Lee Bright Makes His Move

God told S.C. Sen. Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) to run for the U.S. Senate … according to Lee Bright.  And now, Lee Bright is close to giving God his “final answer.” Bright tells The Politico he is “leaning heavily” toward announcing his candidacy against liberal U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham in the…

God told S.C. Sen. Lee Bright (R-Spartanburg) to run for the U.S. Senate … according to Lee Bright.  And now, Lee Bright is close to giving God his “final answer.”

Bright tells The Politico he is “leaning heavily” toward announcing his candidacy against liberal U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham in the 2014 GOP primary for Graham’s seat – and that a decision will be made within the next three weeks.

Of course FITS readers already know what Bright’s decision is … he’s running against Graham. No doubt about it.

The question? Whether this fiscal and (rabidly) social conservative lawmaker will emerge as a credible opponent – or whether anti-Graham interests will gravitate toward another candidate.

As this website has noted on numerous occasions Bright has a rock-solid record when it comes to protecting our tax dollars. Which is good. Of course he’s also one of the more sanctimonious members of the S.C. General Assembly – routinely seeking new ways to legislate his Judeo-Christian morality. Which is bad.

Plus Bright is … how do we put this delicately … not that “bright.”

So … who else might run?

Well, S.C. Sen. Tom Davis – long considered the runaway favorite in the anti-Graham derby – is reportedly reconsidering his previously announced decision not to run for the U.S. Senate in 2014. If he decides to jump into the race, odds are he would be the most credible candidate.

Davis is every bit as fiscally conservative as Bright – except without all the far right social rhetoric. He’s also got a firmer grasp of policy and is much quicker on his feet than Bright.

Meanwhile Nancy Mace – a FITS co-owner and the first woman to graduate from The Citadel – is reportedly being courted by allies of former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul.

Mace stoked speculation about her possible interest in the seat with a recent appearance on nationally syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham’s show.

Graham may also face a challenge from openly gay Spartanburg, S.C. resident Bruce Carroll, who helped found the group GOProud. Given the persistent rumors surrounding Graham’s own sexuality, that could make for an interesting dynamic in the upcoming campaign.

Can any of these candidates knock off Graham? It won’t be easy. The fiscal liberal from Seneca, S.C. will have a mountain of money to fend off attacks and will also benefit from the fact South Carolina’s primary will be open to Democratic crossover voters.

Still, Graham’s recent assault on U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) for the latter’s impassioned defense of liberty has rubbed many South Carolina Republicans (even the establishment ones) the wrong way.

So … will it be a tipping point for GOP voters who were already frustrated with Graham over his many previous betrayals of conservative ideology?

We shall see …


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Right March 17, 2013 at 11:57 pm

1) The question is not whether Bright will emerge as a credible opponent to Graham or whether “anti-Graham interests” will gravitate to another candidate because Bright is not credible, and there aren’t enough organized anti-Graham interests to matter.

2) Tom Davis is not considered the runaway favorite in the “anti-Graham derby” by anyone other than FITS. Your ability to shape opinion, if you ever had any, is on the wane.
3) Mace isn’t going to run.

4) Bruce Carroll would be a fool to give it a shot and probably won’t – it would be a waste of time and money.

5) Graham will win in 2014. This was assured when Tim Scott was appointed to DeMint’s seat, which was the right thing to happen to Graham at the right time. The Paulbots got someone they could rally around in ’14, so they’ll be leaving Lindsey alone.

CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 8:44 am

Amen on 2)!

Moman50 March 18, 2013 at 2:58 pm

An EASY victory for Graham against ANY or ALL of those mentioned.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:02 pm

Why would we want to vote for this sickening RINO, who follows McCain around like a dog??? Anyone who voted for the Anmesty/ Immigration bill could not be thinking of his people.. The only person he is thinking of is his own career! That immigration vote was to build up the voting for the democrats for the future. The Republicans will have nothing of it….he killed himself when he voted for that bill!!! Goodbye Lindsay and hello conservative who will vote for the people and not the president, himself or McCain!!!! What a turncoat!

Right March 17, 2013 at 11:57 pm

1) The question is not whether Bright will emerge as a credible opponent to Graham or whether “anti-Graham interests” will gravitate to another candidate because Bright is not credible, and there aren’t enough organized anti-Graham interests to matter.

2) Tom Davis is not considered the runaway favorite in the “anti-Graham derby” by anyone other than FITS. Your ability to shape opinion, if you ever had any, is on the wane.
3) Mace isn’t going to run.

4) Bruce Carroll would be a fool to give it a shot and probably won’t – it would be a waste of time and money.

