
SC Lawmakers To Address Energy Debacle

“ENERGY CAUCUS” FORMING … A group of South Carolina state lawmakers will gather in Columbia, S.C. this week under the guise of a new “energy caucus,” sources familiar with the announcement tell us. According to our sources, the new organization will include members of both major political parties and both…


A group of South Carolina state lawmakers will gather in Columbia, S.C. this week under the guise of a new “energy caucus,” sources familiar with the announcement tell us.

According to our sources, the new organization will include members of both major political parties and both chambers of the “Republican-controlled” S.C. General Assembly.

The formation of the new legislative group comes less than forty-eight hours after a seismic development fundamentally altered the Palmetto State’s energy future.

We’re referring, of course, to yesterday’s surprise decision by government-run utility Santee Cooper to bail on the completion of two new nuclear reactors at the V.C. Summer facility in Jenkinsville, S.C.

That decision will not only put 5,000 people out of work, it throws the state’s entire energy equation out of alignment.  Not only that, it means millions of ratepayers shelled out billions of dollars on a project that isn’t going to be completed.

“Job loss, debt and still no power,” one frustrated South Carolinian told us this week.

That’s it in a nutshell, people.

Politicians at the State House are decidedly unhappy about the situation … and plan on venting their frustrations at a press conference tomorrow.

According to a draft release from the new group, its members will “ensure South Carolina’s homes and businesses have access to affordable energy options, fight to protect energy jobs, and focus on correcting institutional deficiencies in South Carolina that led to the ultimate demise of the V.C. Summer nuclear project.”

The “energy caucus” will hold their press event at the South Carolina State House tomorrow (Wednesday, August 2) at 10:00 a.m. EDT.  According to our sources, state representatives James Smith and Kirkman Finlay will join State Senator Paul Campbell in organizing the event – and presumably the organization itself.



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