More Charleston Political Drama

Former S.C. Rep. John Graham Altman (RINO-Charleston) was hospitalized last week while his wife – S.C. Federation of Republican Women (SCFRW) president Charm Altman – hobnobbed with her fellow Republican biddies at a national conference in Louisville, Kentucky. In fact the former state lawmaker’s condition has some of his former…

Former S.C. Rep. John Graham Altman (RINO-Charleston) was hospitalized last week while his wife – S.C. Federation of Republican Women (SCFRW) president Charm Altman – hobnobbed with her fellow Republican biddies at a national conference in Louisville, Kentucky.

In fact the former state lawmaker’s condition has some of his former colleagues alleging “elder abuse.”

“He had been laying on the couch since last November,” a source familiar with the situation tells FITS.

Political associates of the Altmans’ were horrified. Even those who sparred with the cantankerous legislator in the past lamented his sorry state – and were shocked by his wife’s poor treatment of him.

“She had to put him in there before she could leave for Kentucky,” one source tells us.

Another slammed Charm Altman saying her husband “would have gotten better treatment from an Obamacare death panel.”

Ouch …

John Graham Altman, 79, was press secretary to Democratic Gov. Fritz Hollings from 1959-1963. He served five terms in the S.C. House of Representatives from 1997-2007 as a “Republican.”

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Wanabejedi September 23, 2013 at 8:14 am

Meh, Charm is a huge drunk but it seems to be par for the course for the Gop down here…or everywhere.

nitrat September 23, 2013 at 8:55 am

Is that when they’re NOT snorting cocaine with Thomas and Sic?

You know me September 23, 2013 at 10:02 am

Who in the bloody hell names their kid Charm, anyway? The parents must have been either hippies or rednecks.

southmauldin September 23, 2013 at 10:44 am

Or rich assholes. It is sad to watch some old woman wield what little power she has in political circles, knowing that when she loses that power, she will lose her “friends” and fade off into the sunset. The same is to be said for male politicians who do not know when to hang it up (McCain) and must be pried from the milky teat of politics.

CNSYD September 23, 2013 at 11:40 am

What teat were you on when McCain was a POW?

Jan September 23, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Just more evidence of the type of health care, Republicans have in mind for Senior Citizens and the disabled.

Gregory Geddings September 23, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Mr. Altman represented my daughters about 8 years ago when they were around 18 and 14 years of age. They were in a Wal-Mart when security pulled them aside as they were leaving and did a search of their bags and performed a pat down. An employee had accused them of shoplifting when she saw my youngest innocently putting her wallet into my older one’s purse. Needless to say nothing was found and they were allowed to go.

I was pissed and went back to the Wal-Mart to speak with the manager. I would have let it go if the manager would have apologized to my kids but he was not only a dick but a dumb ass as well. I called the police and requested an incident report.

Went to Mr. Altman and he took care of it quickly. I did notice, however, that he and his secretary were both chain smokers.

I also heard that Mr. Altman was quite involved in animal rescue.

WilliamJr October 31, 2013 at 12:34 am

There are some major errors in the article above about John Graham Altman. Since those errors could possibly fuel detractors of FITSNEWS, it may want to consider reviewing the article and correcting errors.
First, the article refers to John Graham Altman as a “RINO” (Republican in Name Only). Mr. Altman was NOT a liberal or moderate who used the Republican label in name only because it was convenient or helped him to get elected.Although Mr. Altman, like many others, was initially politically active as a Democrat, he did not become a Republican in name only and still hold on to the principals of the other party. ANY person that knows John Graham Altman can vouch that he is a true conservative and that, like many other Southern Democrats who held conservative beliefs, he joined the Republican party because he felt that party most closely supported his views, beliefs and principals.


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