More Links Between Jay Koon And “The Ring”

SHERIFF CANDIDATE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO … || By FITSNEWS || Lexington County, S.C. sheriff candidate Jay Koon has dismissed allegations that he is connected to the infamous “Lexington Ring” – a cabal of crooked cops and corrupt politicians accused of running an illegal video poker operation (and other…


|| By FITSNEWS || Lexington County, S.C. sheriff candidate Jay Koon has dismissed allegations that he is connected to the infamous “Lexington Ring” – a cabal of crooked cops and corrupt politicians accused of running an illegal video poker operation (and other shady dealings) in Lexington County, S.C.

Koon – who is running a “family values” campaign – has also stated that he opposes strip clubs in Lexington County, saying they “do not reflect the Lexington County values of faith and family that I know.”

Here’s Koon’s problem: Multiple sources have confirmed to FITS that the veteran Lexington, S.C. police officer repeatedly visited strip clubs during the early part of the last decade, often with members of the notorious “ring.”

Among them?  Danny Frazier – one of the “ring” leaders who was indicted last year by S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson.

“There was one night specifically that really stands out about Jay Koon,” a former dancer at one of Columbia’s local strip clubs told FITS.  “They must have been celebrating a promotion or something, because he was extremely drunk.  He got up on the stage with the dancers and his group got loud cheering him on.  While on stage … the girls pulled his shirt up, pulled his belt out of his pants and spanked him with it while one of the girls was riding him like a horse while he was on all fours, the other girls opened his pants and ripped his underwear off him.”

The dancer’s account has been confirmed by two of her former co-workers and by a member of the law enforcement entourage.

“It was a while ago, but yeah – not gonna lie – that happened,” the law enforcement officer acknowledged.

The cop added that Koon and Frazier were joined at the club on that occasion – and many others – by current Lexington, S.C. chief of police Terrence Green.

Koon was praised this week by The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, which claimed he “possesses the polish, professionalism and smarts” to restore public confidence in the department.  His candidacy has also been endorsed by S.C. governor Nikki Haley, who said Koon was “the right person with the right experience to continue to move Lexington County in the right direction and make the sheriff’s department once again a source of pride.”

We wish we could concur with their praise, but Koon’s hypocrisy on the strip club issue – to say nothing of this new evidence indicating his proximity to the “ring” – is troubling.

Obviously we don’t begrudge anyone (police officers included) from visiting strip clubs, but Koon should have known better than to demean such establishments given his history of frequenting them.  Furthermore, the company Koon reportedly kept at these establishments does not bode well for “restoring public faith” in Lexington County’s law enforcement.

Koon and West Columbia, S.C. police chief Dennis Tyndall – who is also running for sheriff of Lexington County – have both been linked to the “ring.”

Two other candidates – Richland County deputy Justin Britt and veteran criminal justice instructor Ed Felix – are also running to replace James Metts, who held the post for 42 years before he was undone by corruption related to the “ring.”

The special election to replace Metts will be held on March 3.


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easterndumbfuckistan March 1, 2015 at 8:05 pm

The language is that of Redneck, which I will not utter here.

Three Rings for the gypsy-queen under the copper dome,
Seven for the Lott Family minions in their house of cards,
Nine for Sacrificial Lambs doomed to cry,
One for the Dark Lord Jakie on his porcelain throne

In the Land of Columbia where the Shadows lie.

One “Lexington Ring” to rule them all; One “Lexington Ring” to find them; One “Lexington Ring” to corrupt them all in the darkness bind them.

In the Land of Columbia where the Shadows lie.

Town Hall March 1, 2015 at 10:38 pm

They all have danced with the Devil in the pale moon light!
Adultery, corruption, Immoral, illegal, unethical, criminal activities. The Ring and their associates should be tarred and feathered, run out of Town on a rail.

You Know My Name March 1, 2015 at 8:07 pm

Good article, Fits! Please don’t forget that Britt too, is tied to not only the Lexington Ring via Joe Wilson, but also the Lott Family.

Ed Felix is the only candidate of the four with no ties to the Lexington Crime Ring, but also the Lott Family/Richland Ring.

West of Main March 1, 2015 at 9:01 pm

I’ve now changed my mind on the Sheriff’s race.
There is too much smoke on Koon, Tyndall and Britt.
Anybody tied to the “Ring” and their infamous associates does NOT deserve to be elected!
We’ve had enough of Joe and Roxanne Wilson, they are an embarrassment and directly tied to the “Ring”!
Bob and Donna Peeler very close associates of Frazxier, Metts, Jean Toal, Tim James, Donnie Meyers, Harvey Peeler, Joe Owens, Randy Halfacre, Ronnie Cromer, probably the absolute worse of the group of the entire group! Donna Peeler has verbally accosted Legislators in favor of Frazier, campaigned for and supported Frazier! These two and their affair destroyed two families 5 children and threw everyone into the toilet who would not condone their illicit and sick affair!
Joe Owens, Amodio, Tyndall, Halfacre all actively campaigned for, supported, raised money for Frazier, for County Council, Town Council and the legislature!
Donna Peeler and Britt both worked in Wilson’s office and Donna carried on her affair while there and working for the County, at County expense.
Frazier raised money for Haley and worked for her election.
James Metts, Tim James and Dennis Tyndall , Jason Amodio all worked for Fraziers elections, campaigned for him, carried out his dictates and orders. They cover just about the entirety of Law Enforcement in Lexington County! Frazier was taped saying, he had Law Enforcement on “Lock Down” ! Who else could he have been talking about?
The County needs to be cleansed of all of this trash once and for all!
You can bet all of the above are doing EVERYTHING in their power to COMPROMISE all of the candidates, with whom, they are connected.
Send them all packing, for the good of the County and our future!

Danny March 2, 2015 at 12:37 pm

I would never support anyone who is, in anyway, involved with this bunch!

rdj March 1, 2015 at 8:57 pm

The big question is … why hasn’t someone been able to link him to ticket fixing. State Supreme Court says it is Police Corruption.
Must just be common practice around these parts for sheriffs and police chiefs to shuffle tickets and illegal immigrants under the table for Danny Frazier.

