SC-1: Curtis Bostic’s Human Trafficking Problem

Charleston, S.C. trial lawyer Curtis Bostic is running for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district – even though he lives in the state’s sixth congressional district (which is represented by Democrat Jim Clyburn). Of course his residency problem – first exposed by FITS – is small potatoes compared to another…

Charleston, S.C. trial lawyer Curtis Bostic is running for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district – even though he lives in the state’s sixth congressional district (which is represented by Democrat Jim Clyburn).

Of course his residency problem – first exposed by FITS – is small potatoes compared to another story about Bostic which bubbled up over the weekend.

Bostic is (or until very recently was) the attorney of record for Christian World Adoption (CWA) – a multi-million dollar Charleston, S.C.-based company which critics contend is nothing but a sophisticated human trafficking outfit.

“Adoptive families allege that many children brought to the U.S. are not even orphans, that prospective parents are misled about a child’s health and background, that local families are recruited – and sometimes even paid – to give up their kids,” a 2010 CBS News exclusive report alleged.

The adoption agency at the heart of the CBS investigation? Christian World Adoption.

“A 2007 video shows Christian World representatives entering an Ethopian village and appearing to recruit children from poor villagers – an unethical practice against Ethopian law,” the CBS report continues.

Then there’s this relevant exchange between CBS investigative journalist Arman Keteyian and a then-11-year-old Ethiopian girl named Meya, who along with her two brothers was “adopted” by an American family via Christian World in 2009 …

KETEYIAN: “Your dad was paid.”
MEYA: “Yes.” 
KETEYIAN: “From Christian World Adoption.”
MEYA: “Yeah.”
KETEYIAN: “For you to be adopted?”
MEYA: “Yup.”
KETEYIAN: “You were sold?”
MEYA: “Yeah.”

According to the network, CWA made $6 million in 2008, and was charging families $15,000 per adoption.

Bostic appeared in the CBS report, referring to the allegations against his employer as “completely unfounded.” And while he refused to discuss details of specific cases – claiming he was “prohibited by law” from discussing them (more on that in a moment) – his response strongly suggested the adoptive parents were to blame.

“Sometimes, people are upset when they just simply misunderstand things,” Bostic told CBS.

Bostic’s connections to CWA were buried toward the end of a very favorable profile piece written by reporter Shawn Drury of The Patch.

“CWA was the subject of serious charges with respect to some of its adoption practices, none of which was ever proven,” Drury reported.

Um … really? Did Drury not watch the CBS report?

On his website, Bostic lists Ethiopia among the nations to which he has traveled for the purpose of “non-profit” work. Of course he was paid handsomely by CWA. According to The Patch, the company paid Bostic’s law firm $466,073 in 2011 and $189,845 in 2010.

Once again, though, the attorney refused to comment – citing “attorney-client privilege.”

Bostic then offered up this doozy of a quote …

It is not the job of an attorney to ascertain what the truth is. It is the job of an attorney to represent people.

Ouch …

Christian World Adoption filed for bankruptcy earlier this month, incidentally – listing “fewer referrals in Ethiopia” among the contributing factors in its decision.

“It is with great regret that CWA announces that we are ending operations as an agency effective immediately,” the company wrote on its website. “If there were any way forward for CWA, we would take that option, but at this point in time we see no other choice but to close our doors. Needless to say, we are devastated.”

So … will Bostic’s past employment with Christian World Adoption impact his 2013 congressional candidacy?

That remains to be seen. The attorney has been aggressively courting social conservatives, touting his volunteer work with a number of regional Christian non-profits.


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jimlewisowb February 25, 2013 at 2:46 pm

It is not the job of a voter to ascertain what the truth is. It is the job of a voter not to waste their vote on a piece of crap.

