Mark Sanford’s Comeback Is On

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford cruised into the Republican runoff for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district this week – easily outdistancing a crowded GOP field in completing the first step of his comeback bid. Two more races now await him … With 100 percent of precincts reporting in the…

Former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford cruised into the Republican runoff for the Palmetto State’s first congressional district this week – easily outdistancing a crowded GOP field in completing the first step of his comeback bid.

Two more races now await him …

With 100 percent of precincts reporting in the South Carolina Lowcountry, Sanford scored 37 percent of the primary vote in this low-turnout race – better than most pundits expected. Even more encouraging for the former governor, Sanford drew the opponent he wanted in the April 2 runoff – fiscally liberal former Charleston County councilman Curtis Bostic.

If no candidate receives 50 percent of the vote in a South Carolina primary race, the top two finishers face off in a runoff election two weeks later.

Bostic – who doesn’t even live in the first district – narrowly edged fiscally conservative S.C. Sen. Larry Grooms (R-Berkeley) for the second spot in the runoff election, drawing 13 percent of the vote.

Grooms finished with 12 percent – less than 500 votes behind Bostic.

That narrow margin may have saved Sanford’s bacon – as Grooms would have presented the scandal-scarred politician with a much more formidable runoff opponent.

Finishing a disappointing fourth place in the race was Teddy Turner – son of liberal media mogul Ted Turner. Most pre-primary polling had Turner competing for the second runoff spot – much better than the 8 percent he received.

By far the worst performance of the night belonged to S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse (RINO-Charleston), who finished in seventh place with just 6 percent of the vote despite pumping more than $600,000 of his own money into the race.

Ouch … we can’t wait to see the dollar-per-vote breakdown on that investment.


Mark Sanford – 19,182 – 37 percent (X- runoff)
Curtis Bostic – 7,149 – 13 percent (X- runoff)
Larry Grooms – 6,656 – 12 percent
Teddy Turner – 4,235 – 8 percent
Andy Patrick – 3,776 – 7 percent
John Kuhn – 3,471 – 6 percent
Chip Limehouse – 3,269 – 6 percent
Ray Nash – 2,504 – 5 percent
Peter McCoy – 865 – 2 percent
Elizabeth Moffly – 529 – 1 percent
Tim Larkin – 390 – 1 percent
Jonathan Hoffman – 358 – 1 percent
Jeff King – 211 – 0 percent
Keith Blandford – 192 – 0 percent
Shawn Pinkston – 154 – 0 percent
Ric Bryant – 86 – 0 percent


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Sailor March 19, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Quick! Get the paddles! I think Big T(urd) is going into cardiac arrest!!

PanT March 19, 2013 at 11:16 pm

Oh, Godamn yes! This place is so fucked!

BigT March 20, 2013 at 7:59 am

Nothing to see here: FITS told us Sanford would get in the 30s last week. We just need to hope he topped out at 37 or so…

Sailor March 19, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Quick! Get the paddles! I think Big T(urd) is going into cardiac arrest!!

PanT March 19, 2013 at 11:16 pm

Oh, Godamn yes! This place is so fucked!

BigT March 20, 2013 at 7:59 am

Nothing to see here: FITS told us Sanford would get in the 30s last week. We just need to hope he topped out at 37 or so…

? March 19, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Anyone ready for sortition yet?

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:13 am

I’m cynical enough in our state politicians to believe they’d rig that too.

? March 19, 2013 at 10:58 pm

Anyone ready for sortition yet?

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:13 am

I’m cynical enough in our state politicians to believe they’d rig that too.

lowcorider March 19, 2013 at 11:02 pm

1st sermon on his return to C Street will be on the 7 Commandments.

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:16 am

We should pass legislation to make the state sin adultery. Might as well considering the number of extremely successful politicians with either questionable or a proven lack of faithfulness in marriage.

WTF March 20, 2013 at 12:01 pm

With Sanford chasing strange in North and South America, while keeping maria on the hook,
Peeler bringing more human feces into the state, while chasing every skirt with brother Harvey in the upstate and living bankrupt (morally and financially) off Donna,
Eckstrom makng a fool of himself and chasiing Kelly and being derelict in his job responsibilities endangering the State’s credit and crdibility,
Haley spreading for every one night stand between the Atlantic, Pacific, Mxico and Canada,
Smirks is right, ADULTERY for the State sin and incompetence for the state job responsibility and South Carolina voters ability to cast a worthwhile vote.

Ansley March 20, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Adultery is a sin that is not on point. Our unmarried but queer state politicians don’t commit adultery: Glenn McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Andre Bauer. We need a broader definition of SC state sin sex.

Lowcorider March 19, 2013 at 11:02 pm

1st sermon on his return to C Street will be on the 7 Commandments.

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:16 am

We should pass legislation to make the state sin adultery. Might as well considering the number of extremely successful politicians with either questionable or a proven lack of faithfulness in marriage.

WTF March 20, 2013 at 12:01 pm

With Sanford chasing strange in North and South America, while keeping maria on the hook,
Peeler bringing more human feces into the state, while chasing every skirt with brother Harvey in the upstate and living bankrupt (morally and financially) off Donna,
Eckstrom makng a fool of himself and chasiing Kelly and being derelict in his job responsibilities endangering the State’s credit and crdibility,
Haley spreading for every one night stand between the Atlantic, Pacific, Mxico and Canada,
Smirks is right, ADULTERY for the State sin and incompetence for the state job responsibility and South Carolina voters ability to cast a worthwhile vote.

