Charleston Media Passed On Boeing Revelations

WHERE’S THE ACCOUNTABILITY? Multiple sources at aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s North Charleston, S.C. facility tell FITS some of the shocking revelations contained in this week’s looming Al Jazeera report were provided to numerous Charleston area media outlets week ago. None of whom bothered to pursue the story … Surprise surprise, right?…


Multiple sources at aircraft manufacturer Boeing’s North Charleston, S.C. facility tell FITS some of the shocking revelations contained in this week’s looming Al Jazeera report were provided to numerous Charleston area media outlets week ago.

None of whom bothered to pursue the story …

Surprise surprise, right?

No, not really … establishment protection is par for the course among the Palmetto State’s mainstream media outlets.

Boeing says “jump,” and South Carolina’s mainstream media asks “how high?”  Then its politicians ask “how much?”  And make you pay the bill …

Anyway, we’re told whistleblowers at the Boeing plant provided three mainstream media outlets in the Charleston area with – among other newsworthy tidbits – evidence of rampant drug use among employees at Boeing’s North Charleston plant.

Obviously that’s just one of the disturbing details said to be included in the Al Jazeera probe – entitled “Broken Dreams: The Boeing 787.”

Obviously none of the local media outlets investigated these reports – let alone published anything unflattering about the company.

In fact in response to the Al Jazeera preview, the Charleston Post and Courier’s Warren Wise wrote an “article” basically attacking the network for its “unauthorized recordings” of Boeing employees.

Sheesh …

By contrast, FITS was the first news outlet in the country to report on production issues at Boeing’s North Charleston facility – which was built thanks to $1 billion in taxpayer-funded incentives doled out by Gov. Nikki Haley and state lawmakers.  Two months later, reporter Phil LeBeau – who covers automotive and aerospace issues for CNBC – confirmed much of our reporting.  More recently, The Seattle Times  and The Wall Street Journal  have referenced South Carolina’s production problems – while Reuters has exclusively reported on how those issues are affecting the company’s global supply chain.

Al Jazeera’s report is scheduled to be released tomorrow.  For air times, CLICK HERE.

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Bible Thumper September 9, 2014 at 4:27 am

“shocking revelations … provided to numerous Charleston area media outlets week(sic) ago.”

Media should do their own investigation and question “shocking revelations” dropped in their lap. Seems like union dirty tactics. There can be no doubt that the unions want to discredit a nonunion plant.

They have found in fitsnews a willing shill. What is the the difference in Haley’s comment about job applicants and repeating self serving statements from union lackeys. You don’t here stories like this about any company unless there is a union controversy.

gracey101william September 9, 2014 at 4:33 am

A­­­­­ny0­­ne wh0 ne­­­­eds an ex­tra in­­c0me, I ca­n hi­­ghly rec0m­­mend this gi­g… I w0rk­ed it for 3 m0n­­ths and it helped me when I was between j0bs……. I’ve earned 3­000 in 11 days… Now I have a new j0b so I am n0t d0ing it any­­m0re but I can say it’s a great s0urce of extra m0n­­thly in­­­c0me. You can ch­­eck it 0ut her­­e


Smirks September 9, 2014 at 7:58 am

How do you pronounce j0b? Is it joob? Jobe?

junior justice September 9, 2014 at 7:59 am

PrOstitution is illegal in mOst cOmmunities.

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:08 pm

g0 fuck y0urself!

IAM Union September 9, 2014 at 10:53 am

Why so quick to question that Boeing might in fact be
running a deeply troubled workplace in North Charleston? And then deciding it
must be “union dirty tactics” or an attempt by unions to discredit a non-union
plant? Best of all is the suggestion that crafty unions have somehow
manipulated FITS to be their willing and witless ally. Now that would be news.

Karadion September 9, 2014 at 12:21 pm

So you have no comments about Cynthia Cole presenting the memo to Al Jazeera which the Seattle Times debunked?

IAM Union September 9, 2014 at 2:38 pm

The Seattle Times is more critical of Boeing than most newspapers? That will come as a surprise to people who live in Seattle.

