Women Urged To Rise Up Against FITS

This website is a big, blunt instrument providing raw, penetrating insights … insights that go deep. Very deep. We’re also all about repetition. And endurance. And consistency … Of course our raw, penetrating and consistent bluntness often has its drawbacks, like our repeated reference to 1990s-era Feminazi gender card players…

This website is a big, blunt instrument providing raw, penetrating insights … insights that go deep. Very deep. We’re also all about repetition. And endurance. And consistency …

Of course our raw, penetrating and consistent bluntness often has its drawbacks, like our repeated reference to 1990s-era Feminazi gender card players as “irascible vaginas.”

Is that description over the top? Probably …

But it makes our point: Namely that gender – like race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, etc. – should never be an issue in supporting or opposing anything or anyone in politics. Seriously, trading on such distinctions does a disservice to both the individual making the stink and the broader issue that’s up for discussion.

Like the magazine George said over a decade ago, “there’s no gay way to fill a pot hole.”

Anyway, our commentary has apparently enraged the authors of the Feminazi blog Tell Them, which took strong objection to our recent use of the “irascible vagina” term in describing Ginny Deerin, a female activist livid at the S.C. General Assembly for not appointing enough women to boards and commissions.

Never mind that this website has repeatedly championed the elimination of the vast majority of these commissions – which serve as islands of unnecessary, unaccountable government in a state government that’s already far too big for its britches. And never mind that this website actually ran a guest column from one of the women allegedly discriminated against in this appointment process – a woman who agrees with our contention that it was legislative nepotism, not gender discrimination, that cost her the appointment she coveted.

Oh, and never mind that we have consistently opposed such nepotism … 

In spite of all this, Tell Them is livid at our sexist “venom and vitriol” – and is disappointed more people haven’t called us out for it.

“Where ARE the women?” one of the group’s leaders writes in railing against our article. “When did we decide to ignore attacks such as this on good women like Ginny Deerin? Where are we, and what are we doing that is more important than standing against this sort of uncalled-for, public, misogynistic attack?”

Specifically, the website notes that there were “twenty-two comments … posted to this female-demeaning article” but only one of them tapped into the “appropriate level of outrage.”

According to Tell Them, the use of offensive terms is especially galling in this case given our founding editor’s colorful past.

“Especially by this dude, who plead guilty in 2005 to criminal domestic violence towards his former fiancée,” she notes. “Especially by this guy, who has written his own vagina monologue since 2005, promoting himself as the man really behind our current governor (if you know what I mean).”

Wait … didn’t Will Folks (a.k.a. Sic Willie) just answer a question about the governor’s behind? What is it with people focusing in on Nikki Haley’s backside this week?

Anyway, as fate would have it there are two cases pending in Richland County (S.C.) family court with the potential to vindicate our founding editor on both of these issues (most notably this one) but then again vindication isn’t something we’re overly concerned about.

We flat don’t worry about it …

What else do we not worry about? The acceptance of a bunch of whiny Feminazis who fail to realize their increasingly shrill bitching and moaning is doing more to hurt them – and the candidates and causes they advance – than it hurts us.

As one of our liberal columnists herself has noted …

Translation? Put your big girl panties on, ladies. Or don’t … (we subscribe to the Vladimir Putin school of responding to female protests). But either way, figure out that the path to credibility comes from being credible, not by being a woman.


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Creeper May 30, 2013 at 11:36 am

“Put your big girl panties on, ladies. Or don’t”

My vote is “don’t”.

Creeper May 30, 2013 at 11:36 am

“Put your big girl panties on, ladies. Or don’t”

My vote is “don’t”.

GrandTango May 30, 2013 at 11:38 am

FITS has a Pro-Abortionist, Pro-Terrorist, Pro-Affirmative Action and Pro-Democrat Slant…
These Femenists would be ignorant to try to discount your product.

FITS said Romney would be same as the Failed, and Horrible Obama…

Liberal women and FITS are exactly the same…

PS: If femenists give FITS much thought, it shows there is really NOTHING left for leftwing, radical femenists to protest…

Curious May 30, 2013 at 12:27 pm

Sweetie, go back to school and learn to spell. it’s feminists, not femenists.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 12:52 pm

he meant to type “feminazis”………

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 12:53 pm

Go Shifty, Go Shifty, Go Shifty

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 1:10 pm

or perhaps he meant “feminasties”…..

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:13 pm

Nah, I think T has been castrated at some point. Hence his frustration.
While I haven’t been castrated, the lack of “any vagina” (irascible or not) for an age, may be the reason for mine? WTF :)

T and The Angry Inch May 30, 2013 at 6:09 pm

I’m unaware of what you’re talking about.

Nölff May 30, 2013 at 11:44 am

People who are that easily offended are weak. They want you to control their own emotions for them because they obviously can’t do it themselves.

People like that will probably never understand satire either.

I would be proud if I was you.

Nölff May 30, 2013 at 11:44 am

People who are that easily offended are weak. They want you to control their own emotions for them because they obviously can’t do it themselves.

People like that will probably never understand satire either.

I would be proud if I was you.

Cicero May 30, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Their website might be the absolutely worst bit of drivel I’ve come across since I helped put out my junior high newspaper.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:42 pm

Was that at AC Flora or Columbia High?

