs Grooms than they do vs Bostic….Bostic has the MO right now. And it must be scaring the Establishment Ususl Suspects of FITS, Davis and Sanford…

BigT March 19, 2013 at 8:28 am

Lookie what I found in The State newspaper: “State Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, has endorsed Sanford and is working to help him win.

Looks like FITS is pumping up Grooms to take votes from Bostic, who The State said is coming on strong…

FITS, Sanford and Davis think they stand a better chance vs Grooms than they do vs Bostic….Bostic has the MO right now. And it must be scaring the Establishment Ususl Suspects of FITS, Davis and Sanford…


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