Karadion September 9, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Newsflash. I’m from Washington. So yes, the Seattle Times is quite critical of Boeing.

Native Ink September 9, 2014 at 4:15 pm

LOL. Seattle Times critical of Boeing. Seriously, you’re killing me here!

Karadion September 10, 2014 at 1:36 pm

Yes, Dominic Gates is a huge critic of Boeing. His appearance in the video proves my point.

Karadion September 10, 2014 at 1:36 pm

Can you explain Dominic Gates’ presence in the video now?

The Colonel September 9, 2014 at 6:45 am


As I suspected, “Food Lion Meets Prime Time Live part Two”.

Jackie Chiles September 9, 2014 at 8:36 am


CNSYD September 9, 2014 at 9:05 am

In what work place the size of Boeing Charleston would you expect to find zero drug use, zero employees bitching about work conditions, zero finger pointing, zero “shit stirrers”, etc.?

No Joke September 9, 2014 at 4:14 pm

Charleston Shipyard had its share of them … alcoholics, too … as anything place with thousands of employees.

Really? September 9, 2014 at 9:28 am

“Which is it – pot, heroin and meth for all or people building airplanes must be sober?”

It’s not an either/or proposition. If more free enviroment, losers could smoke that stuff but probably not be employed by Boeing as Boeing should be able to choose who/how they hire completely, including drug testing. No “law” needed.

So where’s Sics hypocrisy?

The Colonel September 9, 2014 at 9:48 am

Sorry, Really – if you can’t see the hypocrisy in hyping a story by talking about “rampant drug use” and then having a totally laissez-faire attitude about drug use everywhere else then I can’t explain it to you and won’t bother trying to convince you.

Really? September 9, 2014 at 9:59 am

I’m sorry you can’t explain it to me. It seems pretty clear to me. In one case we are talking criminalization, the other about private behavior.

The Colonel September 9, 2014 at 11:02 am

Okay, we’ll try – but just this once.
We KNOW that marijuana causes long term negative effects on the hippocampus, the cerebellum, the basal ganglia, and the cerebral cortex, primarily due to the large number of cannabinoid receptors in those areas.
We also KNOW that the short term high is followed with a not so short term changes in decision making, concentration and memory, often lasting from three to five days.
I know from experience that most drug screening is set at such a high level that unless you smoked “last night” or on the way into work it probably won’t show up – yet we know that THC has longer term effects on decision making. Meth, cocaine, heroin – all have long term effects far more dangerous than pot. Not a good mix in my opinion.
Now, for the record, legalize pot, tax it and call it a day.

+ 900000000000 September 9, 2014 at 4:17 pm

Alcohol consumption also contributes to brain damage.

The Colonel September 10, 2014 at 8:20 am

No shit Sherlock but you don’t see companies testing for alcohol use beyond “are you drunk right now”. Once that disparity is brought to light after the legalization of pot, drug testing will go out the window.

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:17 pm

Don’t hold your breath. The voters have a say. The generation(s) that will seriously fight legalization are dying off rather quickly. That’s mostly people 70+. Sure, they’re a goodly chunk of the people who actually vote. But death really does tend to impede access to the voting booth.

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:13 pm

Hair testing show use weeks previous to the test.

The Colonel April 30, 2015 at 3:19 pm

True dat and we KNOW that the effects of the high can linger much longer than the high itself, things like poor decision making…

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:11 pm

Hey, just because people are for legalization or decriminalization doesn’t mean they’re for any business being forced not to fire people people who are on any drug in the workplace.

Nobody has to tolerate a perpetually drunk employee, do they? Same thing.

The Colonel April 30, 2015 at 3:17 pm

You must really be bored to be reading these old posts. The problem with stoners is that often they look and act fairly normal even when high. It’s their decision making that is damaged, “…hmmm, i think I got that rivet tight enough…” and that the decision making can be affected long after the “high” has worn off.

I try to follow the “a little wine for thy health’s sake…” model. drunks and stoners are both highly annoying to me.

