U.S. Senate candidate Nancy Mace’s performance on Glenn Beck’s national TV/ radio show is being panned by critics. In fact one has gone so far as to suggest the first female graduate of The Citadel – who is one of several Republicans challenging U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham – is “not ready for prime time.”
“Nancy Mace’s ‘answers’ (on Beck’s show) were not illuminating,” host Jay Severin of The Blaze observed. “In fact, they were pretty much excruciating.”
“In politics some things change, but many remain the same,” Severin added. “Like ‘You must be ready for prime time.’ And as of the Glenn Beck Show this week, Nancy Mace isn’t.”
We disagree with Severin’s analysis. Beck’s line of questioning on several instances was … well … bizarre. And at times it was pretty invasive on a personal level (without there being much of a reason for the invasiveness). For example, at one point he kept harping on Mace to open up to him about her “soul.”
“I don’t mean to be a stickler here, but … my question was ‘how is your soul?'” Beck peppered Mace. “Do you know the value of your soul? How is your relationship with uh, the, uh, the originating source of your soul, and uh, what makes you think you’re not going to go into a lion’s den – because that’s what is – and, uh, and … you’re just not gonna lose your sole up there?”
Huh? How in the hell is somebody supposed to answer a line of questioning like that? Also, last time we checked Mace’s relationship with her creator is none of Beck’s business – and had very little to do with the duties of a U.S. Senator.
Nonetheless, Mace did her best to oblige …
“Well, what I can say about my soul is that I am founded on very specific principles and I do not waver and I believe I’m on the right side here – on the right side of the angels,” Mace said. “And when I go to Washington I’m not going to waver from that. I have shown consistently in my life that I’m a very hard worker and I’m self-reliant and that’s what I want to bring to D.C. I see what’s happening up there and it is very frustrating.”
Mace’s performance on Beck’s show was by no means a home run, but we think she handled a quirky interviewer fairly well. She certainly did much better on Beck’s program than she did in this interview with Fox News host Neil Cavuto.
Thus far, Mace actually appears to be following the Nikki Haley playbook – which involves memorizing a tight script and sticking to that script no matter what questions she’s asked.
That approach obviously worked for Haley … will it work for Mace?
To view Mace’s interview with Beck in its entirety, click the video link below …
Beck is one stop short of Brother Stair.
I seem remember hearing someplace that Beck things the Constitution is divinely inspired.
Coupled with magic underwear, golden plates, & thinking blacks are black because they are stained with sin it’s probably one of the lesser kooky beliefs in Mormonism…but Mace should have anticipated that going in IMHO.
Especially with her connections to FITSnews.
She’s not even a couple of weeks in and she’s bombing…egads.
I see more trips to Ireland in celebration for Ms. Lindsey unfortunately.
Supposedly he became a Mormon while battling addiction. At least some good came out of it.
Beck’s craziness seems to go beyond his religion though.
Ah! Someone else knows about Brother Stair.
Many years ago I was listening to shortwave international radio and came across a raving loon radio preacher who was fairly amusing to listen to for a while. And where did he say he was? Walterboro SC!!
It’s just not everywhere anymore that you hear women with trimmed hair (not short, mind you, just not long) morally denounced as “pants-wearing bobbed-haired Jezebels.”
And Pope is eventually going to have Brother Stair assassinated, according to said-same Brother Stair.
He’s the last prophet of God (same source).
I have not heard him for years. I wonder if that old shortwave radio still works.
I can’t say I brought him out of obscurity, check on Sic’s post on the rapper Craig Mack.
It’s just not everywhere anymore that you hear women with trimmed hair (not short, mind you, just not long) morally denounced as “pants-wearing bobbed-haired Jezebels.”
TBG can’t say he really has an issue with this portion of Brotha Stair’s message.
Beck is one stop short of Brother Stair.
I seem remember hearing someplace that Beck things the Constitution is divinely inspired.
Coupled with magic underwear, golden plates, & thinking blacks are black because they are stained with sin it’s probably one of the lesser kooky beliefs in Mormonism…but Mace should have anticipated that going in IMHO.
Especially with her connections to FITSnews.
She’s not even a couple of weeks in and she’s bombing…egads.
I see more trips to Ireland in celebration for Ms. Lindsey unfortunately.
Supposedly he became a Mormon while battling addiction. At least some good came out of it.
Beck’s craziness seems to go beyond his religion though.
Ah! Someone else knows about Brother Stair.
Many years ago I was listening to shortwave international radio and came across a raving loon radio preacher who was fairly amusing to listen to for a while. And where did he say he was? Walterboro SC!!
It’s just not everywhere anymore that you hear women with trimmed hair (not short, mind you, just not long) morally denounced as “pants-wearing bobbed-haired Jezebels.”