Susan P. February 25, 2013 at 3:07 pm

I’d like to vote like on your post multiple times. Good one. I tried posting about his not living in the district the other day on his wall, and they took my post down within 10 minutes.

jimlewisowb February 25, 2013 at 1:46 pm

It is not the job of a voter to ascertain what the truth is. It is the job of a voter not to waste their vote on a piece of crap.

Susan P. February 25, 2013 at 2:07 pm

I’d like to vote like on your post multiple times. Good one. I tried posting about his not living in the district the other day on his wall, and they took my post down within 10 minutes.

Janelle February 25, 2013 at 2:59 pm

That’s character right there.

Janelle February 25, 2013 at 1:59 pm

That’s character right there.

BigT February 25, 2013 at 3:07 pm

A FITS HIt-piece on a different SC-1 candidate a Day…
Until we’re left with Sanford as the only fit, baggage-less candidate…
We’re (or SC-1 voters are) not anywhere as Stupid as FITS has to have us be…Who do they think they’re fooling????

BigT February 25, 2013 at 2:07 pm

A FITS HIt-piece on a different SC-1 candidate a Day…
Until we’re left with Sanford as the only fit, baggage-less candidate…
We’re (or SC-1 voters are) not anywhere as Stupid as FITS has to have us be…Who do they think they’re fooling????

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Impact his campaign?Dont know about that,but since he is not a first tier candidate,who cares?

I had him tagged at fifth or sixth.This may push him down to seventh or eighth.He was never going to win anyway.

Jordan February 25, 2013 at 5:56 pm

Um actually he’s polling second – tied with Grooms. What a fail. The readers of FITS truly are as moronic as people say they are.

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Yeh right.There are Polls and then there are “polls.”No one believes Bostic is running second or third or fourth for that matter.He has been a second tier candidate from the start and remains one today. As for Fits readers being “moronic.,you went on a computer,logged onto the site and started reading.What does that make you,Fits Reader?

Jordan February 25, 2013 at 7:42 pm

What proof do you have of him being a lower tier candidate? Where’s your poll? And actually I was looking at articles with Curtis’s name. You people have the IQ of 10 year olds.

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 7:47 pm

Sure you were.Actually,your response is very ten year old like.Obviously,you are a supporter of Bostics.Nothing wrong with that,but you start talking about “polls” that have received NO circulation,except among the faithful ,like you,then for sure they are going to be questioned.

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 2:19 pm

Impact his campaign?Dont know about that,but since he is not a first tier candidate,who cares?

I had him tagged at fifth or sixth.This may push him down to seventh or eighth.He was never going to win anyway.

Jordan February 25, 2013 at 4:56 pm

Um actually he’s polling second – tied with Grooms. What a fail. The readers of FITS truly are as moronic as people say they are.

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 5:02 pm

Yeh right.There are Polls and then there are “polls.”No one believes Bostic is running second or third or fourth for that matter.He has been a second tier candidate from the start and remains one today. As for Fits readers being “moronic.,you went on a computer,logged onto the site and started reading.What does that make you,Fits Reader?

Jordan February 25, 2013 at 6:42 pm

What proof do you have of him being a lower tier candidate? Where’s your poll? And actually I was looking at articles with Curtis’s name. You people have the IQ of 10 year olds.

Moman50 February 25, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Sure you were.Actually,your response is very ten year old like.Obviously,you are a supporter of Bostics.Nothing wrong with that,but you start talking about “polls” that have received NO circulation,except among the faithful ,like you,then for sure they are going to be questioned.

Thomas February 25, 2013 at 3:51 pm

FITS is rediculous. First he cusses out Curtis’s son on twitter a couple months ago now they launch an attack on a organization that was ACQUITTED IN COURT.

Thomas February 25, 2013 at 2:51 pm

FITS is rediculous. First he cusses out Curtis’s son on twitter a couple months ago now they launch an attack on a organization that was ACQUITTED IN COURT.