Ansley March 20, 2013 at 2:12 pm

Adultery is a sin that is not on point. Our unmarried but queer state politicians don’t commit adultery: Glenn McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Andre Bauer. We need a broader definition of SC state sin sex.

SparkleCity March 19, 2013 at 11:32 pm

Fuck that military duty shirking SOB

Do you really want that SOB deciding who goes off to war when he cut and ran the other way when duty called???

Anybody who voted for him voted for a self-centered shirking SOB who will abandon you when something better comes along.

That shirking SOB has no concept of duty before self.

Never has,never will…………

And on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq at that………

Hope you’re happy pulling drill in your “Homeland Security” billet you self-centered shirking slime………..

Maybe you will think of all the ones who went (especially the reservists & guardsmen/women who left their families and civilian careers behind; your fucking gig was no more important than theirs but not in your shirking mind) and ESPECIALLY the ones who either did not come home alive or hurt for life……..while you dithered away your obligation by shifting from one unit to another making sure you were in a non-deployable status. The vast majority of your reserve Air Force unit deployed while you flittered from one assignment to another – ain’t that right?????

Let’s see about some of the things you have said in the past concerning “service to your country”

“Now that I’m governor, my deployment status is in question (You backtracked on that a day or two later didn’t you???)

“I joined the military to set an example for my sons”

Some fucking example you set!!!

I’ll post more later when I gain my composure………..

dsmith March 20, 2013 at 7:22 am

Were you talking about GW Bush or Sanford?

When you talk about who sends our troops off to war, what’s up with Lindsey Graham supporting the bombing of Iran? Even the damn Israelis, other than warlord Netanyahu, and our own CIA confirm Iran is not building a nuclear bomb. This is the same song second verse of the fiasco known as the Iraq war where we were told if we didn’t invade Iraq we could wake up to a “Mushroom cloud.”

I’m sick of the Israeli lobby, the arms industry and oil companies paying our politicians to send our young men off to die for their deranged self interest.

BigT March 20, 2013 at 7:56 am

and Proudly No,dsmith, Bush Totally Fulfilled his obligation…remember Dan Rather shamed himself trying to lie about it…

It was Clinton who was a GD Coward, and also LET Bin Laden go, when he could have caught him AFTER the WTC was Bombed the first time, you worthless piece of Dirtbag Trash…Clinton and Obama HATE the military, and it’s obvious…

dsmith March 20, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Just for the record, it was the still unconvicted war criminal GW Bush who lacidasically referred to Bin Laden as “A person I never think about.”
To say the least that was a slap in the face to every american, especially those New Yorkers whose loved ones jumped from the infernos.
Clinton would not follow his military advisers, who were promting him to put boots on the ground in the Bosnia. Obama pulled troops out of Iraq and now making plans to leave that god forsaken drug infested goat farm known as Afghanistan, where soldiers, young and old, are being needlessly killed for no reason.

Split hairs March 20, 2013 at 12:31 pm

I think that was more in the line of Bush,Sr. mispronouncing Saddam Hussein name: disrespect.

SparkleCity March 20, 2013 at 8:10 am


That shirking shit Sanford that’s who

One little thing……..

That old chesnut “sending our young men off to die” is played. These days, the DOD calls up the reserves & Guard on a minute’s notice. As I write this there are literally grandparents in the reserves/Guard serving in harm’s way in Afghanistan and a shitload were in Iraq. Some never came home alive.

I understand someone opposing foreign intervention but if you do have that passion, please remember that these days it is NOT just the young men and women that go it’s 40 – 50+ year old men & women as well. I spent my 52nd birthday in Iraq in 2005/

One thing for sure is my money is on that shirking SOB Sanford NEVER getting on the plane to go overseas that’s for sure…….

hoss March 20, 2013 at 9:50 am

I see the media and wire services are covering up how many VOTES ECB received last night. They just keep reporting the 96%. Repubs cast over 53,000 VOTES. Anybody know how many ECB received. I bet less than 20,000. She don’t stand a chance.

Neocon Artist March 20, 2013 at 10:09 am

Unless the other Republicans would rather have Sanford, she’ll not do well with SC1 retards.

hoss March 20, 2013 at 11:36 am

How many votes did ECB receive last night? Why are the Democratic Party Primary vote totals apparently being hidden? Cause they will show she does not stand a chance in SC1?

Neocon Artist March 20, 2013 at 12:14 pm

Yo Hoss! I get it! Redneck Christians are Republican down in them parts and their party membership is a lot higher than Dems. I was agreeing with you, although I would pick ECB if it was my district.

hoss March 20, 2013 at 11:48 am

Shawn Drury?@SCPatchPolitics4h

The challenge facing Colbert Busch in #SC1? @MarkSanford received more votes BY HIMSELF than were cast in the entire Dem Primary.

Hilarious.What I thought.This lady don’t stand a chance.

SparkleCity March 19, 2013 at 11:32 pm

Fuck that military duty shirking SOB

Do you really want that SOB deciding who goes off to war when he cut and ran the other way when duty called???

Anybody who voted for him voted for a self-centered shirking SOB who will abandon you when something better comes along.

That shirking SOB has no concept of duty before self.

Never has,never will…………

And on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq at that………

Hope you’re happy pulling drill in your “Homeland Security” billet you self-centered shirking slime………..

Maybe you will think of all the ones who went (especially the reservists & guardsmen/women who left their families and civilian careers behind; your fucking gig was no more important than theirs but not in your shirking mind) and ESPECIALLY the ones who either did not come home alive or hurt for life……..while you dithered away your obligation by shifting from one unit to another making sure you were in a non-deployable status. The vast majority of your reserve Air Force unit deployed while you flittered from one assignment to another – ain’t that right?????