Deputy Dog March 1, 2015 at 11:49 pm

rdj, I used to work with Jay Koon. And yes he did fix a ton of tickets. Many tickets were also fixed by him through 3rd party Danny Frazier. But Mike at the Beach is right. Law Enforcement agencies everywhere nolle pross tickets prior to the court date. It would be difficult to prove police corruption. But I agree with you that this practice is unethical. I personally don’t want an elected Sheriff that gives and accepts political favors so freely as Jay Koon does. Having worked with the “real” Jay Koon, I have a million other reasons why I wouldn’t vote for him.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:54 pm

You should enlighten Mike , his moats been up to long.

shifty henry March 2, 2015 at 12:00 am





rdj March 2, 2015 at 7:23 am

Mikes been living off the government behind his moat for too long … now we’re all underground conspiracy theorist because we want a sheriff who upholds the law … and not all of us believe Koons a boyscout.

another gutless fool March 2, 2015 at 7:35 am

If you had any guts you would go to Mr.Koon’s front door this morning and express how you feel about him.Slander him to his face.

You wouldn’t be sitting on this blog posting falsehoods anonymously and what the fuck is your 12 hour attack on fellow commentator ‘Mike’ about-how many time you going to mention he is a government worker or hiding behind his moat?

You are a bully and pussy and your children should be ashamed.

rdj March 2, 2015 at 7:59 am

I tell you what I wrote Jay a letter since he wouldn’t talk to me face to face or take my calls … public relations guy at Town police department met with me wish i had kept his card nice guy didn’t think much of Jay either. If you can arrange the meeting ill be there you can join in. That being said if you wanna call me a pussy to my face ill be sitting at Lexington Paint and Supply eating a chicken biscuit for the next hour or so come on by. 400 Columbia Ave.

new member of clown squad March 2, 2015 at 8:08 am

lol…Sounds like you are a menacing,threatening coward and liar and I certainly don’t blame Mr.Koon’s for not meeting with you.

Not in your zip code right now pussy however you have certainly proved to be a psycho in your short time on here. A ‘CHICKEN” biscuit sounds just about right for you.

rdj March 2, 2015 at 8:22 am

Brave word’s from the other side of the state, but anyway the sad part is how wrong you are … I am nothing more than a concerned life long resident of Lexington who is not gonna let someone like you call me a liar when I’m not … as I’ve said before. Unfortunately !! I trully just want the best for Lexington even if that’s Koon himself but i just can’t let go of the idea that we could do better.

rdj March 2, 2015 at 8:38 am

And just for the record I have no interest in meeting you … Mine and Mikes comments go back and forth if he didn’t want to he could chose not to comment to me. But it’s mutual sarcasm. I wrote your friend Jay Koon a two page letter explaining to him that all i want is the best for Lexington county … when i called the police department they put me in touch with him to handle my complaint. The one Frazier told me not to pay. Then after i place my complaint to Koon i get a phone call back from Frazier saying since you called Koon and ran your mouth now you gotta pay the ticket. Not really the kinda personality we need. Sheriffs gonna need to be able to take some heat.

Shaddup March 2, 2015 at 8:49 am

“lol…Sounds like you are a menacing,threatening coward and liar ”

First of all, that “menacing, threatening coward” sounds like you. rdj has been respectful and direct & further gave you an opportunity for you to back up your bullshit.

Everyone can see and compare the dialogue by both of you, & let me tell you that it’s obvious who the gentleman is.

wow March 2, 2015 at 1:04 pm

So are you saying he would kick our ass. Wow you really don’t know koon. He is a puss

TroubleBaby March 2, 2015 at 12:38 am

It’s odd that he’s reaching out from the beach to champion a guy that has had questionable behavior while employed as an officer and married.

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 2:33 am

You should go back and read my stuff…I’m not championing Koon as much as I am merely pointing out realities attendant to an interesting sheriff’s race- you don’t have to be a local voter to recognize the same pattern / patter that FITS and the underground conspiracy crowd used in their attempts to smack Haley in the gubernatorial race, Graham in the Senate race, and now Koon in this race. It just gets old, especially since it usually fails. I just hope Koon wins Tuesday night outright so it will be OVER. I totally get the anti-establishment thing, but this race has just gotten silly.

TroubleBaby March 2, 2015 at 8:45 am

“You should go back and read my stuff…I’m not championing Koon ”

“I now hope Koon wins it outright on night one”

Well, maybe you should go back and re-write your stuff.

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 8:52 am

My stuff is fine…the “now” would be the operative word. Obsessed people get on my nerves, that’s all.

TroubleBaby March 2, 2015 at 8:55 am

Well, the people of Lexington have a good reason to be “obsessed”, they’ve got a corruption problem in their PD…

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 9:10 am

None of my people up your way are obsessed with this race, but that’s the beauty of the democratic system, brother. If this conspiracy stuff is real and has legs, Koon stands no chance. We’ll see in just over 24 hours.

TroubleBaby March 2, 2015 at 9:37 am

” If this conspiracy stuff is real and has legs, Koon stands no chance. ”

Well, unless you’re suggesting Sic is lying it would appear the “conspiracy” has legs;

““It was a while ago, but yeah – not gonna lie – that happened,” the law enforcement officer acknowledged.”

But where I really disagree with you is that “Koon stands no chance.” assuming his little stripper party really did happen. If Jake Knotts & company can get re-elected over and over again, it’s quite clear that questionable antics don’t hold enough sway over the electorate.

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 2:44 am

Uh, he pretty much agreed with the technical (read- provable) portion of my position. As for the ethical piece, I probably can’t explain it again if you’re not getting it by now. If an officer has the discretion to write or not write a ticket in the field, why would he suddenly lose that discretion later in the process? Officers very often come across facts not known at the time of the issuance that lead them to reduce or nol pros tickets. If there is no quid pro quo, there is no criminal or unethical conduct. By the way, prosecutors do it as well, often without conferring with the officer (and doing so is 100% within their prosecutorial discretion). Of course some of these cases are tinged with political influences- so is every other aspect of life- but they simply aren’t crimes. I would like to think that a solid, tax-paying citizen could go pitch the sheriff, prosecutor, officer, etc. in regard to their son, daughter, wife, dad, etc. who needed a break and actually get some help if the facts warrant it. This is really less about “ticket fixing” and more about feeling shut out from the inside crowd. I get that, but I am still waiting on the FBI roundup (it won’t be forthcoming). I am officially done with this line of discussion, though- everyone has said their piece…so I’m out! Y’all have fun with it, and hopefully we’re all done Tuesday evening one way or the other.

The Kangaroo Bro's March 2, 2015 at 7:28 am

“but I am still waiting on the FBI roundup (it won’t be forthcoming)”..

You got that right.Lies,false allegations,anonymous sources,slander,the art of personal and character destruction without facts..
It certainly has been perfected on Fits and some others that ride in that clown car…

Guest March 2, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Can you share?

