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A former South Carolina Senate District 35 candidate stands accused of second degree domestic violence and unlawful conduct towards a child following a convoluted escapade over Labor Day Weekend, according to eyewitnesses.
On the evening of Sunday, September 1, 2024, Richard “Jerry” Chivers was arrested by deputies of the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) after purportedly assaulting his estranged partner and her adolescent child at an investment property in Rembert, S.C.
According to said partner, their relationship ended when Chivers secured less than 4 percent of the primary vote on June 11, 2024. Two months later, she accused the political newcomer of stealing her Barbour laptop bag from the confines of a family friend’s vehicle.
? #BREAKING: A former South Carolina Senate candidate has been charged with Third Degree Domestic Violence following a recorded tirade over Labor Day weekend.
— Andrew Fancher (@RealAndyFancher) September 5, 2024
On September 1, 2024, Richard “Jerry” Chivers was booked into the Kershaw County Detention Center after allegedly…
Chivers’ estranged partner, the paralegal for a prestigious attorney in Camden, S.C., maintained that her estranged partner stole the laptop bag on or about August 19, 2024 — absconding with one work phone and three terabytes of password-protected legal data.
Come Sunday, motion-activated trail cameras captured Chivers’ 2017 Ford F250 entering his estranged partner’s property at approximately 7:48 p.m. EST. He then allegedly accosted the woman, her adolescent child and the same family friend who were traveling in a 2023 Chevy Tahoe Z71.
Wearing nothing more than khaki shorts, magnetic reading glasses and jewelry, the half-naked farmer began berating the vehicle’s occupants from the confines of his truck. Shortly thereafter, the adolescent child started recording Chivers’ tirade from his mother’s iPhone.
“Adulterous motherfucker,” yelled Chivers at the family friend. “Get back in your car before I whoop your ass on my farm. Seriously… you need to get away from [my partner]. She’s trouble, dude. She’s going to take you down… Katie loves you! Wake up!”
According to iPhone video, Chivers referenced former Kershaw County Chairwoman Katie Guinn upwards of five times. His estranged partner then stepped onto the pickup’s running board – at which point Chivers sped off with the five-foot woman clinging to his passenger side.
“Get off my truck,” exclaimed Chivers as his estranged partner’s child climbed onto the moving pickup. “You’re holding me prisoner! You’re holding me prisoner! I cannot leave… You’re restricting my ability to leave! Stop! Get off!”
As Chivers swatted at his estranged partner amid the screams of a 13-year-old child, her missing laptop bag was spotted on the passenger side floor. Binoculars, Lysol disinfectant spray and at least one bottle of prescription medication were furthermore noted in the pickup.
“You gave that Barbour bag to me,” exclaimed the half-naked farmer as he relocated the bag while accelerating the pickup to approximately 30 mph, according to eyewitnesses. “Get off my truck. Guys. Get off my truck! Katie Guinn! Katie!”
After the adolescent child dropped his mother’s iPhone, Chivers purportedly slammed on his brakes and slingshotted his estranged partner into the pickup’s rearview mirror. He then exited the vehicle and pummeled the woman three times, according to eyewitnesses.
“She showed me her right arm,” wrote a KCSO deputy that evening. “She had fresh scrapes which she said were from the gravel when she fell. These marks were also starting to bruise and bleed. She also showed me a large scrape mark on the right side of her back (sic).”

According to KCSO, the adolescent child watched Chivers throw his 128-pound mother to the ground before dragging her by her hair. He then attested to being punched into the gravel after climbing on Chivers’ bare back during the supposed assault.
At 7:50 p.m. EST, trail cameras recorded Chivers departing from the property in his pickup. As the dust cloud settled, his estranged partner reported the incident to 911 — prompting KCSO deputies to apprehend the farmer in the parking lot of an abandoned Fatz Cafe in Camden.
According to eyewitnesses, Chivers was arrested after rendezvousing with Guinn in the aforementioned parking lot. The former chairwoman purportedly remained on-scene when KCSO escorted his estranged partner to retrieve her Barbour laptop bag from the pickup.
After leaving Fatz Cafe, trail cameras recorded Guinn’s 2022 Volvo XC90 entering the incident location at 9:34 p.m. EST. She then exited the investment property at 9:38 EST, before allegedly returning at 9:47 p.m. EST for about three minutes.