5) Graham will win in 2014. This was assured when Tim Scott was appointed to DeMint’s seat, which was the right thing to happen to Graham at the right time. The Paulbots got someone they could rally around in ’14, so they’ll be leaving Lindsey alone.

CNSYD March 18, 2013 at 8:44 am

Amen on 2)!

Moman50 March 18, 2013 at 2:58 pm

An EASY victory for Graham against ANY or ALL of those mentioned.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:02 pm

Why would we want to vote for this sickening RINO, who follows McCain around like a dog??? Anyone who voted for the Anmesty/ Immigration bill could not be thinking of his people.. The only person he is thinking of is his own career! That immigration vote was to build up the voting for the democrats for the future. The Republicans will have nothing of it….he killed himself when he voted for that bill!!! Goodbye Lindsay and hello conservative who will vote for the people and not the president, himself or McCain!!!! What a turncoat!

vicupstate March 18, 2013 at 5:05 am

The nuts with the money, like Club for Growth, will determine if a primary challenge will gather steam. If they align behind a candidate, Graham may be toast or at least in serious danger. If they don’t then Graham gets a get out of jail free card.

vicupstate March 18, 2013 at 5:05 am

The nuts with the money, like Club for Growth, will determine if a primary challenge will gather steam. If they align behind a candidate, Graham may be toast or at least in serious danger. If they don’t then Graham gets a get out of jail free card.

Not Very Bright March 18, 2013 at 5:26 am

Bright is like the male version of Christine O’Donnell what’s-her-face. Yeah. Good luck with that.

Not Very Bright March 18, 2013 at 5:26 am

Bright is like the male version of Christine O’Donnell what’s-her-face. Yeah. Good luck with that.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:14 am

I will thoroughly enjoy watching Lindsay pimp-stomp Bright. It’s like watching a transvestite sashaying off after whipping some young thuds ass in a parking lot.

lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 9:37 am

Pimp stomp, I like it.

Latfor Deiner March 18, 2013 at 8:14 am

I will thoroughly enjoy watching Lindsay pimp-stomp Bright. It’s like watching a transvestite sashaying off after whipping some young thuds ass in a parking lot.

Lowcorider March 18, 2013 at 9:37 am

Pimp stomp, I like it.

sam March 18, 2013 at 8:21 am

Lee Bright is a neanderthal. His presence in Columbia serves only to deprive his village of their idiot. He is a crook, a liar and a thief. Perfect fit for Washington.

sam March 18, 2013 at 8:21 am

Lee Bright is a neanderthal. His presence in Columbia serves only to deprive his village of their idiot. He is a crook, a liar and a thief. Perfect fit for Washington.

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 8:34 am

To me, there’s only one of three possibilities when it comes to a politician claiming God told them to run:

1) They have mental issues and should seek professional help.
2) They are the worst sort of liar, trying to play religious suckers like a fiddle.
3) God really told them to run, as well as all of the other morons, because he is a troll.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:08 pm

I am not clear on the God issue but we’ll see who else is running! I will never vote for Lindsay Graham!!!! We begged him not to vote for Amnesty and he just ignored us, as if to say “I know better than you” He cut his own throat!

Smirks March 18, 2013 at 8:34 am

To me, there’s only one of three possibilities when it comes to a politician claiming God told them to run:

1) They have mental issues and should seek professional help.
2) They are the worst sort of liar, trying to play religious suckers like a fiddle.
3) God really told them to run, as well as all of the other morons, because he is a troll.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:08 pm

I am not clear on the God issue but we’ll see who else is running! I will never vote for Lindsay Graham!!!! We begged him not to vote for Amnesty and he just ignored us, as if to say “I know better than you” He cut his own throat!

South Mauldin March 18, 2013 at 8:36 am

Once again, when has God told someone not to run? Real Christians wouldn’t vote for a charlatan like Bright.

The General March 18, 2013 at 9:45 am

God rarely says no when a politician asks.

South Mauldin March 18, 2013 at 8:36 am

Once again, when has God told someone not to run? Real Christians wouldn’t vote for a charlatan like Bright.

The General March 18, 2013 at 9:45 am

God rarely says no when a politician asks.

Cunning Cat March 18, 2013 at 10:11 am

I wonder if God told him to pay the folks he owes so much money to?

Cunning Cat March 18, 2013 at 10:11 am

I wonder if God told him to pay the folks he owes so much money to?