And Pope is eventually going to have Brother Stair assassinated, according to said-same Brother Stair.
He’s the last prophet of God (same source).
I have not heard him for years. I wonder if that old shortwave radio still works.
I can’t say I brought him out of obscurity, check on Sic’s post on the rapper Craig Mack.
It’s just not everywhere anymore that you hear women with trimmed hair (not short, mind you, just not long) morally denounced as “pants-wearing bobbed-haired Jezebels.”
TBG can’t say he really has an issue with this portion of Brotha Stair’s message.
Whatever political consultant put her up to running ought to be strung up by his nads. She’s obviously not competent to run for office and the poor woman is going to be ripped to shreds. Her Cavuto interview showed she’d not even *heard* of the Christie-Paul national security debate, much less that she’d formed an opinion on it. And Beck and Cavuto gave her plenty of space to say ANYTHING cognizable, and she failed. You can detect both guys’ embarrassment for her at the end of their interviews.
This is sad.
Sounds like Palin if you ask me.
Had to look twice. Mace’s picture on Beck’s show looked like Lindsey in a wig.
Beck probably does feel that the Constitution and the founding of our country was divinely inspired as we recognize our rights and freedoms are given to us by our Creator rather then the government.
Whatever political consultant put her up to running ought to be strung up by his nads. She’s obviously not competent to run for office and the poor woman is going to be ripped to shreds. Her Cavuto interview showed she’d not even *heard* of the Christie-Paul national security debate, much less that she’d formed an opinion on it. And Beck and Cavuto gave her plenty of space to say ANYTHING cognizable, and she failed. You can detect both guys’ embarrassment for her at the end of their interviews.
This is sad.
Sounds like Palin if you ask me.
Had to look twice. Mace’s picture on Beck’s show looked like Lindsey in a wig.
Beck probably does feel that the Constitution and the founding of our country was divinely inspired as we recognize our rights and freedoms are given to us by our Creator rather then the government.
The peanut gallery thinks they can step on these nationwide shows and be a star but in reality most people sux at it.
I think Mace will be fine as she is very smart and learning fast. The haters will never like her so we must suffer throguh their blather. But for as for me I will wait and see.
She. Ain’t. Lindsey Graham.
That’s good enough for TBG.
The peanut gallery thinks they can step on these nationwide shows and be a star but in reality most people sux at it.
I think Mace will be fine as she is very smart and learning fast. The haters will never like her so we must suffer throguh their blather. But for as for me I will wait and see.
She. Ain’t. Lindsey Graham.
That’s good enough for TBG.
So, how much is she paying for positive advertisement on your site? Because your journalism on this race has been less than fair.
I wrote a story yesterday about her Twitter gaffe … and now this story about whether she is ready for prime time. You think those are “advertisements?”
So, how much is she paying for positive advertisement on your site? Because your journalism on this race has been less than fair.
I wrote a story yesterday about her Twitter gaffe … and now this story about whether she is ready for prime time. You think those are “advertisements?”
I give her credit for actually doing something, and no matter what her true reasons are – not just sitting back and throwing verbal darts.
I give her credit for actually doing something, and no matter what her true reasons are – not just sitting back and throwing verbal darts.
Moses did not write the Constitution.
No, he wrote down those 15.. (oops – CRASH!..) 10.. 10 laws..
+1 for the History of the World reference….
+1 for KNOWING the History of the World reference…
Moses did not write the Constitution.
No, he wrote down those 15.. (oops – CRASH!..) 10.. 10 laws..
+1 for the History of the World reference….
+1 for KNOWING the History of the World reference… I think Shifty has gone to bed..
So you think Beck’s questions were bizarre? Ya reckon! She loses cool points by simply appearing on Beck’s show. Keep crowing but LG will make her look like a rank amateur. But then, she is.
So you think Beck’s questions were bizarre? Ya reckon! She loses cool points by simply appearing on Beck’s show. Keep crowing but LG will make her look like a rank amateur. But then, she is.
Kooky questions. She did well to stay on politics.
She did well by not screaming; “you are a crazy whackjob” and hanging up the phone,
I would have praised her for calling a kook a kook.
Kooky questions. She did well to stay on politics.
She did well by not screaming; “you are a crazy whackjob” and hanging up the phone,
I would have praised her for calling a kook a kook.
Fuck man, Beck is just gone. Completely gone. He has devolved past crying on national television about Murica and hocking worthless coins to dumb people into a crazed televangelist who is entirely removed from reality. I listened to his show after Obama won and it was some deranged shit about how everyone should give him money to create these bizarre paranoid moron crap. I honestly thought he was just fleecing his viewers. Apparently not.
