Boeing Unveils “Phase Two” In SC

Now we know what that second round of taxpayer-funded incentives is for … A month after announcing 1,200 layoffs, aircraft manufacturer Boeing now says it will create 2,000 new jobs with a $1 billion capital investment over the next eight years. The announcement – made by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley –…

Now we know what that second round of taxpayer-funded incentives is for …

A month after announcing 1,200 layoffs, aircraft manufacturer Boeing now says it will create 2,000 new jobs with a $1 billion capital investment over the next eight years.

The announcement – made by S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley – centers around an information technology “center of excellence” which will employ an estimated 1,000 people. The other 1,000 workers are engineers and assembly workers for the company’s next generation 787 Dreamliner aircraft, according to The (Charleston, S.C.) Post and Courier.

Wait … a “center of excellence?” That sounds a lot like one of our state’s lottery-funded higher ed boondoggles.

Boeing – which has already received an estimated $900 million in taxpayer-funded incentives – will receive at least $120 million in additional incentives associated with this project.

The announcement comes days after Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner appeared to successfully clear a major hurdle in its bid to return to the skies. The much-maligned passenger jet – which was already more than three years behind schedule – was grounded in January due to problems with its lithium ion batteries.


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Sam April 9, 2013 at 9:17 am

This is the modern way of corporate profit: farming incentives. Haley and South Carolina taxpayers play well.

Fleet April 9, 2013 at 9:48 am

Boeing learned from BMW.

Sam April 9, 2013 at 9:17 am

This is the modern way of corporate profit: farming incentives. Haley and South Carolina taxpayers play well.

Fleet April 9, 2013 at 9:48 am

Boeing learned from BMW.

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:29 am

“……1,000 workers……engineers and assembly workers for the company’s next generation Dreamliner aircraft”

I truly appreciate optimism.

I have seen drunks step out of a perfectly good boat proclaiming they could walk on water. I have seen a bubble butt Governor turn out to be a bubble head.

Boeing has already built one “retarded generation plane” that nobody will purchase. If Airlines did buy the retarded plane, it would not be cost effective for them to operate given the fact that they would have to issue goddamn fire suits and parachutes to every fucking passenger

Jlowb is an idiot April 9, 2013 at 3:27 pm

If this guy is anything, he is consistent. Offensive and stupid. To quote loosely the late great Dean Werner, it’s no way to go through life.

Major Cordite April 9, 2013 at 9:09 pm

Jim Lewis is far from stupid. Offensive, yes. Born and bred on that country humor — hell of a fellow. I stopped in last week, for the first time, at Fat Buddies II in Chapin his old hangout. Now there is an interesting crowd that dines there. I can see where OWB fits right in. BTW the crispy fries were far from crispy. Good but soggy. 80% folks drinking beer and munching on wings. Ya’ll come back ye hear…

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:37 pm

Bite Me

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Post that uses profanity every other word, shows a clear lack of education and distracts from the message being presented.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 1:17 pm

“Post…profanity…every other word” you say

Don’t know where you learned math but every other out of 10 is 5

The post has 82 “words”, 2 of which can legitimately be labeled profanity. So much for your post kindergarten education

As for you being distracted by my use of goddamn and fucking please accept my sincere goddamn fucking apology

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Not distracted, just a shame your vocabulary is limited to a 7th grade level.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 3:38 pm

Looks like I got you beat by 7 grades

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:29 am

“……1,000 workers……engineers and assembly workers for the company’s next generation Dreamliner aircraft”

I truly appreciate optimism.

I have seen drunks step out of a perfectly good boat proclaiming they could walk on water. I have seen a bubble butt Governor turn out to be a bubble head.

Boeing has already built one “retarded generation plane” that nobody will purchase. If Airlines did buy the retarded plane, it would not be cost effective for them to operate given the fact that they would have to issue goddamn fire suits and parachutes to every fucking passenger

Jlowb is an idiot April 9, 2013 at 3:27 pm

If this guy is anything, he is consistent. Offensive and stupid. To quote loosely the late great Dean Werner, it’s no way to go through life.

Major Cordite April 9, 2013 at 9:09 pm

Jim Lewis is far from stupid. Offensive, yes. Born and bred on that country humor — hell of a fellow. I stopped in last week, for the first time, at Fat Buddies II in Chapin his old hangout. Now there is an interesting crowd that dines there. I can see where OWB fits right in. BTW the crispy fries were far from crispy. Good but soggy. 80% folks drinking beer and munching on wings. Ya’ll come back ye hear…

jimlewisowb April 9, 2013 at 9:37 pm

Bite Me

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Post that uses profanity every other word, shows a clear lack of education and distracts from the message being presented.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 1:17 pm

“Post…profanity…every other word” you say

Don’t know where you learned math but every other out of 10 is 5

The post has 82 “words”, 2 of which can legitimately be labeled profanity. So much for your post kindergarten education

As for you being distracted by my use of goddamn and fucking please accept my sincere goddamn fucking apology

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 3:17 pm

Not distracted, just a shame your vocabulary is limited to a 7th grade level.

jimlewisowb April 10, 2013 at 3:38 pm

Looks like I got you beat by 7 grades

southmauldin April 9, 2013 at 9:34 am

Nothing ‘centers around’, Will. It ‘centers on’. Sorry to be a wordsmith, but I hate when columnists make this mistake.