Wendy March 1, 2015 at 9:05 pm

Danny Frazier’s choice for Asst. Chief Lexington Town Police J. Koon should publicly address these allegations. Maybe someone with a set of nuts (not the ones writing fluff pieces) will also ask him point blank….did he participate in ticket fixing or have knowledge of other officers in his department dismiss tickets for Danny Frazier. Did he have knowledge of Danny un-arresting his daughter and removing her from the back of a police vehicle while a sergeant was present. I doubt the chosen one will answer these questions and the Lexington sheepel will vote for him.

In-turn, someone needs to ask Justin Britt why was he fired from SLED. And is it true the faux Christian ran around with another man’s wife? Sure they’re married now, but what does it say about their morals? And how can Northside Baptist Church support him?

No need to ask Tyndall anything. Danny said he was in lock down. And the kiss of death from T. James and Dolan was enough for me.

My vote for Felix is a vote against the status quo.

Tobacco Joe March 1, 2015 at 10:40 pm


just more bullshit March 2, 2015 at 7:17 am

Address false allegations from strippers and gutless anonymous sources?
Allegedly 15 years ago? Why?

Pissed off voter March 2, 2015 at 7:42 am

And who are you to say this is false allegations from the three strippers and law enforcement officer? But I will play along. Even if all four of these people lied, what excuse will you offer Eagle Scout jay koon for his no action toward laws being broke in front of him and having dismissed criminal charges dismissed for political favors. How many of those were criminal domestic violence and dui’s Nikki Haley and Katrina Shealy??

But now all of a sudden he wants to enforce the laws that were broken openingly in front of him by jakie knotts, Danny Frazier, James metts, and so many others. I SAY NO!!!

lies lies more lies March 2, 2015 at 7:52 am

Still NO proof.Why don’t you hold a press conference today and make these allegations.Put your name by em, then I might listen.

You still don’t get that these false allegation are coming from anonymous strippers and the alleged incidents apparently happened 15 years ago?

Pissed off voter March 2, 2015 at 8:16 am

And you bag of dumb dicks don’t get all of the crime jay koon has overlooked and obstructed justice by allowing a former lexington town councilman Danny Frazier and jay koon’s boss, former senator jakie knotts and convicted felon and former sheriff James metts free passes for them and their political connected associates to escape justice for their wrongs by doing nothing but promises now to be different and treat everyone with confidence. Yeah right pal. Go back to working the phones for jay koon’s campaign for him so he can get back to the titty bars.

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 8:19 am

Obsess much?

rdj March 2, 2015 at 8:55 am

Mike, this is our legitimate concern if nothing else. Come on man.

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 9:14 am

Really? You’re playing the victim card now? If you can’t see the hyperbole, angriness, and political dirtiness in statements like the one “Pissed Off” there’s not much to talk about it here. I grow weary of the invective and over-the-top accusations; let’s just let Tuesday come and go…

idiotwind March 2, 2015 at 9:20 am

how the hell would you know if it was a false allegation?

The Hardy Boys March 2, 2015 at 9:42 am

t was on Fits.

Batman March 2, 2015 at 9:42 am

This is an easy fix. Have all four candidates answer the question: ” Have you ever visited a strip club during your law enforcement career?” .Let each candidate answer the question and don’t let them pull the no comment BS. That way everyone will know and each of us can make our minds up about the candidate.

You ask why does it matter next I guess. Well, strip clubs are known for not only the ladies dancing on the stage, but clubs are notoriously known for money laundering, drug transactions, false business fronts, prostitution, and human trafficking (probably not her in cola), It is this environment that most agency heads have always put down the rule that their officers should stay away from these clubs. Officers whom attend these clubs after being warned by their command staff are the ones that take part of the backrooms and prostitution and leverage can be used against them so their dark secret is never found out. Here lies the area where corruption begins. Do we know if there are pictures or a shady past that is hanging over Koon’s head and is being used, or does he just like the teenage and early twenty girls shaking every thing got in his face and grinding on him during the lap dances. In this case, I’m sure Mrs. Koon has been taken back from the recent information she has learned of and better than that is the teachers and women she has had rally behind him. These women have rallied behind him because of the clean cut version he has presented to them, but he is only VIEWING THEM-NOT AS A LESSER CUT OF MEAT, BUT AS JUST A CUT OF MEAT THAT HE CAN ADMIRE AND MAYBE THROW A DOLLAR OR TWO TOO.

CHARACTER FLAW: He has presented himself as one thing to us and now we are learning that maybe there is more to Jay Koon. The hypocrisy in his message is the most upsetting ( “do not reflect the Lexington County values of faith and family that I know”).

The position of Sheriff is the chief law enforcement executive officer for Lexington county. This position needs more than a candidate that has clouds already hanging over their head. Koon has to many early warning flags of problems to come. He has had Nikki come in and appoint him to a fictitious position (she should have never got involved), close ties to Danny Frazier, allegations and rumors of ticket fixing, strip club visits to the local strip clubs (not even smart enough to go out of town), contributors that back James Metts and Danny Frazier have given to his campaign.


Haley kicked ur ass! March 2, 2015 at 9:50 am

These FALSE allegations from strippers apparently happened around 2000.
What the fuck? Just like the FALSE allegations about Joshua K. molesting his son were sensationalized and used by the media to go after Haley these allegations against Koon are being driven by the same haters and losers that just can’t stand that Haley kicked their miserable,lying asses AGAIN in 2014.
Haley endorsed Koon. Koon and Haley are Christians.Got to try and destroy em. All this is about.Why ya’ll went after Josh K.

lexy March 2, 2015 at 9:56 am

Sut up, Simi.

Batman March 2, 2015 at 10:59 am

Haley was wrong as a governor to become involved in a local Sheriff’s race. This has nothing to do about a race from 2014. This is a article about a candidate with a character flaw. I can not help that Koon didn’t tell of his stripper past to the Gov before she endorsed him, I’m sure she is running around now having people like you to come on here and try and polish a turd.

truthsayer March 2, 2015 at 11:18 am

I have a plan. Call your local news agency and have them interview Jay Koon, Danny Frazier, and Chief Green, all of which were mentioned in the article. Have them on camera and ask the question. “Did you go to the strip club and have strippers ride you like a horse and spank you while you were intoxicated?”
Everyone can watch and see his facial expression and know the truth last and for all. Once you see the facial expressions of Koon, Frazier, and Green. You will know the truth. Then can come back on this site and say “Thank you Will”

truthmonger March 2, 2015 at 12:16 pm

Seriously, I’m not sure I’d vote for ANY candidate Haley endorses… Kindly remember that it was on her watch that the PORS was gutted, and benefits for officers crippled in the line of duty was CUT 17%. Not that anyone cares. NIKKI HATES COPS.
Britt? Like we need RCSD in Lexington. No thanks. I still remember when the soldier was beaten by a Deputy over there, and they spent a couple weeks cheerleading for him until the video was posted on WLTX.

