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Runaway inflation in the United States is directly attributable to excessive post-Covid money printing. And as I’ve repeatedly pointed out in my coverage of this issue, the administration of former president Donald Trump bears its fair share of the blame for that.
Most of the blame, though, falls on the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris – along with uni-party congressional leaders in Washington, D.C. who have escalated our nation’s unsustainable fiscal profligacy well after the merciful conclusion of their manufactured Covid “emergency.”
News flash: You cannot perpetually monetize ever-escalating levels of debt and expect the center to hold.
Well, you can… it just results in the collapse of your Republic sooner rather than later.
Fear not, though. Harris – who has been freshly installed by party leaders as the Democrats’ 2024 standard-bearer – has a solution for the inflationary disaster her administration helped create.
Her big idea? Price controls… a command economic concept which dates back to the Roman emperor Diocletian in the late third century A.D. And while the idea didn’t work then (and hasn’t worked since), Harris is seizing on it as part of her populist progressive rebranding.

“There’s a big difference between fair pricing in competitive markets, and excessive prices unrelated to the costs of doing business,” Harris’ campaign noted in a release previewing a major economic address in North Carolina. “Americans can see that difference in their grocery bills.”
Accordingly, Harris has proposed “the first-ever federal ban on price gouging on food and groceries — setting clear rules of the road to make clear that big corporations can’t unfairly exploit consumers to run up excessive corporate profits on food and groceries.”
Is this what’s happening, though?
Here's your "price gouging" narrative: average costs paid by businesses have risen just as much as costs charged to consumers – if businesses are being "greedy," they're doing it all wrong…
— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) August 14, 2024
“If you buy the idea that our increasing living costs reflect profit-puffing from companies with market power, then capping specific prices has a certain logic to it,” author Ryan Bourne wrote earlier this year for the Cato Institute. “The problem is that this explanation for inflation is a myth.”
Inaccuracies regarding their stated rationale notwithstanding, do price controls work?
No, they do not.
“They create widespread inefficiencies, diminish the quality of products and encourage black markets,” Bourne added. “There’s a reason economists consistently oppose price controls.”
On their most elemental level, price controls distort the free market – not unlike crony capitalist incentives, ideologically driven subsidies, unchecked entitlement or the aforementioned money printing.
“The main problem with price controls is that they prevent prices from rising when demand increases or supply falls,” economist David R. Henderson of The Hoover Institute noted last February. “If the government doesn’t allow prices to rise in such circumstances, we get shortages and line-ups. That’s what happened in the gasoline market with Nixon’s price controls. It’s true that price controls will reduce the measure of inflation, but they actually hide inflation. Inflation is, after all, an increase in the cost of living. Most of us would rather buy steak at $10 a pound from the butcher who has steak than go to the butcher who doesn’t have steak but is charging $8 a pound. That $8 a pound does not signify a lower cost of living if we can’t get the steak.”
Price controls are staples of failed communist and socialist nations – which means those referring to this second iteration of Kamalanomics (her first idea was to crib Trump’s ridiculous ‘No Taxes On Tips‘ plan) as “communist” or “socialist” are technically correct.
Of course, politicians on the ideological right (many of whom are every bit as addicted to fiat currency as their liberal “antagonists”) have long overused the term “communism.” In fact, they’ve trotted it out so often to describe those on the left the allegation has lost any real punch.
While Harris is unlikely to succeed in the wholesale implementation of price controls, that doesn’t appear to be the point of this latest gambit.
“The plan is not designed to be passed — or even to be advanced intellectually,” Charles C.W. Cooke wrote for National Review. “Rather, the plan is designed to (a) get the disgracefully compliant media to repeat the premise — that the disastrous Biden-era inflation has been the fault of greedy corporations, and not of reckless fiscal policy, and (b) to get Republicans to oppose it as the terrible notion that it is so that Harris can insist to indignant cheers that she wants to bring grocery prices down while her opponents want to protect Big Meat.”
Indeed. This proposal is less about enacting price controls… and more about changing the subject.
“She’s interested in whitewashing the record of the Biden-Harris administration… and thereby in eliminating one of her key liabilities going into the election in November,” Cooke added.
Will Folks is the owner and founding editor of FITSNews. Prior to founding his own news outlet, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina, bass guitarist in an alternative rock band and bouncer at a Columbia, S.C. dive bar. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and eight children.
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Can take this blog post seriously. Stopped reading after the ‘manufactured covid emergency’ line.
Much like this blog’s cult leader, Trump, it’s an incoherent, weird mix of conspiracy theories and lies.
How exactly did the old sleepy Biden/Harris administration create global inflation?
Republicans have been crying about inflation that started up Trump during his disastrous handling of the very real COVID pandemic (over a million Americans died of COVID, including former FitsNews readers), now Harris has a plan to prevent price gouging and those same republicans are crying about it.
Republicans love to create disasters and then freak out when Democrats come and fix it. Dems had to fix Bush Sr’s recession, then Dems had to fix Bush Jr’s MASSIVE recession and then again, Dems had to fix the complete disaster Trump left the country in (including his failed violent coup on Jan 6th 2021).
Republicans have done nothing good for regular Americans in years and years. The American voters know this and will vote accordingly in November.
I mean, you look at the housing and rental market, the health care industry, and higher education and you see the outcome of apathy and inaction to rising prices on the working class. When conservatives say the market will find out how much you can bear, they don’t tell you it’s your neck doing the bearing.
Republicans represent the rent seekers, the price hikers, the leeches of society.
Oh yeah, that “runaway inflation” of 2.9%. What is it in other countries? Fits will never tell that.
3 corporations supply the majority of the brands available in supermarkets.
Corporate CEOs have even been caught on tape saying they raised prices just because they could. It’s corporate greed, and they are hoping to be rewarded by an extension of Trump’s tax cuts for them.
At least we get to watch as Will Folks, a parent of 8 on a blogger’s budget, twists and turns and flips and flops doing mental gymnastics to make Harris/Walz policies that would directly benefit his family sound bad. He is literally going to be working against the best interests of people like his family. It’s bad enough being MAGA and Trump continually screwing you over, but now MAGA gets to screw themselves over. The ultimate sacrifice to the elderly criminal cult leader.
I know my family is glad that Biden/Harris administration enacted price controls on prescription drugs.
There is one place companies were definitely gouging the American people.
Republicans did everything to try and stop that from passing, but Kamala cast the tie breaking vote.
Republicans have done nothing for my family.
Republicans can’t name one thing they have done for the benefit of the average American in the past 40 years.
FitsNews thinks the United States has a free market economy.
I guess Elon and Trump didn’t talk about all the tax payer incentives Tesla receives from the government?
That’s just one of thousands of examples.
Our economy is stronger than it’s been in years and Elon certainly isn’t suffering from all the government aid he recieves.
Back to the drawing board. These attacks on Kamala/Harris sure are falling flat with voters. They’re leading all the polls now.
Yeah, the runaway inflation of 2.9%! And, the lowest it’s been in 3 years? And who was in office when this inflation run up started? Fact check yourself, Bud.
Back to the drawing board with that comment.
Make America Great Again
You guys had four years to make America great again.
You failed miserably.
Later, clowns.
Want to make America great again?
Exterminate white trash!
Also ignorant
I don’t think democrats have been this mad since republicans ended slavery.
Everyone: Grocery prices are through the roof.
Kamala: We want to look into why grocery prices are so high compared to why are corporations that control them have record –
breaking profits.
Republicans on their boats: How dare anyone try to lower grocery prices, she is a communist!