Let’s see about some of the things you have said in the past concerning “service to your country”

“Now that I’m governor, my deployment status is in question (You backtracked on that a day or two later didn’t you???)

“I joined the military to set an example for my sons”

Some fucking example you set!!!

I’ll post more later when I gain my composure………..

dsmith March 20, 2013 at 7:22 am

Were you talking about GW Bush or Sanford?

When you talk about who sends our troops off to war, what’s up with Lindsey Graham supporting the bombing of Iran? Even the damn Israelis, other than warlord Netanyahu, and our own CIA confirm Iran is not building a nuclear bomb. This is the same song second verse of the fiasco known as the Iraq war where we were told if we didn’t invade Iraq we could wake up to a “Mushroom cloud.”

I’m sick of the Israeli lobby, the arms industry and oil companies paying our politicians to send our young men off to die for their deranged self interest.

BigT March 20, 2013 at 7:56 am

and Proudly No,dsmith, Bush Totally Fulfilled his obligation…remember Dan Rather shamed himself trying to lie about it…

It was Clinton who was a GD Coward, and also LET Bin Laden go, when he could have caught him AFTER the WTC was Bombed the first time, you worthless piece of Dirtbag Trash…Clinton and Obama HATE the military, and it’s obvious…

dsmith March 20, 2013 at 12:13 pm

Just for the record, it was the still unconvicted war criminal GW Bush who lacidasically referred to Bin Laden as “A person I never think about.”
To say the least that was a slap in the face to every american, especially those New Yorkers whose loved ones jumped from the infernos.
Clinton would not follow his military advisers, who were promting him to put boots on the ground in the Bosnia. Obama pulled troops out of Iraq and now making plans to leave that god forsaken drug infested goat farm known as Afghanistan, where soldiers, young and old, are being needlessly killed for no reason.

Split hairs March 20, 2013 at 12:31 pm

I think that was more in the line of Bush,Sr. mispronouncing Saddam Hussein name: disrespect.

SparkleCity March 20, 2013 at 8:10 am


That shirking shit Sanford that’s who

One little thing……..

That old chesnut “sending our young men off to die” is played. These days, the DOD calls up the reserves & Guard on a minute’s notice. As I write this there are literally grandparents in the reserves/Guard serving in harm’s way in Afghanistan and a shitload were in Iraq. Some never came home alive.

I understand someone opposing foreign intervention but if you do have that passion, please remember that these days it is NOT just the young men and women that go it’s 40 – 50+ year old men & women as well. I spent my 52nd birthday in Iraq in 2005/

One thing for sure is my money is on that shirking SOB Sanford NEVER getting on the plane to go overseas that’s for sure…….

hoss March 20, 2013 at 9:50 am

I see the media and wire services are covering up how many VOTES ECB received last night. They just keep reporting the 96%. Repubs cast over 53,000 VOTES. Anybody know how many ECB received. I bet less than 20,000. She don’t stand a chance.

Neocon Artist March 20, 2013 at 10:09 am

Unless the other Republicans would rather have Sanford, she’ll not do well with SC1 retards.

hoss March 20, 2013 at 11:36 am

How many votes did ECB receive last night? Why are the Democratic Party Primary vote totals apparently being hidden? Cause they will show she does not stand a chance in SC1?

Neocon Artist March 20, 2013 at 12:14 pm

Yo Hoss! I get it! Redneck Christians are Republican down in them parts and their party membership is a lot higher than Dems. I was agreeing with you, although I would pick ECB if it was my district.

hoss March 20, 2013 at 11:48 am

Shawn Drury?@SCPatchPolitics4h

The challenge facing Colbert Busch in #SC1? @MarkSanford received more votes BY HIMSELF than were cast in the entire Dem Primary.

Hilarious.What I thought.This lady don’t stand a chance.

TJ March 19, 2013 at 11:36 pm

Teddy Turner turned out quite the flop. Why he would bring a kid (Michael Smith) in as campaign manager who one person after another in Charleston badmouths and who has been fired of every job he’s ever had is beyond me. Mallory Factor will tell you all you need to know about Michael Smith.

TJ March 19, 2013 at 11:36 pm

Teddy Turner turned out quite the flop. Why he would bring a kid (Michael Smith) in as campaign manager who one person after another in Charleston badmouths and who has been fired of every job he’s ever had is beyond me. Mallory Factor will tell you all you need to know about Michael Smith.

Dirk Diggler March 19, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to hike the trail I go … so glad to see that the last straw that made me a complete and utter cynic of the entire political system is on his way to a Glorious 4th Term

Dirk Diggler March 19, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to hike the trail I go … so glad to see that the last straw that made me a complete and utter cynic of the entire political system is on his way to a Glorious 4th Term

jimlewisowb March 19, 2013 at 11:40 pm

Didn’t think of this earlier but beginning to believe that Sanford is Charleston’s reincarnation of Rhett Butler

Ms. Busch doesn’t stand a chance unless she can out drama Rhett

She needs to do something off the wall like a live telecast of her and McConnell skinny dipping in the Hunley tank

If not, she will be DOA on election day

hoss March 19, 2013 at 11:51 pm

lol!! I see the OWS inspired communications team @ Stephen/Elizabeth Colbert Busch headquarters have already apparently labled Sanford as ‘disgraced’.Classless. That after whining all day about VOTER FRAUD despite getting 96% of the vote.
Check out that group picture on Facebook of nags and socialists standing behind her @ the victory gig tonight. You ready for that SC1? I doubt it.

