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There are a number of things that I believe that liberals do not… but I understand why they don’t believe them. A small handful include:
The 2020 election was stolen.
Liberals were never shown proof of the steal by any major media outlets. The fact the courts refused to hear the vast majority of the challenges may not be on their radar. Maybe they don’t know that Atlanta’s claim that they stopped counting votes wasn’t due to a watermain break, but actually a leaking urinal. They may truly believe there was no fraud that occurred after sending out unsolicited ballots to millions of people.

The FBI and Hillary Clinton targeted Trump, and made up of the entire Russia Collusion Hoax.
It’s possible these liberals have no access to news. It’s possible they are entirely unaware that every facet of the Hoax has been publicly proven to be illegal subterfuge, and that it has been shown in writing that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for the fake Steele dossier. And since zero officials have been held accountable, an uninformed person might think that means “they did nothing wrong.”
Joe Biden acted in concert with his son to sell access to the Vice Presidency.
They may still only recall the 51 “retired intelligence officials” who signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” and never listened to anymore news about it. Maybe they believe the “10 percent to the Big Guy” in Hunter’s emails doesn’t refer to Joe Biden. And perhaps they actually believe Joe Biden really did call into Hunter’s “client meetings” to “talk about the weather.”
The retreat from Afghanistan should’ve resulted in criminal negligence charges for dozens of officers, a public condemnation of them by the president, and (like Jimmy Carter did) publicly state, “I take full responsibly.”
If someone doesn’t believe this, I suppose it’s possible they don’t know the military withdrew its combat arms units before beginning the retreat, thus rendering themselves virtually unarmed. They might lack an understanding of military tactics, and don’t know the supposed “lightning speed with which the Taliban retook of the country” could’ve been stopped in its tracks by four squadrons of fighter/bomber aircraft. Maybe they never read we abandoned tens of thousands of Afghans who helped us, and we’d promised to bring to the USA — or left behind tens of billions of dollars for the Taliban to use.
Joe Biden’s performance at the debate wasn’t surprising.
It would be possible to have no idea he was deeply demented if you were in jail or only had access to The View. Or you don’t know a single medical doctor, and never asked for an educated opinion. Perhaps one might have never seen him speak at a press conference, or seen video of him walking. And for the especially moronic, you could chalk it all up to “he used to stutter,” despite the fact he hasn’t stuttered in 50 years.
The attempted assassination of Trump was far more than simple mistakes on the part of the Secret Service.
Let’s run down some of the facts about this, all of which are in writing/audio/video available to the public:
The Secret Service turned down the Trump request for more security (NBC News).
USA Today reported that the Secret Service did not turn down the request for heightened security, based on lies by the Secret Service.
Six days later, CNN reported they had in fact lied, and did deny the request.
The director of the FBI stated they weren’t sure Trump was “even hit by a bullet.” The same day, the FBI released a statement they were positive Trump was struck by a bullet.
The shooter was reported as a “suspicious person” walking the grounds, and was being tracked—and despite the fact that the Secret Service could not find him, Trump was allowed to take the stage.
The shooter was seen by witnesses five minutes before the shots were fired, who screamed warnings to police.
The roof he fired from was the single most obvious sniper position.
No one has been fired—the director of the Secret Service was allowed to resign.
The far-left ESG financial giant Blackrock has admitted the shooter starred in a Blackrock commercial. Odds of that?
The day before the shooting, Austin Private Wealth purchased 12 million “put options” for Trump’s Media Company—a financial derivative that can be used to bet on a stock’s decline. They now claim the purchase was due to a filing error.
And finally… the shooter Thomas Crooks had three overseas, encrypted bank accounts.
How these facts aren’t obvious to the Left as clearly suspicious is ponderous.
There are, however, a number of FACTS that those on the Left somehow manage to disbelieve, despite the evidence available.
This part of their psyches I cannot make sense of; I have a number of issues on which I admittedly experience cognitive dissonance, but none of them involve issues that are obviously factual.
Those in charge—the campaign strategists and the media—know they are reporting lies, but lying is their profession. The fact that many college-educated liberals think in their hearts their beliefs are based in fact is surreal. They aren’t simply blathering agreed upon false talking points… they believe they are right.
Here are a few of the FACTS they deny.
Joe Biden DID threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating the company that paid Hunter $50,000 a month to sit on their board.
This one I find exceptionally difficult to understand their denial, as there has been a video circulating for years from when Joe Biden was VP, which literally shows him telling a group of sycophants that “I told them they weren’t getting the money unless they fired him before I left. And son-of-bitch if he wasn’t fired before I left.” I’d post a link, but somehow liberals are able to mentally reject even things they see and hear.
Kamela WAS and IS the ‘Border Czar.’
How can this be denied? As cited in a previous column, there is literally video of Joe Biden stating, “She’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle, and the countries that are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks — stemming the migration to our southern border.” Dozens of liberal media outlets reported with great excitement that she would be “overseeing the border situation.” And Kamala Harris never stated or corrected anyone in any media that she was the “Root Causes Czar,” and was not in charge of border security.
Trump’s age is a cause for concern.
This one is ponderous. Literally three weeks ago, the entire Left stated in unison that Biden was not too old to run—despite the video evidence he was a frail old man in both mind and body. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is vibrant and sharp— pretty clearly evidenced by the fact that after being shot, and despite the efforts of the Secret Service to prevent him from doing so, he stood to his full height, raised his fist, and shouted “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Not only is the Left proclaiming he’s too old, they have now decided that his ongoing refusal to use a teleprompter — and speak in the exact same meandering way he always has — is “a sign of cognitive decline.”
Biden was FORCED to drop out.