Ten years ago, I actually listened to this guy’s show, he seemed stable. Now he’s just a looney. Damn. I really feel bad for him.
I read it as Mace being very evasive about her faith. Very common for a moderate, secularist. And I would bet if she is afraid to say “God” her opponents will jump all over her skepticism. Very big flaw and large blunder. This will be a short-lived campaign of the Graham challengers. But she will split the moderate vote in the primary.
Typical response from a theocrat.
Fuck man, Beck is just gone. Completely gone. He has devolved past crying on national television about Murica and hocking worthless coins to dumb people into a crazed televangelist who is entirely removed from reality. I listened to his show after Obama won and it was some deranged shit about how everyone should give him money to create these bizarre paranoid moron crap. I honestly thought he was just fleecing his viewers. Apparently not.
Ten years ago, I actually listened to this guy’s show, he seemed stable. Now he’s just a looney. Damn. I really feel bad for him.
I read it as Mace being very evasive about her faith. Very common for a moderate, secularist. And I would bet if she is afraid to say “God” her opponents will jump all over her skepticism. Very big flaw and large blunder. This will be a short-lived campaign of the Graham challengers. But she will split the moderate vote in the primary.
Typical response from a theocrat.
Mace has potential but she needs to be the one who comes out as being different. One who answers the question with certainty rather than, “I don’t have all of that information.” Cavuto’s question about the NSA was fairly direct and she could have hit a homerun on this to distinguish her from LG.
We are all so wanting her to succeed it is painful to see her falter. Step it up and get in the game.
Mace has potential but she needs to be the one who comes out as being different. One who answers the question with certainty rather than, “I don’t have all of that information.” Cavuto’s question about the NSA was fairly direct and she could have hit a homerun on this to distinguish her from LG.
We are all so wanting her to succeed it is painful to see her falter. Step it up and get in the game.
Nancy, do you have a ten year supply of food in your pantry? Have you bought gold?
“Nancy, are you aware that you can have someone to pray all of your ancestors into Heaven if you join my religion, and that when you die you will inhabit a planet where there is only one man and that man rules over it all the women and can have sex with any of them anytime he wants, kind of similar to the virgins in Heaven the 911 Iranian jihadists thought they would have but this is for real, Nancy … well, as for real as it can be since our church was forced to give up polygamy on earth and let Negroes join. But its still the one true faith you know, I just humor these other misguided Christians, so how is your soul in relation to that fact, and hey, do you wanna see my Magic Draws?”
“911 Iranian jihadists?”
Nancy, do you have a ten year supply of food in your pantry? Have you bought gold?
“Nancy, are you aware that you can have someone to pray all of your ancestors into Heaven if you join my religion, and that when you die you will inhabit a planet where there is only one man and that man rules over it all the women and can have sex with any of them anytime he wants, kind of similar to the virgins in Heaven the 911 Iranian jihadists thought they would have but this is for real, Nancy … well, as for real as it can be since our church was forced to give up polygamy on earth and let Negroes join. But its still the one true faith you know, I just humor these other misguided Christians, so how is your soul in relation to that fact, and hey, do you wanna see my Magic Draws?”
“911 Iranian jihadists?”
Glenn Beck is an effing moron, whoever ‘advised’ her to appear with him should be fired and or shot.
Glenn Beck is an effing moron, whoever ‘advised’ her to appear with him should be fired and or shot.
Dear Nancy Mace…….(and Graham),
There is a great quote, “Fly like a butterfly, and sting like a bee…”. When you sit back and re-listen to your interview, what do you realize? Now, Graham, can sit back and be a “Rope a Dope” if he wants too. He is the incumbent. We highly suggest you get out of your cocoon and actually go to the women’s department of Dillards and talk to some women in the dressing room. Seriously…!! Glenn Beck can tell his listeners and viewers that he is mad as hell; but you need to demonstrate that you are mad as “Jesus in the Temple”…!!! No matter what your “advisors” are telling you, you need to remember your Citadel “view”..!! Did your Drill Instructor ever deceive you about what it would take to succeed at the Citadel…!! Glenn Beck has the foresight to ask you if he should trust you and do you know how you responded..?? Like a …politician would. Not a Citadel cadet on a field of battle..! Don’t believe me……just come in this comment section and ask some of the valued taxpayers that may just VOTE for you. Nancy, you need to take a page out of the “Gloria Allred” manual of factual artillery.!! What cannons did you fire at JIM CLYBURN for not calling out Senator Graham on the antics in Benghazi..?
Nancy, I know your dad like the back of my hand, and I feel sure he knows your soul. SO……..how are your principles? You ask if you can trust your government and we know that you have read the “Art of War”..!! Stop being deceptive on your principles….period.! You play to WIN…all the time. You let Graham worry about his donors running off..! Nancy…your not an idiot. So, start talking like your a Senator from South Carolina that has smoked the pants off Tim Scott Jim Clyburn and Joe WIlson put together..!! You can say your sorry later…over the campaign cash you have sucked off every other candidate.