nomoonglo March 20, 2013 at 8:57 am

Hell yes…..if the other choice is Sanford.

jimlewisowb March 19, 2013 at 11:40 pm

Didn’t think of this earlier but beginning to believe that Sanford is Charleston’s reincarnation of Rhett Butler

Ms. Busch doesn’t stand a chance unless she can out drama Rhett

She needs to do something off the wall like a live telecast of her and McConnell skinny dipping in the Hunley tank

If not, she will be DOA on election day

hoss March 19, 2013 at 11:51 pm

lol!! I see the OWS inspired communications team @ Stephen/Elizabeth Colbert Busch headquarters have already apparently labled Sanford as ‘disgraced’.Classless. That after whining all day about VOTER FRAUD despite getting 96% of the vote.
Check out that group picture on Facebook of nags and socialists standing behind her @ the victory gig tonight. You ready for that SC1? I doubt it.

nomoonglo March 20, 2013 at 8:57 am

Hell yes…..if the other choice is Sanford.

JTAX PAYER March 19, 2013 at 11:55 pm


JTAX PAYER March 19, 2013 at 11:55 pm


hoss March 20, 2013 at 12:27 am

I see that over 50,000 voted in repub primary. How many in dem primary? I notice the media will not report that.

shifty henry March 20, 2013 at 9:56 am

Wasn’t this an open primary? If so, then they don’t know – or want to know?

hoss March 20, 2013 at 12:27 am

I see that over 50,000 voted in repub primary. How many in dem primary? I notice the media will not report that.

shifty henry March 20, 2013 at 9:56 am

Wasn’t this an open primary? If so, then they don’t know – or want to know?

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski March 20, 2013 at 12:50 am

Tips for Sanford.

1. Bostic’s church doesn’t have any darkie members. Not one. Sanford should have lots of pictures carousing with darkies and pretend he has noblesse oblige.

2. Bostic’s a creationist. Sanford should emphasize that he believes in the Big Bang Theory (even the Pope acknowledged that in 1972), Charles Darwin, and evolution.

3. Bostic’s Christian-based “orphanage charity’s” largest expense was to the Bostic Law Firm. The charity later filed bankruptcy. This is why FITS ran the “Where’s Waldo?” spoof on Tuesday: Bostic doesn’t want to talk about that.

4. Bostic is opposed to medical research involving stem cell research — a field destined to solve some of the world’s worst diseases. “Stem cells are God’s creatures, living beings” says Bostic. He’s nuts. Some stem cells used in human research now come from different species (sheep, for instance).

5. Bostic is adamantly opposed to “a woman’s right to choose” — i.e., birth control, morning after pills (which do not induce abortions but rather prevent the egg from attaching to the uterus), sex before marriage, and divorce. District One voters are conservative, but they aren’t crazy. Bostic is an extremist, and anything taken to extremes (food, wine, golf, travel, card games, television, the internet, dog grooming, etc.) is bad. Bostic is bad.

6. Bostic went to a goofy bible college and an unknown law school. Sanford got an MBA from the Darden School at UVA — one of the top in the country. Sanford should emphasize that he has managed a state ($25 billion in annual expenses, 60,000 employees) as governor and was compelled to balance the budget every year. Bostic was one of nine county council members — part-time jobs — who relied on professional managers to run things ($250 million in annual expenses, 2,500 employees). And Bostic got his ass whipped by Vic Rawl, a democrat (how’d THAT happen?).

7. Everyone hates lawyers. Sanford’s a farmer (or realtor, or something like that). Bostic is an ambulance-chasing plaintiff lawyer.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski (Krusty’s dad)

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski March 20, 2013 at 12:50 am

Tips for Sanford.

1. Bostic’s church doesn’t have any darkie members. Not one. Sanford should have lots of pictures carousing with darkies and pretend he has noblesse oblige.

2. Bostic’s a creationist. Sanford should emphasize that he believes in the Big Bang Theory (even the Pope acknowledged that in 1972), Charles Darwin, and evolution.

3. Bostic’s Christian-based “orphanage charity’s” largest expense was to the Bostic Law Firm. The charity later filed bankruptcy. This is why FITS ran the “Where’s Waldo?” spoof on Tuesday: Bostic doesn’t want to talk about that.

4. Bostic is opposed to medical research involving stem cell research — a field destined to solve some of the world’s worst diseases. “Stem cells are God’s creatures, living beings” says Bostic. He’s nuts. Some stem cells used in human research now come from different species (sheep, for instance).

5. Bostic is adamantly opposed to “a woman’s right to choose” — i.e., birth control, morning after pills (which do not induce abortions but rather prevent the egg from attaching to the uterus), sex before marriage, and divorce. District One voters are conservative, but they aren’t crazy. Bostic is an extremist, and anything taken to extremes (food, wine, golf, travel, card games, television, the internet, dog grooming, etc.) is bad. Bostic is bad.

6. Bostic went to a goofy bible college and an unknown law school. Sanford got an MBA from the Darden School at UVA — one of the top in the country. Sanford should emphasize that he has managed a state ($25 billion in annual expenses, 60,000 employees) as governor and was compelled to balance the budget every year. Bostic was one of nine county council members — part-time jobs — who relied on professional managers to run things ($250 million in annual expenses, 2,500 employees). And Bostic got his ass whipped by Vic Rawl, a democrat (how’d THAT happen?).

7. Everyone hates lawyers. Sanford’s a farmer (or realtor, or something like that). Bostic is an ambulance-chasing plaintiff lawyer.