JC February 25, 2013 at 4:03 pm

Funny how Fits wants limited government, yet continuously disparages attorneys as “trial lawyers”. Sir, often times the only thing standing between an individual or company and the monstrous power and authority of that government you so claim to hate is a trial lawyer.

I don’t know Bostic, and I probably would disagree with him on most political issues, but this piece is absolutely ludicrous. First, Bostic cannot divulge confidential information regarding the representation of his client , as it violates Rule 1.6 of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct.

Second, Bostic representing CWA does not make him an employee of CWA, it makes him a fiduciary. That means he owes his client certain duties as spelled out in the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct, even if he despises them and what they do.

Third, to insinuate that Bostic somehow endorses child abduction because he is CWA’s counsel is the definition of ignorant. That’s like saying an attorney who defends an accused murderer endorses the act, when all they’re doing is holding the State to its high burden of proof, so innocent men aren’t wrongfully convicted.

Articles such as these do only one thing: stir the base passions and emotions of ignorant people who have no ability to discern the difference between representing a client and supporting the goals, beliefs and actions of said client. The sad thing is Fits, you know better, and you publish this bullshit anyway. You are the Nancy Grace of the Internet, and absolute piece of shit for publishing garbage such as this.

Jordan Roberts February 25, 2013 at 7:43 pm

You said it very well. FITS is the definition of ignorant. What a moron.

JC February 25, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Funny how Fits wants limited government, yet continuously disparages attorneys as “trial lawyers”. Sir, often times the only thing standing between an individual or company and the monstrous power and authority of that government you so claim to hate is a trial lawyer.

I don’t know Bostic, and I probably would disagree with him on most political issues, but this piece is absolutely ludicrous. First, Bostic cannot divulge confidential information regarding the representation of his client , as it violates Rule 1.6 of the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct.

Second, Bostic representing CWA does not make him an employee of CWA, it makes him a fiduciary. That means he owes his client certain duties as spelled out in the South Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct, even if he despises them and what they do.

Third, to insinuate that Bostic somehow endorses child abduction because he is CWA’s counsel is the definition of ignorant. That’s like saying an attorney who defends an accused murderer endorses the act, when all they’re doing is holding the State to its high burden of proof, so innocent men aren’t wrongfully convicted.

Articles such as these do only one thing: stir the base passions and emotions of ignorant people who have no ability to discern the difference between representing a client and supporting the goals, beliefs and actions of said client. The sad thing is Fits, you know better, and you publish this bullshit anyway. You are the Nancy Grace of the Internet, and absolute piece of shit for publishing garbage such as this.

Jordan Roberts February 25, 2013 at 6:43 pm

You said it very well. FITS is the definition of ignorant. What a moron.

Philip Branton February 25, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Dear Curtis “Darfur” Bostick…….

We wonder who has more Gravitas..?? Teddy Turner “reporting” from Russia..?? …or YOU “covering” for Ethiopian “ports”..??

Yes……as articles would allow readers to believe that You were “Sally Struthers with a law degree” ….anyone with any clarity would realize that YOU would see the connections between Dubai Ports and the rail lines coming out of North Charleston (“Orangeburg”) and Djibouti..!!

Curtis, we wonder….(we really wonder) …..just how you would deliver an Ethiopian “Oil” baby while serving in DC..?? Curtis….can you tell US how many BOEING planes the Ethiopians have on order..?? Curtis, do yo think that any of the candidates would be asked how “Dreamliner” concessions would win favor for pipeline routes out of South Sudan..??

Curtis…..on another note….how does GOLD get exported out of DARFUR..?? Through Tripoli..?? Through Addis Abba…?? Through Kinshasa..?? …or maybe through Djibouti..??

How would this transit information impact our national security posture and create JOBS here in the First District…!?


Philip Branton February 25, 2013 at 3:09 pm

Dear Curtis “Darfur” Bostick…….

We wonder who has more Gravitas..?? Teddy Turner “reporting” from Russia..?? …or YOU “covering” for Ethiopian “ports”..??