Nancy, I dare you to get your mother to read these comments. Get her perspective. You say our biggest problem is TRUST? Well, what trust was broken in Benghazi..?
Well, I TRUST that you will post this comment by me on the front page of your campaign website…..and answer these concerns. Matter of fact, have your mother offer a video response that can be used by teachers in every school here in our state about proper “bully” techniques..!! Have her comment and video link tagged to your website.
Nancy, finally, think as a Brigadier General would and review some media tactics used by Ali to garner support in Zaire. You do understand the importance of Zaire to the Port of Charleston don’t you..!?
Let’s GO….!! Move it….!
unwritten code knob – when correcting others get your words right otherwise you’re going to demonstrate the value of a degree from The Citadel. your /you’re got it?
There is a great quote, “Fly like a butterfly, and sting like a bee…”.
There is?
Who said it?
“I am the GREATEST!
I am the KING!
I don’t just hit, I sting, that’s what I do. I sting.
I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Cosell. That’s what do.”
Maybe he meant “Fly like an eagle”…cause when I read his stuff it feels like I’m listening to Steve Miller and lighting up again like in my old college days.
Dear Nancy Mace…….(and Graham),
There is a great quote, “Fly like a butterfly, and sting like a bee…”. When you sit back and re-listen to your interview, what do you realize? Now, Graham, can sit back and be a “Rope a Dope” if he wants too. He is the incumbent. We highly suggest you get out of your cocoon and actually go to the women’s department of Dillards and talk to some women in the dressing room. Seriously…!! Glenn Beck can tell his listeners and viewers that he is mad as hell; but you need to demonstrate that you are mad as “Jesus in the Temple”…!!! No matter what your “advisors” are telling you, you need to remember your Citadel “view”..!! Did your Drill Instructor ever deceive you about what it would take to succeed at the Citadel…!! Glenn Beck has the foresight to ask you if he should trust you and do you know how you responded..?? Like a …politician would. Not a Citadel cadet on a field of battle..! Don’t believe me……just come in this comment section and ask some of the valued taxpayers that may just VOTE for you. Nancy, you need to take a page out of the “Gloria Allred” manual of factual artillery.!! What cannons did you fire at JIM CLYBURN for not calling out Senator Graham on the antics in Benghazi..?
Nancy, I know your dad like the back of my hand, and I feel sure he knows your soul. SO……..how are your principles? You ask if you can trust your government and we know that you have read the “Art of War”..!! Stop being deceptive on your principles….period.! You play to WIN…all the time. You let Graham worry about his donors running off..! Nancy…your not an idiot. So, start talking like your a Senator from South Carolina that has smoked the pants off Tim Scott Jim Clyburn and Joe WIlson put together..!! You can say your sorry later…over the campaign cash you have sucked off every other candidate.
Nancy, I dare you to get your mother to read these comments. Get her perspective. You say our biggest problem is TRUST? Well, what trust was broken in Benghazi..?
Well, I TRUST that you will post this comment by me on the front page of your campaign website…..and answer these concerns. Matter of fact, have your mother offer a video response that can be used by teachers in every school here in our state about proper “bully” techniques..!! Have her comment and video link tagged to your website.
Nancy, finally, think as a Brigadier General would and review some media tactics used by Ali to garner support in Zaire. You do understand the importance of Zaire to the Port of Charleston don’t you..!?
Let’s GO….!! Move it….!
unwritten code knob – when correcting others get your words right otherwise you’re going to demonstrate the value of a degree from The Citadel. your /you’re got it?
There is a great quote, “Fly like a butterfly, and sting like a bee…”.
There is?
Who said it?
“I am the GREATEST!
I am the KING!
I don’t just hit, I sting, that’s what I do. I sting.
I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Cosell. That’s what I do.”
Maybe he meant “Fly like an eagle”…cause when I read his stuff it feels like I’m listening to Steve Miller and lighting up again like in my old college days.
“We disagree with Severin’s analysis” Captain Renault is shocked to learn this.BTW Sic Willie, do you have a mouse in your pocket?
“We disagree with Severin’s analysis” Captain Renault is shocked to learn this.BTW Sic Willie, do you have a mouse in your pocket?
The fact that she agreed to be interviewed by that whack job Glenn Beck is, by itself, proof that she’s not ready for prime time.
The fact that she agreed to be interviewed by that whack job Glenn Beck is, by itself, proof that she’s not ready for prime time.