A Lexington County Citizen March 2, 2015 at 5:58 pm

I hear RCSD still enjoys getting even with CPD over that one, writing off duty CPD officers for chickenshit traffic violations whenever they can. They just don’t get how wrong that guy was in what he was doing to that woman.

Last I heard 5th Circuit Solicitor’s office was going to sweep that under the rug until the victim, a soldier, is transferred out of state or out of country and then bring it to trial. With no victim, the case will likely be dismissed. Talk about rampant corruption!!!!

Elfego March 2, 2015 at 2:59 pm

I say have them all take a polygraph,along with all Judges,Police Officers and anyone with the ability to take your freedom away.

linds March 2, 2015 at 11:18 am

At a strip club when your wife is at home with a new baby? How is that a family value?

say what? March 2, 2015 at 12:26 pm

15 YEARS AGO? Please.

You're An Asshole March 2, 2015 at 6:20 pm

15 years ago – and Koon is still a sex pervert. Yes, its in his blood. FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE!

LowcountryGmCock March 2, 2015 at 10:33 am

I think any time you have a church endorse somebody for a political office, they’re overstepping their bounds. Shit always comes back to bite them.

dat damn preacher hateful! March 2, 2015 at 12:24 pm

Damn right.Rev.Jerimiah Wright proved that with Obama.

Elfego March 2, 2015 at 2:58 pm

I certainly agree with you under most circumstances but I suspect churches in certain areas are the breeding grounds for corruption.There are a lot of Rich Reverends running around America today and when you see a rich minister or Police Office walk gently!

Barb March 2, 2015 at 12:34 pm

Danny Frazier’s choice for assistant was Koon!
No wonder Councilman Stumpylightness, Mayor Halfass, Witch Hazel Tyndall/Livingston all needed to go! They let their “Kingfish” Danny Frazier run the town.

i am hearing voices! March 2, 2015 at 12:41 pm

You people have more delusional conspiratorial theories than Man from U.N.C.L.E and Columbo combined!

Pfff! March 2, 2015 at 6:19 pm

You’re obviously constipated. Old as dirt and corrupt to the core. Go fuck yourself before a dragon comes and plucks you off the ground and takes you away to never never land.

Joe Stayer March 2, 2015 at 6:27 pm

Ask Jay, he can’t deny it. It’s the truth, he was there.

Wendy March 3, 2015 at 9:48 pm

The lesser of two evils prevailed tonight. Congratulations Lexington County sheepel. You fools have done exactly what you were told to do. Im sure Kingfish is sitting back laughing his fat ass off.

rdj March 3, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Who is kingfish

Wendy March 3, 2015 at 10:19 pm

Danny Frazier. The nickname was given to him by Randy Half-wit (Halfacre).

rdj March 3, 2015 at 10:27 pm

I knew Billy and Danny well there for awhile. Your Dannys ex right?
How did all these guys get off so squeaky clean that were in the “ring”
Did they just decide they couldnt arrest everyone in Lexington politics or whats up?

Paco Sanchez March 1, 2015 at 9:12 pm

If it’s on FITS it must be a lie.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 9:20 pm

That’s not a bad algorithm, that.

Buz Martin March 1, 2015 at 10:04 pm

It’s not an algorithm, it’s a metric. Or a meme. Or maybe a crock of shit.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:11 pm

You got me there, officer…are you with the sarcasm police? ;-)

You are correct, though…it is, in no way, a “finite set of unambiguous instructions that, given some set of initial conditions, can be performed in a prescribed sequence to achieve a certain goal and that has a recognizable set of end conditions.”

I like your last option, actually…

Logical Conclusions March 2, 2015 at 8:28 am

Your comment is on FITS so it must also be a lie.

livin large in the sewer March 1, 2015 at 9:21 pm

What does the ‘early part of last decade’ mean? 2000-2001?

15 fucking years ago?

‘Koon should have known better than to demean such establishments given his history of frequenting them.’

I guess Will and FITS should know better than to speak about CDV? How long ago was that Will? 2005?

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 9:30 pm

You know what desperation smells like? Pull up to this piece and inhale deeply…that’s the smell. What a lame ass hit piece with rehashed allegations 36 hours before the polls open. Old stories, and a stripper as “exhibit A.” You stay classy, FITS.

PS- I toilet papered a professor’s house during my freshman year at USC 30 years ago, got into a minor fist fight at Group Therapy, and even staggered from Five Points back to my place a little drunk a few times in flagrant violation of SC’s public disorderly conduct statutes. I will call DC at first light and voluntarily revoke my security clearance. I must be connected to “The Ring” as well.

Once only mildly interested, I now hope Koon wins it outright on night one (Lindsey Graham style), although even that didn’t shut FITS’ suck much.

KingFish March 1, 2015 at 9:50 pm

Are you running for public office? While committing these infractions you admitted doing, were you a police officer? Honestly, I would rather hear about the ticket fixing. Let his wife judge him for visiting a strip club. Hope they had a DD…..but then again, Frazier was alleged to have been there. I heard he has connections. Where there’s fire there’s smoke.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Mike at the beach is retired and hiding behind his moat at the beach … he thinks were crazy for wanting someone other than an ethically challenged but ” has the resume ” to run our police department.
I think we’ve all had enough …
But when your living behind a moat you just want things to stay the same.

Buz Martin March 1, 2015 at 10:07 pm

I like Mike. I find he’s full of shit only about 20% of the time. For the beach, that’s not bad. Puts him slightly ahead of me.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:13 pm

Have no problems with Mike … think he might have worked for the government though.
I was at church this morning and it dawned on me that church and the government are a lot alike neither can survive without getting its money from the rest of the hard working people and everything both do can be done without them.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Ohhhh, I like some of your stuff but you lost me on this one. I’m a pretty handy guy with a hammer and saw, but you and I would be hard-pressed to bang out a Ford-class aircraft carrier anytime soon.