BrigidBernadette May 31, 2013 at 8:37 am

The graph is ridiculous. The font is like 6 points and sideways and you can’t een click on it to enlarge it. Why not break down those board member increases–it’s not top secret. I also fail to see the connection–where exactly does it say what they do? Beyond a petition and post things on facebook. How do we know that what they are taking credit for is directly related to their activities?

Cicero May 30, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Their website might be the absolutely worst bit of drivel I’ve come across since I helped put out my junior high newspaper.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:42 pm

Was that at AC Flora or Columbia High?

Brigid May 31, 2013 at 8:37 am

The graph is ridiculous. The font is like 6 points and sideways and you can’t een click on it to enlarge it. Why not break down those board member increases–it’s not top secret. I also fail to see the connection–where exactly does it say what they do? Beyond a petition and post things on facebook. How do we know that what they are taking credit for is directly related to their activities?

one_big_dude May 30, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Personally, I would like MORE articles about the governor’s backside. But that’s just me.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 1:12 pm

I don’t have a photo of her butt, although I’ve got one that looks exactly like hers (Clemson era)……

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:15 pm

You’re butt looks like Haley’s? Shifty “HENRY” Is there something you are avoiding in your name? Don’t be so ashamed of gender that you choose a male name as a pseudonym for your non existent avatar?? WTF

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Damn! I was interrupted and didn’t review my post…. it does read “stupid me”, but I just corrected it — thanks, “Hawkeye” you just saved me from some terrible embarrassment……….

one_big_dude May 30, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Personally, I would like MORE articles about the governor’s backside. But that’s just me.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 1:12 pm

I don’t have a photo of her butt, although I do have a photo of another girl ‘s butt that looks exactly like hers (Clemson era)……

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:15 pm

You’re butt looks like Haley’s? Shifty “HENRY” Is there something you are avoiding in your name? Don’t be so ashamed of gender that you choose a male name as a pseudonym for your non existent avatar?? WTF

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:04 pm

Damn! I was interrupted and didn’t review my post…. it does read “stupid me”, but I just corrected it — thanks, “Hawkeye” you just saved me from some terrible embarrassment……….

Curious May 30, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Just curious. Was this “article” written by a man?

SKDE May 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Good question

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 12:52 pm

If not it’s close to proxy for him.

Curious May 30, 2013 at 12:25 pm

Just curious. Was this “article” written by a man?

SKDE May 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm

Good question

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 12:52 pm

If not it’s close to proxy for Sic Willie.

GrandTango May 30, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Women are killed by a Brutal Abortionist, and babies were murdered after being born…

And these Soul-less, Gut-less SKANKS are worried about a liberal-tarian blogger…

Wonder if there’s a special place in H#!! for women who champion Baby-Killing is a Civil Right???

Upstate Lawyer May 30, 2013 at 1:09 pm

But Big T, you were called out as the voice of reason in the article. Don’t let the woman down.

Boz Martin May 30, 2013 at 1:53 pm

// And these Soul-less, Gut-less SKANKS are worried about a liberal-tarian blogger… ///

Why not? You are soul-less, gut-less and probably pretty skanky your own damned self, and you seem to worry about him a lot — because you apparently LIVE for “calling him out.”

SKDE May 30, 2013 at 12:44 pm

I had no preconceived ideas about FITS (actually I had never heard of it) , but after reading this article, if it is representative of the site, I will definitely rise up against it.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Yeah right.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:08 pm

You are so full of shit. In case you are entirely clueless, when you use discuss and log in with a known pseudonym, it links to all of your posts. One look at some of your more recent posts shows that you in fact do have preconceived ideas (which is ok, there just the wrong ones :) ).
Have a Great Day!! They’re won’t be many left with Feminazis pushing the Republicrats farther left of center. The Demlicans are already gone!! :)

BrigidBernadette May 31, 2013 at 8:34 am

And do what exactly? Rise up against it–what does that even mean? Call for speech codes? So typical of you lefty imbeciles. We have free speech in this country, something called the first amendment. If you don’t like it, then don’t come here.

SKDE May 30, 2013 at 12:44 pm

I had no preconceived ideas about FITS (actually I had never heard of it) , but after reading this article, if it is representative of the site, I will definitely rise up against it.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Yeah right.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:08 pm

You are so full of shit. In case you are entirely clueless, when you use discuss and log in with a known pseudonym, it links to all of your posts. One look at some of your more recent posts shows that you in fact do have preconceived ideas (which is ok, there just the wrong ones :) ).
Have a Great Day!! They’re won’t be many left with Feminazis pushing the Republicrats farther left of center. The Demlicans are already gone!! :)

Brigid May 31, 2013 at 8:34 am

And do what exactly? Rise up against it–what does that even mean? Call for speech codes? So typical of you lefty imbeciles. We have free speech in this country, something called the first amendment. If you don’t like it, then don’t come here.

Grand Tango May 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm

But there is a gay way to FEEL A HT POLE. I should know.

Grand Tango May 30, 2013 at 12:46 pm

But there is a gay way to FEEL A HT POLE. I should know.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 12:55 pm

I’m waiting for these ladies to have a topless protest in front of the State House, with photos by the guy who took those other great ones…………..