Dear Thomas Ravenel………
You are a real winner. Ya know, for someone who has time to get his face on a TV show in Charleston, you really have no clue why this show is being positioned at this time do you..? What do you think is going to happen to your show if Senator Lindsey Graham is re-elected..? That’s right…it will be canceled. SO….how are you going to ensure that YOU make as much money as possible….and also push the ratings of this Bravo show through the roof..??
Ya know, we wonder just how many drug dealers in Charleston understand how to use a video camera to ask YOU and Lindsey Graham about the “charm” of the War on Drugs?
Heck, if Sic Willie can say he slept with Nikki Haley then what is stopping you from saying that you slept with Nancy MACE…just as a joke to make extra jack from t-shirt sales..!? If you don’t, we feel sure that Sic Willie will..!! From the looks of the advertising on this website Fits needs the loot.!
Thomas we are FED up …..question is what are you going to eat after this show is canceled..!
I shouldn’t worry about Thomas’ income stream. If we’d had decent drug laws, he wouldn’t even be a convicted felon who has served his time. I’m not saying I’d still vote for him, nor am I saying I wouldn’t, I just don’t feel like judging him as quickly as some who want to replace him in the power-flow.
Dear Thomas Ravenel………
You are a real winner. Ya know, for someone who has time to get his face on a TV show in Charleston, you really have no clue why this show is being positioned at this time do you..? What do you think is going to happen to your show if Senator Lindsey Graham is re-elected..? That’s right…it will be canceled. SO….how are you going to ensure that YOU make as much money as possible….and also push the ratings of this Bravo show through the roof..??
Ya know, we wonder just how many drug dealers in Charleston understand how to use a video camera to ask YOU and Lindsey Graham about the “charm” of the War on Drugs?
Heck, if Sic Willie can say he slept with Nikki Haley then what is stopping you from saying that you slept with Nancy MACE…just as a joke to make extra jack from t-shirt sales..!? If you don’t, we feel sure that Sic Willie will..!! From the looks of the advertising on this website Fits needs the loot.!
Thomas we are FED up …..question is what are you going to eat after this show is canceled..!
I shouldn’t worry about Thomas’ income stream. If we’d had decent drug laws, he wouldn’t even be a convicted felon who has served his time. I’m not saying I’d still vote for him, nor am I saying I wouldn’t, I just don’t feel like judging him as quickly as some who want to replace him in the power-flow.
If we changed out all our elected officials at once it couldn’t get any worse. Why not try. All long term incumbents must go.
If we changed out all our elected officials at once it couldn’t get any worse. Why not try. All long term incumbents must go.
Glenn Beck is far more truthful than the lamestream media.
Glenn Beck is far more truthful than the lamestream media.
If you thought the Beck interview was bad you should have heard her on Laura Ingraham this morning. She completely froze when asked about her association with FITSNEWS. Oh, and then she ended the interview by sucking up like nobodies business to Nikky Haley. Seriously, she loves Haley
Sic, what do you think about those comments on Haley from this morning?
If you thought the Beck interview was bad you should have heard her on Laura Ingraham this morning. She completely froze when asked about her association with FITSNEWS. Oh, and then she ended the interview by sucking up like nobodies business to Nikky Haley. Seriously, she loves Haley
Sic, what do you think about those comments on Haley from this morning?
Does anyone on this site ever have constructive comments? Most of comments I read seem to come from adolescents.
I delicately suggest that if you come to this site for “constructive comments” that you have made a bad decision to start.
That being said, when it comes to our various levels of gov’ts, there’s not much constructive to discuss.
That being said, I will offer a constructive comment now:
Nancy Mace has plenty of time to “improve” or become the next Rick Perry.
Is that better now?
You are correct, it seems the same 10 or so adolescent posters here keep it pretty much at the 3rd grade level. No wonder this site will never take off. Just a gathering point for Folks wanna be groupies.
So you won’t be returning?
To quote the erudite “?” – I think he is projecting.
If you want constructive input, go to another story on this blog. Glenn Beck and Nancy Mace are sore subjects to most of the people here, I have found. Heck, my wife doesn’t like Glenn Beck! But I would never have learned about Saul Alinsky, had it not been for him. I haven’t heard a single positive thought from Mace, yet, but that’s true of all the candidates, so I’m waiting and hoping to hear some.
As it happens, “?” is quite intelligent, as are TontoBubbaGoldstein and Shifty Henry. And they’re funny, too. There are also some people who write pretty words, but they are as empty-headed as a grave-robber’s dreams. No-one, not even you or I, have perfect punctuation. And, if truth be told, I have my own blog which has a few more views than Will’s.. so, I’m no wanna be. And no, I’m not going to plug my blog at Will’s expense.
Finally, take comfort in the fact that you think yourself not high-minded. We will converse elsewhere.
