
Behold, The Fatkini

Somebody forgot to tell us (or for that matter people with a shred of self-respect), but society has been trending lately toward  this notion of “body acceptance.” At the cusp of this trend? The “Fatkini,” a two-piece swimsuit for big girls. “I don’t expect everyone to feel comfortable in a…

Somebody forgot to tell us (or for that matter people with a shred of self-respect), but society has been trending lately toward  this notion of “body acceptance.”

At the cusp of this trend? The “Fatkini,” a two-piece swimsuit for big girls.

“I don’t expect everyone to feel comfortable in a two piece, but hopefully I can inspire some of you to take the plunge,” Fatkini designer Gabi Gregg, herself a big girl, said of her creation. “I can’t tell you how freeing it is to just have fun without worrying about what other people think.”

Fatkinis come in sizes 10-24 … although the upper end of that spectrum is something nature lovers might consider if they’re looking for a colorful tent.

Incidentally, news of the Fatkini’s emergence comes as a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows the United States ranking No. 1 internationally for obesity. The report also found (surprise) American paying a disproportionately high percentage of its health care costs on obesity related ailments.

Personally, we think Gregg is beautiful – and her plus-sized figure, while not conventionally attractive, doesn’t turn us off. Of course Gregg has all her teeth and isn’t rocking a “fupa” (a.k.a. “fat upper pubic area”).

What do you think? Should America celebrate its obese people? Or should we be encouraging them to hit the gym? Vote in our poll and post your thoughts in our comments section below …


Pic: GabiFresh

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Same ol' Same ol' May 28, 2013 at 8:10 am

They say doing a fat chick is like riding a moped, a whole lotta fun, but you just don’t want anybody seeing you on it.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Too much caffeine today is making me crazy enough to post this —– Has anyone ever noticed that some short men love to be with tall girls? Well, it’s because nose to nose his toes is in it, and toes to toes his nose is in it.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:53 pm

and back in the days——- Nikki told me that she didn’t like short guys. I told her that I was definitely taller than her. Henry, she said, I mean “short of money guys.”

Same ol' Same ol' May 28, 2013 at 8:10 am

They say doing a fat chick is like riding a moped, a whole lotta fun, but you just don’t want anybody seeing you on it.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:49 pm

Too much caffeine today is making me crazy enough to post this —– Has anyone ever noticed that some short men love to be with tall girls? Well, it’s because nose to nose his toes is in it, and toes to toes his nose is in it.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:53 pm

and back in the days——- Nikki told me that she didn’t like short guys. I told her that I was definitely taller than her. Henry, she said, I mean “short of money guys.”

Raymond May 28, 2013 at 8:15 am

“Fatkini is its online nickname”. In keeping with the “acceptance” theme, it’s actually marketed as “Plus Size”. There are no fat people. Fat men call themselves big. “Hey, I’m a big guy!” And women, if not “plus sized” call themselves “curvy”.

Raymond May 28, 2013 at 8:15 am

“Fatkini is its online nickname”. In keeping with the “acceptance” theme, it’s actually marketed as “Plus Size”. There are no fat people. Fat men call themselves big. “Hey, I’m a big guy!” And women, if not “plus sized” call themselves “curvy”.

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 8:17 am

It really comes down to something quite simple, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, but we all have the freedom to think what we want. If a big girl likes being in a two-piece, all power to them, you can accept how you are if you want, but don’t get pissed when others don’t.

“Fat acceptance” is really just a small part of the (pardon the pun) “growing movement,” there’s a movement that goes deep into the crazy with pseudo-science and broken logic called “Healthy At Every Size” and even a victimhood complex-stoking collective who complains about “thin privilege.”

As far as the Fatkini, I guess the market will decide if it is a hit or if it is a (pardon the pun yet again) bust.

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 9:25 am

“Fat acceptance” has already happened. Just watch any movie made prior to the early 1990s and count the number of fat people… its pretty close to zero. Then watch a movie made more recently. The contrast is stark.

