Scandal-scarred presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton “won” the Iowa Democratic Caucus by the skin of her teeth over independent socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.
Or did she? Clinton’s tenuous 49.9-49.5 percent “victory” over Sanders involved several coin tosses – all of which her campaign called correctly (a 1-in-64 probability, according to statisticians).
Wait … they seriously flip coins in Iowa to decide who wins?
Yes … assuming there is an impasse at the precinct level in determining delegates to the county conventions (seriously, they do things a bit differently in Iowa), a coin flip is used to decide who wins.
Given the extraordinarily close nature of the race between Clinton and Sanders, there were six such impasses Monday night – resulting in six coin flips. And in each case, Clinton backers won the call.
For those of you keeping score at home, these coin tosses took place in two precincts in Des Moines as well as individual precincts in Ames, Newton, West Branch and Davenport.
It was generally presumed Iowa would be a close race – but no one expected it to be this close. Clinton led Sanders by a four-point margin, according to the final aggregate pre-election polling data from Real Clear Politics.
Her actual “victory” margin wound up being less than one-tenth of that spread.
Next up for Clinton and Sanders? New Hampshire … a state where Sanders has recently opened up an 18-point lead on Clinton.
A coin toss is a better way of choosing a candidate than opinion polls or reality TV.
Wanna bet on New Hampshire and South Carolina?
I should have taken your bet on Iowa.
My prediction yesterday that Cruz would win or the one that Trump would create Obama-like turnout in Iowa?
Nice try. You picked Trump to go all the way, loser!
He picked Trump because Trump is a friend of the Clintons and wants to do their bidding. He secretly loves Hillary. I prefer Bernie!
I may stalk this dude but he did pick Criuz yesterday.I wish I was that damn smart!!!! BEEEEERRRRRNIEEEEE!!!!
Flip erneba • 11 hours ago
Cruz wins tonight.His organization is the best and the blizzard.Will be his last win however.This thing is all Trump.
QUIT STEALING MY NAME!!!! I love being gay.I feel so free!!!
How long before this account suicides?
—– let the candidates play mumble-peg
The criminal beat the communist by a coin Flip.You can’t make this shit up.The DNC and Clinton mafia stole this election from Bernie and his young band of commies wont turn out and vote in 2016.
And the Canadian beat the reality TV star by 4 points. You can’t make this shit up.
I thought Hillary was declaring martial law in her angry (coin Flip) victory speech and Sanders looked like Fidel Castro with that band of filthy brainwashed socialists standing behind him.
LMAO!!! You just slapped the shit out of him!
Good stuff.You just hate Cruz because he is a Christian and you hate Christianity. Bernie is crazy and loves Fidel.Hillary is Nurse Ratched.I love em both.
Aren’t you the one that hates Christians? You pretend to be one but then you post vile stuff.
pogo picked another loser! Love it!
Flip erneba • 11 hours ago
Cruz wins tonight.His organization is the best and the blizzard.Will be his last win however.This thing is all Trump.
Bernie isn’t a communist, though Cruz’s father hung out with one!
Trump got stumped, he got Cruz nuked! The Canadian socialist won!
Canadian is gonna win SC too. Evangelical crowd upstate outnumbers RINOS and Trumpistas.
Tell em Rocky!!!!Us queers gonna vote Trump,right? Hillary going to jail!!! FEel the BEEERRRRRNIIIEEE!!!
I’m just saying, he’s gonna get a bounce in SC out of the Iowa win, and he’s pretty strong upstate. I think Cruz will win SC. I also think he’ll outperforme Trump on the SEC Primary day. If Marco doesn’t win Florida, he’s the runner-up for 2020 race against incumbent Hillary.
I hope so Rock but Cruz will only win one state-Iowa.We should be nervous.Republicans just won Iowa in 2016.Rubio is down 30 points in Florida.
GO BER NI!!!!!