Don’t you mean Howard Rich’s expense?
Ni! or Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z’nourrwringmm! (if you have a shrubbery).
‘Tis a mere flesh wound!
Will Folks changed me into a newt!.. I got better..
I have a theory about brontosauruses. It is my theory…you can not have it…it is mine and mine alone!
They are thin on one end, thick in the middle, and thin on the other end. There is my theory. It is mine. You can not have it.
(paraphrased from failing memory)
The question now follows.. are you a Psychologist, a film enthusiast generalist in a state of whimsy, a MPFC fanatic, or a narco-syndicalist communist who rotates executive leadership once a week?
Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant who was very rarely stable. Heideggar, Heideggar was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table. David Hume could out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel. Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: “I drink, therefore I am.
Ah.. a Ph’los’ph’r. So that means you either teach, which is a noble profession, or you’re retired, which is excellent.. or.. you play golf. Which reminds me.. Does that mean Salena Jones is a philosopher?
Thanks for the compliment! I don’t have knowledge of or opinions on many topics Will posts, but I can give a vote up on those commentators who seem intelligent, or funny, or even seem to be seriously trying. I also will give a thumbs up to a few new names on the list to encourage them. I can learn a lot from those who know much more than I know.
But as the little Meso-American whose mother was Jewish and whose father was Jewish, who lives inside my mouth, says,”It takes one to know one, you schmarty-pants!” I say, let’s not be too modest..
Eat my shorts, dude.
How very mature. You must be from the Bart Simpson generation.
I am moved by how constructive your comment is. Thank you for sharing!
Does anyone on this site ever have constructive comments? Most of comments I read seem to come from adolescents.
I delicately suggest that if you come to this site for “constructive comments” that you have made a bad decision to start.
That being said, when it comes to our various levels of gov’ts, there’s not much constructive to discuss.
That being said, I will offer a constructive comment now:
Nancy Mace has plenty of time to “improve” or become the next Rick Perry.
Is that better now?
You are correct, it seems the same 10 or so adolescent posters here keep it pretty much at the 3rd grade level. No wonder this site will never take off. Just a gathering point for Folks wanna be groupies.
So you won’t be returning?
To quote the erudite “?” – I think he is projecting.
If you want constructive input, go to another story on this blog. Glenn Beck and Nancy Mace are sore subjects to most of the people here, I have found. Heck, my wife doesn’t like Glenn Beck! But I would never have learned about Saul Alinsky, had it not been for him. I haven’t heard a single positive thought from Mace, yet, but that’s true of all the candidates, so I’m waiting and hoping to hear some.
As it happens, “?” is quite intelligent, as are TontoBubbaGoldstein and Shifty Henry. And they’re funny, too. There are also some people who write pretty words, but they are as empty-headed as a grave-robber’s dreams. No-one, not even you or I, have perfect punctuation. And, if truth be told, I have my own blog which has a few more views than Will’s.. so, I’m no wanna be. And no, I’m not going to plug my blog at Will’s expense.
Finally, take comfort in the fact that you think yourself not high-minded. We will converse elsewhere.
Don’t you mean Howard Rich’s expense?
Ni! or Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z’nourrwringmm! (if you have a shrubbery).
‘Tis a mere flesh wound!
Will Folks changed me into a newt!.. I got better..
I have a theory about brontosauruses. It is my theory…you can not have it…it is mine and mine alone!
They are thin on one end, thick in the middle, and thin on the other end. There is my theory. It is mine. You can not have it.
(paraphrased from failing memory)
The question now follows.. are you a Psychologist, a film enthusiast generalist in a state of whimsy, a MPFC fanatic, or a narco-syndicalist communist who rotates executive leadership once a week?
Immanuel Kant was a real piss-ant who was very rarely stable. Heideggar, Heideggar was a boozy beggar who could think you under the table. David Hume could out-consume Schopenhauer and Hegel. Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: “I drink, therefore I am.
Ah.. a Ph’los’ph’r. So that means you either teach, which is a noble profession, or you’re retired, which is excellent.. or.. you play golf. Which reminds me.. Does that mean Salena Jones is a philosopher?
Thanks for the compliment! I don’t have knowledge of or opinions on many topics Will posts, but I can give a vote up on those commentators who seem intelligent, or funny, or even seem to be seriously trying. I also will give a thumbs up to a few new names on the list to encourage them. I can learn a lot from those who know much more than I know.
But as the little Meso-American whose mother was Jewish and whose father was Buddist, who lives inside my mouth, says,”It takes one to know one, you schmarty-pants!” I say, let’s not be too modest..
Eat my shorts, dude.
How very mature. You must be from the Bart Simpson generation.
I am moved by how constructive your comment is. Thank you for sharing!