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 12:55 pm

Perhaps these ladies should have a serious prayer meeting in front of the State House, with photos by the Sic’s friend who took those other great ones…………..or not.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Fascinating. So I skipped around this Femi-Blog. I checked about 20 articles. Found 2, TWO, comments. I think they click they’re own facebook likes.
Hehehe. 0 Friends on they’re facebook page. I only go to facebook to look at pics of my grandkids, and I GOT MORE FRIENDS THAN THAT. BBBBBWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:01 pm

Fascinating. So I skipped around this Femi-Blog. I checked about 20 articles. Found 2, TWO, comments. I think they click they’re own facebook likes.
Hehehe. 0 Friends on they’re facebook page. I only go to facebook to look at pics of my grandkids, and I GOT MORE FRIENDS THAN THAT. BBBBBWWWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH

nitrat May 30, 2013 at 1:05 pm

As I said years ago, as the father of a daughter you should care about contributing to a demeaning atmosphere for her to grow up in.
But, you have shown no evidence that you are capable of the kind of insight that would lead a normal person to consider the effects of your words on your daughter as she grows…and, you can never get rid of them.
Your children will have to grow up and live with what you produce and it won’t be pleasant for them.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Perhaps Sic is attempting to teach her that she will be growing up in a new world of rough and tumble antics and ideas. Not like my era where the men knew who the men were, and the women knew who the women were, and the men knew who the women were, and the women knew who the men were –and like that………

? May 30, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Gender roles are screwy in many ways today compared to just 100 years ago.

Women have on one hand the desires for “equality”-which is defined different ways by different people, but on the other hand sometimes like being “unequal” in certain circumstances.

For instance, one might say a women should be afforded the opportunity to fight on the front lines just like men. Voting might be a less controversial example of said equality. A more controversial “equality” might be the desire for the same pay in the workplace, even if there are more risks at times to employing a women over a man…or if they are unable to perform physically as much as a man in a menial job yet expect the same pay.

Women like the idea of being treated equal, but if you use language that some men in some circles use around them they might get offended, and even go so far as to say not use such language around a “lady”(and men make that argument too!).

Women like having doors opened for them(I do it), it wasn’t long ago men were expected to stand when women entered a room in formal situations…sometimes I still do that.

That is ALL not “equal” treatment….

Sometimes I wonder if what some women want is to pick and choose where they want their “equality”.(not all of them)

Let the stone throwing begin. :)

Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:08 am

I would agree with much of what you said ?. The thing that irks me personally more than anything in the gender wars is most feminazis will point to the song (or comments, situations that are similar) that asks ‘Where have all the cowboys gone?’.
But when you behave like a cowboy in front of one, regardless of their personal involvement in a situation, you are called a misogynist pig or any number of other similar typecasts. I once saw a very young woman throw a rock at a guy for holding the door open for a lady.

Until women get it through their heads that, generally, men don’t want to be equals. We enjoy doing things for women. Christians/Religious folk will call it Godly/Muslimy/Buddhaly (whatever). Atheists might say gentlemanly (note the concatenation of Gentle and Man). An evolutionist would note something to the effect of this being a male form of portraying himself as the Alpha Male. Any way you slice it, Men enjoy being helpful.

When a woman throws this back in my face, assume they want to be treated as equals. Fine, your not a woman anymore. Now you’re an equal. Be prepared to bring that Alpha Dog out bitch. It’s a very rough world for men.

It use to be cavalier/charismatic for a man to say “I fight so you don’t have to”. Say something like that today and you’re just as likely to get owned by some feminazi judge somewhere.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

nitrat May 30, 2013 at 1:05 pm

As I said years ago, as the father of a daughter you should care about contributing to a demeaning atmosphere for her to grow up in.
But, you have shown no evidence that you are capable of the kind of insight that would lead a normal person to consider the effects of your words on your daughter as she grows…and, you can never get rid of them.
Your children will have to grow up and live with what you produce and it won’t be pleasant for them.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Perhaps Sic is attempting to teach her that she will be growing up in a new world of rough and tumble antics and ideas. Not like my era where the men knew who the men were, and the women knew who the women were, and the men knew who the women were, and the women knew who the men were –and like that………

? May 30, 2013 at 1:48 pm

Gender roles are screwy in many ways today compared to just 100 years ago.

Women have on one hand the desires for “equality”-which is defined different ways by different people, but on the other hand sometimes like being “unequal” in certain circumstances.

For instance, one might say a women should be afforded the opportunity to fight on the front lines just like men. Voting might be a less controversial example of said equality. A more controversial “equality” might be the desire for the same pay in the workplace, even if there are more risks at times to employing a women over a man…or if they are unable to perform physically as much as a man in a menial job yet expect the same pay.

Women like the idea of being treated equal, but if you use language that some men in some circles use around them they might get offended, and even go so far as to say not use such language around a “lady”(and men make that argument too!).

Women like having doors opened for them(I do it), it wasn’t long ago men were expected to stand when women entered a room in formal situations…sometimes I still do that.

That is ALL not “equal” treatment….

Sometimes I wonder if what some women want is to pick and choose where they want their “equality”.(not all of them)

Let the stone throwing begin. :)

Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:08 am

I would agree with much of what you said ?. The thing that irks me personally more than anything in the gender wars is most feminazis will point to the song (or comments, situations that are similar) that asks ‘Where have all the cowboys gone?’.
But when you behave like a cowboy in front of one, regardless of their personal involvement in a situation, you are called a misogynist pig or any number of other similar typecasts. I once saw a very young woman throw a rock at a guy for holding the door open for a lady.