EJB March 18, 2013 at 12:46 pm

If God told him he wanted Mr. Bright to run for US Senate, what really is there to think about? Win, loose or draw shouldn’t he just step up and announce? What is there to think about? I don’t know that I could sit down and say to myself “I wonder if I should do what God just told me to do”. Makes one wonder if the wind didn’t just blow the flap of his cloak of piety open and show people who was really under it.

EJB March 18, 2013 at 12:46 pm

If God told him he wanted Mr. Bright to run for US Senate, what really is there to think about? Win, loose or draw shouldn’t he just step up and announce? What is there to think about? I don’t know that I could sit down and say to myself “I wonder if I should do what God just told me to do”. Makes one wonder if the wind didn’t just blow the flap of his cloak of piety open and show people who was really under it.

Maggie Mae March 18, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Lee Bright is an idiot

Maggie Mae March 18, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Lee Bright is an idiot

aristofannies March 18, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Not so Bright will lose. And if he has a primary opponent, he will lose. The “Peter Principle” has reached its threshold. With that in mind, I hope he runs.

The General March 18, 2013 at 2:02 pm

If you think Lindsey Graham won’t find someone to primary Lee Bright in four years, I have an iceburg I would like to sell you off the coast of Florida.

aristofannies March 18, 2013 at 1:07 pm

Not so Bright will lose. And if he has a primary opponent, he will lose. The “Peter Principle” has reached its threshold. With that in mind, I hope he runs.

The General March 18, 2013 at 2:02 pm

If you think Lindsey Graham won’t find someone to primary Lee Bright in four years, I have an iceburg I would like to sell you off the coast of Florida.

dsmith March 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Graham needs to go. On the tenth anniversary of the fiasco known as the Iraq war, a war that Graham and his neocon handler Joe Lieberman, pushed for without any evidence Iraq posed a threat to this nation. As a result the final tally for this needless war will approach 6 trillion dollars when you factor in the cost of the war, lost equipment, health benefits for the 33,000 maimed for life, the 240,000 who are currently being treated for PTS, death benefits for 4500 families and the list goes on.
With all of the lessons that should have been learned Graham is now introducing a bill to get us into a war with Iran. The bill says if Israel attacks Iran, this country will follow their lead.

Dear lord…how many wars does this man want to involve us in?

chickenoregg March 18, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Perhaps Graham needs to go, but let’s not get hasty here. Are you seriously proposing he be replaced with Lee Bright? If so, I really question your judgment. I would far rather have Graham than that fool.

Bill Bledsoe March 19, 2013 at 4:05 pm

chickenoregg, aristofannies, Maggie Mae,

Name calling is the Hallmark of the George Soros Nazi Trolls. If you have something constructive to add, good, otherwise tuck your troll tail between your legs and go hide in your Nazi Hole.

To fellow Americans, watch this list. When you see venomous name calling without facts, you’ve got a NAZI TROLL.

These NAZI TROLLS usually come in packs of 6-8 to make it appear that Americans really think this way. It’s an easily seen through Nazi George Soros Scam.

George Soros worked for Hitler to confiscate property from his fellow Jews on their way to the concentration camps. Now George is showing signs of senility and wants to relive his Glory Days Under Hitler here in the US. Senile George has Nazi Trolls which name call to stop Free Speech and to lead uninformed voters to believe their lies and name calling is what Americans think.

trish7 March 21, 2013 at 11:10 am

Hope you don’t mind but can I steal this. I’ve said the same but your post says it better than mine. I will give you credit Bill Bledsoe AND also, your talking points below are right-on. I just heard Sen Lee Bright on Glen Beck Radio, listened closely, then looked him up. I really like him.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:10 pm

He needs to put himself on the line and stand at poste!!!

dsmith March 18, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Graham needs to go. On the tenth anniversary of the fiasco known as the Iraq war, a war that Graham and his neocon handler Joe Lieberman, pushed for without any evidence Iraq posed a threat to this nation. As a result the final tally for this needless war will approach 6 trillion dollars when you factor in the cost of the war, lost equipment, health benefits for the 33,000 maimed for life, the 240,000 who are currently being treated for PTS, death benefits for 4500 families and the list goes on.
With all of the lessons that should have been learned Graham is now introducing a bill to get us into a war with Iran. The bill says if Israel attacks Iran, this country will follow their lead.

Dear lord…how many wars does this man want to involve us in?

chickenoregg March 18, 2013 at 8:57 pm

Perhaps Graham needs to go, but let’s not get hasty here. Are you seriously proposing he be replaced with Lee Bright? If so, I really question your judgment. I would far rather have Graham than that fool.