PS- I did work for the feds, but I’m OK. Trust me… ;-)

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:30 pm

Neither can our politicians …

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:31 pm

Again, I have to call. We have lots of big military shit laying around…

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:32 pm

And they damn sure can’t do a thing without taking my money first …
My point is we the people can do all things together without our politicians just as we can be good Christians without a church …

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:23 pm

Hey now…I work hard to maintain that moat! I’m sorry if I just can’t get my panties in a twist over every little tin-foil hat conspiracy and savior campaign waged in the discussion boards here. Moat or not, I live and operate in the real world, where the people know what’s what. Even assuming every bit of the stripper story is true, most thinking grownups would still not hand a department the size of LCSO to an amateur. That’s just the hard truth, and is why Koon will very likely win on Tuesday. To describe Koon as “ethically challenged” because he looked at some titties 10 years ago is just plain silly. People get this.

As for the ticket fixing fixation, wow. Just wow. I’ll be waiting for the sweeping federal investigation on that one. As I explained here several times, “ticket fixing” is a very specific term, and doesn’t amount to much in most places. Prosecutors and officers have wide latitude and discretion in regard to whom they charge, don’t charge, or nol pros. Only if there are untoward forces and motives involved does it become illegal. Everyone needs to take deep breaths and relax. Your grandmother might be on the receiving end of some ticket help one day, and I’d be willing to bet that it will be wholly legitimate. there will be no federal roundup, so put down the binoculars and open up the blinds. It’ll be OK.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:29 pm

I believe but most certainly don’t quote me that Judge Geathers disagrees with you … State Supreme Court states ticket fixing amounts to police corruption. If they were fixing tickets for me and mine just to get a campaign sign put up on main street imagine what their doing for their big dog donars .

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:43 pm

OK…you’re not getting me. I am telling you that prosecutors and cops at all levels eat tickets every week here in SC (and every other state, for that matter). In about 99% of the cases there is nothing illegal about it. It’s called prosecutorial discretion. Turns out the defendant was an informant, had extenuating circumstances, or is just a really solid citizen in need of a break. If it’s patently illegal (as you and your judge friend assert), then let’s bring on the feds! Here’s yet another spot wherein my reality-based approach to life saves me tons of time- I won’t be calling the feds, because I know they won’t be coming. There’s nothing for them to come to. Don’t take my word for it…call ’em up yourself if you doubt me. Nol prossed tickets are a matter of public record. Go get ’em tiger!

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:17 pm

Maybe I expect to much from people …
I’ve experienced quite a bit in my life that says quit trying to figure it out, you can’t change a thing. Even had a friend of mine whose a judge tell me to quit posting bad comments about Koon even anonymous slander can bite you in the ass. I told him I was sad that he wouldn’t want me to speak the truth to try and better my community.
Anyway … I’ve said it many times I trully pray the people and the officers get the sheriff they deserve.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 11:21 pm

You said the $64,000 word, friend…”slander.” You maaaaay want to go look that up…

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:29 pm

Fortunately for me I speak the truth and brought the whole situation to his attention on March 8th 2010 when it happened even read my letter to Koon to him before I took it to the police department so hes very aware of the situation. Stated he could make Koon sit down and talk to me if I didn’t get a proper response. Covering your ass with a very well respected local judge before you act goes a long way.

Buz Martin March 1, 2015 at 10:32 pm


Lexington Resident March 1, 2015 at 10:37 pm

It’s not “tinfoil hat conspiracy” stuff. If you were actually here and could be bothered to open your eyes and ears for a while, you would know different.

People like you are what keep people like Nikki and Slimehouse in office, term after term.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:46 pm

Careful how you sling the “people like you” pejorative around, I may be sensitive…

I have professional and personal interests all over Richland and Lexington County, and strangely enough most of my people up that way seem to agree with me. I’ll say to you what I say to everyone- if these cats are 20% as crooked as you folks say, let’s make ’em famous! Call the feds and let’s go. This should be an easy one. Thing is, they aren’t, and the feds aren’t coming (and they love them a crooked local lawman).

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:51 pm

I agree with you partly …
If the feds start arresting every politician in SC who is skirting the laws were gonna have anarchy pretty soon. Doesn’t meen we have to like it or vote it in. Sounds like your saying we should just be ok with it ?

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:56 pm

One more thing you fail to see from behind the moat … Sheriff Metts whose job Koon wants to replace was busted taking bribes from Frazier who also was having Koon do his favors at the town. I never said ticket fixing was as bad but lets connect the dots and try to unfix the game.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 11:00 pm

…and again I say to you…”big deal.”

If there was a single shred of illegality that they could have pinned on Koon they would have done so during the investigation that hit Frazier et al. They didn’t, so your position has to be, then, that Koon frightens the AG and US Atty or that he is sooooo slick that no one could remember a single illegal act he had committed. As a congregant in the Church of reality, I’m going with the “there’s nothing there” school of thought.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:04 pm

They may not have been able to bring a 28 page indictment on him but hopefully enough citizens will choose to give someone else a chance before we end up with Metts 2.0

Pissed off voter March 2, 2015 at 4:43 am

Then why did jay koon being as close to Danny Frazier and other ring members not stand up like the eagle scout that he is wanting everyone to believe he is and do something about it. Report it to law enforcement or something. No jay koon took orders and did the dirty for them. NO HE IS NOT GETTING MY VOTE!!! he had the chance to show us that he does not care if you or a politician or law enforcement, that he would enforce the law equally and the biggest corruption case lexington county has ever encountered and where was jay koon?? At the fucking titty bar with Danny Frazier. Jay koon ignored it then, and will ignore his duty again for political favors.

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 2, 2015 at 6:38 am

As a congregant in the Church of reality,…

TBG always had you pegged as a “Deacon in the Church of the Painful Truth”……

Mike at the Beach March 2, 2015 at 8:19 am

I was promoted, but I try not to boast. Pride goeth before the fall, and all that…

(or “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall” if you want to be all King James Version correct)

rdj March 1, 2015 at 10:46 pm

It’s just everything and everyone hes associated with unfortunately hes the only one we have a chance to get rid of or say ok we like the way yall do things around here … and just so you know I Quote Jay Koon, ” do you know who Frazier calls to get these things taken care of … me.”
I love my home town … just want to see someone new in there. The county will survive without the politicians scratching each others backs all day.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 10:57 pm

I hear you, amigo. I just disagree; kindofa “baby with the bathwater” thing. You guys seem willing to elect some 12 year old kid with anger management issues, a waaaaaay over-developed sense of self-worth, and a pecker he can’t seem to keep in his pants just to get rid of a guy you think may be a little hooked up politically. That strikes me as cutting off your nose to spite your face. Ditto for the other cats in the race- none of them have the ability, background, or , yes, connections to run that place. Period. We’ll just agree to disagree and move along. Namaste!