Yours sincerely,

Rabbi Hyman Krustofski (Krusty’s dad)

nobody March 20, 2013 at 12:55 am

May Sanford go back to Washington and reclaim his natural hair part. Man that bugs me.

nobody March 20, 2013 at 12:55 am

May Sanford go back to Washington and reclaim his natural hair part. Man that bugs me.

Dice Man March 20, 2013 at 5:50 am

It doesn’t stop here. If this fuktard prevails he will immediately be announcing candidacy for Senate.

Repercussions March 20, 2013 at 9:45 am

You’re right. Some SC insider in the recent NY Mag article thinks he is going to challenge Graham in the primary and then off to a Presidential run he goes?!? Dereliction of Duty, lies, and corruption become just a little blip on the screen.

Dice Man March 20, 2013 at 5:50 am

It doesn’t stop here. If this fuktard prevails he will immediately be announcing candidacy for Senate.

Repercussions March 20, 2013 at 9:45 am

You’re right. Some SC insider in the recent NY Mag article thinks he is going to challenge Graham in the primary and then off to a Presidential run he goes?!? Dereliction of Duty, lies, and corruption become just a little blip on the screen.

BigT March 20, 2013 at 6:29 am

Good ol’ boy insider, establishment politics wins if Sanford eventually wins.

No news here. FITS, more or less, go his bite of the apple last week when they announced poll numbers. Sanford still has a lot of Ground to get in addition to his Plateau…and I’m guesing a lot of democrats crossed over for Sanford. Like FITS, they want to embarrass SC and the GOP…

That said: FITS HATED Tom Rice in SC-7, and Rice defied the insiders and hacks and won…

As a collective, the people of SC MUST pull together abd DEFEAT Mark anford. He is a GIANT step backward…

PS Sanford wanted Grooms. That’s why FITS endorsed him a few days ago. Bostic can beat Sanford…and we ALL have to help that bahppen, if you care about your state and its reputation….

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:18 am

Bostic can beat Sanford…

Bostic:Sanford::Rick Perry:Mitt Romney

BigT March 20, 2013 at 8:34 am

So, Smirks, you are going on record and predicting the democrat will beat Sanford in the General…???

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:34 am

lol, as I wrote above, I’m already figuring Sanford will win the whole thing. :)

Blue March 20, 2013 at 6:43 pm

Beg pardon, but I’m in Charleston and today someone put a “God is good, come to our church” brochure PLUS an “Elect Curtis Bostick” brochure on my screen door.

Bostick is covering the lowcountry quietly, like carbon monoxide — cannot be seen or smelled, but is deadly.

Poka Troll March 20, 2013 at 11:19 am

What are your predictions BigT? Perry’s got this thing??

Farmer's Daughter March 20, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Oh, BigT, when you going down there stumping for that Bostic fool? I would die to see you selling that dream!

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:45 pm

That would be a GOOD ploy, Dem’s stuffin’ the box for Sanfraud. Could work.

BigT March 20, 2013 at 6:29 am

Good ol’ boy insider, establishment politics wins if Sanford eventually wins.

No news here. FITS, more or less, go his bite of the apple last week when they announced poll numbers. Sanford still has a lot of Ground to get in addition to his Plateau…and I’m guesing a lot of democrats crossed over for Sanford. Like FITS, they want to embarrass SC and the GOP…

That said: FITS HATED Tom Rice in SC-7, and Rice defied the insiders and hacks and won…

As a collective, the people of SC MUST pull together abd DEFEAT Mark anford. He is a GIANT step backward…

PS Sanford wanted Grooms. That’s why FITS endorsed him a few days ago. Bostic can beat Sanford…and we ALL have to help that bahppen, if you care about your state and its reputation….

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:18 am

Bostic can beat Sanford…

Bostic:Sanford::Rick Perry:Mitt Romney

BigT March 20, 2013 at 8:34 am

So, Smirks, you are going on record and predicting the democrat will beat Sanford in the General…???

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:34 am

lol, as I wrote above, I’m already figuring Sanford will win the whole thing. :)

Blue March 20, 2013 at 6:43 pm

Beg pardon, but I’m in Charleston and today someone put a “God is good, come to our church” brochure PLUS an “Elect Curtis Bostick” brochure on my screen door.

Bostick is covering the lowcountry quietly, like carbon monoxide — cannot be seen or smelled, but is deadly.

Poka Troll March 20, 2013 at 11:19 am

What are your predictions BigT? Perry’s got this thing??

Farmer's Daughter March 20, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Oh, BigT, when you going down there stumping for that Bostic fool? I would die to see you selling that dream!

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:45 pm

That would be a GOOD ploy, Dem’s stuffin’ the box for Sanfraud. Could work.

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:06 am

Well, we’re boned. Sanford’s gonna win the primary and the dumbshits are going to put him in office. Should’ve known after Gingrich won this state.

The biggest question now is, will Big(o)T stoop to cheering for Sanfraud, or stoop to cheering for a Democrat? Oh lordy!

? March 20, 2013 at 9:17 am

Don’t forget our glorious “democracy” also gave us Ted Vick too! It’s not just the “R”‘s.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:42 pm

The big question is,will Maria be content just sharing Sanfords couch in DC.

Past is prologue March 20, 2013 at 5:02 pm

No way! That’s his career. She’s going to remain independent, doing her journalist thing, keeping the romance alive, keeping him guessing, sending him tantalizing e-mails. Her kids are grown and she has no reason to be a stay at home Mom.

Smirks March 20, 2013 at 8:06 am

Well, we’re boned. Sanford’s gonna win the primary and the dumbshits are going to put him in office. Should’ve known after Gingrich won this state.