Yes……as articles would allow readers to believe that You were “Sally Struthers with a law degree” ….anyone with any clarity would realize that YOU would see the connections between Dubai Ports and the rail lines coming out of North Charleston (“Orangeburg”) and Djibouti..!!

Curtis, we wonder….(we really wonder) …..just how you would deliver an Ethiopian “Oil” baby while serving in DC..?? Curtis….can you tell US how many BOEING planes the Ethiopians have on order..?? Curtis, do yo think that any of the candidates would be asked how “Dreamliner” concessions would win favor for pipeline routes out of South Sudan..??

Curtis…..on another note….how does GOLD get exported out of DARFUR..?? Through Tripoli..?? Through Addis Abba…?? Through Kinshasa..?? …or maybe through Djibouti..??

How would this transit information impact our national security posture and create JOBS here in the First District…!?


Oscar February 25, 2013 at 4:15 pm

“Of course he was paid handsomely by CWA. According to The Patch, the company paid Bostic’s law firm $466,073 in 2011 and $189,845 in 2010.”


There goes my support for Curtis.

Curtis reminds me now of “The Music Man” — a con man known as “Professor” Harold Hill, whose scam is to convince parents he can teach their musically disinclined children to play musical instruments. On the premise that he will form a band, he takes orders for instruments and uniforms. But once the instruments arrive and are paid for, he skips town without forming the band, moving on before he is exposed.

Originally a Broadway play, it was made into a movie in 1962 starring Robert Preston as “Professor” Hill.

“Rock Island” The Music Man (opening scene)

Oscar February 25, 2013 at 3:15 pm

“Of course he was paid handsomely by CWA. According to The Patch, the company paid Bostic’s law firm $466,073 in 2011 and $189,845 in 2010.”


There goes my support for Curtis.

Curtis reminds me now of “The Music Man” — a con man known as “Professor” Harold Hill, whose scam is to convince parents he can teach their musically disinclined children to play musical instruments. On the premise that he will form a band, he takes orders for instruments and uniforms. But once the instruments arrive and are paid for, he skips town without forming the band, moving on before he is exposed.

Originally a Broadway play, it was made into a movie in 1962 starring Robert Preston as “Professor” Hill.

“Rock Island” The Music Man (opening scene)

Philip Branton February 25, 2013 at 4:25 pm

Dear Katon DAWSON…..(you RASCAL)

Can you believe the seeds that Sick Willie is importing today..?? Katon, can you tell US who you would endorse in the First District..!?

Katon, have a seat and loosen your belt, …considering that you would seem to love to have a seat at an Orange-berg table……how would that give you a unique vision of world wide TRANSPORTATION issues..!? How could DOT funding coming into SC State be used by YOU and Curtis Bostic to travel to DARFUR..?? ..or Addis Abba..?? ….or Djibouti..??

Katon, would CSX or Norfolk-Southern care..?? Would property developers in North Charleston CARE..?? Would Algae Bio-diesel refiners care..!?! Would Orangeburg farmers care..!?

Katon, considering YOU are supposed to have a national GOP presence, how would GOP and Democrat workers at be competitive on transportation contracts in Africa since it seems the SC-DOT and local political officials are Big Oil “bound” with CSX and Norfolk-Southern here in our State..??

Katon….just how often do you talk with Curtis..?? …or Teddy..?? …or watch Colbert..?

Philip Branton February 25, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Dear Katon DAWSON…..(you RASCAL)

Can you believe the seeds that Sick Willie is importing today..?? Katon, can you tell US who you would endorse in the First District..!?

Katon, have a seat and loosen your belt, …considering that you would seem to love to have a seat at an Orange-berg table……how would that give you a unique vision of world wide TRANSPORTATION issues..!? How could DOT funding coming into SC State be used by YOU and Curtis Bostic to travel to DARFUR..?? ..or Addis Abba..?? ….or Djibouti..??

