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With his third presidential campaign struggling to gain traction, former U.S. president Donald Trump is taking a page out of multi-billionaire Elon Musk‘s book.
According to reporters Alex Leary and Richard Rubin of The Wall Street Journal, Trump will lay out a series of economic proposals this week – including a corporate tax cut and the introduction of a “government efficiency commission” touted by the world’s richest man.
The formation of such a commission was proposed by Musk during a recent interview with Trump as a way to combat runaway inflation. According to Trump, the panel would undertake “a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government” and make “recommendations for drastic reform.”
Would Musk be tapped to serve on the commission? Or… lead it?
“I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” Musk wrote on his X platform. “No pay, no title, no recognition is needed.”

As I have written extensively this year (including here and here), America’s financial situation has become more untenable than ever. According to the latest report (.pdf) from the U.S. Treasury, receipts have totaled nearly $4.1 trillion with outlays of $5.6 trillion – for a deficit of $1.5 trillion. Meanwhile, interest payments on our ballooning $35.28 trillion national debt are already at $763 billion this year – and escalating.
What could an efficiency commission do to eat into this unsustainable escalation? Especially seeing as so much of the red ink is tied to entitlements?
Well, for starters, in April of this year the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated that the federal government was losing anywhere between $233 billion and $521 billion annually in fraud between 2018 and 2022. All told, that’s anywhere between $1.16 trillion and $2.6 trillion in fraud over a five-year period.
“Given the scope of this problem, a government-wide approach is required to address it,” the agency noted.
Ya think?
Eliminating fraud – and identifying waste, duplication and inefficiencies in the administration of core government functions – would certainly be a tremendously beneficial undertaking. Another important undertaking? Identifying and eliminating unnecessary spending.
If Trump wants to turn over these responsibilities to a private sector whiz like Musk, only positives are likely to come from that delegation. Most Americans would be likely to trust such a panel infinitely more than they would trust the U.S. congress to handle such an audit.
As for Trump’s other proposals, he is proposing to cut the corporate tax rate to fifteen percent – but only for companies which manufacture their products in America using American workers.
“If you outsource, offshore or replace American workers you are not eligible for any of these benefits – in fact, you will pay a tariff,” Trump said.

He also promised to declare a national emergency on rising energy costs, vowing to eliminate “every bureaucratic hurdle” and to “issue rapid approvals for new drilling, new pipelines, new refineries, and new power plants and reactors.”
Prior to unveiling his latest proposals, Trump had offered only gimmicks on the tax front. Well, that and perpetuating the status quo via an extension of the modest cuts he signed into law in 2017 after vowing massive middle class tax relief during his first run for the White House.
To be clear: I am not saying Kamala Harris would be any better on fiscal issues. She wouldn’t. She would likely be exponentially worse. Hell, she’s part of an administration that has been exponentially worse – and she has vowed to not only roll back Trump’s 2017 tax cuts but raise the corporate tax to 28 percent if she is elected. Harris has also proposed communist price controls – which in addition to being anathema to a free market have never worked anywhere they’ve been implemented.
Still, the fact remains Trump failed to make good on his economic promises the first go-round… which makes it harder to take him at his word this go-round (no matter what he proposes).
Will Folks is the owner and founding editor of FITSNews. Prior to founding his own news outlet, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina, bass guitarist in an alternative rock band and bouncer at a Columbia, S.C. dive bar. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.
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Trump and Musk, two absolute embarrassments that the GOP will forever be tied to.
If the people who make up today’s GQP were capable of feeling embarrassed, it would no longer exist.
Unfortunately, being incapable of feeling shame or embarrassment is a prerequisite for being in today’s GQP. That and being incredibly gullible and easily led.
Speaking of embarrassing.
Looks like FitsNews scrubbed its latest Russian propaganda piece about Ukraine after getting called out for being part of the Tenet Media crowd.
Maybe Sick Willie will do a Tim Pool and claim he’s the real victim?
