Nikki Haley Hasn’t Requested Food Stamp Waiver

Two weeks after declaring a “War on Fat,” S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has yet to follow up on her opening salvo. Haley announced last month that South Carolina would be requesting a waiver from the federal government – one requiring food stamp recipients to make healthier choices. However according to…

Two weeks after declaring a “War on Fat,” S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has yet to follow up on her opening salvo.

Haley announced last month that South Carolina would be requesting a waiver from the federal government – one requiring food stamp recipients to make healthier choices.

However according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the agency “has not received a waiver request from South Carolina” yet.

Instead, “USDA received a letter of interest from South Carolina regarding efforts to improve SNAP participant choices,” an agency spokesman told us.

Not only that, we’re told the letter arrived after Haley’s press conference announcing her initiative.

Hmmmm …

Sources close to Haley tell FITS the governor is waiting to hold “public hearings” on the waiver request prior to sending it off to Washington, D.C. Those hearings will reportedly begin at the end of the March.

Haley’s “War on Fat” hasn’t been the public relations coup the governor was hoping for. Not only was she flat out owned on the issue by S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-Bamberg), but the behind-the-scenes battle over the credit for the initiative exposed a major rift within her administration.

More to the point, South Carolina doles out $1.4 billion worth of food stamps each year … not very efficiently, either. In fact the S.C. Department of Social Services (SCDSS) – the agency which administers the Palmetto State’s food stamp program – has been accused of artificially lowering its error rate in an effort to secure additional funding from the federal government.


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Princeton Daley March 6, 2013 at 5:39 pm

You keep saying that Sellers “owned” Haley…I’m just not seeing that.

Princeton Daley March 6, 2013 at 5:39 pm

You keep saying that Sellers “owned” Haley…I’m just not seeing that.

You know me March 6, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Isn’t the first family on a type food stamps, food paid for by the taxpayers?

You know me March 6, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Isn’t the first family on a type food stamps, food paid for by the taxpayers?

jimlewisowb March 6, 2013 at 6:17 pm

War on Fat my lily white skinny ass. Bunch of goddamn political grandstanding.

The Gypsy Queen has about as much concern about the health of food stamp recipients as did that former Lt. Governor twerp had for stray dogs.

Did GQ put a food stamp recipient on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a recovering drug addict on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a 3rd shift correctional officer on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a State Retiree trying to survive on $12000/yr on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a single mother working two jobs to clothe and feed her kids on her Campaign Committee

Hell No. None of the above ain’t going to ever ride on the Haley 2014 Campaign Bus. They may get to wash it, check the tire pressure and clean the toilet drains but ain’t no way they are going to get on that damn Bus.

I have little doubts that if the Gypsy Queen had the power she would pack 25% of this State’s population up a Gator’s ass, shove in a few kegs of black powder and blow everyone to New Orleans.

? March 6, 2013 at 7:21 pm

If it makes you feel better, Haley’s campaign bus is a yellow short one….so there’s not a lot of room anyway.

jimlewisowb March 6, 2013 at 6:17 pm

War on Fat my lily white skinny ass. Bunch of goddamn political grandstanding.

The Gypsy Queen has about as much concern about the health of food stamp recipients as did that former Lt. Governor twerp had for stray dogs.

Did GQ put a food stamp recipient on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a recovering drug addict on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a 3rd shift correctional officer on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a State Retiree trying to survive on $12000/yr on her Campaign Committee
Did GQ put a single mother working two jobs to clothe and feed her kids on her Campaign Committee

Hell No. None of the above ain’t going to ever ride on the Haley 2014 Campaign Bus. They may get to wash it, check the tire pressure and clean the toilet drains but ain’t no way they are going to get on that damn Bus.

I have little doubts that if the Gypsy Queen had the power she would pack 25% of this State’s population up a Gator’s ass, shove in a few kegs of black powder and blow everyone to New Orleans.

? March 6, 2013 at 7:21 pm

If it makes you feel better, Haley’s campaign bus is a yellow short one….so there’s not a lot of room anyway.

9" March 6, 2013 at 6:25 pm

she need these

9" March 6, 2013 at 6:25 pm

she need these

Fraud alert network March 6, 2013 at 6:35 pm

If people don’ realize she is a damn fake yet, it is hopeless!

Fraud alert network March 6, 2013 at 6:35 pm

If people don’ realize she is a damn fake yet, it is hopeless!

