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South Carolina attorney general Alan Wilson will participate in a panel discussion this Tuesday (August 15, 2023) to address the “devastating” impact environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ideology is having on small business owners across the country – and to discuss legislation aimed at combatting the threat.
Wilson and South Carolina treasurer Curtis Loftis have been among the most aggressive opponents of ESG ideology in the Palmetto State.
For those of you unfamiliar with ESGs, they are an ever-evolving method of social credit scoring used by globalists to reward – or punish – businesses based on their conformity to the new “woke” orthodoxy. Far too often, government has been complicit in this “economic extortion” – especially under the administration of U.S. president Joe Biden.
(Click to view)
“The pressure on companies to comply with ESGs has been intensified through a very disturbing public-private partnership between government and private industry,” noted Diane Hardy, the leader of the Mom and Pop Alliance of SC.
Hardy has been sounding the alarm on this issue for some time, explaining “how new political agendas can be pushed through a society very efficiently and how ESG compliance could overburden small business owners.”
Hardy is one of the experts also scheduled to appear on the panel, which is being sponsored by Americans for Prosperity (AFP) – a grassroots group which has had a significant presence in the Palmetto State for many years.
AFP’s national vice president for legal and judicial strategy, Casey Mattox, and its deputy state director, Jessica Pollock will also lend their insights at the gathering.
Last session, the S.C. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H.3690 – a limited anti-ESG bill. On the Senate side, Sean Bennett has been leading the push to advance S.583.

“The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies the Biden Administration is pushing have no place in South Carolina or any other state in the country,” said AFP South Carolina leader Candace Carroll. “Stopping ESG policies was a priority for AFP-SC during the 2023 legislative session and will continue to be until HB 3690 is signed into law.”
Carroll thanked Wilson in advance for “taking this opportunity to speak with small business owners about the harmful impacts of ESG policies,” adding that her group was “looking forward to learning more about his efforts to prevent them from harming the Palmetto State.”
Tuesday’s event will be held from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. EDT at The Palmetto Club (1231 Sumter Street) in downtown Columbia, S.C. The event is open to the public. For registration information, click here.

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children.
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So if I hear you correctly If I don’t want my money invested in a company run by a racist sexist jerk, whose company pollutes the environment, and who gives money to right-wing nut politicians and former presidents who tried to overthrow the government, I am the problem and I have to be stopped from investing in companies with inclusive hiring policies, who work to protect the environment, and who don’t give money to right-wing nuts and dictator wannabes. Yes, I can surely see how defending a business’s right to discriminate, pollute and give away money to wing-nut politicians is an important core function of a Republican government.
Thank you for letting me know that the Biden administration is trying to protect my right to invest my money as I see fit, but frankly, I can’t find one single incidence where there has been any legislation on this or policy that affects me, so I think you are LYING (nothing new for right-wing media these days), but I will look harder.
In agreement with the sentiments of this post. This is 2023 & not 1923!
Americans For Prosperity is a….lol….”grassroots” organization?
Republicans only have mistruths and straight up lies left to spew.
Republicans know that they and their billionaire masters are unethical, harmful to the rest of society and HUGELY unpopular with a majority of Americans, so they cry victim and lie about outcomes for small businesses. Pathetic.
The infestation of literal libtards in the comment section of this site is incomprehensible.
And the silence of Trumptards who don’t even understand what this is about, is telling. This is why as Trump would say, Republicans love dumb voters. You guys are so stupid you believe this is about “small” businesses and mom-and-pop stores. Get a clue, it’s not.