If she is following Nikki’s playbook when can we expect a “revelation” of an affair with a bald blogger working out of his basement? It sure worked for Nikki.
—- oh no, certainly not BigT/GrandTango !?
If she is following Nikki’s playbook when can we expect a “revelation” of an affair with a bald blogger working out of his basement? It sure worked for Nikki.
—- oh no, certainly not BigT/GrandTango !?
i saw her last night on the FOX BUSINESS CHANNEL being interviewed by Lou Dobbs. She appeared rather naive, In fact, Dobbs treated her like a teen age grand daughter.
i saw her last night on the FOX BUSINESS CHANNEL being interviewed by Lou Dobbs. She appeared rather naive, In fact, Dobbs treated her like a teen age grand daughter.
IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! RUN FOR THE HILLS!! GOD WILL PUNISH YOU ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!.. no.. wait.. that’s the other message board.. shit.
IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD! RUN FOR THE HILLS!! GOD WILL PUNISH YOU ALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!.. no.. wait.. that’s the other message board.. shit.
Carpet muncher!!
Carpet muncher!!
Wish Lindsey would pull a Leiberman and become an Independent.
Hell, TBG wishes he would pull a Craig……
Wish Lindsey would pull a Leiberman and become an Independent.
Hell, TBG wishes he would pull a Craig……
Completely and utterly dumbstruck……….Glenn Beck and the Blaze are Prime-time???Before this article, I thought Nancy might have a slight chance……I am not sure what is the bigger joke in this article…..her appearing with Beck, Fits claiming Beck to be prime time or just wow???????
Completely and utterly dumbstruck……….Glenn Beck and the Blaze are Prime-time???Before this article, I thought Nancy might have a slight chance……I am not sure what is the bigger joke in this article…..her appearing with Beck, Fits claiming Beck to be prime time or just wow???????
She sounds like a weak candidate. Listening to the interview, I can tell that she does not have a deep understanding of the issues, she is not deeply rooted. Simply put, she’s not mature enough for this fight. Many of her answers were full of words, but of little substance.
People of SC are excited to support a candidate to defeat Graham. He is the reason why the word RINO was created.
And Nancy is not that candidate.
She sounds like a weak candidate. Listening to the interview, I can tell that she does not have a deep understanding of the issues, she is not deeply rooted. Simply put, she’s not mature enough for this fight. Many of her answers were full of words, but of little substance.
People of SC are excited to support a candidate to defeat Graham. He is the reason why the word RINO was created.
And Nancy is not that candidate.
Mr. Folks, are you now, or have you ever been, a Beckasexual?
Mr. Folks, are you now, or have you ever been, a Beckasexual?
What? From a Mormon? I am going to write a terse letter of cancellation to the Glenn Beck TV. Glenn Beck…I was wrong about him. He deserves not my support. I will share my letter with the viewing audience. Stand by.
I was limited to 500 words in an online “Contact Customer Support” at GBTV…here is my “contact” to Glenn regarding his interview with Nancy.
“On the interview words just can not describe…but I will try. I have been a subscriber to GBTV since your departure from cable tv. CLICK, POOF…gone, never come back. You are smarmy towards Stew. You are unctious with your clothing mill in Ohio. You are wheedling in your self importance. You sir are the biggest magniloquent, turgid, histrionic, ostentatious, rhapsodic, sonorous, bombastic POS I’ve given money to. Get her back and make it righteous. Savvy? BTW, I live in SC.” -Thomas
What? From a Mormon? I am going to write a terse letter of cancellation to Glenn Beck TV. Glenn Beck…I was wrong about him. He deserves not my support. I will share my letter with the viewing audience. Stand by.
I was limited to 500 words in an online “Contact Customer Support” at GBTV…here is my “contact” to Glenn regarding his interview with Nancy.
Title: Nancy Mace Interview
“On the interview words just can not describe…but I will try. I have been a subscriber to GBTV since your departure from cable tv. CLICK, POOF…gone, never come back. You are smarmy towards Stew. You are unctious with your clothing mill in Ohio. You are wheedling in your self importance. You sir are the biggest magniloquent, turgid, histrionic, ostentatious, rhapsodic, sonorous, bombastic POS I’ve given money to. Get her back and make it righteous. Savvy? BTW, I live in SC.”
Fix Bayonets!
What a crackpot interview Beck put on, I woud ave told Beck…seriously what does your line of questioning have to do with how to make government better? If you want to talk about soul Mr. Beck, let’s talk about Lindsey Graham who has No soul.
What a crackpot interview Beck put on, I woud ave told Beck…seriously what does your line of questioning have to do with how to make government better? If you want to talk about soul Mr. Beck, let’s talk about Lindsey Graham who has No soul.
