
SC Gas Price Update

EVERYTHING’S ABOUT TO GO UP … || By FITSNEWS || At $2.20 cents per gallon of regular unleaded, South Carolina has the cheapest gasoline in America at the moment … although before we start celebrating, that’s up from around $2.00 per gallon earlier this year. And further increases are likely ……


|| By FITSNEWS || At $2.20 cents per gallon of regular unleaded, South Carolina has the cheapest gasoline in America at the moment … although before we start celebrating, that’s up from around $2.00 per gallon earlier this year.

And further increases are likely …

Oh, and remember: Even though gas prices in the Palmetto State have always been low … our people have always been dirt poor.  Meaning they pay more of what they make on gas than citizens in other states.  How much more?  According to the latest data, only Mississippians and West Virginians pay a greater chunk of their income on fuel costs.

Hardly the sort of company to be keeping, huh?

Anyway …

South Carolina’s rising gas prices come amid a debate in the S.C. General Assembly over whether to raise the state’s gas tax.  Except it’s not much of a debate, really.  “Republicans” in the legislature seem intent on ramming a tax hike through over the objections of governor Nikki Haley – who also wants to raise the tax, albeit with what she claims is a bigger offsetting tax cut.

Of course Haley’s objections may not matter … as lawmakers appear to be on the verge of passing a “veto proof” tax hike, a levy which would have the support of more than two-thirds of both “Republican-controlled” chambers.

Amazing, right?  All this in the most “conservative” state in the nation …

This website has repeatedly voiced our opposition to such a tax hike … arguing there’s more than enough money to properly maintain roads and bridges if state lawmakers would stop blowing billions of dollars each year on stuff that’s not core to the functioning of government.

Unfortunately the mainstream media has bought the big government spin … hook, line and sinker.  They bemoan the state’s crappy, costly roads … but they never tell the second part of the story: Which is that these roads could be fixed if politicians simply prioritized spending and stopped approving totally unnecessary projects.

Bottom line?  With no pressure to do the right thing, politicians will always do the wrong thing …

And every motorist in South Carolina is about to pay the price …


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FastEddy23 April 20, 2015 at 9:23 am

So sad. SC poli-wogs, outright thieves and unrepentant taxsuckers just keep stealing any gains in favor of the masses.

That the poor are the most heavily burdened by the over taxing and frivolous spending Helots and Rinos should be on SC citizens’ doggie-dodo-on-the-doorstep lists … Plead no contest when it blows back, it’s cheaper to let the sheriff drive you home than a sack of tomatoes.

If one is curious or common-core mathematically stunted, consider that a ten percent fuel tax increase will get you a twenty percent increase in the cost of that sack of tomatoes.

Or if not, that a ten percent increase in fuel taxes Decreases the value of food stamps by twenty five percent … Go figure.

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 9:44 am

What a lovely view………………………

Timmy Tebow April 20, 2015 at 10:08 am

I agree. That is a nice ass. What was this article about again?

sparklecity April 20, 2015 at 10:45 am

What article?????
I didn’t see any article………………

Great Buns April 20, 2015 at 10:52 am

The title made mention of something rising, can confirm.

Squishy123 April 20, 2015 at 12:21 pm

Come on now, that ass is so 1980’s… today’s ass is the Kardashian ass, or what we used to call in the 1980’s a “fat ass”.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:20 pm


Learned that from my Western Civ. class in college. Yet another piece of worthless information I paid to have shoved into my brain.

fc April 20, 2015 at 10:15 am

Sanford could get that…any ugly shit like you??? outta reach :)

Bible Thumper April 20, 2015 at 10:23 am

I don’t understand why the tax hike is tied to the price of gasoline. Road construction and maintenance costs are not effected by the price of gasoline.

OldFart April 20, 2015 at 11:03 am

I repeat myself from a few weeks ago…..






Kyle April 20, 2015 at 1:23 pm

Old Fart,

You want to tax us so, theoretically, there would be better roads. No guarantees on that, but you, Old Fart, will die and leave us young poots paying the bill. And paying the bill for a very long time.

No thanks, I will pass.

TroubleBaby April 20, 2015 at 2:21 pm

The problem with farts is they linger long after the creator has gone.

OldFart April 20, 2015 at 3:38 pm

“Old Farts never die; they just smell that way…”

OldFart April 20, 2015 at 3:37 pm

Maybe so…

After all, it is a whole lot cheaper to use a “Road Patrol” [grader] to scrape off all this stuff they call “paving” and go back to dirt roads.

When you can find one, the dirt roads are a whole lotta fun to drive my pickup on.

Why worry about who’s gonna pay the taxes? Obummer has fixed it so our great grandchildren (to the x power) are gonna either pay off or repudiate the “trillions” [only takes a thousand trillion to make a quadrillion].

I am also amenable about raising taxes to build new chain gang camps. That way when we catch a DOT cockroach misusing funds, we will have a place to put him, and since he is, of course, an expert in Transportation affairs, we will have a skilled employee.

Rocky April 20, 2015 at 12:12 pm

Ah, I remember back in the day, when gas was $4.25 a gallon. The economy was going over a cliff. The banks were failing. But man, non of that compares to this picture. Thank you FITS, and thank you Obama for lower gas prices that spur Wil to keep the pictures coming.

Squishy123 April 20, 2015 at 12:22 pm

But damn, those oil and gas royalty checks were awesome. Come on baby, daddy needs a new Corvette.

Rocky April 20, 2015 at 4:32 pm

How about those royalty cheeks in the photo.

Squishy123 April 20, 2015 at 5:43 pm

Those man hands are kind of freaking me out…

dm10ae April 20, 2015 at 1:13 pm

What makes you think that earmarked money will go to roads? There was $93 million from 3 cents per gallon gas tax SHIMS-that went into the general fund instead. The legislators have projects that are more important that they place priority over other needs like road repair or bus purchases.

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 1:22 pm

Obama’s gas price, for an average of six years in office, compared to Bush’s…is about $1.35 more a gallon higher under Obama…

Until FITS reports that…he needs to STFU…anything else he publishes (like SC having the lowest price, so he can tax us more) …you simply are an @$$-kisser for the Democrat Party… that seems to be in more and more trouble w/ each passing day…

Rocky April 20, 2015 at 4:13 pm

June 2008 – $4.25 – loooooo-oooooo-zeeeeer.

Squishy123 April 20, 2015 at 5:24 pm

Or as I called it, the good ol’ days. Here’s to $5.00/gas.

Here It Comes April 20, 2015 at 2:55 pm

Global Oil Prices Rise Amid Deterioration of Yemen Crisis …. many predict price per gallon to rise back to last summer’s levels.


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