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:01 pm

And the only disagreement were having since i have not backed any other candidate is that it seems like just another day in SC to you. Nothing to see here move along. Which isnt gonna make SC a better place for my four year old son.

Doctor Psychotic Detector March 1, 2015 at 11:06 pm

Mike The Bitch, take your meds.

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 11:20 pm

Don’t wear your hurt on your sleeve; you may wake your Mom.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 11:34 pm

By the way your comments would hold more water if you didn’t respond to the nuts. I will take this time to publicly request Will do the same. I trully believe hes onto a good thing here, trying to shed light on the things the mainstream media want but … avoiding taking it to far makes you come off better to your nay sayers.
Stick to the facts and keep on keeping on …

Mike at the Beach March 1, 2015 at 11:59 pm

Dude! Talking to the nuts on here is my 10 minutes of zen every day. I bust my ass about 60-80 hours per week on the serious stuff (that feeds the family)…don’t take my nutty time from me…

TontoBubbaGoldstein March 2, 2015 at 6:43 am

…my 10 minutes of zen every day.

As he has aged,TBG has found that it is too much trouble getting in and out of the Lotus position for only 10 minutes of FITStime…so it’s more like 20 minutes.


euwe max March 2, 2015 at 9:20 am

I wasn’t here then, but I heard Fits used to post tittie pictures so you could save time.

car 54 where r u? March 2, 2015 at 8:01 am

lol…dude who are YOU to define what a ‘nuts’ is? You appear out of nowhere in the past 72 hours posting more false allegations and slanderous lies than The Hardy Boy’s create in a month from the upstate to the low country.

Look in the mirror.

rdj March 2, 2015 at 8:14 am

You must be new to the website, I documented Jays relationship with Frazier back in March 2010 to The Police department, SLED and a Judge just in case.

rdj March 1, 2015 at 9:41 pm

This is a good sign for people who don’t want James Metts “puppet for the establishment” jr. to win this thing.
Generally speaking when they think they have it wrapped up they don’t even bother responding to such allegations. I hope and pray the best man wins. Still don’t know who I’m voting for but God know it want be Koon.

Squishy123 March 1, 2015 at 9:49 pm

The sad reality is the only one who isn’t corrupt is the punk kid with no experience. It’s hard to believe that there’s not one person willing to run with experience and no ties to corruption. Just goes to show you how fucked we are in this county.

You Know My Name March 1, 2015 at 10:32 pm

Au contrair, mon frer! The punk kid is up to his ass in connections. Check out posts by Wendy, West Of Main, and myself, elswhere on this thread. The punk kid fancies himself a white Charlie Austin, preachin’ the gospel and dipping his willie wherever he likes.

Felix is the only one who is not sullied with ties to existing corruption.

Squishy123 March 2, 2015 at 8:55 am

So, who do you suggest we vote for, Sybil?

You Know My Name March 2, 2015 at 6:03 pm

Ed Felix. Seriously, he’s the only one of the lot with no ties to existing corruption.

me March 1, 2015 at 10:10 pm

Will keep digging it gets better. So much better.

Guest March 2, 2015 at 3:16 pm

Why? Tomorrow is election day. This should have all been brought up weeks ago.

Buz Martin March 1, 2015 at 10:11 pm

He was doing a sting. A long-term, slow-mo sting. He had to visit those clubs multiple times, over a long period of time, to verify that he was getting “rubbed” right, and such. Can’t go on first impressions. Need ta lose yer load more than once, like again and again, to make sure it’s not just you with an easily tripped trigger. Y’all don’t give the bwah enough credit.

shifty henry March 1, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Raymond Chandler couldn’t have written that any better – Philip Marlowe lives!

Buz Martin March 2, 2015 at 7:37 am

High praise, indeed. Meaning you had to be high when you praised me like that.

New nickname for Koon March 2, 2015 at 12:00 am

“He was doing a sting. A long-term, slow-mo sting.”

…let’s call him “little stinger” now.

Tally Ho March 1, 2015 at 11:00 pm

You Lie! His commercials say he is a family man.

Koon Is An Ass March 1, 2015 at 11:04 pm

Koon is a Koonass, indeed. We all now know what is at his real core values. Hookers, drinking, drugs, you name it. Yep – a wolf in sheep clothing he is. Typical psychopath.

really?? March 1, 2015 at 11:44 pm

I have read some stupid things before but this takes the cake! Let’s take the word of a stripper? A stripper, who is probably being paid off by one of the other candidates (I can bet I could figure out which one) who has promised these lying law enforcement people who confirmed this perverted story. Fine folks that they are for being there during this tasteful event I bet they were getting in on the action too. I bet the city of West Columbia has the video to go with this story right? 15 years ago Jay Koon would have been what 26 years old? Get your head out of the toilet. If you are believing this you aren’t near as good of a writer as you profess to be!

Roberto March 2, 2015 at 6:01 am

Why do you demean strippers? They are no worse people than the people who frequent the clubs they work in, and better people than those who abuse public trust.

Poledancer March 2, 2015 at 9:56 am

Really, this business only exist because they have people like Jay Koon coming to the clubs. Supply and Demand-economics 101. You sit back a fault the young women for trying to survive in an environment that was established for the pleasure of both women and men. I know there are some of the girls that turn tricks, but the larger portion of these girls are just trying to survive and make a living. They can’t help that crooked politicians and cops visit the clubs like Jay Koon. Don’t hate game-hate the players (Jay Koon)

YeeHaw! March 1, 2015 at 11:59 pm

“Koon was praised this week by The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, which claimed he “possesses the polish, professionalism and smarts”

He’s been well trained & broken in by his bronco busting strippers, so he’s prolly harmless.

shifty henry March 2, 2015 at 12:09 am

DAD-GUMB-IT..!! I read all of the comments and then go back to add mine but some of you guys keep editing your originals and I can’t find them again….

JL March 2, 2015 at 1:43 am

So we have Nikki Haley and Katrina Shealy that has come out in support of jay koon. Each of them were warned about jay’s past with strippers and it is not just going to strip club with the fellows for some fun, it was more sinister, and they choose to ignore it.

Guest too March 2, 2015 at 5:15 am

It has been widely alleged that Haley likes strippers and lap dances too!
No wonder, birds of a feather!