A Friend May 28, 2013 at 9:51 am

I’m with you, Smirks. This “Healthy At Every Size” thing is a problem. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure – all can be linked to being overweight. Thin people get these diseases, too, of course, due to genetics, but that’s through no fault of their own. But overweight people are basically making themselves sick, and that contributes to the skyrocketing healthcare costs in this country. I’d say the same for smokers. Behavior influences health – that can’t be denied. But poverty and lack of education also influence health. A #3 combo at McD’s is cheaper than buying healthy foods and cooking them at home – if you even know how to, because you may have grown up in a home where only meals heavy in fats were cooked. We need to work on the poverty and education angles of this. Now, as to people who are educated and not poor and are merely using “Healthy At Every Size” as an excuse to not take care of themselves – I have no sympathy.

scsince60 May 28, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Only a complete idiot would think eating at McDonalds is cheaper than cooking at home. These lazy morons complaining about the “high” cost of food evidently don’t own any pots and pans. I guess baking a piece of chicken, boiling some rice or beans, and steaming a vegetable at a total cost of about $2.50, would be beneath their “dignity”. We should weigh these sorry, lazy, fat asses when they show up for their food stamps and give them a bag of carrots for every ten pounds they exceed normal weight and tell them we’ll see ’em in two weeks. And subtract a carrot for anyone wearing those “fat boy” shorts. Beggars should at the very least dress respectfully.

? May 28, 2013 at 9:39 pm

lol…all kinds of funny and truth in your comment.

If I could give you a +10 I would.

shifty henry May 29, 2013 at 9:29 pm

Something similar to this plan wsa discussed on Fits some months ago. There were some good comments posted.

scsince60 May 29, 2013 at 10:19 pm

One more thing;….anybody with a damn tattoo or unnatural hair texture or color(which I understand is very, very expensive to achieve and “maintain”) should not receive even one carrot. That is unless they agree to undergo head shaving, to be repeated every visit to the welfare office. Don’t even think of diverting one penny of my tax dollars to your “relaxa”. I’m happy with my hair, be happy with yours.

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 8:17 am

It really comes down to something quite simple, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, but we all have the freedom to think what we want. If a big girl likes being in a two-piece, all power to them, you can accept how you are if you want, but don’t get pissed when others don’t.

“Fat acceptance” is really just a small part of the (pardon the pun) “growing movement,” there’s a movement that goes deep into the crazy with pseudo-science and broken logic called “Healthy At Every Size” and even a victimhood complex-stoking collective who complains about “thin privilege.”

As far as the Fatkini, I guess the market will decide if it is a hit or if it is a (pardon the pun yet again) bust.

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 9:25 am

“Fat acceptance” has already happened. Just watch any movie made prior to the early 1990s and count the number of fat people… its pretty close to zero. Then watch a movie made more recently. The contrast is stark.

A Friend May 28, 2013 at 9:51 am

I’m with you, Smirks. This “Healthy At Every Size” thing is a problem. Diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure – all can be linked to being overweight. Thin people get these diseases, too, of course, due to genetics, but that’s through no fault of their own. But overweight people are basically making themselves sick, and that contributes to the skyrocketing healthcare costs in this country. I’d say the same for smokers. Behavior influences health – that can’t be denied. But poverty and lack of education also influence health. A #3 combo at McD’s is cheaper than buying healthy foods and cooking them at home – if you even know how to, because you may have grown up in a home where only meals heavy in fats were cooked. We need to work on the poverty and education angles of this. Now, as to people who are educated and not poor and are merely using “Healthy At Every Size” as an excuse to not take care of themselves – I have no sympathy.

scsince60 May 28, 2013 at 7:01 pm

Only a complete idiot would think eating at McDonalds is cheaper than cooking at home. These lazy morons complaining about the “high” cost of food evidently don’t own any pots and pans. I guess baking a piece of chicken, boiling some rice or beans, and steaming a vegetable at a total cost of about $2.50, would be beneath their “dignity”. We should weigh these sorry, lazy, fat asses when they show up for their food stamps and give them a bag of carrots for every ten pounds they exceed normal weight and tell them we’ll see ’em in two weeks. And subtract a carrot for anyone wearing those “fat boy” shorts. Beggars should at the very least dress respectfully.

? May 28, 2013 at 9:39 pm

lol…all kinds of funny and truth in your comment.

If I could give you a +10 I would.

shifty henry May 29, 2013 at 9:29 pm

Something similar to this plan was discussed on Fits some months ago. There were some good comments posted.

scsince60 May 29, 2013 at 10:19 pm

One more thing;….anybody with a damn tattoo or unnatural hair texture or color(which I understand is very, very expensive to achieve and “maintain”) should not receive even one carrot. That is unless they agree to undergo head shaving, to be repeated every visit to the welfare office. Don’t even think of diverting one penny of my tax dollars to your “relaxa”. I’m happy with my hair, be happy with yours.

Todd May 28, 2013 at 8:18 am

It’s all fun and games, until she gets type 2 diabetes. Hit the gym fatasses! Merica.

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 8:21 am

It isn’t even the gym, really. Americans consume processed garbage and fast food, and lots of it. Diet is a majority of what decides if you lose weight or gain it.