Until women get it through their heads that, generally, men don’t want to be equals. We enjoy doing things for women. Christians/Religious folk will call it Godly/Muslimy/Buddhaly (whatever). Atheists might say gentlemanly (note the concatenation of Gentle and Man). An evolutionist would note something to the effect of this being a male form of portraying himself as the Alpha Male. Any way you slice it, Men enjoy being helpful.

When a woman throws this back in my face, assume they want to be treated as equals. Fine, your not a woman anymore. Now you’re an equal. Be prepared to bring that Alpha Dog out bitch. It’s a very rough world for men.

It use to be cavalier/charismatic for a man to say “I fight so you don’t have to”. Say something like that today and you’re just as likely to get owned by some feminazi judge somewhere.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

NoName May 30, 2013 at 1:25 pm

When you start going around taking pictures of the males’ backsides at the Statehouse and making comments on them, the shoes the men are wearing and commenting, and calling the men names equally as demeaning (ie: cranky penises), then perhaps women won’t be so angry. Why did she have to be referred to as an irascible vagina? Why not just irascible?

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Pheew. I’m a cranky Penis. Damn Cranky and Proud of It!!
You damn irascible vagina!!

? May 30, 2013 at 2:04 pm

The inherent difference of course, is that a website that featured lecherous shots of Statehouse men with lewd commentary about their physical attributes(which happens here @ Fits btw) more so than women simply wouldn’t be as successful or as popular. There’s simply an inherent psychological difference between most men and women.

That’s aside from the fact most secure men wouldn’t give a crap if they were “demeaned” on some website filled with anonymous commenters…they would just call everyone involved an asshole and move on.

Really though, FITS thrives because of his ability to report the shenanigans the cockroaches engage in unlike ever other news outlet in the state.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Sing it brother. Tell the story. HALLELUJIAH!! Sing the praises.
Love it. I bet that irascible vagina don’t though!!

9" June 2, 2013 at 5:11 am

Men love being sex objects,but these women are frustrated and need to get laid.They probably don’t shave they pits or legs.Women are happiest when on their knees.Why not just slut/bitch/whore? Just the thought of a cranky penis,makes precum ooze out my urethra…Hell,there’s a couple guys on this blog who are so hot,I’d let em pee on me…(that ain’t sick.that’s love—bitches need to learn that shit,before the husbands cum to me)

NoName May 30, 2013 at 1:25 pm

When you start going around taking pictures of the males’ backsides at the Statehouse and making comments on them, the shoes the men are wearing and commenting, and calling the men names equally as demeaning (ie: cranky penises), then perhaps women won’t be so angry. Why did she have to be referred to as an irascible vagina? Why not just irascible?

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 1:31 pm

Pheew. I’m a cranky Penis. Damn Cranky and Proud of It!!
You damn irascible vagina!!

? May 30, 2013 at 2:04 pm

The inherent difference of course, is that a website that featured lecherous shots of Statehouse men with lewd commentary about their physical attributes(which happens here @ Fits btw) more so than women simply wouldn’t be as successful or as popular. There’s simply an inherent psychological difference between most men and women.

That’s aside from the fact most secure men wouldn’t give a crap if they were “demeaned” on some website filled with anonymous commenters…they would just call everyone involved an asshole and move on.

Really though, FITS thrives because of his ability to report the shenanigans the cockroaches engage in unlike ever other news outlet in the state.

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Sing it brother. Tell the story. HALLELUJIAH!! Sing the praises.
Love it. I bet that irascible vagina don’t though!!

9" June 2, 2013 at 5:11 am

Men love being sex objects,but these women are frustrated and need to get laid.They probably don’t shave they pits or legs.Women are happiest when on their knees.Why not just slut/bitch/whore? Just the thought of a cranky penis,makes precum ooze out my urethra…Hell,there’s a couple guys on this blog who are so hot,I’d let em pee on me…(that ain’t sick.that’s love—bitches need to learn that shit,before the husbands cum to me)

Jan May 30, 2013 at 1:35 pm

Let me be clear. This website is sexist. The comments about women by Will and
the other posters here are frequently offensive to intelligent women.
Likewise the pictures of women in swimsuits, pumping gas, and in hottest lawyer
contests, etc., followed by the barrage of sexist comments is equally
offensive; even though I contend women should reserve some of their ire for the women who allow their pictures to be used in that manner. Perhaps those who do so deserve the lack of,or should I say type of, respect they get?

All That said, my question to the folks at Tell Them is; Why are you surprised? This is a
conservative website, targeting a conservative Republicans audience. Conservative Republicans and their Stepford wives have little use for women outside the house. So don’t be offended. Consider the source.

So either debate your detractors or ignore them; but engage them at the voting booth. Because when added to all the other groups “conservative” Republicans have no use for, you make up a majority of the electorate. So in an echo from the past just let them hear you roar in numbers too large to ignore, because making them irrelevant is the only thing that will earn you the respect you want.

A Friend May 30, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I think this website’s editor is sexist. But he does have female contributors that are not, based on what they’ve written.

CL May 30, 2013 at 2:10 pm

“Conservative Republicans and their Stepford wives have little use for women outside the house.”

Of course there are no genuinely conservative women to a liberal. The idea that any woman who disagrees with you politically is a Stepford wife is just too ignorant to justify more than mockery. But this is what passes for an argument from the left these days. My conservative, PhD holding, professional of a wife had a stronger reaction, but decorum prevents me from reprinting it here.