Will wishes he was Tim Pool. That traitor was getting $100,000 a week from the Russians!
Oh my god, Trump can’t string a coherent sentence together when asked about his economic plans. Just rambles about cutting corporate taxes while running up prices on everyday items with his idiotic tariff scheme.
Musk is a moron. Like Trump, Elon was bank rolled by his Daddy. Elon moved on from his Daddy’s money to tax payer funded subsides for Tesla and Space X. The one company he took over that doesn’t rely on the US government, Twitter, is a joke now. Financially and to users worldwide. (Except Brazil…lol). Of course a lifelong scrub, like Will Folks, would be all over Elon’s jock.
MAGA is so weird and gullible. Wonder if Putin’s people think they are getting their money’s worth with this blog?
“If Trump wants to turn over these responsibilities to a private sector whiz like Musk, only positives are likely to come from that delegation.”
This has to be one of the dumbest takes ever. Congratulations Will!
You truly have to be a moron to still support Trump. You have to pretend Trump has any plan beyond Project 2025. You have to pretend Trump isn’t a super old, mentally stunted, fraud and felon. You have to pretend you don’t realize you are spreading Russian propaganda.
All that leads you to say incredibly stupid things, like the quote above. So idiotic.
Q: What specific legislation will you commit to to make child care affordable?
Trump: Well, I would do that and we’re sitting down, you know, I was, somebody, we had Marco Rubio and my daughter, Ivanka… But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about that because the child care is, child care couldn’t, you know, there’s something you have to have it in this country, you have to have it… I want to stay with child care… So we’ll take care of it. Thank you
He’s really sharpening, huh!
Trump clearly has dementia. He cannot answer a single question coherently. Not one.
He’s going to chicken out of the debate. It would be elder abuse to let Kamala dominate a blabbering old fool.
JD Vance already outlined the Trump plan for childcare.
Get the grandparents and Aunts and Uncle to help you out more.
He seriously said that out loud in front of a camera and microphone. Talk about completely out of touch with everyday Americans or humans for that matter.
Will Folks is clearly and willfully not watching or listening to any of Trump’s rally “speeches” or public appearances. If he were, there is no way in hell he could honestly (like that’s a problem for MAGA types) say Trump was “sharpening” in any way. Trump is doing the exact opposite of sharpening. He’s becoming duller and duller by the hour.
Can’t wait for President Trump to be back in office. Bringing in Musk is a great idea.
You think a prison cell is an “office”?
Not sure Elon wants to join Trump there.
Congratulations on being the first leftist lunatic to leave a dumb comment on my post.
President Trump will never see a prison cell. The Supreme Court has ruled. The politically motivated charges have no merit and will not go anywhere. Smoke and mirrors.
“President Trump will never see a prison cell.”
100% correct. He’s already lost his mind and his money won’t stop what obesity does to you in your elder years.
Thanks and you’re welcome.
It must get lonely here being the only trumptard who comments anymore.
Under two names, no less!
Cut corporate tax rates. Charge tariffs and other penalties for offshoring, making America an Isolationist country. This is why I won’t vote for Trump. Can’t y’all see this is to benefit himself and his corporate cronies?
Honestly I love all the “free market” champions who insist government-led economic intervention is a great idea. It’s bad when Biden does it of course, but when a Republican does it? FREEDUMB! MURICA! USA, USA, USA!
Honestly though Trump should just come out in favor of UBI for the 1% only and stop pretending anything he plans to do is for people who actually work for a living.
That’s the problem Mr. Average Joe naively believes that Trump is working in his favor. Unfortunately, Mr. Average Joe doesn’t understand that tariffs will eventually make America weak. Cutting Corporate taxes will benefit the rich and possiblythe Average Joe somewhere down the chain. But it’s immoral to cut taxes on rich corporations, while not cutting taxes for Mr. Average Joe. That’s the whole premise behind progressive tax rates that we all agree is the correct way to implement taxation. Honestly, what scares me most is not Trump, but his “followers” who think he is going to help them.