Who Isn’t Running For SC-1?

BUELLER? BUELLER? BUELLER? Another day, another candidate seeking election to South Carolina’s first congressional district (the U.S. House seat vacated earlier this week by new U.S. Sen. Tim Scott) … This week’s entry is some guy named Jeff King, an engineer from Goose Creek, S.C. who says he “plans to use…


Another day, another candidate seeking election to South Carolina’s first congressional district (the U.S. House seat vacated earlier this week by new U.S. Sen. Tim Scott) …

This week’s entry is some guy named Jeff King, an engineer from Goose Creek, S.C. who says he “plans to use his analytical senses along with guidance from his faith to help make the best decisions possible to promote the growth and success of the (first) district.”


King is running on the same rhetorical fluff we’ve heard from countless other politicians in previous election cycles: Less spending, more jobs, gun rights and “healthcare” reform. We’re fine with all of those things, obviously, but we need to see specifics.  Oh, and if we hear one more politician tell us that government has a “spending problem, not a revenue problem” we’re seriously going to vomit. No one is arguing the veracity of the statement, but again … tell us something we don’t know (and haven’t heard 1,000 times before).

Here are our questions for King (and all eleventy kabillion first district candidates): What is he going to cut? What (other than those specific cuts) does he think government should do to create jobs? What specific gun control laws would he repeal? And how does he propose to reform heath care (two words)?

If King can dish out some specific answers to those questions, then we’ll start taking his candidacy a little more seriously …

In addition to King, former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, State Senator Larry Grooms (R-Berkeley), State Rep. Chip Limehouse (RINO-Charleston), Teddy Turner (son of media mogul Ted Turner) and former State Senator John Kuhn have all signaled their intention to run for this seat. Numerous other candidates are eyeing bids, including S.C. Rep. Peter McCoy (R-Charleston), S.C. Rep. Andy Patrick (RINO-Beaufort) and Charleston personal injury lawyer Curtis Bostic.


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Brian January 5, 2013 at 3:08 pm

Who isn’t running is anybody with a “D” next to their name, which is a shame, ’cause a 20-way GOP primary could spit out a fairly bruised winner… or even Mark Sanford.

Ducky January 7, 2013 at 4:09 pm

Brian, wouldn’t be the first time something about Mark was spit out.

Bob Aubin January 7, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Actually 2012 Democratic Nominee for CD-1 has declared for the Special Election:

(From the Bobbie Rose for Congress Facebook Page –
I attended a terrific meeting of the CCDW last night. Great turnout for the historian/author Jack Bass, who spoke and signed copies of his new book, “The Palmetto State”. I talked with many of my supporters who are very excited about the special election and not only willing, but eager to get back to work!

When I first heard that there would be another race, I felt too weary to entertain the thought of running again. 59 days is not quite long enough to forget the daily grind of a campaign. I also thought my volunteers had probably had enough. But I had underestimated the spirit of our party!

I am planning to run again for the 1st. District Congressional Seat. If there are other Democrats who plan to run – I applaud you. The P & C listed the names of 21 Republicans who are interested in running, and 1 – Wendell Gilliard as the lone Democrat. This lack of excitement sends a message to the voters of our district that we don’t think we can win – even an open seat. Let’s work together to change that perception.

DogVomit January 5, 2013 at 5:33 pm

AL GREEN, FTW!!!!!!!

TontoBubbaGoldstein January 6, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Instead of the good Reverend Al Green, who could, perhaps, keep us together and mend our broken hearts; I assume you meant Alvin Greene.

Shitfor Brains January 5, 2013 at 11:34 pm

I think I think I think I think ………. Shit I forgot

shifty henry January 6, 2013 at 9:31 am

Thanks for the video clip – It’s still one of the funniest movies ever.

Tammy January 6, 2013 at 10:24 am

Wilson? Wilson? Wilson?
AWOL from reality again. What a loser…….

Bill Cardin January 6, 2013 at 10:21 am

Considering the slimy slugs we presently send to Congress from this state–as evidenced by Joe Wilson for instance–why not consider King? All the others mentioned are tired old retreads. Isn’t there anyone who can run on specifics anymore or is “trust me we have a spending problem” as good as its going to get? What a shame.

Beaver Cleaver January 6, 2013 at 7:22 pm

“Here are our questions for King (and all eleventy kabillion first district candidates): What is he going to cut?”

He (and all other candidates) will say “waste.”

When pressed for specifics, he’ll dither (like the others).

I do like this guy though — the only one claiming a special relationship with God as his companion / co-pilot.

Very funny.

Darth January 7, 2013 at 11:20 am

A few too many playing to build up favors for later elections and appointments, non?


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