Another Lexington Sheriff Candidate Linked To “Ring”

WEST COLUMBIA POLICE CHIEF’S PROXIMITY TO CABAL QUESTIONED … || By FITSNEWS || Earlier this week we picked up allegations made against South Carolina law enforcement officer Jay Koon – the establishment choice to become the next sheriff of Lexington County, S.C. Koon is said to be “connected” to former Lexington,…


|| By FITSNEWS || Earlier this week we picked up allegations made against South Carolina law enforcement officer Jay Koon – the establishment choice to become the next sheriff of Lexington County, S.C.

Koon is said to be “connected” to former Lexington, S.C. town councilman Danny Frazier – one of the central figures in the “Lexington Ring.”  For those of you new to FITS, the “ring” is a cabal of corrupt politicians and crooked cops accused of running an illegal video poker operation (and other for-profit schemes) in the county.

Video poker machines were outlawed in 2000 when the S.C. Supreme Court blocked a referendum that would have given Palmetto State residents the right to vote on their legality.  We disagree with that decision (voters should have been allowed to make that call), and we have been consistent in supporting the expansion of gaming in South Carolina and opposing the state-run gambling monopoly (a.k.a. the so-called “education” lottery).

Anyway … in early 2012, Frazier was surreptitiously recorded describing the inner workings of the “ring’s” illegal operations, although S.C. governor Nikki Haley’s administration failed to take action upon receiving this evidence.

Last summer, Frazier was indicted for his role in various scandals related to the “ring.” Also indicted?  James Metts – the long-serving Lexington County sheriff whose ignominious resignation prompted the current election.

In one of the 2012 recordings, Frazier mentioned one of the candidates for Lexington Sheriff – but it wasn’t Koon.

Whose name did he mention?  West Columbia, S.C. police chief Dennis Tyndall.

According to Frazier, Tyndall looked the other way while the “ring” reaped huge profits from the illegal poker business.

“Dennis is the police chief here,” Frazier told an informant on the tape. “Dennis is not touching it.”

Frazier initially claimed he didn’t remember making the comments on the tapes – then he claimed he fabricated the information in an effort to make himself appear influential.

So … did Frazier fabricate the claims he made about Tyndall?

Not according to an August 2012 report by Jody Barr – formerly of WIS TV 10 (NBC – Columbia, S.C.).

Barr discovered a West Columbia, S.C. business with ten video poker machines located just one block away from the city’s police department – “on a corner officers pass multiple times a day.”  Another business located even closer to the police department had twenty of the machines.

To be fair to Tyndall and Koon, neither law man has ever been charged with wrongdoing related to the “ring” – let alone convicted.  However their alleged proximity does raise troubling questions – especially in Tyndall’s case.

Count on FITS to continue investigating as the March 3 special election draws closer …


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waswillpaidoff? February 17, 2015 at 9:11 am

Nikki’s candidate is a crook? Will, where’s the book?

Ouch February 17, 2015 at 9:13 am

Let’s see, Will Folks likes to hang around and worship people like Mark Sanford and TRav. So, he’s obviously a lying douche with problems with the ladies. When he isn’t beating one up….

Ouch February 17, 2015 at 9:15 am

What? No article about how shitty the economy is (for you or SC)? I’ve been enjoying those pieces of “journalism”.

GrandTango February 17, 2015 at 9:16 am

FITS has used Danny Frazier to slime about 100 people…and the Democrat US Atty. has YET to get a “Ring” conviction…

Liberal-Tarians and liberals walk around accusing their enemies of corruption and all kinds of crimes…but when the time to prove it rolls around…the Hard-Drive always goes limp…like FITS.

Big T February 17, 2015 at 9:23 am

Why are you here? Besides to get embarrassed on a daily basis.

Squishy123 February 17, 2015 at 10:36 am

“I got nowhere else to go!!!”
—— GT’s fellow gerbil enthusiast Richard Gere

Mike at the Beach February 17, 2015 at 1:54 pm


Emily Peterkin February 17, 2015 at 12:07 pm

We have to kill all the pagans and brown people.

Guest February 17, 2015 at 6:09 pm

WB? Is that you? Good God, boy. Don’t you have a real job counting chicken money?

5 Complaints Already to USDOJ February 17, 2015 at 9:27 am

I encourage everyone to file complaints with the Dept of Justice in Washington, DC and copy your complaints to all SC Congressmen and SC US Senators with demands for an FBI investigation by agents from outside the State of South Carolina. SC is too corrupt for local FBI agents and local federal prosecutors to be involved. Even SLED and Haley is corrupt. Always has been, always will be.

