I made my views on the incessant Covid-19 fear-mongering pretty clear two months ago when the omicron variant of the virus first began ramping up …
“They have over-hyped Covid-19 from the beginning,” I wrote, referring to “government health officials and their mainstream media mouthpieces” who have spent the last two years peddling all manner of “fear porn.”
From the beginning of this viral panic, my refrain has remained unchanged: If you are younger and in relatively good health, this virus is not a serious threat to you.
And even if it was, costly lockdowns are not the answer …
Obviously, we know the omicron variant of Covid-19 – the latest version of a virus which originated in a lab in Wuhan, China in the fall of 2019 – has caused a record number of infections and hospitalizations.
But omicron cases were nowhere near as severe as cases linked to previous variants … and much of the hospitalization surge was attributed to the fact that Covid-19 tests are required for all hospital visitors (no matter their reason for seeking treatment). You know … because the federal government has incentivized the reporting of Covid-19 in our health care delivery system.
Meanwhile, the Covid-19 case fatality rate actually dropped during omicron – reaching a new record low of 1.2 percent.
Accordingly, I have consistently challenged the continuation of unnecessary government mandates – masks, vaccines and quarantining – which impose ‘cures’ on society that are far worse than the disease. Last month, for example, I rebuked the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) for its repressive quarantine guidelines – which forced parents to stay home with their children for days on end due to a Covid-19 “exposure.”
“These quarantine guidelines strike me as precisely such a ‘cure,’ forcing more parents into no-win situations at a time when they are already struggling to make ends meet due to escalating inflation from government’s costly response to the last round of lockdowns,” I wrote.
Increasingly, people are realizing they don’t have to subscribe to the fear any longer … a message that is being affirmed by GOP political messaging.
“Many of the Republican attacks tested have alarming credibility,” an internal survey prepared for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) noted, according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle.
According to the survey, 57 percent of registered voters and 66 percent of self-defined “swing” voters agreed with the following statement: “Democrats in Congress have taken things too far in their pandemic response.”
Not surprisingly, Democrats have started to switch gears on Covid-19 – at least at the state level. Earlier this month, Democratic governors in more than ten states ditched mask mandates – defying the administration of U.S. president Joe Biden.
Biden rebuked the Democratic governors, saying they were “probably premature” in relaxing restrictions.
Biden’s top health official – U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Rochelle Walensky – also criticized the states for dropping mask mandates at government-run schools.
(Click to view)
(Via: Getty)
“Our guidance currently is that masking should happen in all schools right now,” Walensky (above) told members of congress in a closed-door meeting, an audio copy of which was obtained by Reason. “What we’re recommending is that given right now, where we are for cases, that the masks should still stay on.”
Meanwhile fear-monger-in-chief Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), pushed back against the “done with Covid” movement gaining stream across the nation.
“You may be done with Covid, but Covid is not done with the United States – nor is it done with the world,” Fauci told MSNBC this week. “We’ve got to do what it takes to get it to be done.”
Which, of course, means more mandates … and more submission.
“The war on Covid has become a quagmire,” Peter Suderman noted in a piece published earlier this week by Reason. “Like the war on drugs and the war on terror before it, the war on Covid is a futile, deeply destructive campaign, and Americans want out.”
Indeed … enough is enough, people. It’s time to get back to living. And working.
Let Covid-19 do its worst …
Should America be "done with Covid-19?"
(Via: FITSNews)
Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children. And yes, he has LOTS of hats – including that Asheville Tourists’ lid pictured above.
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