No I think Cruz will win a number of good prizes, SC, MS, TX, GA, KS. If Trump takes FL (and I think he will) – it will deflate the Rubio. Besides, Trump will start attacking Marco all week, then turn back on Cruz heading into SC.
Cruz will win ONE state-Iowa.Get back to the BERN_FEEL THE BERN!!!!Hillary in prison and BERN can take over.He will be just like that guy in Rhodesia that took everybody’s junk!!!
Beer and Knee?
???? Republicans just won Iowa? Like they did in 2012?
Look at that Republican turnout yesterday in Iowa.The energy. 180,000+-only 120,000 in 2012.Democrat turnout was down 75,000 from 2012!!!!
And my man Bernie’s band of brainwashed heads of mush ain’t showing up for Hillary!!!!!
2012 – GOP turnout was 120,000, Dem turnout was 25,000.
I don’t believe I have been given any credit by the voters for self-funding my campaign, the only one. I will keep doing, but not worth it!
Listening to conservative talk radio in the upstate, you can definitely tell that the tide is turning.
You got it! That Obama-like turnout by Republicans in Iowa means a landslide in 2016 for Republicans.
My boy BERNIE is a COMMUNIST and tied Hillary!!!!
Hillary is the establishment!!! Just #feelthebern!!
It’d be neat if they did a basketball tip-off instead.Like to see that…
If 74 year old Bernie and Hillary decided the contest with a pissing contest, both would get their shoes wet.
arrrgghhh-I’m gonna throw up my peanut butter captain crunch…
—– and odor fouls will be penalized
If you have to decide a winner with a coin toss, it’s not accurate. They should make them enter the Thunderdome.
I have a sister in IA. I called last night and asked her if she went to vote.
She said “we don’t vote, we caucus. I don’t know what the hell a caucus is, but it takes a couple hours. Only old people have time for that.”
And brainwashed college students payed to show up-or given booze and cigs.
The Democrat Party way.
Donald Trump is the one that pays people to show up, but I wouldn’t expect a brainwashed high school dropout Trump supporter like you to know that.
Let’s have some fun today!Did you get Will’s coffee yet?
No but I got you your daily dose of getting the shit slapped out of you. Still trying to impersonate me?
Watch pogo/flip spin like a top trying to pretend he didn’t pick Trump to go all the way. Losers of a feather lose together!
In fairness pogo/flip was right! BEEEERRRRRNNNNIEEEE!!!
Flip erneba • 11 hours ago
Cruz wins tonight.His organization is the best and the blizzard.Will be his last win however.This thing is all Trump.
My name is flip and I support abortion 100%. Vote pro choice! Vote Bernie Sanders!
You are a fake Flip.I am the real BEEEEEERRRRNIIIEEEE!!!
Well as long as you vote for Bernie God bless! Support single payer, abortion, and #BlackLivesMatter! My name is flip and I approve this message.
Fun! They have fun at PP!!! Suck the brains out of babies and sell em for new cars!!!!
Bernie LOVES abortion!!!!!! later the better!!!!!! BEEEERRRRRRNNNIEEEE!!!
Bernie Sanders will fix everything wrong with the government. Don’t vote Republican, vote Bernie!
How come you weren’t aborted?
His mother should have swallowed him instead.
?my neighbor’ s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet?….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here:92????? http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsOnline/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:::::92……..
Hilliary won 6 straight coin tosses to win Iowa.
The percentage chance of doing that is 1.5%
Bernie only needed to win 2 of the 6 to win the state…
Even the Dems have their establishment candidates.
She won by 5 “hanging chads”.
Florida hopes that’s the case, then Iowa can start being the butt of jokes.
—- between her ass cheeks?
You mean rhoids?
I was thinking he meant dingleberries. Eww! LMAO!!!