The biggest question now is, will Big(o)T stoop to cheering for Sanfraud, or stoop to cheering for a Democrat? Oh lordy!

? March 20, 2013 at 9:17 am

Don’t forget our glorious “democracy” also gave us Ted Vick too! It’s not just the “R”‘s.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:42 pm

The big question is,will Maria be content just sharing Sanfords couch in DC.

Past is prologue March 20, 2013 at 5:02 pm

No way! That’s his career. She’s going to remain independent, doing her journalist thing, keeping the romance alive, keeping him guessing, sending him tantalizing e-mails. Her kids are grown and she has no reason to be a stay at home Mom.

Poon Monger March 20, 2013 at 8:15 am

SC: Suckers!!!

Poon Monger March 20, 2013 at 8:15 am

SC: Suckers!!!

Vanguard16 March 20, 2013 at 9:19 am

There’s some dumbass people in this State!!

surfer, the web, that is March 20, 2013 at 9:46 am

He’s Nikki with a dikki.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:44 pm

VERY good one!

Vanguard16 March 20, 2013 at 9:19 am

There’s some dumbass people in this State!!

surfer, the web, that is March 20, 2013 at 9:46 am

He’s Nikki with a dikki.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:44 pm

VERY good one!

disgusted March 20, 2013 at 9:22 am

what about the 32,000 repubs that voted for someone other than Sanford? he got 19,000 votes.

disgusted March 20, 2013 at 9:22 am

what about the 32,000 repubs that voted for someone other than Sanford? he got 19,000 votes.

Repercussions March 20, 2013 at 9:40 am

People naturally voted in their own self-interest coupled with the devil you know versus the one you don’t. No new taxes and smaller government is always a winning refrain for a fiscal conservative crowd. I’m thinking he could have been a serial killer, but as long as it wasn’t one of their own, and he apologized: he’s in! It will only get easier from here. Now with each succeeding election, he can call upon his prior supporters, and say ” Hey, they like me; what’s wrong with you???” The bar keeps getting set lower and lower. Ugh, MBC is already scheduling visits to the Lincoln Bedroom.

Repercussions March 20, 2013 at 9:40 am

People naturally voted in their own self-interest coupled with the devil you know versus the one you don’t. No new taxes and smaller government is always a winning refrain for a fiscal conservative crowd. I’m thinking he could have been a serial killer, but as long as it wasn’t one of their own, and he apologized: he’s in! It will only get easier from here. Now with each succeeding election, he can call upon his prior supporters, and say ” Hey, they like me; what’s wrong with you???” The bar keeps getting set lower and lower. Ugh, MBC is already scheduling visits to the Lincoln Bedroom.

BigT March 20, 2013 at 10:01 am

Sanford is a Bob Inglis, Lindsey Graham, John McCain Republican. Do you want him to take CONSERVATIVE Tim Scott’s Seat, that was made available w/ the departure of CONSERVATIVE Jim DeMint…???
We’ve tried the moderate-libertarian form of politician way TOO Much…look where it got us.
SC has turned the corner and moved forward. Let’s not go backward. Career politicians, like Sanford, have damaged the Conservative Movement. We cannot afford that, especiaily with the horrible state the country is in…

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:43 pm

And your choice would be?

BigT March 20, 2013 at 10:01 am

Sanford is a Bob Inglis, Lindsey Graham, John McCain Republican. Do you want him to take CONSERVATIVE Tim Scott’s Seat, that was made available w/ the departure of CONSERVATIVE Jim DeMint…???
We’ve tried the moderate-libertarian form of politician way TOO Much…look where it got us.
SC has turned the corner and moved forward. Let’s not go backward. Career politicians, like Sanford, have damaged the Conservative Movement. We cannot afford that, especiaily with the horrible state the country is in…

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:43 pm

And your choice would be?

katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 10:31 am


katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 10:31 am


manray9 March 20, 2013 at 10:34 am

What a disgrace! The voters of the 1st District should be ashamed.

manray9 March 20, 2013 at 10:34 am

What a disgrace! The voters of the 1st District should be ashamed.

Rielle Hunter March 20, 2013 at 10:36 am

John Edwards could win in SC if he was a Republican.

Rielle Hunter March 20, 2013 at 10:36 am

John Edwards could win in SC if he was a Republican.

Whatever March 20, 2013 at 11:49 am

Tourism is up on the Appalachian Trail. Mainly because there are some idiots that believe he was hiking it and the liberal media is making all this stuff up. Congrats to the people who had the brains not to vote for him.

Whatever March 20, 2013 at 11:49 am

Tourism is up on the Appalachian Trail. Mainly because there are some idiots that believe he was hiking it and the liberal media is making all this stuff up. Congrats to the people who had the brains not to vote for him.

Apropos March 20, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Forbes quote of the day is an old German Proverb: an old error is often more popular than a new truth.

Nixon Gone Y'all March 20, 2013 at 2:17 pm

Example: BigT!

Apropos March 20, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Forbes quote of the day is an old German Proverb: an old error is often more popular than a new truth.

Nixon Gone Y'all March 20, 2013 at 2:17 pm

Example: BigT!

BigT March 20, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Sanford: 19,000 Votes…
Anti-Sanford: 35,000 Votes…
I’d Sanford has a STEEP Hill to climb…no matter what FITS tries to feed us…

BigT March 20, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Sanford: 19,000 Votes…
Anti-Sanford: 35,000 Votes…
I’d Sanford has a STEEP Hill to climb…no matter what FITS tries to feed us…

Carrie March 20, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Why are you so upset? The race is not over, There are 2 more elections before the real winner is determined.
Saw on TV this morning his boys were with him. They looked so happy and proud of their father. Needless to say it was impressive and it tells us that Sanford has a close bond with his boys. I do wonder where Jenny was, perhaps she will not make any congratulate comments until the elections are over.
Also where was Maria?