Jan May 30, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Just because many conservative Republicans have Stepford wives does not mean all Republicans have Stepford wives, and nothing in my comments could possibly be read to imply every woman who disagrees with me is a Stepford wife. I would assume however that the Stepford wives of conservative Republicans would disagree with me on the Republican party views women and minorities.

CL May 31, 2013 at 7:15 am

You created a dichotomy between Republicans and their Stepford wives. Unless you were envisioning a large number of accomplished, conservative lesbians in the former, it is fairly obvious that the “conservative Republicans” in your post are exclusively men. That leaves only one status left per you for a woman who votes Republican to fit – Stepford wife. But keep spinning; it is even more ridiculous than your original point.

Jan May 31, 2013 at 9:56 am

Your logic is flawed, as usual. I do not deny the existence of conservative Republican Women who are not dominated by conservative Republican men. Some have a personal reason for voting Republican; and some may even think people like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney,Todd Aiken, and Richard Mourdock would be good for women, bless their hearts.

CL May 31, 2013 at 4:07 pm

Yet you cannot explain any flaw in it, since I was just quoting you.

“Some have a personal reason for voting Republican; and some may even think people like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney,Todd Aiken, and Richard Mourdock would be good for women bless their hearts.”

This is just as condescending and insulting. They must have some “personal” reason for voting Republican or be misguided. No one could have sound, ideological bases for voting Republican. Or have concluded from a wealth of historical evidence that it is so-called progressive policies that harm the poor and women, while conservatives (admittedly most elected Republicans are squishy on this point) champion the American model that made us the most prosperous nation in the history of the world.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:38 pm Reply
Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:17 am

Wholly Crap Shifty. Now I got a Woody.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

shifty henry May 31, 2013 at 12:59 pm

Wish I could post images. I have a collection of reall magazine ads from the 50s & 60s that are hilarious (not NSW)….

Smirks May 31, 2013 at 1:16 pm

God dammit Disqus!

Ohmaar May 30, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Thank you for being the poster child for everything that’s wrong win the feminist movement. You SAY you’re all about a woman’s freedom to choose her own life, yet you bash women who choose to live their lives in a way YOU don’t approve. Your form of feminism isn’t about equality or respect, it’s about control. It just pisses you irascible vaginas off more than anything to see attractive women living happy, fulfilling lives married to loving husbands raising beautiful children.

Feel free to bitch about your own miserable life. But let the more mentally stable, successful, happy, beautiful women live the life they CHOOSE.

Jan May 30, 2013 at 6:41 pm

I am quite happy. I have a great spouse, beautiful children and a moderately successful business. Some even think I’m not bad looking. I don’t care what other women do with their life. And as far as what I would say to young women who allow men to post sexually suggestive pictures of them on the internet for other men to comment on, I doubt it is far from what my grandmother would have told young women of her time about girls who pose for dirty magazines.

9" May 31, 2013 at 12:46 pm

the helen reddy reference makes me wanna puke,bitch

Jan May 30, 2013 at 1:35 pm

Let me be clear. This website is sexist. The comments about women by Will and
the other posters here are frequently offensive to intelligent women.
Likewise the pictures of women in swimsuits, pumping gas, and in hottest lawyer
contests, etc., followed by the barrage of sexist comments is equally
offensive; even though I contend women should reserve some of their ire for the women who allow their pictures to be used in that manner. Perhaps those who do so deserve the lack of,or should I say type of, respect they get?

All That said, my question to the folks at Tell Them is; Why are you surprised? This is a
conservative website, targeting a conservative Republicans audience. Conservative Republicans and their Stepford wives have little use for women outside the house. So don’t be offended. Consider the source.

So either debate your detractors or ignore them; but engage them at the voting booth. Because when added to all the other groups “conservative” Republicans have no use for, you make up a majority of the electorate. So in an echo from the past just let them hear you roar in numbers too large to ignore, because making them irrelevant is the only thing that will earn you the respect you want.

A Friend May 30, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I think this website’s editor is sexist. But he does have female contributors that are not, based on what they’ve written.

CL May 30, 2013 at 2:10 pm

“Conservative Republicans and their Stepford wives have little use for women outside the house.”

Of course there are no genuinely conservative women to a liberal. The idea that any woman who disagrees with you politically is a Stepford wife is just too ignorant to justify more than mockery. But this is what passes for an argument from the left these days. My conservative, PhD holding, professional of a wife had a stronger reaction, but decorum prevents me from reprinting it here.

Jan May 30, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Just because many conservative Republicans have Stepford wives does not mean all Republicans have Stepford wives, and nothing in my comments could possibly be read to imply every woman who disagrees with me is a Stepford wife. I would assume however that the Stepford wives of conservative Republicans would disagree with me on the Republican party views women and minorities.

CL May 31, 2013 at 7:15 am

You created a dichotomy between Republicans and their Stepford wives. Unless you were envisioning a large number of accomplished, conservative lesbians in the former, it is fairly obvious that the “conservative Republicans” in your post are exclusively men. That leaves only one status left per you for a woman who votes Republican to fit – Stepford wife. But keep spinning; it is even more ridiculous than your original point.

Jan May 31, 2013 at 9:56 am

Your logic is flawed, as usual. I do not deny the existence of conservative Republican Women who are not dominated by conservative Republican men. Some have a personal reason for voting Republican; and some may even think people like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney,Todd Aiken, and Richard Mourdock would be good for women, bless their hearts.