Todd May 28, 2013 at 8:18 am

It’s all fun and games, until she gets type 2 diabetes. Hit the gym fatasses! Merica.

Smirks May 28, 2013 at 8:21 am

It isn’t even the gym, really. Americans consume processed garbage and fast food, and lots of it. Diet is a majority of what decides if you lose weight or gain it.

carrie May 28, 2013 at 8:22 am

They should have a complete physical exams to rule out health issues first and then enjoy life w/o gaining more weight.

carrie May 28, 2013 at 8:22 am

They should have a complete physical exams to rule out health issues first and then enjoy life w/o gaining more weight.

Joe May 28, 2013 at 9:13 am

We all need to eat less, especially processed and sugary foods, and move more. Most Americans have adopted a convenient sedentary lifestyle. Most only walk far enough in day to get to their car or to their desk chair at work and easy chair at home.

Joe May 28, 2013 at 9:13 am

We all need to eat less, especially processed and sugary foods, and move more. Most Americans have adopted a convenient sedentary lifestyle. Most only walk far enough in day to get to their car or to their desk chair at work and easy chair at home.

itsy-witsy, tinie, whinnie-no May 28, 2013 at 9:23 am

Wow, yes! Let’s promote the impending heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, inflammation, cancers, etc, etc…, that are on their way with this look. However, if it will get this miss into the pool to do a few laps… that would be good.

Bubbas Brother May 28, 2013 at 11:43 am

Did you know that Hippos don’t swim, they just waddle underwater…

itsy-witsy, tinie, whinnie-no May 28, 2013 at 9:23 am

Wow, yes! Let’s promote the impending heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, inflammation, cancers, etc, etc…, that are on their way with this look. However, if it will get this miss into the pool to do a few laps… that would be good.

The Colonel (R) May 28, 2013 at 11:43 am

Did you know that Hippos don’t swim, they just waddle underwater…

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 9:24 am

Thankfully we have black men to take fat white women out of the dating pool.

On the “plus side”(pun intended), they usually make beautiful babies.

On the negative side, most of the black men leave the fat white women too….so we end up paying for their kids.

Smack That May 28, 2013 at 1:32 pm

Can I call you incredibly racist while also agreeing with you?

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Sure. Do I seem like the type of person that would care either way?

Smack That May 28, 2013 at 2:06 pm

self-identifying as an asshole? I see.

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 2:21 pm

So anyone speaking truthfully is an asshole?

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“they usually make beautiful babies”
They do?

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 9:24 am

Thankfully we have black men to take fat white women out of the dating pool.

On the “plus side”(pun intended), they usually make beautiful babies.

On the negative side, most of the black men leave the fat white women too….so we end up paying for their kids.

Smack That May 28, 2013 at 1:32 pm

Can I call you incredibly racist while also agreeing with you?

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 1:40 pm

Sure. Do I seem like the type of person that would care either way?

Smack That May 28, 2013 at 2:06 pm

self-identifying as an asshole? I see.

Honkey Whitebread May 28, 2013 at 2:21 pm

So anyone speaking truthfully is an asshole?

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 1:39 pm

“they usually make beautiful babies”
They do?

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 9:35 am

I’m waiting to decide if I want to share my comments on this subject. Anyway, Sic has started this program of not showing a full body shot of women — he cut off this girl’s legs and on a previous photo he cut off the girl’s head. I demand to see all to make an informed judgment!

Bubbas Brother May 28, 2013 at 11:39 am

Considering your demand to “…see all to make an informed judgement” – I’m thinking you’d need a wide angle lens, maybe even a fish eye.

Taking it to an extreme and wanting to really see “all that”, I’m thinking I may have to poke my minds eye out…I get it, “…fat women need luvin too..” but that’s a lot of woman to luv…

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:18 pm

That’s exactly what the women keep telling me, bless their souls. – thank you so very much, ladies………….

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 9:35 am

I’m waiting to decide if I want to share my comments on this subject. Anyway, Sic has started this program of not showing a full body shot of women — he cut off this girl’s legs and on a previous photo he cut off the girl’s head. I demand to see all to make an informed judgment!

PS: located this foto on the web, and there are only two shots of this girl – the one above is the yummy one and the other is less flattering – sorry, Sic, I take back my criticism…..

The Colonel (R) May 28, 2013 at 11:39 am

Considering your demand to “…see all to make an informed judgement” – I’m thinking you’d need a wide angle lens, maybe even a fish eye.

Taking it to an extreme and wanting to really see “all that”, I’m thinking I may have to poke my mind’s eye out…I get it, “…fat women need luvin too..” but that’s a lot of woman to luv…

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:18 pm

That’s exactly what the women keep telling me, bless their souls. – thank you so very much, ladies………….