The Colonel February 17, 2015 at 9:51 am

“SC is corrupt…Always has been, always will be”

Then why bother investigating?

Answer You Were Looking For February 17, 2015 at 3:01 pm

Duh, to give younger corrupt assholes a chance.

anonymous February 17, 2015 at 11:20 am

US DOJ only refers complaints back to Bill Nettles’ office in Columbia. Nettles then calls his Democratic Party mentor and trust fund benefactor Jean Toal and asked her what to do. Toal finds out who has made the complaint and she decides what to do.

Fecal Feasters on display February 17, 2015 at 9:28 am

Look at all the worms coming out of the shit pile in Lexington to bash Folks for an article exposing more truth.

Normally I’d have read this write up and thought, “Hmmm, interesting, wonder if it’s true.”

Now instead I think, “Look at all the anonymous Folks bashing, it’s must be true.”

edit February 17, 2015 at 9:28 am

*”it must be true.”

inconsistent reasoning? February 17, 2015 at 10:18 am

We disagree with that decision (voters should have been allowed to make that call)…

Hmmm…why then shouldn’t they be allowed to make the ‘call’ about gay marriage?

You people sure are selective on what the ‘people’ should have a right to decide and what will infect their communities.

Same ol' Same ol' February 17, 2015 at 10:39 am

That one dude in the pic is giving everyone a big fuck you. Look at his hand.

Clean up Lexington Co February 17, 2015 at 10:40 am

Tim James and Dennis Tyndall personally asked me and a friend to vote for Frazier’s re-election. We can both attest to this fact. If they were not tied to the “Ring” and Frazier, they would not have! They openly campaigned for him , for SC House and Council.
Amodio came to the polls giving out water bottles for him.

Joe Owens came by the polls campaigning for him and talked with me personally, on his behalf.

Bob and Donna Peeler ran his bumper stickers, worked the polls for him, vacationed with him and campaigned door to door foe him.

Randy Halfacre told me out his own mouth, “I support Danny, no matter what he has done”!

What more do you need??

Amodio is a douche February 17, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Amodio is a cock asshole

Kenneth Furman Howell February 21, 2015 at 7:06 pm

I thought he was a douche?

Scooter March 2, 2015 at 10:19 pm

That bunch is corrupt to the core.

It Happens February 17, 2015 at 11:23 am

Rumor is that Tyndall was indicted recently and it is sealed.

Max February 17, 2015 at 11:35 am

Did you see WIS about the money raised by koon with the help of crooked Haley?

Over a $100,000 raised. That sure is a lot of favors to pay back and a lot of politicians not to arrest or investigate.

You Know My Name February 17, 2015 at 12:01 pm

NAW! Tyndall linked to the ring? Ya gotta be shitting us, Will!!!!

Seriously, this is just now worthy of being repeated, since the original stories of the Frazier tape came out?

To those who note that Tyndall (or Koon for that matter) hasn’t been indicted yet, think about how painfully long it took them to getting around to indicting Metts. Hell, think about all the blatant corruption that has festered for decades in places like Columbia City Hall or Richland County Council and NO indictments have been issued. Lack of indictments do not necessarily translate to innocence or integrity.

easterndumbfuckistan February 17, 2015 at 12:05 pm

Three Rings for the gypsy-queens under the sky,
Seven for the Lott Family minions in their halls of stone,
Nine for Sacrificial Lambs doomed to cry,
One for the Dark Lord Jakie on his porcelain throne

In the Land of Columbia where the Shadows lie.

One “Lexington Ring” to rule them all; One “Lexington Ring” to find them; One “Lexington Ring” to corrupt them all in the darkness bind them.

In the Land of Columbia where the Shadows lie.

guest February 17, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Interesting how this guy Motley who was know for years to be a family friend of Metts’ had all charges Nolle Prosse. All 5 charges…

Buck Farack February 17, 2015 at 2:24 pm

Good story FITNEWS on connecting the allegations to Tyndal, however, I don’t have a dog in this fight and I still have not seen how Koon is supposedly connected to Frazier other than a baseless allegation from Justin Bratt. Please follow up. The other issue is why anyone has failed to ask the question why was Justin Bratt fired from SLED after one year prior to his employment with RCSD? Why hasn’t the media asked about his vote buying via promises of employment to two RCSD deputies and one Irmo PD Sgt? Stay independant Fitzy!