There was a time where I was doing some assignments and an overweight female employee got the nickname (behind her back, of course) of “Sparky”. When she walked down the hallways her panty-hosed thighs rubbed together and sounded like two match boxes rubbing against each other
On a different note, saw someone post a joke on FB this weekend about the blonde who calls her boyfriend and says she’s got a new puzzle of a tiger but can’t figure it out. Boyfriend goes over, looks at it and says, “Well, this puzzle won’t look like a tiger when it’s done, and who spilled the box of Frosted Flakes all over?”
“Mental image” violation…15 yard penalty and loss of down.
Oh it gets worse, Mike. Much, much, worse. Picture rhoids the size of cow titties on an udder, except in a ring around her anus.
Then imagine her touring a farm in one of those bogus, “I’m just like you common people”, propaganda moves, when a hungry calf sees one of those rhoids sticking through a hole in her pants suit.
NO.Those are ‘meat curtains’:
The long, overly stretched out lips of a pussy, sometimes resembling
philly cheese steak. Also known as: elephant ears, clappers, mud flaps,
pounded cube steak, cube steak patties, dangly gizzard, and last (but
not least), the giblet pouch.
Debbie’s meat curtains are so long, she has a curtain rod in her shower to hang her flaps over so she can squeegie them down.
HOLY MACKERAL..!! That info is shocking…. (but I’m saving it anyway — after my sides stop hurting from laffter)
lulz…did you mean “HOLY THREE DAY OLD MACKERAL”?
Here’s to the split that never heals,
The more you rub it, the better it feels.
But there ain’t no soap this side of hell,
Can wash away that fishy smell.
I never understood why some men, and women, were grossed out by meat curtains. The only “negative” thing about them I can come up with, is that after being with a woman with big meat curtains, for the rest of the night, I’M SERIOUSLY THINKING ARBY’S!!!!
In my younger days, working in a factory, it used to be great fun to gross out the other guys at our table when they served roast beef in the cafeteria, by eating a roast beef sandwhich sideways by licking it. Bonus points for squirting ketchup into it before hand and getting it all over your face.
Usually, I found chicks with meat curtains to be more sexually adventurous and therefore, better lovers.
A trend I have noted as of late is so-called “designer vaginas”, where women have their curtains surgically removed. Like “breast reduction surgery”, this should (IMHO) be considered a crime against nature.
As my old buddy Forrest Gump would say, “… and that’s all I have to say about that”, … for now, at least.
My boyfriend hung a ‘chad’ in my ass last night!!!!! BERNIE IS MY COMRADE!!!
There goes Sic Willie again, bashing Clemson because his bitter kitties can’t play in national championship game and hating on Hillary because she’s right on all the issues and will defeat any of those light-weight RINOs running against her.
Speaking of Clemson, lots of unfortunate events going on at USC-E over the past week. Surprised we haven’t seen any coverage here yet.
Clemson, now there’s a real team, unlike Ohio State! LMAO!!
God you’re a hater just like my gay boy commie BBBBBEEEEERRRRRNNNIIIEEE!
Bernie is not in it to win it.
BERNIE got robbed and jobbed! His people ain’t gonna turn out now in November.
Evidence about to surface of voter machine tampering in Iowa. Guess who is behind it? Dem operatives.
What kind of coin do the Dims toss to decide these things? Marx on one side & Lenin on the other? Which is head & which is tails?
91% of the Dem voters in Iowa are white. 90% in NH. Wait till Hillary hits the black belt. Bernie’s three day old gefilte fish.
?my neighbor’ s mate Is getting 98$. HOURLY. on the internet?….A few days ago new McLaren F1 subsequent after earning 18,512$,,,this was my previous month’s paycheck ,and-a little over, 17k$ Last month .,3-5 h/r of work a day ..with extra open doors & weekly. paychecks.. it’s realy the easiest work I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months ago and now making over 87$, p/h.Learn More right Here:92????? http://GlobalSuperEmploymentVacanciesReportsOnline/GetPaid/98$hourly…. .?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:?:::::92………