Max March 2, 2015 at 2:11 am

Jay koon has always hid behind the “family values” but when darkness falls and he believes people are not watching the Eagle Scout personality he wants everyone to believe he is, he is a dark sinister person. Remember James metts was an Eagle Scout too with a doctorate degree in education and how he fooled the public for decades. Going to a strip club is not bad if that was the only thing, but when you show and see who he associates himself with like Danny Frazier, randy halfacrer, James metts, and all they have done, then he can not sit back and say he is a “family values” man. Look james metts would probably still tell you today he believes in family values too but does not display them. It is a term that jay and other corrupt politicians have thrown around and not lived up to that standard. Again James metts was a silent partner in the southerns gentleman club (yes a strip club in lexington county). The fact that jay koon was with the most corrupt people in public office in lexington county and did absolutely nothing to bring their illegal activities to light or law enforcement and then benefited off of things like attending strip bars with them and dismissing criminal charges against their friends is too much. How dare you jay koon sit there and want people to believe that you are this clean cut Eagle Scout and then live a double life and using those strippers for your thrill then casting them as something against the lexington values as you know.

Orion March 2, 2015 at 5:25 am

Sounds like he fits right in with the family NON values bunch!
Mark Sanford..adulterer/liar
Richard Eckstrom..adulterer/liar
Bob Peeler..adulterer/liar/cheat
James Metts…liar/criminal..Southern Gentlemans Club
Nikki Haley..liar/cheat/no ethics
Frazier..all of the above and close friend and associate of all of the above

fedup March 2, 2015 at 6:29 am

Have any of you guys checked out their contributions? Really??

D1 March 2, 2015 at 6:40 am

I have checked them out and Koon has something not right going on. I changed my mind after looking it.

Pissed off voter March 2, 2015 at 6:46 am

I did too. Jay koon has money from the Rawl family which employs a lot of illegal workers. James metts was supported over decades by the Rawl empire and has now plead to accepting bribes to let illegals out of jail before they could be detected.

Pissed off voter March 2, 2015 at 7:46 am

Not to mention the Rawl empire also supported Danny Frazier and jakie knotts with campaign contributions. Keep connecting the dots will folks.

Guest March 2, 2015 at 3:11 pm

How can we get a copy?

Max March 2, 2015 at 5:24 pm

You can go to South Carolina state ethics and look each candidate up and see who contributed and how much the gave.

Bible Thumper March 2, 2015 at 7:33 am

Fedup, D1 and Pissed sound like the same person commenting at the same time. They’re not regular posters here.

a flotilla from loonyville March 2, 2015 at 7:38 am

rdj just showed up on same subject over the weekend.

idiotwind March 2, 2015 at 9:29 am

how would an honest man would run for sheriff in lexington? given the depth of corruption, how would a decent citizen acquire credible experience in county governance or policing, or form the support network to run for office? voters will not take seriously anyone with no experience in law enforcement, but anyone in senior law enforcement is a probably a crook and connected the ‘the ring’. of course this only makes lexington identical to every other county in the state.

bamburger March 2, 2015 at 9:55 am

Wonder if he and Nik ever got lap dances from the same stripper?

Lennon Durden March 2, 2015 at 10:23 am

You are known by the associates you keep.
Not getting my vote.

Manray March 2, 2015 at 10:56 am

As soon as I hear a politician is touting “family values,” I wonder: What skeletons are in his closet?

Amanda James March 2, 2015 at 11:18 am

Listen, they all have some baggage! People have baggage! WE have to pick the lesser of the evils which truly is Ed Felix, but probably won’t get elected! Koon is just a good ole boy from Lexington County and that is all that needs to be said! Dennis, more qualified, but still as an appointed official has had to at one time or another, work with the undesirables! Justin is just a kid, not enough experience, not enough life experience or maturity and I can’t stand anyone who uses God to get them places! If he is a Christian, great because in the end we will all answer for our sins! But Justin is a hypocrite and a liar! In his latest mail piece, Justin claims to be beyond reproach and doesn’t put himself in questionable situations; He is married to Jennifer Henderson Padgett Britt; they forget the Padgett! Her former husband was given a divorce on the grounds of adultery in August 2013, Justin and Jennifer married in December 2013, and had a baby girl in July 2014! Now, unless my numbers are wrong, or the baby was very per-mature, I would say Jennifer was pregnant when they got married!! I know Justin likes to quote the Bible, Ezechiel and all, but what about the 10 commandments??? #VII – thou shalt not commit adultery?

rdj March 2, 2015 at 11:32 am

The only thing we can hope for is that the feds really will as I’ve been told be keeping a close eye on Lexington police and politics for some time to come.

another 40 oz please March 2, 2015 at 12:45 pm

lol…they probably pulled em off the border to keep an eye on Lexington?
You really are a fool.

OMG March 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Justin did not commit Adultery.

Ed March 3, 2015 at 8:59 am

You might want to rethink in light of the new article on FITS, the pleadings, and the transcript.

Political BS! March 2, 2015 at 11:29 am

Since we are picking on Candidates (allegations that Koon might have frequented a strip club over 15 years ago with nothing but hearsay) can you explain how Felix is a front runner after being written up so many times at the Academy that his personnel file filled an entire BOX? His response in the debate is “you cannot be a good officer without being written up”. There are officers that go their entire career without a write up!!

He was also fired while suing the agency with lying to a superior as being a contributing charge as well as frequent trips by police to his home for domestic situations. Come on people and wake the crap up!

Tyndall has his own issues with integrity and links to the ring and Britt is a kid who doesn’t have real experience other than a “Task Force” and a family with deep pockets to help fund Leon Lott’s push to take over Lexington County.

Today will be the day that candidates plot to discredit the other candidates and that’s expected but should not be tolerated.

Look hard at these candidates and what you are willing to accept for the next eighteen months.

It’s pretty clear that Jay Koon has the moral turpitude and integrity to put Lexington back in a distinguished position.

rdj March 2, 2015 at 11:35 am

Have you not been reading the comments in here … oh you must be from the group that says we’re all liars and conspiracy theorists.
Must be only! The Koon supporters have any good morals or judgements.