Bill Bledsoe March 19, 2013 at 4:05 pm

chickenoregg, aristofannies, Maggie Mae,

Name calling is the Hallmark of the George Soros Nazi Trolls. If you have something constructive to add, good, otherwise tuck your troll tail between your legs and go hide in your Nazi Hole.

To fellow Americans, watch this list. When you see venomous name calling without facts, you’ve got a NAZI TROLL.

These NAZI TROLLS usually come in packs of 6-8 to make it appear that Americans really think this way. It’s an easily seen through Nazi George Soros Scam.

George Soros worked for Hitler to confiscate property from his fellow Jews on their way to the concentration camps. Now George is showing signs of senility and wants to relive his Glory Days Under Hitler here in the US. Senile George has Nazi Trolls which name call to stop Free Speech and to lead uninformed voters to believe their lies and name calling is what Americans think.

trish7 March 21, 2013 at 11:10 am

Hope you don’t mind but can I steal this. I’ve said the same but your post says it better than mine. I will give you credit Bill Bledsoe AND also, your talking points below are right-on. I just heard Sen Lee Bright on Glen Beck Radio, listened closely, then looked him up. I really like him.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:10 pm

He needs to put himself on the line and stand at poste!!!

Bill Bledsoe March 19, 2013 at 3:19 pm

We’re all behind Senator Lee Bright. Tom Davis has refused and the others wouldn’t stand a chance.

1) Senator Lee Bright is fiscally sound as this article says.
2) He’s fighting to restore our gun rights and get rid of the discriminatory Jim Crow gun laws
3) He’s got legislation to make the federal drones illegal in SC and to protect our Civil Right to Trial By Jury
4) He’s got legislation to nullify ObamaCare and it’s Civil Rights Violations.

Whereas Graham has:
1) told Americans that we owe $16.7 Trillion GRAHAM FUNNY MONEY DOLLARS. When in fact there are only $9.2 Trillion US Dollars printed and circulating in the entire world.
$16 Trillion Real US Dollars, if stacked flat, WOULD REACH ALL THE WAY TO THE MOON AND BACK.
2) proposed new gun laws that will violate even more of our Civil Rights
3) wants to legalize 11,000,000 known criminals
4) voted for ObamaCare and ObamaCare taking away more of our Civil Rights like mandatory home searches and seizure, government mercy killing, euthanasia, and abortion.
5) funded 2,000 Al Qaeda to overthrow Libya and murder 30,000 non-combatants
and then funneled 144 tons of gold to Al Qaeda out of the Libyan Central Bank.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:05 pm

totally agree…as I said he has been there too long and this country needs a fresh face who is more interested in what his constituents want and not what makes Lindsey happy!!! We sent you there to vote for us, not yourself!!! I think he forgot who he was representing….he has been hanging with democrats too longggggggggg!!!

Bill Bledsoe March 19, 2013 at 3:19 pm

We’re all behind Senator Lee Bright. Tom Davis has refused and the others wouldn’t stand a chance.

1) Senator Lee Bright is fiscally sound as this article says.
2) He’s fighting to restore our gun rights and get rid of the discriminatory Jim Crow gun laws
3) He’s got legislation to make the federal drones illegal in SC and to protect our Civil Right to Trial By Jury
4) He’s got legislation to nullify ObamaCare and it’s Civil Rights Violations.

Whereas Graham has:
1) told Americans that we owe $16.7 Trillion GRAHAM FUNNY MONEY DOLLARS. When in fact there are only $9.2 Trillion US Dollars printed and circulating in the entire world.
$16 Trillion Real US Dollars, if stacked flat, WOULD REACH ALL THE WAY TO THE MOON AND BACK.
2) proposed new gun laws that will violate even more of our Civil Rights
3) wants to legalize 11,000,000 known criminals
4) voted for ObamaCare and ObamaCare taking away more of our Civil Rights like mandatory home searches and seizure, government mercy killing, euthanasia, and abortion.
5) funded 2,000 Al Qaeda to overthrow Libya and murder 30,000 non-combatants
and then funneled 144 tons of gold to Al Qaeda out of the Libyan Central Bank.

opinionated1234 August 15, 2013 at 5:05 pm

totally agree…as I said he has been there too long and this country needs a fresh face who is more interested in what his constituents want and not what makes Lindsey happy!!! We sent you there to vote for us, not yourself!!! I think he forgot who he was representing….he has been hanging with democrats too longggggggggg!!!

JTWilliams March 22, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Mark Davis is much better! We dont need any more Rick Santorum-types on Capitol Hill

JTWilliams March 22, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Mark Davis is much better! We dont need any more Rick Santorum-types on Capitol Hill


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