Katon, would CSX or Norfolk-Southern care..?? Would property developers in North Charleston CARE..?? Would Algae Bio-diesel refiners care..!?! Would Orangeburg farmers care..!?

Katon, considering YOU are supposed to have a national GOP presence, how would GOP and Democrat workers at be competitive on transportation contracts in Africa since it seems the SC-DOT and local political officials are Big Oil “bound” with CSX and Norfolk-Southern here in our State..??

Katon….just how often do you talk with Curtis..?? …or Teddy..?? …or watch Colbert..?

Lamo Schlamo February 25, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Last I checked Will just reported the facts. Who has a problem with that? Oh that’s right, BosticBots that have problems with the truth.

Lamo Schlamo February 25, 2013 at 5:19 pm

Oh wait, I meant Carpetbagger BosticBots…

Arnold February 26, 2013 at 11:08 am

No, actually that is not what he did. He clearly insinuated a connection between Mr. Bostic’s non-profit work in Ethiopia with the ALLEGED criminal activity of CWA in Ethiopia. He also shamelessly attempts to connect Mr. Bostic’s name with the baseless and bogus charge of Human Trafficking. Anyone who actually did check the facts would find out that Mr. Bostic has spent a great deal of his time and a great deal of his wealth providing care for orphans & widows all over the world. It’s clearly a hit piece for his buddy, our philandering former governor.

lowcorider February 26, 2013 at 1:55 pm

But I thought Bostic was livin down in the trailer hood while saving his change to purchase that little piece of heaven in Ravenel.

Lamo Schlamo February 25, 2013 at 4:18 pm

Last I checked Will just reported the facts. Who has a problem with that? Oh that’s right, BosticBots that have problems with the truth.

Lamo Schlamo February 25, 2013 at 4:19 pm

Oh wait, I meant Carpetbagger BosticBots…

Arnold February 26, 2013 at 11:08 am

No, actually that is not what he did. He clearly insinuated a connection between Mr. Bostic’s non-profit work in Ethiopia with the ALLEGED criminal activity of CWA in Ethiopia. He also shamelessly attempts to connect Mr. Bostic’s name with the baseless and bogus charge of Human Trafficking. Anyone who actually did check the facts would find out that Mr. Bostic has spent a great deal of his time and a great deal of his wealth providing care for orphans & widows all over the world. It’s clearly a hit piece for his buddy, our philandering former governor.

Lowcorider February 26, 2013 at 1:55 pm

But I thought Bostic was livin down in the trailer hood while saving his change to purchase that little piece of heaven in Ravenel.

Tartuffe February 25, 2013 at 5:22 pm

Some are hypocritical in gift-giving (Donald Trump rails but gives nothing to charity), in public appearances (Jerry Lewis charged March-of-Dimes $200,000 per event), in advise to others (counselors recommending behavior to young people that they would not adopt themselves), and in politics (publicly endorsing legislation while privately sabotaging it).

But religious hypocrites are the worst.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Tartuffe February 25, 2013 at 4:22 pm

Some are hypocritical in gift-giving (Donald Trump rails but gives nothing to charity), in public appearances (Jerry Lewis charged March-of-Dimes $200,000 per event), in advise to others (counselors recommending behavior to young people that they would not adopt themselves), and in politics (publicly endorsing legislation while privately sabotaging it).

But religious hypocrites are the worst.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Yup February 25, 2013 at 9:29 pm

I don’t consider this a “hit piece” at all. I, for one, am glad Fits posts stories like this because if it wasn’t for stories like this we would never truly know the truth behind these candidates. The main stream media cannot be trusted to hear the whole story these days.

Yup February 25, 2013 at 8:29 pm

I don’t consider this a “hit piece” at all. I, for one, am glad Fits posts stories like this because if it wasn’t for stories like this we would never truly know the truth behind these candidates. The main stream media cannot be trusted to hear the whole story these days.