rdj February 17, 2015 at 3:20 pm

Read my posts and you may possibly still feel the same about Koon which is fine.
But as my friend use to say … trust me

Buck Farack February 18, 2015 at 3:54 pm

OK, read your post. Big deal! No offense but Frazier’s on town council. Calls me or you as a police executive in po dunk SC town and says fix a ticket. What do you do? Tell ’em go F urself? Wouldn’t hardly call him his boy but politics are politics. Tell me Koon was helping out with gambling issues, o.k. I’ll say your right but…..
I was with CPD for 13 years. I can tell you story’s about the current LCSD command staffer he should have been put in jail for when he was at CPD much less the petty issues like sleeping with staff members behind his wife’s back. Big deal. I myself jumped on a stage at a strip club in the low country and was spanked by a whore. Every police off/Deputy up and down the chain of command has done it. I can tell you stories Lott as well that should’ve landed him in jail. Point is I don’t know koon and don’t care but I worry the good sheeple of Lex co. will elect one of the other dumbassas in the race. Don’t expect a new comer from the outside to swoop down and clean up everything and be the our savior. Ya gotta play the hand you got son, a two of a kind is a winner in this race, sad to say.

rdj February 18, 2015 at 3:58 pm

You may be right. Hurray !!!

rdj February 18, 2015 at 5:18 pm

I made a call for you but got no answer. I can tell you somethings i do know. I remember seeing frazier at haleys party out at bajas when she won house 69. Always wondered if thats why it took so long for the gang to get caught for their business or whatever you wanna call it. And like Will im not here to judge or make the laws. But i do know its a fine line between fixing tickets and letting illegals out of jail for cash.
I grew up down the sreet from holderman and myers. Seems like there are alot of apples from the same tree around these parts … my home town!
I had fun going to the boogie man jam 84 with ed and ted pitts still wonder how being the son of the president of the gamecock club makes you ready to be head of the sc chamber of commerce. But ted was always a good guy. Jay was just a scared little kid running around the playground. Still don’t understand why he lost his temper with me over my request that he set up less speed traps and concentrate on more serious matters.
Even wrote him a letter trying to mend the fence. But he would not meet with me or take my calls. I just dont think he has the temperament to be sheriff.

Buck Farack February 18, 2015 at 4:03 pm

BTW, rdj, do you have any insight as to why Justin Bratt was fired from SLED before he ran over to Lott’s house? Just curious, haven’t heard anything from my sources as to why. Thanks!

rdj February 18, 2015 at 4:10 pm

I do not know him at all.
I have a friend who knows him well.
I am self employed and have a four year old son so my time is limited.
I have stated numerous times that I am simply a nobody when it comes to politics which is maybe why all this bothers me so much.
But … i can ask if he will tell and i know they both follow fits so i may not get the truth. I may get political hyperbole … isnt that what they call it?

ranger February 18, 2015 at 4:22 pm

Call him his phone no. is on his website.

Donna Joyner Ebert February 18, 2015 at 5:37 pm

Lol..justin bratt…who the hell is that i know a justin britt..for this is who I’m voting for…britt

Buck Farack March 3, 2015 at 5:01 am

I met Justin Beiber dumb fuck

Buck Farack March 5, 2015 at 2:46 am

Ha Ha Donna Jo, your boy Justin Beiber lost.

Huh?? February 17, 2015 at 3:01 pm

So let me get this straight, Tyndall’s ex-wife has been on town council for many years (too many) with Danny and halfwit. Every evening at Main Street Cafe where they would get blitzed. The only association with Jay Koon is him and the PD having to follow orders.

What is Tyndall’s excuse?? Do you really think he wasn’t aware of the corruption and refused to take part? He is still bound to report it.

Friend of Mine February 17, 2015 at 4:19 pm

Let me first start out saying I am a little nervous even talking or telling stories on anyone connected to the Lexington Ring.
Let me tell you a little background. I used to be a dancer at Platinum Plus here in Columbia from 1998-2005. During this time I have seen a lot of people come and go from the club including politicians and police officer. More police than politicians. The cops would come in because they were either dating one of the dancers or met one of the dancers on traffic stops or during the course of their business and came to the club to follow-up. I left dancing in late 2005 and never returned. I’m not proud of the things I did during those years but I don’t regret them either.
I became a little pissed the other week when I read an article concerning a candidate running for sheriff for Lex county. It was on Jay Koon’s Facebook page. A group called “The Patriots of Lexington” asked all the candidates I guess a question. “Where do you stand on the 2nd amendment rights? And, lastly what are your thoughts on the strip clubs that have relocated to Lexington County from Richland . and how do you think they impact our community? Thank you for your input.”