While Guinn’s relationship with Chivers remains unclear, the ex-politician is no stranger to obscure cameos. On August 3, 2024, Guinn caused a local cacophony when she entered her estranged husband’s business during a political event for self-proclaimed anarchist Jeff Mattox.

After supposedly telling an attendee to “f*** off,” Guinn called her husband’s employees “terrible, evil people” for calling 911. A live audience thereafter watched as multiple officers of the Camden Police Department (CPD) surrounded her outside during a thunderstorm.
“This was a pitiful and disgusting display,” said Mattox following the incident. “She used two soaking wet children to disrupt a political event while endorsing another candidate. And then she drove off before CPD cleared her. It leaves me with no faith in this political clown show.”
On May 14, 2024, Guinn resigned as the first chairwoman of Kershaw County after serving less than 40 percent of her four-year term. Reasons for her resignation included the death of her mother and an ongoing divorce, according to an official statement released on May 15, 2024.
As for Chivers? He posted a $5,400 cash surety bond set by embattled S.C. County Magistrate Darrell J. Drakeford on Monday, September 2, 2024. According to eyewitnesses, he has since returned to stalking his estranged partner throughout Camden.
Chivers has not responded to the author’s request for comment.
This story may be updated.
Andrew Fancher is a Lone Star Emmy award-winning journalist from Dallas, Texas. Cut from a bloodline of outlaws and lawmen alike, he was the first of his family to graduate college which was accomplished with honors. Got a story idea or news tip for Andy? Email him directly and connect with him socially across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
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“Chivers’ estranged partner, the paralegal for a prestigious attorney in Camden ” lol what a joke. Nothing prestigious about that man. Everyone knows he is a joke and pays Fits for stories.
Not mentioned, “the estranged partner” Tiffany Brown, former candidate for clerk of court who also lost by an embarrassing amount.
I wonder why Katie Guinn’s name is mentioned? Maybe it is because Tiffany is shacking up with her husband (who is a client of said “prestigious attorney” aka TIFFANYS BOSS), who was also present on scene and is listed as the “family friend”
These articles make it clearer and clearer that Andrew Fancher is a one sided reporter, no wonder he was fired from WIS. Embarrassing that Folks has somebody like this writing for him. So the real story is a paralegal is having an extramarital affair with her bosses client who is the husband of former counsel woman Katie Guinn and gets “pummeled” while her lover watches idly by??? Weird
Fancher was fired from WIS? Or did they just want a “divorse”?
Yeah, that photo is definitely inside the new catery. This explains why The Catery on Broad is so terrible now. Tripp Guinn might want to focus on his catering rather than someone else’s wife! The last couple things we got from him were tasteless. Maybe he sold the business?
Your ghost writer found a thesaurus and used some synonyms for ‘paramour’. Well done!
He said, she said
This article sounds so one-sided that it’s laughable that it’s on Fits News! Andrew must be practicing for a romance novel or something….are applications down, Will? Tiffany Brown (formerly Parnell, when she was legally married) does not work for a “prestigious“ law firm – she works for the Buchers who are worse than ambulance chasers! You failed to mention that Tiffany ALSO ran for public office, Clerk of Court, and she lost too! The reason Jerry & Tiffany broke up is because Tiffany began having an illicit affair with Tripp Guinn, the ex spouse of Katie Guinn. Tiffany is just as crazy as Jerry is – everyone knows this. Tiffany is bi-sexual and has openly propositioned local bartenders and servers about “sleepovers”. Tiffany has served minors alcohol and has even hit one of Jerry’s daughters. The only victim in this story is Tiffany’s son. She knowingly brought him along and allowed him to stand on the truck! She should be arrested, too. She’s a horrible person, just like her former “husband” Jerry. They told everyone they were married for years….but you missed that part too. Next time just ask anyone in Camden about these two nut jobs and they could’ve written a better story than you did.
Those naked, hairy, boobs in that aptly named “X” video! Think of the children who may have had to view that! Think of the innocence lost! WWKSD? (What Would Katrina Shealy Do?)
So, is that a photo of Chivers’ estranged partner’s arm, or does Chivers’ estranged partner weigh 128 pounds? Because both of those statements cannot be true at the same time.
The common thread in this whole trilogy of nut jobs is the one and only Katie Greenhalgh Rose Guinn. Seems she pops up in the craziest stories.
Question is why was Jerry on the phone with Katie during the couples fight? Makes one wonder if the two of them were working together toward some sinister plan?
Why was Jerry staking out the place?