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:46 pm

A “stoner” to me is someone who burns one upon waking up, and keeps burning ’em periodically until they fall asleep. Hundreds of millions of people in this nation have smoked weed far more responsibly than that since they were young. Well, maybe they weren’t that responsible when they first started out, but they grew into being that way.

There are far more drinkers who “progressed” to being hard-core alkies. Look to the state legislature for proof of that. Talk about yer impaired workers!

Alias The Buzzman April 30, 2015 at 3:48 pm

/// You must really be bored to be reading these old posts. ///

Shit, this is one of the newest stories he’s posted. Either that or I missed it when it was first posted.

The Colonel April 30, 2015 at 3:49 pm

This is from September. ..

Halfvast Conspirator September 9, 2014 at 9:24 am

Things will be much better when the union takes over. It will be a happy place, with smiling singing happy workers building happy airplanes!

You funny September 9, 2014 at 9:25 am


E Norma Scok September 9, 2014 at 10:47 am

One might think that’s the goal here, huh?

Manufacturing 101 September 9, 2014 at 9:31 am

Years ago under old techniques, doping was a process used in fabric covered wings.

They are just reliving the old days.

Karadion September 9, 2014 at 9:35 am

“evidence of rampant drug use among employees at Boeing’s North Charleston plant.”
Oh, there’s recordings of people actually using drugs? Or people talking about drugs? There is a difference here. I’m more likely to find someone shooting up drugs on Dorchester Road than on property. Especially with all the drug slingers around there which there’s probably more drugs on them than there are potentially on Boeing property. After all, Boeing can search your car if they want to if you’re on property.

Philip Branton September 9, 2014 at 10:37 am

…and WIl Folks media passed on a Citadel “dirt” story…..

Hmm….we wonder what ADVERTISERS (coach) for FITSNEWS would get in WIl Folks face about ….dirt?

E Norma Scok September 9, 2014 at 10:46 am

I’m still waiting to see what these “broken dreams” are. There have been some production problems on a plane that has never been built before, by a majority of people who have never built airplanes before.

It’s shocking. Just shocking.

Native Ink September 9, 2014 at 4:09 pm

I think it’s been pretty obvious that the Charleston media is stuck in their prostration to the Boeing corporate throne. If you even scratch the surface around here, you’ll find plenty of Boeing workers with stories to tell, but reporters like Warren Wise seem determined to ignore them. It sounds like Al-Jazeera just looked at what’s going on in plain sight there, which is the bare minimum we should expect of the media.

Not Born Yesterday September 9, 2014 at 4:11 pm

A vast majority of North Charleston Boeing workers are transplants from other states. And that a proven fact. They migrated to South Carolina because their own states had no jobs. Their unemployment benefits were not enough – to supply their drug habits? I can tell you, many of them are not anything to brag about. But then, even Boeing Washington, there are drugs – lazy workers, etc. But its an old plant with more long time Boeing employees. Boeing Charleston still has to work out the kinks. Its still a new plant that is expanding. And with expansion … .. .
And yes, the local media dare not report anything negative on something the size of Boeing. They are like pissants in comparison. The threat of being crushed and forking out millions in lawsuit judgments is real.

Salty Doggerel September 10, 2014 at 1:54 pm

Nothing comes to mind that’s queerer
Than a right-wing broadsheet praising Al Jazeera;
Or, just the other day, vague elation
In reference to The Nation.
But, then, this is the Palmetto State,
Where flyers at the tarmac gate
Have a worried expression on their faces
When boarding a plastic plane to take them places.
Bubba-built, at that, to Winnebago specs.
Screen doors are the portals to its decks.
It’s red canvas Gamecock seats do not recline.
No worry, the coach-class keg is strapped down real fine.
Here is a jet that rarely probes the clouds;
Whose passengers arrive already wearing shrouds.
Were some who built her getting high?
Let’s get off, shall we, or at least try.
Forgive the poor taste of this joke,
But hesitate to fly when you smell smoke.


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