CL May 31, 2013 at 4:07 pm

Yet you cannot explain any flaw in it, since I was just quoting you.

“Some have a personal reason for voting Republican; and some may even think people like Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney,Todd Aiken, and Richard Mourdock would be good for women bless their hearts.”

This is just as condescending and insulting. They must have some “personal” reason for voting Republican or be misguided. No one could have sound, ideological bases for voting Republican. Or have concluded from a wealth of historical evidence that it is so-called progressive policies that harm the poor and women, while conservatives (admittedly most elected Republicans are squishy on this point) champion the American model that made us the most prosperous nation in the history of the world.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:38 pm Reply
Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:17 am

Wholly Crap Shifty. Now I got a Woody.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

shifty henry May 31, 2013 at 12:59 pm

Wish I could post images. I have a collection of real magazine ads from the 50s & 60s that are hilarious (not NSW)….

Smirks May 31, 2013 at 1:16 pm

God dammit Disqus!

Ohmaar May 30, 2013 at 3:12 pm

Thank you for being the poster child for everything that’s wrong win the feminist movement. You SAY you’re all about a woman’s freedom to choose her own life, yet you bash women who choose to live their lives in a way YOU don’t approve. Your form of feminism isn’t about equality or respect, it’s about control. It just pisses you irascible vaginas off more than anything to see attractive women living happy, fulfilling lives married to loving husbands raising beautiful children.

Feel free to bitch about your own miserable life. But let the more mentally stable, successful, happy, beautiful women live the life they CHOOSE.

Jan May 30, 2013 at 6:41 pm

I am quite happy. I have a great spouse, beautiful children and a moderately successful business. Some even think I’m not bad looking. I don’t care what other women do with their life. And as far as what I would say to young women who allow men to post sexually suggestive pictures of them on the internet for other men to comment on, I doubt it is far from what my grandmother would have told young women of her time about girls who pose for dirty magazines.

9" May 31, 2013 at 12:46 pm

the helen reddy reference makes me wanna puke,bitch

jimlewisowb May 30, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Think it is about time the Ladies change tactics

Tell Them’s Executive Director should send a small package to the wife of every married male cockroach in the Legislature

The contents to include an 8 oz. tube of SuperGlue with short but simple instructions to glue the cockroach’s pecker to his leg. If his pecker ain’t long enough to reach his leg, then glue the opening of his pecker shut

If this doesn’t bring the cockroach around to get in touch with his feminine side, then send a follow up package with a small but extremely sharp ceramic knife and a bottle of Iodine

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Hmm, speaking of knives—–

Two guys were standing at
adjacent urinals when one says to the other, “I’ll bet you were born in Charleston,

“Why, that’s right,” said the
other guy in surprise.

“And I’ll bet that you were
circumcised when you were three days old.”

“Right again, but how’d you —-“

“And I’ll bet it was done by old
Doc Sternberg.”

“Well, yes, but how did you know?”
asked the second guy in amazement.

“Well, Old Doc always cut them at
a sixty-degree angle,” explained the first guy, “and you’re pissing on my shoe.”

jimlewisowb May 30, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Think it is about time the Ladies change tactics

Tell Them’s Executive Director should send a small package to the wife of every married male cockroach in the Legislature

The contents to include an 8 oz. tube of SuperGlue with short but simple instructions to glue the cockroach’s pecker to his leg. If his pecker ain’t long enough to reach his leg, then glue the opening of his pecker shut

If this doesn’t bring the cockroach around to get in touch with his feminine side, then send a follow up package with a small but extremely sharp ceramic knife and a bottle of Iodine

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 2:21 pm

Hmm, speaking of knives—–

Two guys were standing at adjacent urinals when one says to the other, “I’ll bet you were born in Charleston,

“Why, that’s right,” said the other guy in surprise.

“And I’ll bet that you were circumcised when you were three days old.”

“Right again, but how’d you —-“

“And I’ll bet it was done by old Doc Sternberg.”

“Well, yes, but how did you know?” asked the second guy in amazement.

“Well, Old Doc always cut them at a sixty-degree angle,” explained the first guy, “and you’re pissing on my shoe.”

Todd May 30, 2013 at 1:48 pm

There is always a ffffabulous way to fill a pot hole. Just ask Lindsey Graham.

Todd May 30, 2013 at 1:48 pm

There is always a ffffabulous way to fill a pot hole. Just ask Lindsey Graham.

A Friend May 30, 2013 at 1:52 pm

“Feminazi.” Not even a word. Only Nazis were Nazis. You make some good points, but you sound like Big T with that Nazi crap.

A Friend May 30, 2013 at 1:52 pm

“Feminazi.” Not even a word. Only Nazis were Nazis. You make some good points, but you sound like Big T with that Nazi crap.

Isis May 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Is there a male equivalent to being called a Feminazi? If not why not?

Because it’s all bullying tactics used to keep women “in their place”

Sorry guys it just won’t work

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 2:22 pm


shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Submit that for entry in the Oxford World Dictionary (or whatever the correct name is).

Isis May 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Is there a male equivalent to being called a Feminazi? If not why not?

Because it’s all bullying tactics used to keep women “in their place”

Sorry guys it just won’t work

Frank Pytel May 30, 2013 at 2:22 pm


shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Submit that for entry in the Oxford World Dictionary (or whatever the correct name is).