Major Cordite April 9, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Such a prig. How about this Mays Park Professor: “The planets of our solar system are centered around the sun.” One more: “His arguments are centered around the hypothesis that every dog has his day.”

“Centers around” is a recognized idiom and is often objected to as illogical by folks like you. However, the logic on which the objections are based is irrelevant, since “centers around” is an idiom and idioms have their own logic. The English language is complex and rich and often doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to boil it down to right and wrong from something you remembered in high school English. You readin’ too many HUD statements?

southmauldin April 9, 2013 at 9:34 am

Nothing ‘centers around’, Will. It ‘centers on’. Sorry to be a wordsmith, but I hate when columnists make this mistake.

Major Cordite April 9, 2013 at 9:28 pm

Such a prig. How about this Mays Park Professor: “The planets of our solar system are centered around the sun.” One more: “His arguments are centered around the hypothesis that every dog has his day.”

“Centers around” is a recognized idiom and is often objected to as illogical by folks like you. However, the logic on which the objections are based is irrelevant, since “centers around” is an idiom and idioms have their own logic. The English language is complex and rich and often doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to boil it down to right and wrong from something you remembered in high school English. You readin’ too many HUD statements?

BigT April 9, 2013 at 1:06 pm

LMAO at FITS: Haley is bringing in jobs and investment to SC despite a HORRIBLE Obama Depression…Republican governors, all over the US, are persevering (making the best) even though Obama has proven clueless and care-less (except for himself)….

Face it FITS: You look like a MAJOR Dumb@$$ attacking a MAJOR, expanding job-provider…just because Haley is KICKING your @$$….Give it up, you idiot. You’re embarrassing yourself and Sanford…

BIG T The Fool April 9, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Hey, you stupid dick bump twit … Jobs in SC (what little there actually are), are mostly going to people from OUTSIDE the state who are moving here to take them.
Sheeshus, what an idiot!!!!

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 12:02 pm

The OP point is valid. Even if you brought in all 2000 people from other states, you are adding 200 million a year just in additional salary. That influx of money will increase the States Taxes generated. It will also create more jobs in construction and service industry. This doesn’t even include the additional jobs that will be created with Boeing’s BILLION $ investment

By the way, what the heck is a Sheeshus?

BigT April 9, 2013 at 1:06 pm

LMAO at FITS: Haley is bringing in jobs and investment to SC despite a HORRIBLE Obama Depression…Republican governors, all over the US, are persevering (making the best) even though Obama has proven clueless and care-less (except for himself)….

Face it FITS: You look like a MAJOR Dumb@$$ attacking a MAJOR, expanding job-provider…just because Haley is KICKING your @$$….Give it up, you idiot. You’re embarrassing yourself and Sanford…

BIG T The Fool April 9, 2013 at 7:58 pm

Hey, you stupid dick bump twit … Jobs in SC (what little there actually are), are mostly going to people from OUTSIDE the state who are moving here to take them.
Sheeshus, what an idiot!!!!

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 12:02 pm

The OP point is valid. Even if you brought in all 2000 people from other states, you are adding 200 million a year just in additional salary. That influx of money will increase the States Taxes generated. It will also create more jobs in construction and service industry. This doesn’t even include the additional jobs that will be created with Boeing’s BILLION $ investment

By the way, what the heck is a Sheeshus?

lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Jobs by 2020. Hope all the 14 year olds are reading this good news.

Lowcorider April 9, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Jobs by 2020. Hope all the 14 year olds are reading this good news.

Southern Nationalist April 9, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Sounds like crony capitalism to me. Why is Boeing favoured over small, home-grown businesses?

Southern Nationalist April 9, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Sounds like crony capitalism to me. Why is Boeing favoured over small, home-grown businesses?

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 11:56 am

Again I love the slant you always put on this.

First off the layoffs were expected and only impacted contract workers brought to help with the initial ramp up of the Boeing plant. As a business owner I frequently user Contractors to help me navigate peaks and valleys of work.

The type of job being brought into the state are not ones making minimum wages but developers and engineers making 6 figures. Being conservative, that is $200 million more in salary coming into the state a year. This alone means more tax revenue generated and more jobs created from the inflow of salary driven cash.

That doesn’t even count the additional revenue generated from construction, and non Boeing hires to support this 1 billion dollar investment.

smargolis April 10, 2013 at 11:56 am

Again I love the slant you always put on this.

First off the layoffs were expected and only impacted contract workers brought to help with the initial ramp up of the Boeing plant. As a business owner I frequently user Contractors to help me navigate peaks and valleys of work.

The type of job being brought into the state are not ones making minimum wages but developers and engineers making 6 figures. Being conservative, that is $200 million more in salary coming into the state a year. This alone means more tax revenue generated and more jobs created from the inflow of salary driven cash.

That doesn’t even count the additional revenue generated from construction, and non Boeing hires to support this 1 billion dollar investment.

Tank April 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

So, it will create 2000 new jobs, and fire how many after the first year, just like the first time around?

Why are we giving money to these jokers for their failed plans???

Tank April 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm

So, it will create 2000 new jobs, and fire how many after the first year, just like the first time around?

Why are we giving money to these jokers for their failed plans???


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