
Let’s Talk About Sex (Robots)

AWKWARD … The Foundation for Responsible Robotics has initiated an interesting conversation in America with the release of a report entitled Our Sexual Future With Robots. No really … The report, published this week, poses a litany of questions related to this topic – but provides little in the way of…


The Foundation for Responsible Robotics has initiated an interesting conversation in America with the release of a report entitled Our Sexual Future With Robots.

No really …

The report, published this week, poses a litany of questions related to this topic – but provides little in the way of answers.  In fact its authors say many of the questions associated with this topic cannot be answered scientifically because controlled experiments would be “unethical.”

In essence, the whole thing is a rhetorical exercise …

[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”https://www.fitsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/FRR-Consultation-Report-Our-Sexual-Future-with-robots_Final.pdf” width=”533″ height=”800″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”false” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]

“In 2017 most liberal societies accept or tolerate sex in many different forms and varieties,” the report begins.  “Sex toys and masturbation aids have been used for centuries and can be easily purchased in stores in many countries.  Now companies are developing robots for sexual gratification.  But a robot designed for sex may have different impacts when compared with other sex aids.  Those currently being developed are essentially pornographic representations of the human body – mostly female.”

The report’s authors seek answers to the following seven questions …

1. Would people have sex with a robot?
2. What kind of relationship can we have with a robot?
3. Will robot sex workers and bordellos be acceptable?
4. Will sex robots change societal perceptions of gender?
5. Could sexual intimacy with robots lead to greater social isolation?
6. Could robots help with sexual healing and therapy?
7. Would sex robots help to reduce sex crimes?

Hmmmm …

You know, we can say without fear of contradiction that the answer to the first question is an unequivocal “yes,” so that leaves six questions left to be answered … or at least contemplated.

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Sex with robots is obviously not a new concept in popular culture.  The critically acclaimed HBO series Westworld – based on the 1973 Michael Crichton film – focuses significant attention on these relationships.  In most cases, the bordello model is presumed  – although the emotions of the robots do factor prominently in the primary narratives of the series.

If you’ve never watched it before, we highly recommend it.

What about in real life, though?  Should sex with robots be permitted?

As this website is driven by the twin ideological pillars of individual freedom and free markets, our answer to that question is naturally “of course.”  What people choose to do within the privacy of their own homes should not be the purview of government – unless it encroaches upon the liberty of others.

This is why we have always adopted an exceedingly “liberal” view when it comes to the issue of prostitution – and why we have always frowned upon government being used as an instrument of selective morality.

So … “why not?”  To each their own, right?

Sex with robots is an awkward conversation to have, but with technology rapidly evolving in this particular field it’s probably an important one.



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