Ginny Deerin, Project XX May 30, 2013 at 2:26 pm

FITS cautions ProjectXX that our approach (holding lawmakers accountable to the law) may do our cause more harm than good. Not so far. In the recent elections of 8 university boards – 5 increased % of women, 2 stayed the same and 1 went backwards. But who wants to talk facts?

BrigidBernadette May 30, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Advocating rewarding accident of birth–being a woman–over achievement and qualification, and rewarding it with power. Sort of like the good old boys club of white men that you are seeking to replace with women, or the bald nepotism that we witness instead. It will necessarily breed resentment and people will question whether those advanced are qualified or are an affirmative action token. I expect you’ll tough it out. We’re all for driving out the crooks, and there is some good stuff on your facebook page. Yet only 179 signatures on your petition, and 120 facebook likes. I expect those numbers will grow with this exposure. FITS was the first place I heard of you.

Ginny Deerin, Project XX May 30, 2013 at 2:26 pm

FITS cautions ProjectXX that our approach (holding lawmakers accountable to the law) may do our cause more harm than good. Not so far. In the recent elections of 8 university boards – 5 increased % of women, 2 stayed the same and 1 went backwards. But who wants to talk facts?

Brigid May 30, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Advocating rewarding accident of birth–being a woman–over achievement and qualification, and rewarding it with power. Sort of like the good old boys club of white men that you are seeking to replace with women, or the bald nepotism that we witness instead. It will necessarily breed resentment and people will question whether those advanced are qualified or are an affirmative action token. I expect you’ll tough it out. We’re all for driving out the crooks, and there is some good stuff on your facebook page. Yet only 179 signatures on your petition, and 120 facebook likes. I also expect those numbers will grow with this exposure. FITS was the first place I heard of you.

ColaTown May 30, 2013 at 2:32 pm

I get that you want to create controversy for hits, Will – but this is just pitiful for a dude who otherwise has an agenda that is actually worth a sh*t. Tell Them has a single goal – educate kids in an age-appropriate way about sex (like we do math and history….) I know, you think we shouldn’t have public schools to begin with, and sex should be parental territory. Unfortunately, parents are failing so miserably that it costs SC taxpayers nearly 20 billion dollars to support your precious idealism. And, since many kids who are sexually abused are victims of their parents, compassionate society has a duty to protect and educate children outside of the home. You know, to have the society that you champion – people free to make their own decisions (remember Adam Smith and all that stuff you learned in school?) they need to have good information on which to act, not just grunt around and gratify their immediate interest. The Tell Them/New Morning Foundation folks, regardless of today’s tiny little blog that supposedly causes you so much consternation, aren’t riled up about FITS at all, as I’ve rarely heard y’all mentioned outside of your juvenile misinformed twitter bs. And I’ll add this – the ladies at Tell Them and their incredible footwear are hotter by a country mile than the skanks on this site – but that’s just me! Emile DeFelice

Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:13 am

Fuck You

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

Fate May 30, 2013 at 2:54 pm

How does it feel to know that one day someone will talk about your daughter the way you talk about women?

Fate May 30, 2013 at 2:54 pm

How does it feel to know that one day someone will talk about your daughter the way you talk about women?

Smirks May 30, 2013 at 2:57 pm

See, when women “rise up” to men, they’re called Feminists, but when men “rise up” to women, we’re called perverts.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Women crave attention (not abuse) of any kind. Without it they would just shrivel to nothing.

BrigidBernadette May 30, 2013 at 8:30 pm

They didn’t have shit to say about the insane lead up to Governor Haley’s election from this website. Had FITS been doing that to a liberal candidate, it would have been the end of the world as we know it. But they were silent. When men in the mainstream media sexistly (?) attacked Sarah Palin, more silence. Condi Rice, the last real head of the State Dept. we’ve had was attacked with horrible sexism, even more silence. And when the Fowlers used the super-delegate maneuver to oust Hilary and replace her with an unqualified affirmative action candidate, silence except from the PUMA’s, who got no support and apparently disappeared. They are just playing at politics under the guise of being pro-woman, it is transparently one-sided and 100% partisan. To Tell Them: stick to teaching kids to put a condom on a cucumber and leave poor FITS alone. Maybe you can work on advancing women in law, like getting a female chief justice in SC–wait, already done. Or maybe getting the first female woman of color elected governor of South Carolina–oops, already done.

And I’m going to repeat this: Barbara Rackes has the respect of nearly everyone in this state because she NEVER whines, she ignores pettiness as being beneath her and it is, she has never come out as offended, and supports both sides of the aisle. I’m sure she’s a Democrat, but I know for a fact that she puts that aside in aiming for more women in political office. THAT is why she has credibility, and is effective.

Smirks May 30, 2013 at 2:57 pm

See, when women “rise up” to men, they’re called Feminists, but when men “rise up” to women, we’re called perverts.

shifty henry May 30, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Women crave attention (not abuse) of any kind. Without it they would just shrivel to nothing.

Brigid May 30, 2013 at 8:30 pm

They didn’t have shit to say about the insane lead up to Governor Haley’s election from this website. Had FITS been doing that to a liberal candidate, it would have been the end of the world as we know it. But they were silent. When men in the mainstream media sexistly (?) attacked Sarah Palin, more silence. Condi Rice, the last real head of the State Dept. we’ve had was attacked with horrible sexism, even more silence. And when the Fowlers used the super-delegate maneuver to oust Hilary and replace her with an unqualified affirmative action candidate, silence except from the PUMA’s, who got no support and apparently disappeared. They are just playing at politics under the guise of being pro-woman, it is transparently one-sided and 100% partisan. To Tell Them: stick to teaching kids to put a condom on a cucumber and leave poor FITS alone. Maybe you can work on advancing women in law, like getting a female chief justice in SC–wait, already done. Or maybe getting the first female woman of color elected governor of South Carolina–oops, already done.