We know Katie has done crazy things in the past including marching two young kids in a rain storm to crash a campaign event for spite. I mean using kids as pawns is pretty low but seems common for these nuts.
If I was a betting man I would wager a pretty hefty sum that Katie was the yarn spinner in this particular web.
Who called who and when? Why oh why does Jerry have Katie on speed dial?
This is better than any of those fake reality shows!
How could Jerry have been talking to Katie if she was also a witness? I think Jerry was talking to Tripp Guinn and telling him to stay away from Tiffany because she would ruin his life and that he should get back with Katie because she apparently still loves Tripp….even though he has a RO against her! Only in Camden!
Can you confirm Tripp Guinn has a restraining order against Katie Guinn? I think it’s the other way around. People have been stalking her for months. Tripp Guinn is a known alcoholic. Anyone that lives here knows that. His first wife left him for the same reason. And why doesn’t he see any of his children? Both divorce orders don’t allow him to be around his own children. but yes, ONLY IN CAMDEN!
Does Katie Guinn keep ending up in crazy stories or are the bought and paid for stories all coming from the same people? Everyone knows Jeff Mattox made up a bunch of crazy stuff about her and now the law firm that has a relationship with Jeff Mattox keeps these stories going? the connection seems obvious. Same people saying shes crazy are the same people that hated her on council.
Is that supposed to be the bruise with fresh scrapes and blood? I’ve never seen an officer wipe the “fresh blood” off before taking the photo. It looks to be a selfie of her LEFT arm. The police report references her RIGHT arm being bruised. Interesting. I don’t understand how her left arm was bruised from the truck moving if she was on the passenger side…
What caught my eye was that the photo was taken inside the business of Tripp Guinn, the husband of Katie Guinn, and I assume the “family friend” that was mentioned in the article. The same business that Katie Guinn entered during a campaign event/caused a scene/was asked to leave/the city police responded to. FitsNews also posted video of that small town Republican drama.
Don’t forget it was a PUBLIC event she went to. She is apparently not part of the public. At a business that her and Tripp still own together. They are still married. Tripp didn’t even call the police that night, Tiffany Brown did. I know people that work at that business. She was still helping her husband at the business until Tiffany and Butchers for involved. It was never reported that the butchers showed up that night too. They tried to have her arrested and the police wouldn’t do it because she didn’t do anything wrong. The Butchers and Tiffany have it out for Katie Guinn. These people are just using Tripp Guinn and his business. Whew, dont get your catering from him, you might have the police show up!
Yes, Anetta and the only other stories Fitznews has done that mention Katie Guinn are about Jeff Mattox. Looks like this guys shares the same obsession of Guinn that Jeff Mattox had.
Did you so notice that in the video she grabs a bag out of her husband’s truck…but then goes looking for Katie Guinn to get the bag? Sounds like she was just looking for an excuse to hunt down Katie Guinn with a police escort.
Fancher can’t write a clear, easy to follow story to save himself.
Also, why didn’t you mention the political party since you make a huge deal out of him being a former candidate? Is this because he’s Republican and Fitsnews whores itself out to all manner of MAGAs and Repubs?
Because no one in the Republican Party in Camden CLAIMED either of them as representative of the values we hold….thats why. Jerry received 167 votes out of over 4.4k votes cast and Tiffany somehow managed to get 1.2k out of 4.4k for the Clerk of Court position. She only ran to keep her lover/husband/partner in crime out of the court dockets. Look him up in Camden & Charleston to see how much HE is in the court system and all the creditors he owes money to. Tiffany ruined her ex-husband’s relationship with their children by brainwashing those kids. He finally signed away his rights when the kids refused to visit with him. Heartbreaking, really. The plan was for Jerry to adopt them. Did you know how they met? TIFFANY N BROWN PARNELL was married at the time and she was the nanny to Jerry’s young girls when it was his visitation time. They had an affair and it was documented. This caused her first divorce. And Tiffany is not a paralegal – she only has a high school diploma. Tiffany & Jerry should both be charged for child neglect
This is heartbreaking…..whats heartbreaking now is she’s doing it again to Tripp Guinn. This Tiffany chick apparently removed all of his sons items out of his and Katies house and isn’t letting Tripp communicate with Katie or the son. Jealous? The whole situation is sad. If you followed the Katie Guinn campaign you’d know they have a small son, who is precious and it sounds like the new girlfriend is trying to remove the son from his Dads life. Only a horrible person would do this.
