Rick Santorum Wants Fries With That

Former U.S. Senator and 2012 “Republican” presidential wanna be Rick Santorum was spotted holding a large order of McDonald’s french fries with some random black guy this week. And yes we’re every bit as confused about this image as you are … The pic was sent to Fox News analyst…

Former U.S. Senator and 2012 “Republican” presidential wanna be Rick Santorum was spotted holding a large order of McDonald’s french fries with some random black guy this week.

And yes we’re every bit as confused about this image as you are …

The pic was sent to Fox News analyst Greta Van Susteren, who says she has no clue who sent it to her – or why.

“This pic was emailed to me from a telephone,” Van Susteren wrote. “Your guess is as good as mine.”

Eddie Scarry at The Blaze speculates Santorum is digging against liberal websites like ThinkProgess and The Atlantic – who are upset at McDonald’s over its recent attempt to provide budget suggestions to its low wage employees. Hmmmm … frankly we haven’t seen anything this ridiculous since U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham belatedly (and unconvincingly) attempted to jump on the Chick-fil-A bandwagon.

Memo to politicians: Stop ruining our favorite foods with your self-promotional photo-bombing.



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GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 12:02 pm

I hear the milkshakes are frothy…

YallCalmDown July 31, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Well done, sir, well done.

Smirks July 31, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Just for Santorum, a chocolate-vanilla swirl shake.

GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 12:02 pm

I hear the milkshakes are frothy…

YallCalmDown July 31, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Well done, sir, well done.

Smirks July 31, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Just for Santorum, a chocolate-vanilla swirl shake.

Smirks July 31, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Santorum is likely reacting to the walk-outs being staged at McDonald’s in a couple of cities to protest their shit wages. He’s hoping it will turn into another Chick-fil-A Republican photo op thing. Of course, I’m not sure if Santorum is saying he approves of people paid crap to cook crap food, or if he is approving the fact that McDonald’s crap pay, just like Walmart’s and many other huge corporations, often results in thousands upon thousands of their employees going on the public dole and having taxpayers subsidize the cost of their workforce.

Really, though, McDonald’s publishing that little budget sheet is pretty damn embarrassing. There was no allotment for groceries, gas, or daycare (which you would definitely need working two jobs, probably 40 hours a week at each), and it assumed health insurance would only cost $20/month. We’re also assuming no other extra costs, no goals or ambitions that require large amounts of saving/spending, life happening, etc. Whoever thought this was a good idea is likely going to be fired and may end up on the very budget they designed.

Most businesses learn to just keep their mouth closed so their foot doesn’t end up in it. Chick-fil-A at least can’t help when their founder decides to say something. This was something McDonald’s actually sat down, thought about such an out-of-touch, moronic thing, figured it was a good idea, drew it up, and then published it, as they have done with countless other flat-out stupid ideas (for instance, 365Black, because nothing says black heritage like eating a hamburger with “special sauce” or Chicken McNuggets that at one point resembled pink play-dough). At least this one is coming back to bite them in the ass.

Same ol' Same ol' July 31, 2013 at 5:17 pm

All right, settle down now… McDoubles are a staple and McRibs can’t be beat…hmmm maybe that’s why I’m overweight, nah, that’d have to be the beer.

Smirks July 31, 2013 at 12:18 pm

Santorum is likely reacting to the walk-outs being staged at McDonald’s in a couple of cities to protest their shit wages. He’s hoping it will turn into another Chick-fil-A Republican photo op thing. Of course, I’m not sure if Santorum is saying he approves of people paid crap to cook crap food, or if he is approving the fact that McDonald’s crap pay, just like Walmart’s and many other huge corporations, often results in thousands upon thousands of their employees going on the public dole and having taxpayers subsidize the cost of their workforce.

Really, though, McDonald’s publishing that little budget sheet is pretty damn embarrassing. There was no allotment for groceries, gas, or daycare (which you would definitely need working two jobs, probably 40 hours a week at each), and it assumed health insurance would only cost $20/month. We’re also assuming no other extra costs, no goals or ambitions that require large amounts of saving/spending, life happening, etc. Whoever thought this was a good idea is likely going to be fired and may end up on the very budget they designed.

Most businesses learn to just keep their mouth closed so their foot doesn’t end up in it. Chick-fil-A at least can’t help when their founder decides to say something. This was something McDonald’s actually sat down, thought about such an out-of-touch, moronic thing, figured it was a good idea, drew it up, and then published it, as they have done with countless other flat-out stupid ideas (for instance, 365Black, because nothing says black heritage like eating a hamburger with “special sauce” or Chicken McNuggets that at one point resembled pink play-dough). At least this one is coming back to bite them in the ass.

Same ol' Same ol' July 31, 2013 at 5:17 pm

All right, settle down now… McDoubles are a staple and McRibs can’t be beat…hmmm maybe that’s why I’m overweight, nah, that’d have to be the beer.

GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 12:29 pm

“Stop ruining our favorite foods with your self-promotional photo-bombing.”

If McDonalds is one of your favorite foods, then you deserve to have it ruined by Santorum.

GreenvilleLwyr July 31, 2013 at 12:29 pm

“Stop ruining our favorite foods with your self-promotional photo-bombing.”

If McDonalds is one of your favorite foods, then you deserve to have it ruined by Santorum.

vicupstate July 31, 2013 at 12:54 pm

Maybe, we are reading too much into this. Santorum and friend are just promoting the McDonald’s Monopoly game.
BTW, the only people that should be working at minimum wage jobs at McDonald’s are teenagers or college students. There should be no expectation that it is a living wage by itself.

vicupstate July 31, 2013 at 12:54 pm

Maybe, we are reading too much into this. Santorum and friend are just promoting the McDonald’s Monopoly game.
BTW, the only people that should be working at minimum wage jobs at McDonald’s are teenagers or college students. There should be no expectation that it is a living wage by itself.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 1:22 pm

The black guy has a familiar face. Can anybody read the logo on his jacket? That may be a clue.

Same ol' Same ol' July 31, 2013 at 5:20 pm

It looks almost like it says “Rec…, Rec… must be Rectum, damn near killed ’em. (I’m just messin’ with y’all.)

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Now I’m thinking it’s a former detective and now lawyer who visits Fox News as a guest commentator occasionally. This guy may not be him, but he’s pretty damn close.

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 1:22 pm

The black guy has a familiar face. Can anybody read the logo on his jacket? That may be a clue.

Same ol' Same ol' July 31, 2013 at 5:20 pm

It looks almost like it says “Rec…, Rec… must be Rectum, damn near killed ’em. (I’m just messin’ with y’all.)

Finius Nullis July 31, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Now I’m thinking it’s a former detective and now lawyer who visits Fox News as a guest commentator occasionally. This guy may not be him, but he’s pretty damn close.

slick-rick August 1, 2013 at 5:01 pm

…rick santorum would deny this dude a condom if he could…prick…

slick-rick August 1, 2013 at 5:01 pm

…rick santorum would deny this dude a condom if he could…prick…


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