Happy for sons March 20, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Don’t think Jenny feels compelled to show up as the ex-wife when he could have a fiancee in tow. But, I’m betting she would encourage her boys to do the right thing and be with their Dad.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Perhaps, spreading her ASSets through the state.

bogart March 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Don’t think Maria would ever show up in Jenny’s hood.Mark may be a crazy idiot,but he’s not a stupid crazy idiot.Mark wants Washington so that he has a place for Chapur.Guess they’ll share the futon in his office with us picking up the tab.

Carrie March 20, 2013 at 5:01 pm

bogart, wouldn’t be surprised if Maria has a place in Wash DC. According to her bio she lives in Argentina and USA. Don’t think Jenny cares as she is not interested in her and Mark.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 6:39 pm

he would have a hard time keeping her at “home” in DC. To many bigger fish for her to fry.

Carrie March 20, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Why are you so upset? The race is not over, There are 2 more elections before the real winner is determined.
Saw on TV this morning his boys were with him. They looked so happy and proud of their father. Needless to say it was impressive and it tells us that Sanford has a close bond with his boys. I do wonder where Jenny was, perhaps she will not make any congratulate comments until the elections are over.
Also where was Maria?

Happy for sons March 20, 2013 at 1:33 pm

Don’t think Jenny feels compelled to show up as the ex-wife when he could have a fiancee in tow. But, I’m betting she would encourage her boys to do the right thing and be with their Dad.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:46 pm

Perhaps, spreading her ASSets through the state.

bogart March 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Don’t think Maria would ever show up in Jenny’s hood.Mark may be a crazy idiot,but he’s not a stupid crazy idiot.Mark wants Washington so that he has a place for Chapur.Guess they’ll share the futon in his office with us picking up the tab.

Carrie March 20, 2013 at 5:01 pm

bogart, wouldn’t be surprised if Maria has a place in Wash DC. According to her bio she lives in Argentina and USA. Don’t think Jenny cares as she is not interested in her and Mark.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 6:39 pm

he would have a hard time keeping her at “home” in DC. To many bigger fish for her to fry.

katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 1:36 pm

The simplistic unsophisticated buffoonery of some SC electorate is again noticed outside our state. We are doomed to a cesspool of gov corruption by citizens who vote emotion and party and follow politician pretty words instead of working to dig into facts. Mentally undisciplined voters replace reasoned review of Sanford’s impaired professional performance, with their personal forgiveness of his marital transgressions. Sanford’s likely to let his judgment be impaired again, especially if his crap is approved by popular vote. Musn’t think too hard. Mindless voting by party affiliation is the only explanation why Lindsay’s still here. We have an electorate who will vote for any drooling babbling idiot their party herd leaders select. I know die hard members of Republican party who hate Lindsay but will vote for him rather a Democratic. Herd followers.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:49 pm


katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 3:14 pm

yeah!!! – edit, except Buck is gone. Well he’ll still do a better job than any of the fools we have now!!!

katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 1:36 pm

The simplistic unsophisticated buffoonery of some SC electorate is again noticed outside our state. We are doomed to a cesspool of gov corruption by citizens who vote emotion and party and follow politician pretty words instead of working to dig into facts. Mentally undisciplined voters replace reasoned review of Sanford’s impaired professional performance, with their personal forgiveness of his marital transgressions. Sanford’s likely to let his judgment be impaired again, especially if his crap is approved by popular vote. Musn’t think too hard. Mindless voting by party affiliation is the only explanation why Lindsay’s still here. We have an electorate who will vote for any drooling babbling idiot their party herd leaders select. I know die hard members of Republican party who hate Lindsay but will vote for him rather a Democratic. Herd followers.

dwb619 March 20, 2013 at 2:49 pm


katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 3:14 pm

yeah!!! – edit, except Buck is gone. Well he’ll still do a better job than any of the fools we have now!!!

Philip Branton March 20, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Well……to all the readers of FITSNEWS, yes, this includes you Big(T)…..

What does this outcome tell you all…?? Everyone of you here complain and Wil Folks tries his best to write article for you to read and USE.

SO… does this win prove that Mark Sanford and the rino tri-fecta outsmarted the readers here at FITSNEWS…??

Obviously, the Sanford TEAM does a better job that the team here in the comment section of FITSNEWS…!!

Look at all the so-called cushy appointments that Sanford’s team mates will get and then take a LOOK at what appointment SMIRKS will be left with..!!?

Does Sanford’s team ever identify themselves here in the comment section of Fits..?? If not then they are really concerned about educating concerned and informed voters…!!!

How about Colbert-Busch’s teammates..?? How vocal are they here on Fits..??

Just take a look at any publication here in our state……does the comment section ever work as a TEAM to accomplish anything…!?

Today so far….this article has 53 comments by how many different people..!?

What principles of action are not being discussed for informed comment section attendees to USE….???

Who wants to “bleed” with William Wallace……..and laugh……..and throw an election..??


katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Supposing my understanding is correct, that you are implying political action by posters towards a common goal. For those who believe political action is a worthwhile endeavor, your implication has sense. As to Sanford ‘outsmarting’, I contend it is exactly the opposite. Politics doesn’t rely on smarts. It relies on emotion and group think and feeds human tendency to justify bias and feelings with popular support, and squashes reasoned examination of job performance of servants. Politician popularity rests on herd mentality of party affiliation, not on any reasoned examination of performance date. I abhor politics because it fosters dumbing down and fattening up of the citizenry. When we use group affiliation, your group (fill in the blank – liberal, conservative, right, left, black, white, man woman, blah blah) sucks and does bad things, my group is better than yours, we suppress reasoning with irrational emotional justification – exactly how bigotry is born, bred, and fed. Just because the groups are political parties (btw, which are fed by special interests who own our electoral college) doesn’t make it okay in my book.

