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As the great radio commentator Chris Plante says, “One of the most insidious powers of the media is the power to ignore.”
It is, perhaps, their most powerful weapon. It’s frightening to think how little the average liberal knows about the exploding story of Hunter + Joe + phone calls + texts + emails + bribes which should = jail. The legacy media simply doesn’t report on it, ergo it doesn’t exist … and never will exist, because the DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA will simply make these things go away.
While the worst of this power-to-ignore is used by the Left-wing media, the conservative media is equally at fault, as they chase the next headline with the same enthusiasm displayed by those “unknowing” starlets who chased Harvey Weinstein up into his hotel room.
You can go to a conservative website and the headline story will change six times in a day. No time for follow up … gotta move on … hell, Madonna just filled her cheeks with Fix-a-Flat! Gimmie some photos, stat! I need a photo of when she was hot, next to a photo of when she was anorexic, next to her now — looking like Mrs. Potato Head!
The fact is the recent stories of media and governmental gaslighting by omission are, of course, legion — far too many to stuff into a 100 meg file. But of all of them pale in comparison to the story of Ghislaine Maxwell, the paramour of Jeffrey Epstein, and chief prostitution recruiter for his twisted followers.
Haven’t heard that name in a while, have you? Ghislaine Maxwell?
(Click to view)

You should hear it twice a day, because she’s one of the most important people on the planet … a planet she’ll be leaving long before natural causes have their way with her.
The facts surrounding Ms. Maxwell’s rise and fall into prison are undisputed: She was chief assistant to Jeffrey Epstein, who owned a private island accessible only via his private jet … known to all as the ‘Lolita Express.’ For those unaware, Lolita is a 1955 novel by Vladimir Nabokov, which explores one man’s obsession with a 12-year-old girl, and his subsequent sexual abuse of her.
The manifest of world power brokers known to have hopped the Lolita Express to Epstein’s house of horrors has a few fairly significant names on it: Donald J. Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., George Mitchell (former Senate Majority leader), and Larry Summers (Secretary of Treasury under Clinton).
Occam’s Razor would opine, “If men this powerful allowed themselves to be logged in, how many made sure they weren’t?”
The full and unredacted list of visitors, of course, exists in only one place: Ghislaine Maxwell’s head. There were two copies, but Jefferey Epstein was:
- Arrested
- Put on suicide watch
- Taken off suicide watch
- Surveilled by two cameras
- Overseen by two guards.
- Then, well, what usually happens happened: Both cameras broke, and the guards were asleep or surfing the web, and couldn’t be bothered to walk the 15 feet to check on their prisoner. Taking a lead from the “magic bullet” in the Warren Report, Epstein’s “magic sheet” strangled him to death.
If Epstein had agreed to flip on even one world leader, he would’ve been granted immunity for testifying, and probably allowed to live out his days in protective custody on his island… but, you know, those darn “magic sheets” have a life of their own.
Just imagine the power it takes to make a story that includes the Republican villain Trump and the Democrat villain Clinton go “poof.”
But why am I dredging up yesterday’s news? Shouldn’t I be writing about Jason Aldean or Bud Light or Tom Brady’s new squeeze? Well, I think there are a couple more things that need investigating.
(Click to view)

First, there was the painting near the entrance to Epstein’s Manhattan home of Bill Clinton adorned in a Monica Lewinsky blue dress, wearing red spiked heels, with his legs crossed like a female seductress. Why was it there — and allowed to remain there?
Let’s ponder two potential conversations when Bill Clinton walked in the door and saw it for the first time.
Clinton: Jeff! Check that out! A painting mocking me about the most embarrassing f-up of my life! I love it!
Epstein: I knew you would, Mr. President. Everyone likes to be reminded of the time they were humiliated in front of the world.
Clinton: I especially like the idea of you and every other guest laughing at me when I’m not here!
Epstein: Who doesn’t, Mr. President? Who doesn’t?
Or, perhaps the painting encounter went more along the lines of what Joe Rogan recently proposed.
Clinton: What the f— is that? You’ve got about two seconds to set that on fire before I call the director of the IRS and tell him to stick an audit so far up your—
Epstein: Hush, hush, Billy Boy.
Clinton: You can’t talk to me that way! I’m—
Epstein: I’ll talk to you any way I want. I own you… and that painting is there to remind you of that.Of course, I could always take it down and send it to the Washington Post with some videos I have… what say you, “Mister” President?
One of those two scenarios is true. Which seems more likely to you?
The next very troubling issue is the current situation Ms. Maxwell finds herself in prison for. According to the Department of Justice’s website, that would be:
Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced today in Manhattan federal court by United States Circuit Judge Alison J. Nathan to 240 months in prison for her role in a scheme to sexual exploit and abuse multiple minor girls with Jeffrey Epstein over the course of a decade. Maxwell was previously found guilty on December 29, 2021, following a one-month jury trial, of conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors to participate in illegal sex acts, transporting a minor to participate in illegal sex acts, sex trafficking conspiracy, and sex trafficking of a minor.
Huh. Sex trafficking … to who? No one?

It surely couldn’t be Prince Andrew, who was accused by Virginia Giuffre of assaulting her, could it? After all, if he was one of the “johns,” wouldn’t he be criminally prosecuted?
Of course he would! Unless… unless… just maybe he had the goods on some of his fellow pederasts?
Giuffre also named several others that she claims Epstein and Maxwell instructed her to have sex with, including hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin, attorney Alan Dershowitz, politician Bill Richardson, the late MIT scientist Marvin Minsky and MC2 modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel.
Is this one of those cases where we don’t “believe the woman?”
What about the fact she was “one of many women who came forward?” Where did they all go? Who molested them?
So Ghislaine Maxwell is rotting in jail, with full knowledge of everyone who visited and what they did on the Island, for the crime of sex trafficking to … no one.
The thing that makes this story so interesting is the fact Ms. Maxwell is still alive … in America these days, loose ends like that are usually tied off pretty tight.
After you read this piece, the name Ghislaine Maxwell will once again fade from your memory, until her death in prison is reported.
For the sake of those pulling the strings, at least try to act surprised.

Prioleau Alexander is a freelance writer, focusing mostly on politics and non-fiction humor. He is the author of two books: ‘You Want Fries With That?’ and ‘Dispatches Along the Way.’ Both are available on Amazon. He hopes to have another title published soon, but that would require his agent actually doing his job, so it may be awhile. Oh, and if you want to see his preferred bio pic? Click here …
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We can’t even get the full JFK assassination files fully declassified, even after a law was passed in the 90s saying it all had to be released. Pretty sure any person who was a middle aged adult living at the time of the assassination who could have had any possible involvement is long dead. Given that, the notion that we will ever see the Epstein client list in our lifetime is a fantasy.
Every one of those so called minors knew exactly what they
were doing.
Projection much, Drunkle?
She was just in the news for having filed over 400 complaints in prison ranging from not being able to get black hair dye to hypoallergenic pillows thus earning the nickname “Prison Karen.” If she dies an untimely death in prison it’s not likely to be because of what she knows.
Somebody or something is surely pulling the strings in what’s left of EPA’s mind.
Imagine how many complaints The Donald will be filing.