Hopefully she will gain momentum and debate points by answering tough questions. LG should retire, after all he isn’t Strom.
Hopefully she will gain momentum and debate points by answering tough questions. LG should retire, after all he isn’t Strom.
“…you’re just not gonna lose your sole up there?”
Are we worried about her shoes or the “…the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect…”? If we’re worried about the “moral aspect” of a potential elected official, (and we should be), maybe it was a valid question.
Beck is occasionally entertaining but not elected or appointed to anything – he can and will ask or say whatever he wants that he thinks will help his numbers. As long as you remember that he is first and foremost an entertainer and advertising salesman, primarily concerned with commercial revenue, you’ll do quite well when considering what he says and does.
As for Mace’s response, “Well, what I can say about my soul is that I am founded on very specific principles and I do not waver and I believe I’m on the right side here – on the right side of the angels,…And when I go to Washington I’m not going to waver from that. I have shown consistently in my life that I’m a very hard worker and I’m
self-reliant and that’s what I want to bring to D.C. I see what’s happening up
there and it is very frustrating.” I’d say she hit at a slightly ambiguous triple. Ambiguity in her particular, personal religious belief is acceptable in our system.
yep yep. Gotta keep the Sikhs and muslims happy
“…you’re just not gonna lose your sole up there?”
Are we worried about her shoes or the “…the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect…”? If we’re worried about the “moral aspect” of a potential elected official, (and we should be), maybe it was a valid question.
Beck is occasionally entertaining but not elected or appointed to anything – he can and will ask or say whatever he wants that he thinks will help his numbers. As long as you remember that he is first and foremost an entertainer and advertising salesman, primarily concerned with commercial revenue, you’ll do quite well when considering what he says and does.
As for Mace’s response, “Well, what I can say about my soul is that I am founded on very specific principles and I do not waver and I believe I’m on the right side here – on the right side of the angels,…And when I go to Washington I’m not going to waver from that. I have shown consistently in my life that I’m a very hard worker and I’m
self-reliant and that’s what I want to bring to D.C. I see what’s happening up
there and it is very frustrating.” I’d say she hit at a slightly ambiguous triple. Ambiguity in her particular, personal, religious belief is acceptable in our system.
yep yep. Gotta keep the Sikhs and muslims happy
She is giving typical tea party lines, anti-establishment rhetoric, no substance and rather vapid. Yes, she is a business woman, successful but is just not able to cut it with originality and believeable thoughts. Will you obviously have your interests invested in her (duhhh). She better get some very, very sound coaching and fast. I hear Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, DeMint and a scary bit of Michelle Bachmann (God help her if true).
She is giving typical tea party lines, anti-establishment rhetoric, no substance and rather vapid. Yes, she is a business woman, successful but is just not able to cut it with originality and believeable thoughts. Will you obviously have your interests invested in her (duhhh). She better get some very, very sound coaching and fast. I hear Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, DeMint and a scary bit of Michelle Bachmann (God help her if true).
Term limits are one of the most ridiculous ideas for people who say they’re constitutionalists and libertarians. Vote. That’s the whole point of our democracy.
Term limits are one of the most ridiculous ideas for people who say they’re constitutionalists and libertarians. Vote. That’s the whole point of our democracy.
Beck was out of line questioning her on her ‘soul’. How is his on planet Kolob? Mace for senate. She’s ther only viable candidate to defeat Grahamnesty
Beck was out of line questioning her on her ‘soul’. How is his on planet Kolob? Mace for senate. She’s ther only viable candidate to defeat Grahamnesty
1) She never answered What her Passion is…. just gave talking points for answer, never actually stated what her passion was
2) She did not answer about why we should trust her. She stated why others are trustworthy until Beck called her out on not answering it. Weak answer as well.
3) Hows your soul? He wants to know whether she will sell her soul like many that go up to DC. Will she stick to principles based upon her beliefs. She got it after he explained Will… She answered poorly there as well
4) What are your Principles? Tea Party Line answer
5) Immigration Reform.. She rambled for a minute, then gave a nonsense answer
She needs a redo on this… She is not ready for primetime yet… That could change over the next 10 months
1) She never answered What her Passion is…. just gave talking points for answer, never actually stated what her passion was
2) She did not answer about why we should trust her. She stated why others are trustworthy until Beck called her out on not answering it. Weak answer as well.
3) Hows your soul? He wants to know whether she will sell her soul like many that go up to DC. Will she stick to principles based upon her beliefs. She got it after he explained Will… She answered poorly there as well
4) What are your Principles? Tea Party Line answer
5) Immigration Reform.. She rambled for a minute, then gave a nonsense answer
She needs a redo on this… She is not ready for primetime yet… That could change over the next 10 months