Amos February 25, 2013 at 11:27 pm

Folks in his church say Bostic teaches – preaches creationism – that the world was created 6,653 years ago. No kidding. The guy is completely, totally nuts.

Amos February 25, 2013 at 10:27 pm

Folks in his church say Bostic teaches – preaches creationism – that the world was created 6,653 years ago. No kidding. The guy is completely, totally nuts.

Arnold February 25, 2013 at 11:54 pm

What a piece of garbage “hit piece” article masquerading as news! The fact that Mr. Bostic lives in District 6 is a complete non-story. His law practice is in District 1, along with other property he owns. He did live in District 1 until, in recent years, democrats re-drew the district lines intentionally removing him from District 1. Since state law does not require a candidate’s residence to be in the district, who cares? A little research would have easily made this clear.

To act as though an attorney is complicit in any alleged crimes that their client commits is also completely ludicrous! I happen to know Mr. Bostic well and can say for certain that the “non-profit” work he had done in Ethiopia involves providing care for orphans and widows who are left behind after men are martyred for their faith. There is no connection to any work CWA was doing there. To suggest a connection, as this story does, is pathetic journalism, at best. Next time do your homework, and don’t just repeat talking points of other candidates.

nitrat February 26, 2013 at 12:14 am

Is CWA affiliated with The Family/The Fellowship/C Street?

Arnold February 26, 2013 at 10:59 am

Don’t know. Who cares who CWA is affiliated with? Mr. Bostic was their attorney. Nothing more. Any activities they were or were not involved in are their problem. It is absurd to insinuate that an attorney is complicit in the alleged misdeeds of their clients. A legitimate news source would know that.

Patrick - West Ashley February 26, 2013 at 10:04 am

“It’s not the job of an attorney to ascertain what the truth is.”

’nuff said.

Arnold February 25, 2013 at 10:54 pm

What a piece of garbage “hit piece” article masquerading as news! The fact that Mr. Bostic lives in District 6 is a complete non-story. His law practice is in District 1, along with other property he owns. He did live in District 1 until, in recent years, democrats re-drew the district lines intentionally removing him from District 1. Since state law does not require a candidate’s residence to be in the district, who cares? A little research would have easily made this clear.

To act as though an attorney is complicit in any alleged crimes that their client commits is also completely ludicrous! I happen to know Mr. Bostic well and can say for certain that the “non-profit” work he had done in Ethiopia involves providing care for orphans and widows who are left behind after men are martyred for their faith. There is no connection to any work CWA was doing there. To suggest a connection, as this story does, is pathetic journalism, at best. Next time do your homework, and don’t just repeat talking points of other candidates.

nitrat February 25, 2013 at 11:14 pm

Is CWA affiliated with The Family/The Fellowship/C Street?

Arnold February 26, 2013 at 10:59 am

Don’t know. Who cares who CWA is affiliated with? Mr. Bostic was their attorney. Nothing more. Any activities they were or were not involved in are their problem. It is absurd to insinuate that an attorney is complicit in the alleged misdeeds of their clients. A legitimate news source would know that.

Patrick - West Ashley February 26, 2013 at 9:04 am

“It’s not the job of an attorney to ascertain what the truth is.”

’nuff said.

Darth February 26, 2013 at 10:04 am

Nash’s campaign has bee fishing this one for a while, non?

Darth February 26, 2013 at 9:04 am

Nash’s campaign has bee fishing this one for a while, non?

branchofthevine February 26, 2013 at 5:25 pm

The very fact that you are citing this story as truth proves that your readers are accustomed to believing the media as judge, jury, and prosecution. Aside from the ludicrous attempt at connecting Mr. Bostic as an employee of CWA, when in fact he was merely representing them, there was never any accusation by anyone but the media for CWA, and likewise no conviction. I could point a camera at any of my kids and have them answer “yes” to any of my questions. This is false reporting, and an effort to obviously slander a man who has a strong record of service.

branchofthevine February 26, 2013 at 5:25 pm

The very fact that you are citing this story as truth proves that your readers are accustomed to believing the media as judge, jury, and prosecution. Aside from the ludicrous attempt at connecting Mr. Bostic as an employee of CWA, when in fact he was merely representing them, there was never any accusation by anyone but the media for CWA, and likewise no conviction. I could point a camera at any of my kids and have them answer “yes” to any of my questions. This is false reporting, and an effort to obviously slander a man who has a strong record of service.

