Bakari Sellers Eats Nikki Haley’s Lunch

This website doesn’t object to S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s attempt to limit food stamp recipients’ access to fatty junk. We don’t think such a proposal solves the real problem (the fact far too many people in this state are on food stamps), but whatever. As we noted in our original…

This website doesn’t object to S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley’s attempt to limit food stamp recipients’ access to fatty junk. We don’t think such a proposal solves the real problem (the fact far too many people in this state are on food stamps), but whatever.

As we noted in our original post on this subject, beggars can’t be choosers. We just wish government would stop incentivizing all the begging.

Anyway, delivering a pair of body blows to Haley’s healthy eating initiative this week was S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers – a Democrat from Haley’s hometown of Bamberg, S.C.

Sellers’ first blow? Challenging Haley (and her Department of Social Services director, Lillian Koller) to join him “in eating only healthy foods on SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) funds for one week.”

“While the Governor’s idea sounds good on the surface, poverty and obesity is not caused just by unhealthy foods, but rather expenses and access to healthy alternatives,” Sellers said. “We don’t have Whole Foods in rural South Carolina, nor does the farmer’s market accept food stamps.”

That’s a very good point …

Haley’s response? She trotted out her morbidly obese press secretary, