Voter Registration
State House

Yes, Welfare Agencies Are Sending Voter Registration Forms To Illegal Aliens

And South Carolina’s “conservative” Republicans are rallying around their state’s implementation of this dubious policy …

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South Carolina state representative Adam Morgan took to Twitter in late April with photos of voter registration forms disseminated to non-citizens by state authorities. A recent report released by the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) confirmed the distribution of the registration forms – as well as the legality of the distribution.

SLED’s inquiry was ordered by S.C. governor Henry McMaster, who seemed to think Morgan himself was subject of the investigation.

“These are very serious allegations,” McMaster said. “I ask that you give (SLED) your full and immediate cooperation.”

The outcome of this investigation was never in question, as federal law mandates that states distribute voter registration forms to everyone who shows up to receive transfer payments ay any number of welfare delivering agencies.

McMaster and his political allies surely knew this, and requested the inquiry to create the headline currently being bandied about by most South Carolina media outlets. For example, here’s what state-run S.C. Educational Television (SCETV) reporter Gavin Jackson had to say …



It’s true – attempts to put voter registration forms in the hands non-citizens is completely legal. As this media outlet previously reported, during the Clinton administration the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was passed into law.

The act, described by the Institute for Responsive Government as “the brainchild of two New York scholars, Francis Fox Piven and the late Richard Cloward,” demanded that almost every government agency which distributed welfare transfer payments also distribute voter registration forms.”

Cloward and Piven, the two 1960’s sociologists responsible the NVRA, have become infamous in recent years as the catastrophic effects of the implementation of their ideologies has become increasingly apparent in our society.

The “Cloward- Piven strategy” is described on Wikipedia as an attempt to utilize “militant anti poverty groups” to facilitate a “political crisis” by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income and “redistributing income through the federal government.”



The staggering federal debt and rampant inflation necessary to maintain America’s current welfare state certainly threatens to bring about the “political crisis” Cloward and Piven so desired.

It seems only fitting that South Carolina’s “conservatives” rallied around their state’s implementation of this dubious policy to performatively “dunk on” Morgan – a perpetual thorn in the side of the the state’s moderate mainstream GOP.

Morgan is the chairman of the S.C. Freedom Caucus, a political organization whose members recently evoked the ire of the state house lobby by thwarting the passage of a bill consolidating the state’s numerous healthcare agencies under one management structure.

Some of Morgan’s colleagues objected to the state using the Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) advisory services to draft the legislation, citing the group’s left-leaning political ideology and the legislation’s creation of an über-powerful health authority. Some members have referred to this position as a “health czar” – accusing the moderate GOP majority of having learned nothing from government overreach during COVID-19.



A quick scroll through BCG’s website indicates concerns over firm’s political affiliations are well-founded. The group boasts that their “diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting team helps clients build the equitable and inclusive businesses of the future.”

The reality of the present, however, is that South Carolina’s disparate healthcare agencies are profoundly ineffective – and consolidating them has been a longstanding conservative policy priority. Accordingly, many lawmakers see the Freedom Caucus’ objections as performative and detrimental to the state.

The healthcare consolidation battle is but the latest of the ceaseless conflicts between the few hardline conservatives in the S.C. General Assembly and the many moderates and Democrats who oppose them. This latest publicity stunt by McMaster (which doubtlessly cost SLED precious resources that could have been better spent addressing South Carolina’s above average violent crime rate) is just another front in the fight.

So conservatives rest easy, your government isn’t breaking any laws. It’s just implementing laws explicitly designed to tear our nation apart while using your tax dollars to try and embarrass an elected official who brought attention to the issue.



(Via: Travis Bell)

Dylan Nolan is the director of special projects at FITSNews. He graduated from the Darla Moore school of business in 2021 with an accounting degree. Got a tip or story idea for Dylan? Email him here. You can also engage him socially @DNolan2000.



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Nylan Dolan May 17, 2024 at 9:04 am

“who brought attention to the issue.”

To be clear, the issue here is some people received a piece of paper you don’t want them to receive.

Adam Morgan is a weird little freak and should be blamed for wasting our tax payer money in investigating this nonsense.

Nanker Phelge May 17, 2024 at 11:41 am


Much ado about nothing, as usual.

Frank May 17, 2024 at 4:44 pm

Let’s say you walk into a bank. You go to a teller and ask for a loan application. The bank teller looks at you and says I don’t think you qualify for a loan, so I am not going to give you an application. Are you ok with that?

A voter registration form is nothing but an application to be registered as a voter. If you file that form it is up to the voter registration office to determine if you are eligible to be a registered voter. You have to provide your name, your address, a photo ID, and swear under oath that you are a citizen of the US and the State of South Carolina. You can download the application on the internet.

This is nothing but partisan bulls*&t. Who gets to make the call as to who gets an application and who doesn’t? I guess SC Republicans want anyone who is not white to take a few extra steps.

Dum Spiro Spero Top fan May 28, 2024 at 10:06 am

Your comment makes far too much sense. Please don’t confound and confuse the extreme right-wingers with actual facts.


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