Paul for solutions February 27, 2013 at 11:50 pm

A couple things I’m surprised at.
1st I’m not sure when CBS became proof for alligations.
2nd Curtis Bostic’s non-profit travel has nothing to do with CWA. He funds a non-profit called remember that brings hope to hundreds of under-priviledged children
3rd Attorney’s are supposed to make sure all citizens have quality legal representation. That research is done on their behalf, and that fair and equal treatment in given. Maybe this site should step up to the morals required to be an attorney.
Lastly, to all readers of this column: please do your own research on this. Don’t just drink this sites coolade. chopped up quotes and slander should not affect voters.

mountain-up February 28, 2013 at 9:44 pm

Slander is the best characterization of this article, both against Bostic and CWA. I know the adoption agency’s story from the inside, and can state with knowledge that the CBS piece (and the original Australian piece) from which it was lifted had no basis in fact… “journalism” at its very lowest. CWA helped thousands of families give children homes… I wish your readers could know the real people and stories behind these allegations (which never came to anything more than that — disproved and refuted in every case, something that was never covered). That’s the amazing story here, the adoptive parents and their love for children.

Paul for solutions February 27, 2013 at 11:50 pm

A couple things I’m surprised at.
1st I’m not sure when CBS became proof for alligations.
2nd Curtis Bostic’s non-profit travel has nothing to do with CWA. He funds a non-profit called remember that brings hope to hundreds of under-priviledged children
3rd Attorney’s are supposed to make sure all citizens have quality legal representation. That research is done on their behalf, and that fair and equal treatment in given. Maybe this site should step up to the morals required to be an attorney.
Lastly, to all readers of this column: please do your own research on this. Don’t just drink this sites coolade. chopped up quotes and slander should not affect voters.

mountain-up February 28, 2013 at 9:44 pm

Slander is the best characterization of this article, both against Bostic and CWA. I know the adoption agency’s story from the inside, and can state with knowledge that the CBS piece (and the original Australian piece) from which it was lifted had no basis in fact… “journalism” at its very lowest. CWA helped thousands of families give children homes… I wish your readers could know the real people and stories behind these allegations (which never came to anything more than that — disproved and refuted in every case, something that was never covered). That’s the amazing story here, the adoptive parents and their love for children.

Shane February 28, 2013 at 12:49 am

This article just proved FITS is garbage.

Shane February 28, 2013 at 12:49 am

This article just proved FITS is garbage.

Warren Moise March 3, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Your headline reads “SOUTH CAROLINA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE’S SILENCE ON SCANDAL IS DEAFENING.” Mr. Bostic is silent because the presiding federal judge ordered the attorneys to be silent and to keep the matter confidential. To be seen as a responsible journalist, you must check the facts thoroughly lest you embarrass yourself as you have done here.

Warren Moise March 3, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Your headline reads “SOUTH CAROLINA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE’S SILENCE ON SCANDAL IS DEAFENING.” Mr. Bostic is silent because the presiding federal judge ordered the attorneys to be silent and to keep the matter confidential. To be seen as a responsible journalist, you must check the facts thoroughly lest you embarrass yourself as you have done here.