This is ratings gold
Andy and I have a very different idea of “sped off” if the video is supposed to be someone who “sped off”. I feel like if you are willingly clinging to a truck that is barely moving, you potentially are part of the problem.
Just a bunch of redneck trash. Why don’t you spend less time on your hair and write a real story
No one seems the least bit concerned with the young child witnessing this drama, how traumatic? Also climbing on the truck and screaming? Does DSS read Fitznews? I put money on it that she gave herself that bruise and gave her kid one too. that woman is crazy as hell and this whole county knows it. I actually have more respect for Chairwoman Guinn, good riddance to Tripp! He should have hung on to her and this town should have too! She did an outstanding job on council and was publicly attacked nearly every meeting. We need more people breaking up the home grown corruption but look what this town does to them when they step up to serve.
What is actually better news, is that the wife of Jerry Chivers is the paramour of Tripp Guinn, Katie Guinn’s current husband. She lives with him and the home is owned by the married couple. This writer seems to have it out for Katie Guinn. Her husband’s new girlfriend is also the paralegal at the law firm representing him in their divorce. The law firm also has a relationship with Jeff Mattox, the guy that was obsessed with Katie Guinn while she was on council. She’s a private citizen now so I don’t know why this guy continues to cover what’s she’s doing. Leave her alone. This is why she resigned. I’m sure no other county elected officials had to deal with all this. Also Jerry Chivers wife just ran for Kershaw County Clerk.
This story is trash. There’s a video circulating showing Triple Guinn, ex of Katie Guinn entering Jerry Chivers property with his ex Tiffany Brown. Tiffany is driving the Guinn’s Chevy Tahoe with Tripp in the back seat. Tripp Guinn exits his car and threatens Jerry Chivers. When Chivers tells Tripp that Katie and Eli (the couples son) still care about him, Tiffany Brown loses her mind and jumps on Chivers truck. Tripp Guinn watched the entire encounter. So you’re telling me that Tripp Guinn watched Jerry Chivers beat his girlfriend? After he tried to pick a fight?
Sounds like Brown and Guinn instigated a situation. Then Tiffany Brown arrives with cops where Katie Guinn is? Looking for a bag? I mean is anyone buying this? Anyone think it’s weird that Tripl Guinn’s girlfriend works for Robert Butcher? The guy responsible for the attack against senate candidate, Christina Allard? That’s the news story I want to see, the law firms involvemwnt with both Allard and K. Guinn. Chairwoman Guinn supported Allard for Senate. This just seems like more trouble being stirred up. This story is one sided and protects the chairwoman’s husband and Chivers wife. Talk about fake news.
So the “family friend” is Tripp Guinn. Son of Ivan Guinn Jr. that worked at DuPont. Anyone actually know the Guinns? They all have drug and alcohol problems. One of the brothers just died and the daughter hooked on drugs hasn’t been seen in years. Anyone seen Tripp lately? He looks like he might be on drugs like his sister. This is crazy. Birds of a feather flock together though theres a reason he’s with Tiffany Parnell Brown Chivers or whatever the heck her name is.
Ok, so the estranged wife, Katie Guinn’s still husband and Jerry Chivers got in a fight. And the biggest question is Why was Katie Guinn called? LOL. Um, why is the estranged wife and Katie Guinn’s husband rolling up on Jerry Chivers? Did I miss something?
Haha….family friend. What’s wrong fancher? Can’t spell Tripp? Because you can surely spell his last name, Guinn. Do some research, Tripp Guinn is more than a “family friend” He moved the estranged wife into his house in August. (a house still owned by the chairwoman) Do you do any research or just type what the estranged wife told you to type? BTW way Fancher, the estranged wife drives that 2023 Z71 Tahoe everywhere, if you look up the taxes-its owned by Tripp Guinn. Why is the estranged wife driving Tripp Guinn’s car and making him sit in the backseat? Ha
He only ran for Senate to split votes from Christina Allard because his wife and the Bitchers hate her.
I can see why WIS got rid of Fancher
Tiffany is a pro at trying and/or succeeding in destroying relationships between children and their parents whenever she becomes involved as a “step” parent or significant other. That is bad enough, but destroying the relationship between her own flesh and blood children and their father is something only the coldest and most vindictive person would do. She’s an episode of Snapped waiting to happen. Will Folks – you need to do better with your reporting and truly investigate and not present a one-sided article.