Kirstie May 28, 2013 at 10:15 am

let ’em go naked, all you will see is two nipples. Bikinis for fat people turned into a debate about health and diabetes. We are taking ourselves wayyyy too seriously this morning.
Eat a biscuit.

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 12:22 pm


shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 3:29 pm

A lovely 20 year old girl needed to see a doctor for the first time. After the examination, the puzzled doctor commented, “Are you aware that you have no nipples?”

She replied, “Oh, yes. None of us have nipples.”

“This is very unusual. Who are you?”, asked the doctor.

She replied, “We are a very small Indian tribe of 500 people. Haven’t you heard about us? We are the Indian-Nippless 500!”

Kirstie May 28, 2013 at 10:15 am

let ’em go naked, all you will see is two nipples. Bikinis for fat people turned into a debate about health and diabetes. We are taking ourselves wayyyy too seriously this morning.
Eat a biscuit.

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 12:22 pm


shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 3:29 pm

A lovely 20 year old girl needed to see a doctor for the first time. After the examination, the puzzled doctor commented, “Are you aware that you have no nipples?”

She replied, “Oh, yes. None of us have nipples.”

“This is very unusual. Who are you?”, asked the doctor.

She replied, “We are a very small Indian tribe of 500 people. Haven’t you heard about us? We are the Indian-Nippless 500!”

Bubbas Brother May 28, 2013 at 10:57 am

Why isn’t that picture with the United States of Fat story?

The Colonel (R) May 28, 2013 at 10:57 am

Why isn’t that picture with the United States of Fat story?

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 12:36 pm

This young lady is at about the upper limit of what I like to see, but it looks pretty damn good. Soft, curvy. I likey mikey. It’s a hellofa lot better than





More Plastic




And BB’s on the bread board


As to all the people here posting about health and diabetes and all that other crap, well I got a gut. I’m big. 6’2 and pushing 225+. Nearly 50 years old and get checkups every 8 weeks from the company nurse because of it. BP is always below 120/80. Heart rate near 70 bpm. Up yours.

Everyone here knows that all of you look like Arnold or Jillian. That’s ok. You enjoy your cardboard folks. Have Fun.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Damn, Frank, do you save these on your desktop? And you suckered me in to look at that last one who, rarely for me, I would pass on.

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Of course my comments exclude you Shifty. I’m out. Have a Great Day!!

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 12:36 pm

This young lady is at about the upper limit of what I like to see, but it looks pretty damn good. Soft, curvy. I likey mikey. It’s a hellofa lot better than





More Plastic




And BB’s on the bread board


As to all the people here posting about health and diabetes and all that other crap, well I got a gut. I’m big. 6’2 and pushing 225+. Nearly 50 years old and get checkups every 8 weeks from the company nurse because of it. BP is always below 120/80. Heart rate near 70 bpm. Up yours.

Everyone here knows that all of you look like Arnold or Jillian. That’s ok. You enjoy your cardboard folks. Have Fun.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:28 pm

Damn, Frank, do you save these on your desktop? And you suckered me in to look at that last one who, rarely for me, I would pass on.

Frank Pytel May 28, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Of course my comments exclude you Shifty. I’m out. Have a Great Day!!

kelsey May 28, 2013 at 12:37 pm

I think that as long as you are just big-boned, or are naturally a bigger person, celebrate yourself. If you are obese because you are neglecting your health, eating fast food 3 times a day, and guzzle down sodas in front of the television screen, then you should get healthy. America is the number one country as far as obesity goes. Celebrate and LOVE yourself, but this should be done with nourishment from foods, exercising to strengthen your body and taking good care of yourself. If you are naturally curvy, just had a baby, etc. this “fatkini” is an empowering and amazing idea. Healthy and happy before starving and skinny.
: )

kelsey May 28, 2013 at 12:37 pm

I think that as long as you are just big-boned, or are naturally a bigger person, celebrate yourself. If you are obese because you are neglecting your health, eating fast food 3 times a day, and guzzle down sodas in front of the television screen, then you should get healthy. America is the number one country as far as obesity goes. Celebrate and LOVE yourself, but this should be done with nourishment from foods, exercising to strengthen your body and taking good care of yourself. If you are naturally curvy, just had a baby, etc. this “fatkini” is an empowering and amazing idea. Healthy and happy before starving and skinny.
: )

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Google this beast’s name “Gabi Gregg” and then tell me if you still think she’s beautiful. If she were in her late 30s, had given birth to three children and was still working off the baby weight I would give her a pass but this young woman is in her mid-20s. She will only get fatter and saggier as time goes by. This is as good as it gets for her.