Tara March 3, 2013 at 11:17 pm

First, you should do some research into the cost of an international adoption. If you were truly interested in accurate reporting, you would know that the cost involves a lengthy homestudy process, fees for two different governments, orphanage fees, and lengthy travel. Also, as long as there are human being on the face of the earth, there will be corruption. International adoption agencies must do a lot of contracting out to social workers in other states, attorneys and liasons from other countries, and officials from corrupt governments. To my knowledge, and I followed this story from the beginning, there has been no evidence that any employee of CWA has ever knowingly been involved in anything sinister. Sometimes birthmothers do receive money for prenantal care, nutritious food, and clothing. Should it not be this way? CWA has helped place thousands of orphans into families. I know because I just kissed one and tucked her into bed. I’ve been to her birthcountry, to her orphanage, and I have seen a glimpse of what life is like for special needs children and orphans there. Sadly, sensational journalism like this and the CBS piece have crippled international adoption agencies. That means thousands and thousands of children who could have had homes still lie hungry and alone in orphanage cribs. What a shame.

Tara March 3, 2013 at 11:17 pm

First, you should do some research into the cost of an international adoption. If you were truly interested in accurate reporting, you would know that the cost involves a lengthy homestudy process, fees for two different governments, orphanage fees, and lengthy travel. Also, as long as there are human being on the face of the earth, there will be corruption. International adoption agencies must do a lot of contracting out to social workers in other states, attorneys and liasons from other countries, and officials from corrupt governments. To my knowledge, and I followed this story from the beginning, there has been no evidence that any employee of CWA has ever knowingly been involved in anything sinister. Sometimes birthmothers do receive money for prenantal care, nutritious food, and clothing. Should it not be this way? CWA has helped place thousands of orphans into families. I know because I just kissed one and tucked her into bed. I’ve been to her birthcountry, to her orphanage, and I have seen a glimpse of what life is like for special needs children and orphans there. Sadly, sensational journalism like this and the CBS piece have crippled international adoption agencies. That means thousands and thousands of children who could have had homes still lie hungry and alone in orphanage cribs. What a shame.

Arnold March 4, 2013 at 9:31 pm

Just found out that Fitsnews has been hired by the Larry Grooms campaign. No wonder garbage like this gets published!

Arnold March 4, 2013 at 9:31 pm

Just found out that Fitsnews has been hired by the Larry Grooms campaign. No wonder garbage like this gets published!

kuyperdog March 8, 2013 at 12:30 am

Read the terrible Reviews on CWA !!!

The Voters of the First District should PUT BOSTIC UP FOR ADOPTION-


kuyperdog March 8, 2013 at 12:30 am

Read the terrible Reviews on CWA !!!

The Voters of the First District should PUT BOSTIC UP FOR ADOPTION-


BreitbartUnmasked March 26, 2013 at 8:05 am

Bostic has a main squeeze in Ali Akbar who is a convicted felon and rising star in the extremist GOP.

Akbar is running the main push for Bostic and working very hard to help him defeat Sanford. Could there be some quid pro there? Akbar is notorious for running fake charity scams and other misdeeds. So if he supports Bostic, you can bet that there is some dirt or dirty dealings going on between them.

breitbartunmasked March 26, 2013 at 8:05 am

Bostic has a main squeeze in Ali Akbar who is a convicted felon and rising star in the extremist GOP.

Akbar is running the main push for Bostic and working very hard to help him defeat Sanford. Could there be some quid pro there? Akbar is notorious for running fake charity scams and other misdeeds. So if he supports Bostic, you can bet that there is some dirt or dirty dealings going on between them.

Joseph Kress March 31, 2013 at 12:53 pm

I would reall be scared to elect this guy. He jumped all over Mark Sanford for his love trest, yet claims to be a Christian. “Who among you are without sin? He who is without sin cast the first stone.” Obviously he is what I would label a neocon.

Joseph Kress March 31, 2013 at 12:53 pm

I would reall be scared to elect this guy. He jumped all over Mark Sanford for his love trest, yet claims to be a Christian. “Who among you are without sin? He who is without sin cast the first stone.” Obviously he is what I would label a neocon.


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