Maurie March 6, 2013 at 8:30 pm

She could use some fat on that flat chest of hers.

Maggie Mae March 6, 2013 at 8:55 pm

And a lot less off that fat butt of hers. Haley has packed on the pounds since she has been in office and those hooker boots make her butt look even bigger.

Tuckahoo March 6, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Disagree. She’s got a near-perfect ass, shaped like a tomato with just the right degree of firmness. Her legs remain some of the best in the state. The boots — well, she wears them to (successfully) catch the attention of us men. She is getting a little fat in her neck, tho. Nevertheless, I’d pound her in a heartbeat. Sexiest governor in the country.

Tetley March 6, 2013 at 10:55 pm

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

chickenoregg March 9, 2013 at 9:37 am

Man, you got to be desperate.

Please March 6, 2013 at 11:20 pm

You seem to be obsessed with her butt and her boots, Maggie Mae. What gives?

Gaudreaux March 7, 2013 at 1:11 am

He’s a tits & ass man.

Maurie March 6, 2013 at 8:30 pm

She could use some fat on that flat chest of hers.

Maggie Mae March 6, 2013 at 8:55 pm

And a lot less off that fat butt of hers. Haley has packed on the pounds since she has been in office and those hooker boots make her butt look even bigger.

Tuckahoo March 6, 2013 at 10:06 pm

Disagree. She’s got a near-perfect ass, shaped like a tomato with just the right degree of firmness. Her legs remain some of the best in the state. The boots — well, she wears them to (successfully) catch the attention of us men. She is getting a little fat in her neck, tho. Nevertheless, I’d pound her in a heartbeat. Sexiest governor in the country.

Tetley March 6, 2013 at 10:55 pm

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

chickenoregg March 9, 2013 at 9:37 am

Man, you got to be desperate.

Please March 6, 2013 at 11:20 pm

You seem to be obsessed with her butt and her boots, Maggie Mae. What gives?

Gaudreaux March 7, 2013 at 1:11 am

He’s a tits & ass man.

josesito March 6, 2013 at 9:29 pm

A waiver is a complicated proposal. I would prefer they do it right, with public input, and scientists developing the details. FITS makes it sound like a simple e-mail request….NOT!

josesito March 6, 2013 at 9:29 pm

A waiver is a complicated proposal. I would prefer they do it right, with public input, and scientists developing the details. FITS makes it sound like a simple e-mail request….NOT!

9" March 6, 2013 at 11:51 pm

I heard she was on that new diet craze;saltines and armour potted meat food product,which she says,tastes exactly like the founding editor’s leavings, that she sucked out of larry marchant’s manhole and then french kissed both with,although she did dribble some in larry’s musky manhole,so fits could have a good second ride

9" March 6, 2013 at 11:51 pm

I heard she was on that new diet craze;saltines and armour potted meat food product,which she says,tastes exactly like the founding editor’s leavings, that she sucked out of larry marchant’s manhole and then french kissed both with,although she did dribble some in larry’s musky manhole,so fits could have a good second ride

Mepkin Abbey Daze March 7, 2013 at 10:26 am

I love how you Republicans keep pounding away at people who are so poor they need food stamps. You are a heartless bastard. No wonder you lost in November.

Mepkin Abbey Daze March 7, 2013 at 10:26 am

I love how you Republicans keep pounding away at people who are so poor they need food stamps. You are a heartless bastard. No wonder you lost in November.

Halfvast Conspirator March 7, 2013 at 10:36 am

Can I still get my shrimp n grits?

Halfvast Conspirator March 7, 2013 at 10:36 am

Can I still get my shrimp n grits?

You know me March 7, 2013 at 10:47 am

Heaven forbid if anything ever happens to those Pick n Pay boots.

You know me March 7, 2013 at 10:47 am

Heaven forbid if anything ever happens to those Pick n Pay boots.

bigtimeMark March 7, 2013 at 1:59 pm

SCDSS has to get it’s act together with the current handling of the food stamp program to get it more efficient before tackling anything further.

bigtimeMark March 7, 2013 at 1:59 pm

SCDSS has to get it’s act together with the current handling of the food stamp program to get it more efficient before tackling anything further.

9" March 8, 2013 at 11:55 pm

Nikki say:’Let ’em eat my pussy!

9" March 8, 2013 at 11:55 pm

Nikki say:’Let ’em eat my pussy!


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