Political BS! March 2, 2015 at 11:46 am

No, I just see you as a whiny person who did not get your ticket dropped as you had hoped and want to moan about it to anyone who will listen. Does the fact that you wanted and sought out an opportunity to have it fixed make you immoral?

rdj March 2, 2015 at 11:52 am

You make a good point since Koon was the one fixing tickets for Frazier does that make him an ethical lawman?

rdj aka wackadoodle March 2, 2015 at 12:32 pm

rdj is all over the damn place like Rocky…one damn minute he is in church next he is meeting with judges and law enforcement while threatening commentators to meet him at the hardware store while eating a chicken biscuit and fucking chasing Mike around talking about some damn ‘moat’ he read about in Lion’s King while accusing everybody he disagrees with as being a government employee…just a fucking paid political hack psycho!!! :-)

rdj March 2, 2015 at 2:06 pm

Man … that’s the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time … thank you!
Just so you know Mikes the one who started the moat joke. He’ll probably call me a liar. But that’s okay I like Mike. Truth is a bitch when its inconvenient to your agenda. Sorry …

14Political BS March 2, 2015 at 12:58 pm

Political BS! I Agree with you on this point.

Confession March 2, 2015 at 12:51 pm

Political BS, You sound so much like a candidates Krooney. But its your turn to speak. Unfortunately everyone has done something wrong before, thats whats called a sin. But we learn from sins.

The academy, is long over due for a civil legal problems, it was bound to happen. Written up, as being a good officer/deputy etc. The expression, if you have never been in trouble, example citizen complaints or internal you are not doing your J O B has been expression in LE for decades. WHY?

1. A good LE Officer who makes a lot of arrests, is going to get citizen complaints, because no one wants to go to jail, you are going to make families upset etc.
2. They complain because they are mad. Also when dealing with crime, you may have to go heavy handed occasionally to make the arrest, people do not like to be forced to go to jail.
3. Also when doing the above, you on occasion will curse. Sorry we are Men/Women who do have to vent.
5. Learning from Sin. D.F. has many sins, all who affiliated with him on a daily basis need to understand they can not lead the pack anymore. We need to heal for some time, then we need to confess our sins to all. The we can try to understand the why’s, then you may have a chance to lead again.

wake up people March 2, 2015 at 11:41 am

There should be an investigation by the governess office for all deputies running. I do know for a fact that Metts and his entourage had a back door entrance and private room when visiting strip clubs.

Lennon Durden March 2, 2015 at 12:09 pm

I am a Koon supporter.

LUCY March 2, 2015 at 12:25 pm

To all the disbelievers of Jay Koon your all pissed because the truth was once again discovered I guess it doesn’t pay to hide and lie

Don Trumf March 2, 2015 at 12:37 pm

Truth Hurts sometimes, we have to change our families votes now, sorry Brian (thats J. Koon’s given name).

Intellectual March 2, 2015 at 12:33 pm

Vote Koon, for Politics! Look, at all of the Politicians which have given him money, and he is so proud of this, he has sent their pictures to our house’s Does that make him a Politician or a Police Officer? You decide.
Change, NONE. All the retired good old boys all behind him now, he just sent us all of their names to our houses! PLUS he is KEEPING the CURRENT Command Chief Deputies. All the same crap with a new face.
There is still a dozen plus daily Sworn Officers inside collecting a paycheck doing non-police functions (Major-Public Relations 80k, and has a 55k Admin , 2-Chiefs Admin 180k, 4 Captains 320k, and this is just salaries not including benefits).
He was there making no changes to help the department, why is there the same old problems? No Changes, never going to change the past and the future looks just as bad, Vote Koon.
Ask what has he done during his 5 months!

Elfego March 2, 2015 at 2:54 pm

Our sins have a way of finding us out. I have no horse in this race but if you go back far enough no one is squeaky clean other than the Lord. Now if he has not changed his ways and mind so be it but if you have nothing more up to date then I ask you to think about it!

BIN News Funding Editor March 2, 2015 at 4:35 pm

Our Funding Editor was there that night working as a bartender. She has not stripped professionally in over 70 years.

But, she still knows how to warp her legs around a pole. So to speak.

The night in question, our Funding Editor says with certainty that Koon was not in the club or anywhere near it. She is certain.

She says Koon was mentoring her great-great-grandson and several other teens who had been caught smoking rabbit-tobacco at recess at Lexington Middle School.

So, there you have it.

You can believe sic(k) willie and his no-name mysterious strippers and the equally mysterious unnamed “member of the law enforcement entourage.”

Or, you can believe our Funding Editor who has never lied or misrepresented the truth. sic(k) willie, on the other hand is known to quote Dust Bunnies under his bed.

BIN News Funding Editor
Flare and Balanced

P.S. If sic(k) willie found strippers from 15 years ago, maybe he can find the Holy Grail or the Fountain of Youth. Maybe capture a Leprechaun. Maybe bank the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Or, maybe he just keeps making up stuff he can’t prove.

Oh Well March 2, 2015 at 6:26 pm

I am glad to see the truth finally coming out, albeit too little too late being that the election is tomorrow and Fits News is not main stream media, the majority of voters will never see this. The fact remains that it is absolutely true and Jay is speaking out of both sides of his mouth.

WALTER March 3, 2015 at 12:10 am

Mr Jimmy Metts was screwed out of his office as sheriff because of corruption brought on by Danny frazier and his lies Te truth will come out one day that sheriff Metts was and is still an excellent law enforcement officer and was only tarnished by people who wanted him out of office because they knew he could not be beaten in the polls

Squishy123 March 3, 2015 at 10:38 pm

I didn’t realize Jimmy had a brother named Walter. Who else would say such bullshit?

jringo March 3, 2015 at 7:36 am

that Koon should learn how to tip

Ed March 3, 2015 at 8:59 am

The earlier part of the last decade? Really? So in 2000 or 2001 someone went to a strip club and that’s news??

3202 March 3, 2015 at 10:43 am

What did he actually do while he was a borrowed employee??? Nobody knows……

Guest March 3, 2015 at 2:32 pm

We all know Koon will get voted in. The powers that be have put their stamp of approval on him. So, the majority of Lexington voters will behave like robots. But, the way I look at it is you can only hide stuff for so long. Besides this is only a year.

Fred March 3, 2015 at 6:45 pm

What an impressive load of lies– especially concerning Chief Green.

Mike at the Beach March 3, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Now that the circus has ended and the vast majority of Lexington County voters have discounted all of the silliness spread in regard to Koon and “The Ring,” look for some good solid info to come out in the State (most likely by Tim Flach) discounting some of the nonsensical allegations made here (and by the other campaigns, of course). Another unsuccessful smear campaign…

rdj March 3, 2015 at 10:09 pm

Any chance they will discuss …. unholy alliance

rdj March 3, 2015 at 10:23 pm

Continuance of patronage, nepotism and cronyism

Quinn March 7, 2015 at 6:13 pm

RJ Shealy, the home builders mafia just spreading more lies. Face it, you Lost.


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