Yelsewh May 28, 2013 at 1:37 pm

Google this beast’s name “Gabi Gregg” and then tell me if you still think she’s beautiful. If she were in her late 30s, had given birth to three children and was still working off the baby weight I would give her a pass but this young woman is in her mid-20s. She will only get fatter and saggier as time goes by. This is as good as it gets for her.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:46 pm

I just knew that I shouldn’t have posted here today. Now I’m getting ads for—
Love Again – Date Older Women
Lose 1″ of Belly Fat
Ever Been Arrested?

Polyphemos May 28, 2013 at 4:07 pm

This is why you should have an IP blocker.

As for me, I laughed at the first few people warning about diabetes and such, but after a while I started clucking at the ignorance of so many people – and then it hit me: This is what the MSM has taught them, that FAT = DIABETES.

Well, it ain’t necessarily so, folks.

In fact, there is an entire group of researchers who are looking at the possibility that it’s the other way ’round. As it happens, I’m living proof, and am one of the reasons why there is new research being done (along with a few hundred thousand others). I got type II when I weighed 155 and ran 3 miles a day.

The short version is this: it may be (MAY BE) that some of us got type II diabetes FIRST, and then we got fat. There’s more evidence, but the research is out there and can be found with a little time. Again, there is more than one type of type II.

Hope I didn’t bore you shifty. I admire and enjoy your posts.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Thanks, and the ads are HERE on FITS .. for about a week (last month) BigT was ragging me and I snapped back – that’s when every morning there was the ad banner:: 3 PEOPLE UNFRIENDED YOU— thought it was BigT’s family

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 2:46 pm

I just knew that I shouldn’t have posted here today. Now I’m getting ads for—

Love Again – Date Older Women
Lose 1″ of Belly Fat
Ever Been Arrested?

Slartibartfast May 28, 2013 at 4:07 pm

This is why you should have an IP blocker.

As for me, I laughed at the first few people warning about diabetes and such, but after a while I started clucking at the ignorance of so many people – and then it hit me: This is what the MSM has taught them, that FAT = DIABETES.

Well, it ain’t necessarily so, folks.

In fact, there is an entire group of researchers who are looking at the possibility that it’s the other way ’round. As it happens, I’m living proof, and am one of the reasons why there is new research being done (along with a few hundred thousand others). I got type II when I weighed 155 and ran 3 miles a day.

The short version is this: it may be (MAY BE) that some of us got type II diabetes FIRST, and then we got fat. There’s more evidence, but the research is out there and can be found with a little time. Again, there is more than one type of type II.

Hope I didn’t bore you, Shifty. I admire and enjoy your posts.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Thanks, and the ads are HERE on FITS .. for about a week (last month) BigT was ragging me and I snapped back – that’s when every morning there was the ad banner:: 3 PEOPLE UNFRIENDED YOU— thought it was BigT’s family

Boz Martin May 28, 2013 at 7:05 pm

That girl is gorgeous and curvy. No doubt she carries the weight very well, and would look pretty good naked. I would take her over the toothpick Anne Coulter types any day of the week and twice on Sunday. STILL – and I say this as a fat man who was once 340 and has now resumed losing weight after being stuck at around 275 for the last 5 years – it is NOT HEALTHY to be that overweight. Nor is it healthy to be a toothpick. Fuck the memes, them’s just the facts.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Most women have something of beauty that makes them attractive and desirable to someone. I look at proportion, personality, and attitude for plus-size (gotta use this term now) gals. This style of bikini actually looks good on her.

dwb619 May 28, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Hell, I would probably take Micheal Jackson over Ann ‘Trash Mouth” Coulter!

Boz Martin May 28, 2013 at 7:05 pm

That girl is gorgeous and curvy. No doubt she carries the weight very well, and would look pretty good naked. I would take her over the toothpick Anne Coulter types any day of the week and twice on Sunday. STILL – and I say this as a fat man who was once 340 and has now resumed losing weight after being stuck at around 275 for the last 5 years – it is NOT HEALTHY to be that overweight. Nor is it healthy to be a toothpick. Fuck the memes, them’s just the facts.

shifty henry May 28, 2013 at 9:02 pm

Most women have something of beauty that makes them attractive and desirable to someone. I look at proportion, personality, and attitude for plus-size (gotta use this term now) gals. This style of bikini actually looks good on her.

dwb619 May 28, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Hell, I would probably take Micheal Jackson over Ann ‘Trash Mouth” Coulter!


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