Despite hundreds of reports that Biden was not dropping out of the race, and inside reports he was furious that he was being asked to, Leftists are now trumpeting that his decision was “selfless” and “patriotic, because he loves his country.” Somehow it is lost on them that he stepped down only after dozens in Congress demanded it, and the Obamas and George Clooney publicly stated he needed to. This should be obvious to even that prisoner who only gets to watch The View.
Liberals hate Israeli and Israeli Jews.
All across America, the media is covering protests by Leftists, condemning Israel for “committing genocide” on the people who elected and support the terrorist leaders who orchestrated the October 7 massacre—which included burning babies alive. They are holding signs that and chanting “from the River to the Sea,” referencing Hamas charter to exterminate all Jews from the Jordon River to the Mediterranean Sea. There are untold number of members from the LGBT world holding signs saying, “Queers for Palestine,” despite the fact they’d be executed if they stepped foot in Gaza.
There has been zero pushback from American liberals. None. Zero. No one in leadership has announced, “I’m liberal but I believe Israel has the right to defend itself from a group that’s put it writing that its purpose is the genocide of all Jews.” The only possible and logical reason for this is hatred.
The rich AREN’T part of our problem.
Am I a bit jealous of people rolling in dough? Sure. Here’s what they do that’s beneficial: The one percent — those earning $540,009 or more — account for 40 percent of the federal income taxes paid. Another thing liberals don’t understand is “if you have a billion dollars, you can’t hide it under the mattress.” Every single nickel has to be spent, or invested somewhere. Rich people buy yachts, jets, fancy homes and high-end cars, and — as amazing as it is — these rich people toys don’t auto-assemble themselves: Humans getting paychecks are employed to build them. What money they don’t spend, they have to invest.
Small example: Mark Wahlberg launched a chain of burger joints, where real humans get paychecks. Big example: Elon Musk started SpaceX and Starlink, where real humans get paychecks, and people can invest their savings and grow their money. If you seize the wealth of a billionaire, and give a million bucks to 1,000 less fortunate people, nothing in the economy changes. Zero. Those new millionaires have to spend the money, or invest it… same as the now-very-sad and broke former billionaire.
Virtually ZERO Americans live in abject poverty.
There are tens of millions of Americans who live “crappy lives.” There are millions of American families that live with “food insecurity,” who don’t get enough to eat. There are tens of millions of Americans who live depressing, unfulfilled lives. There are many Americans who are angry that “the system” that’s benefited so many hasn’t benefited them. But that’s not abject poverty. Abject poverty kills you.
There are zero American toddlers with distended bellies due to malnutrition, so weak they no longer swat the flies buzzing their faces. Except for a few Blue Cities, Americans never step over the bodies of people who’ve died on the sidewalk the night before—a common occurrence in India. Clean water is commonplace, and when it’s not “you may be entitled to compensation.” No one walks three miles every day to bring home non-poisonous water.
The government’s Covid-19 response and actions were criminal.
Everything about Covid was a social experiment—or criminal negligence. Everything below has been proven as a lie in writing:
–Covid was a lab leak… but they tried to convince Americans it occurred when someone ate a bat sandwich.
–Six feet of social distancing was—according to Fauci—made up arbitrarily. They used that as a reason to destroy the American economy.
–Everyone with a medical degree knew an over-the-counter mask does nothing to stop a virus, yet they threatened to de-board doctors who said so, banned them from social media, and forced Americans to wear them.
–The vaccine didn’t prevent a person from getting Covid… it didn’t prevent them from spreading Covid… it didn’t do anything, but cause side-effects that have been killing young athletic men. It was so obvious it was a scam, 97% of Americans refused to take the latest booster, and the government just gave up.
–Sweden’s decision to use herd immunity as the “cure” was proven correct, as their numbers were no different than any other country’s, a fact suppressed by the American media.
–At the outset, Joe Biden called Trump’s decision to halt air travel from China was ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobic,’ but when Biden continued the policy it was ‘wise and measured.’
What you see with your own ears and eyes is reality.
It wasn’t that long ago when video, audio, and official legal documents would end a debate. One pretty easy example to point to is the video where Joe Biden literally states he threatened to withhold money from Ukraine. Yet liberals can watch that, and say, “See? It’s right there. He never did that.”
How does a sane person respond to someone who won’t believe their own eyes and ears?
You can’t.
Prioleau Alexander is a freelance writer, focusing mostly on politics and non-fiction humor. He is the author of four books: ‘You Want Fries With That?,’ ‘Dispatches Along the Way,’ ‘Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?‘ and ‘They Don’t Call It The Submission Process For Nothing.’
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“The idea of refusing to believe your own eyes and ears is a fairly new twist for liberals…”
Thankfully Prioleau is an experienced guru at it, so here’s some tips to get started!
“Old wine in new bottles.” How about some research and reporting on some more recent issues, which must be important since Mr. Trump himself has brought them up in recent speeches and interviews. Inquiring minds would like to know:
1. Is Trump better looking than Kamala Harris, as he recently claimed?
2. What is exactly the racial heritage of Harris and what exactly are “Black jobs?”
3. Is Georgia Governor Brian Kemp really “a bad guy” and “average?” Could the state of Georgia “do a lot better?”
4. Is the Presidential Medal of Freedom “better” than the Congressional Medal of Honor?”
I am sure that the answer to these questions are essential to the future of the Republic and important to all Americans, so we wait will bated breath and thirsty ear.
I will never understand why toxically stupid people feel the constant need to prove how fucking stupid they are.
Obvious lies!?!
That’s the entire Republican platform.
Project 2025 and obviously lying about knowing about Project 2025. Trump and Vance make blatant and obvious lies every time they speak.
FoxNews’ propagandists are blabbing and floundering trying to come up with ANYTHING to discredit Harris/Walz and nothing is working. So, it’s no surprise a no body, blogger is failing this hard.