And I’m going to repeat this: Barbara Rackes has the respect of nearly everyone in this state because she NEVER whines, she ignores pettiness as being beneath her and it is, she has never come out as offended, and supports both sides of the aisle. I’m sure she’s a Democrat, but I know for a fact that she puts that aside in aiming for more women in political office. THAT is why she has credibility, and is effective.

XX May 30, 2013 at 3:05 pm

I take most of what Sic says on the topic of women as satire and only take issue when it strikes as damaging to his children and wife. Maybe he thinks public ogling of a Beth Bernstein or whomever is “safe” but a wife and daughter can’t help but make distorted comparisons. I don’t think any wife likes to be reminded that their spouse is a player, former or otherwise, but maybe this is a perspective of what some may pigeonhole as a “vanilla” wife. Maybe Mrs. Sic takes a broader view.

Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:19 am

BS. He’s married not dead. You don’t look at what is appealing, right? You spend your day looking at raw dirty granite stones. Walk on the sharp glass to I’ll bet. Liar.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

XX May 31, 2013 at 1:25 pm

So Frank, I guess it’s OK by you if your daughter or granddaughter’s husband openly ogles, and intimately and publicly talks about the genitalia of other women or sex acts real or imagined, with them in front of your beloved ones? Talk about walking on sharp glass…. Now who’s the liar?

shifty henry May 31, 2013 at 10:01 am

spoke with Mrs. Sic the other day in front of the bank — she had a deposit receipt in her hand — she was smiling…..

XX May 30, 2013 at 3:05 pm

I take most of what Sic says on the topic of women as satire and only take issue when it strikes as damaging to his children and wife. Maybe he thinks public ogling of a Beth Bernstein or whomever is “safe” but a wife and daughter can’t help but make distorted comparisons. I don’t think any wife likes to be reminded that their spouse is a player, former or otherwise, but maybe this is a perspective of what some may pigeonhole as a “vanilla” wife. Maybe Mrs. Sic takes a broader view.

Frank Pytel May 31, 2013 at 5:19 am

BS. He’s married not dead. You don’t look at what is appealing, right? You spend your day looking at raw dirty granite stones. Walk on the sharp glass to I’ll bet. Liar.

Have a Great Day!! :) I’m a Cranky Penis and Proud of It!!

XX May 31, 2013 at 1:25 pm

So Frank, I guess it’s OK by you if your daughter or granddaughter’s husband openly ogles, and intimately and publicly talks about the genitalia of other women or sex acts real or imagined, with them in front of your beloved ones? Talk about walking on sharp glass…. Now who’s the liar?

shifty henry May 31, 2013 at 10:01 am

spoke with Mrs. Sic the other day in front of the bank — she had a deposit receipt in her hand — she was smiling…..

9" May 30, 2013 at 6:16 pm

Women are OK,but I hate anchovies…

9" May 30, 2013 at 6:16 pm

Women are OK,but I hate anchovies…

BrigidBernadette May 30, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Margaret Thatcher never complained about this bullshit, and every single issue of Private Eye ripped her and her husband during her tenure. When you insist on playing identity politics you will end up losing and being ridiculed. If you insist on defining yourself by your genitalia rather than your accomplishments and credentials and principles, then don’t be surprised when others follow suit and play your game and identify you by your…genitalia, and ignore your accomplishments and credentials and principles. I’m unclear on exactly what sort of ‘stand’ they expect to take on FITS. A harshly worded letter, perhaps? Calling for advertisers to pull out of supporting FITS, like they are now doing with Facebook? More fascist speech codes? More hand wringing over the First Amendment? Sharia-like laws that no one can be allowed to offend them? I guess your irascible vaginer illustration is the Mohamed cartoon for feminist dinosaurs. A fatwah will be issued shortly, no doubt. All of this hoo-ha over a guy that calls himself Sic Willie, and yet the real ‘Slick Willie,’ Bill Clinton the date rapist is a hero. Go figure that the irony is lost on the easily offended.

Brigid May 30, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Margaret Thatcher never complained about this bullshit, and every single issue of Private Eye ripped her and her husband during her tenure. When you insist on playing identity politics you will end up losing and being ridiculed. If you insist on defining yourself by your genitalia rather than your accomplishments and credentials and principles, then don’t be surprised when others follow suit and play your game and identify you by your…genitalia, and ignore your accomplishments and credentials and principles. I’m unclear on exactly what sort of ‘stand’ they expect to take on FITS. A harshly worded letter, perhaps? Calling for advertisers to pull out of supporting FITS, like they are now doing with Facebook? More fascist speech codes? More hand wringing over the First Amendment? Sharia-like laws that no one can be allowed to offend them? I guess your irascible vaginer illustration is the Mohamed cartoon for feminist dinosaurs. A fatwah will be issued shortly, no doubt. All of this hoo-ha over a guy that calls himself Sic Willie, and yet the real ‘Slick Willie,’ Bill Clinton the date rapist is a hero. Go figure that the irony is lost on the easily offended.


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