Philip Branton March 20, 2013 at 2:25 pm

Well……to all the readers of FITSNEWS, yes, this includes you Big(T)…..

What does this outcome tell you all…?? Everyone of you here complain and Wil Folks tries his best to write article for you to read and USE.

SO… does this win prove that Mark Sanford and the rino tri-fecta outsmarted the readers here at FITSNEWS…??

Obviously, the Sanford TEAM does a better job that the team here in the comment section of FITSNEWS…!!

Look at all the so-called cushy appointments that Sanford’s team mates will get and then take a LOOK at what appointment SMIRKS will be left with..!!?

Does Sanford’s team ever identify themselves here in the comment section of Fits..?? If not then they are really concerned about educating concerned and informed voters…!!!

How about Colbert-Busch’s teammates..?? How vocal are they here on Fits..??

Just take a look at any publication here in our state……does the comment section ever work as a TEAM to accomplish anything…!?

Today so far….this article has 53 comments by how many different people..!?

What principles of action are not being discussed for informed comment section attendees to USE….???

Who wants to “bleed” with William Wallace……..and laugh……..and throw an election..??


katlaurenscounty March 20, 2013 at 3:13 pm

Supposing my understanding is correct, that you are implying political action by posters towards a common goal. For those who believe political action is a worthwhile endeavor, your implication has sense. As to Sanford ‘outsmarting’, I contend it is exactly the opposite. Politics doesn’t rely on smarts. It relies on emotion and group think and feeds human tendency to justify bias and feelings with popular support, and squashes reasoned examination of job performance of servants. Politician popularity rests on herd mentality of party affiliation, not on any reasoned examination of performance date. I abhor politics because it fosters dumbing down and fattening up of the citizenry. When we use group affiliation, your group (fill in the blank – liberal, conservative, right, left, black, white, man woman, blah blah) sucks and does bad things, my group is better than yours, we suppress reasoning with irrational emotional justification – exactly how bigotry is born, bred, and fed. Just because the groups are political parties (btw, which are fed by special interests who own our electoral college) doesn’t make it okay in my book.

Whammy Tailbigg March 21, 2013 at 5:37 am

I’ll vote for himmmm!!!

Whammy Tailbigg March 21, 2013 at 5:37 am

I’ll vote for himmmm!!!

? March 21, 2013 at 8:50 am

Ann Coulter of all people came out with a scathing attack on Sanfraud:

Voters are you listening? March 21, 2013 at 10:17 am

“If, in some horrible twist of fate that’s been stalking Republicans, Sanford wins the runoff, he will lose the general election. Worse, he might win, making Republicans look like utter hypocrites on family values.
In any event, so many resources will have to be diverted to save an easy Republican House seat that even if Sanford wins, some other Republican candidate will lose a close election after having to beg for money.
And the payoff is: Yay! We win one of the most Republican districts in the country with a high-risk candidate!
The Republican Party owes Sanford nothing. He had a chance and he blew it. National Review wasted five years of cover stories on how awesome he was, but he never accomplished anything of substance.
He showed off about getting his hair done at Super Cuts, sleeping in his office in Congress and not turning on the air conditioning in the governor’s mansion. He wore the same pair of shoes for 30 years — they’ve been re-soled 70 times!
Big deal. He saved taxpayers $300 in petty cash, but he didn’t implement any lasting reforms.
The most memorable thing Sanford did in his entire life was to make himself a laughingstock as governor by running off with his Argentine honey and then going on TV to announce — in front of his wife and children — “I’ve fallen in love!”
Republicans need to be like Luca Brasi and tell Sanford: “You screwed up; we didn’t do anything to you. Have fun, I’m sure Maria’s fantastic, but you can’t run for Congress.””

? March 21, 2013 at 8:50 am

Ann Coulter of all people came out with a scathing attack on Sanfraud:

Voters are you listening? March 21, 2013 at 10:17 am

“If, in some horrible twist of fate that’s been stalking Republicans, Sanford wins the runoff, he will lose the general election. Worse, he might win, making Republicans look like utter hypocrites on family values.
In any event, so many resources will have to be diverted to save an easy Republican House seat that even if Sanford wins, some other Republican candidate will lose a close election after having to beg for money.
And the payoff is: Yay! We win one of the most Republican districts in the country with a high-risk candidate!
The Republican Party owes Sanford nothing. He had a chance and he blew it. National Review wasted five years of cover stories on how awesome he was, but he never accomplished anything of substance.
He showed off about getting his hair done at Super Cuts, sleeping in his office in Congress and not turning on the air conditioning in the governor’s mansion. He wore the same pair of shoes for 30 years — they’ve been re-soled 70 times!
Big deal. He saved taxpayers $300 in petty cash, but he didn’t implement any lasting reforms.
The most memorable thing Sanford did in his entire life was to make himself a laughingstock as governor by running off with his Argentine honey and then going on TV to announce — in front of his wife and children — “I’ve fallen in love!”
Republicans need to be like Luca Brasi and tell Sanford: “You screwed up; we didn’t do anything to you. Have fun, I’m sure Maria’s fantastic, but you can’t run for Congress.””


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