Jay Koon’s response: “……The establishments you are referring to do not reflect the Lexington County values of faith and family that I know:.

Here lies my problem, I knew Danny Frazier and yes he frequented the club a lot. The one thing I will say is that Danny always said that he liked him some whores publicly. At least he was honest from that point but crooked everywhere else, but I liked him for that. It is the self righteous like Jay Koon that bother me. I have been laughing since I heard he was running for sheriff and saying on his fliers that if you break the law you will face justice. But, when he answered the question and took the position of holier-than-thou position-it set a fire under me.

Let me give you a history take on Jay Koon:

I have seen him in Platinum Plus on a couple of times and he usually traveled in a group of about 5-8 cops visiting together. There was one night specifically that really stands out about Jay Koon. They must have been celebrating a promotion or something, because he was extremely drunk. He got up on the stage with the dancers and his group got loud cheering him on. While on stage and I was present, the girls pulled his shirt up, pulled his belt out of his pants and spanked him with it while one of the girls was riding him like a horse while he was on all fours, the other girls opened his pants and ripped his underwear off him. I am from Lexington and have heard his name through the grapevine from friends that have had run-ins with the cops and from Danny Frazier. The reason I know it was him without a doubt is the DJ called him by name on the speaker. Now I know what people will say is that who is going to believe a whore compared to a cops word. They don’t have to. The kicker, one of the cops who was with him is now the current chief of police at Lexington PD. My friend pointed this out to me when I was telling the story to her and told her that there was one black guy with him at the time. She showed me the picture of the chief and it was him. He was the one giving the money to the girls that night at the table and the lap dances. The group was at one of the tables and had girls all around them, I remember because some of the others in the club were complaining.

I think this group of lexington cops are always treated well in the club because Danny Frazier calls him his boy and Danny knows the owner from Lexington and the manager. I saw Jay Koon in the club a couple times but just once on the stage extremely drunk

These girls are just trying to survive and they don’t have a dog in the political race, so why talk down to them. He has the position of a church going christian guy-until the sun goes down and mom ma isn’t around. He likes the strip clubs and he should either refrain from comments about the girls and move on. I still have a soft spot for the girls and keep in contact with some to help them out if they need it. Yeah I know that there are drug deals that take place at the clubs , drug dealers hangout and throw some cash to the girls, and yes there is prostitution that goes on. The point is that it is cops/politicians like Jay Koon that are associated with Danny Frazier, Jake Knotts that are hanging out in the clubs that keep the clubs open because the cops don’t want them closed for the favors that happen.

I know you are probably sitting back wondering how the hell to confirm this or just believe this lady. There were several cops in the club that one night and one of them was the current chief. If you dig you can probably figure out the entire group. I’m sure they have stories also.

Amodio is a dick February 17, 2015 at 4:56 pm

Are you Hot?

Soft Sigh from Hell February 17, 2015 at 5:45 pm

The coppers sound almost inhibited and restrained, even while drunk, there at the strip club. Did you read how Jake and they acted at the cop “party” in Orangeburg County?

But seriously, thanks for the story. Scumbuckets get away with their pious posing when everyone is afraid to talk.

OK, we’ve now heard of their behavior at a public if sleazy establishment, and the worse goings on at a private party. But when an informant from, say, the county dog pond or morgue sends in his tale I’m drawing the line at reading it.

Guest February 17, 2015 at 5:55 pm

I have no doubt you are telling the truth. Did the owner at the time live in Kenwood in Lexington? It is too bad you don’t have pictures to back it up. I am told that JM used to be part owner of one a few years back as well.

Clean the Rats nest out February 17, 2015 at 9:11 pm

I’ve personally heard the “Ring” members laugh and cajole about their escapades in the “CLUB”.

In the affidavit given to the FBI and SLED, printed in the State Paper, their wild and raucous parties with Frazzier’s “whores”, drugs and protected by Law Enforcement!

If you’d been at the local Lexington “watering holes”, you could have personally witnessed the goings on of these people! Frequented routinely by former mayor Halfacre, Councilman Frazier, Bob Peeler, Chief Amodio, among others. All like Mafia wannabees! And the women they hung with, obvious what they were.
The stories abound about the parties up at the lake, in a bus at the ball games, at the farm near Sandy run and yes at the strip clubs.

riverrat February 17, 2015 at 7:02 pm

This is just the tip of the Tyndall iceberg. He is the most crooked of them all. I do not get the people who are on his team right now. He has done things that Metts refused to do. He works part time and has even admitted it saying only he is available 24/7 by phone. He tried to dump his current campaign manager but no one would work with him. He has forced officer’s to put signs in there yard or be fired. He has hoodwinked city council into letting him run on the cites dime. I hope he is indicted then you will see a piggy squel, a BJ swallow, and a campaign managers career ruined. Go Dennis Go.

In The Know February 18, 2015 at 7:12 pm

Lets connect the dots. Justin Britt – his campaign is run by RJ Shealy. RJ is best friends with…….wait for it…….Jake Knotts. He ran all of Jakes campaigns to include the one where he hired an African American to run a dirty campaign as an “opponent” so the white folks would vote for the white guy, who RJ was also managing a campaign for. This is the quality that Justin hired to run a “Christian” campaign. There is Justin’s tie to the ring. Fact 2 – Justin was fired from SLED because he unlawfully tased someone and ended up not arresting them because ……wait for it…..they never broke the law. Is that the man you want as a Sheriff? SLED wiped their hands of him and so should everyone else. Fact 3 – Britt, a self proclaimed Godly Christian met and dated his wife while she was ……wait for it……..married. She divorced her first husband after she was caught cheating with Justin. And yes, Justin was fully aware she was a married lady. Some Christian man there. Aside from not having the moral standards to hold the office, Justin is inexperienced and way in over his head. His number 3 that he would bring with him, is a Leon Lott boy that was demoted years ago for failing to report and document an incident where his K9 unlawfully bit someone. Where is the transparency there? The above are not rumors or tales, they are facts. I don’t know who the best man for Sheriff but I do know it certainly isn’t Justin. He has no moral compass nor do the people he associates with, and yes, he associates with people close to the Lexington Ring. Focker – Out.

rdj February 18, 2015 at 7:54 pm

Every time someone speaks out a bad comment about Koon we get ….
Where’s the proof ??? So …?

In The Know February 18, 2015 at 8:22 pm

Well, I guess anyone can file a freedom of information act with SLED or Richland. But, Leon doesn’t keep that stuff in file so it can’t bite his people later (transparency issues). As far as RJ Shealy, just ask Justin. I guess you can ask him about adultery too but I highly doubt he will admit it.

Guest February 18, 2015 at 8:43 pm

Well I would think her ex husband would come forward. So, if we don’t vote in Britt, maybe we should elect Koon who himself has ties to “the ring”, likes to perform on stage at strip clubs apparently, and is great about fixing tickets. Now we could always elect Tyndall, oops, nope not there either.

rdj February 18, 2015 at 9:11 pm

You are unfortunately correctly shining light on our problem.
If im lying im dying also.

In the know February 18, 2015 at 8:41 pm

Also, if you want to test the validity of my claim, do your research on RJ Shealy. The campaign I am referring to happened several years ago, I believe in the low country. If I’m lying Im dying..

riverrate February 18, 2015 at 9:24 pm

You want the dirtiest player in the game then you need to look at who is running others campaigns and not RJ. As a after of fact you may be on of those. She just like to hunt for dirt when their candidate is polling a distant 3rd. And others are looking starward thinking they have it won. We shall see.

Buck Farack February 19, 2015 at 4:26 am

In the know, thanks for clearing some issues up on the SLED firing. I figured someone would come out with it sooner or later. This kid (Bratt) is a loose cannon. If he wins, and i doubt seriously he will, it would just have been a matter of time before he would’ve imploded. Lex. Co. deserves better.

riverrat February 19, 2015 at 7:25 am

I have seen a lot of accusations and questions aimed at Justin Britt in the comments here. Just so you accusers know he invites all phone calls so call him and discuss Sled, his wife, whatever else you need to discuss. Then call Koon and ask him the same questions. Ask him if he was rode around stage like a horse, ask him about the other women, ask him if about Danny Frazier, and ask him how many DUI’S he actually let go. The other night he lied big time when ask about DUI’s. I doubt Koon has even put his number out there or the real person running his wife answers. Then call Tyndall, again does he have a number, ask him why he fires good no great officer’s everytime the heat gets hot on him, ask him about his real ties to Frazier, ask him about his drinking issues,and then ask him about his real relationship with Timmy James. Again only Justin Britt will talk to you and if by some chance the others do then you can judge for yourself who is the best. As for me Justin Britt all day long.


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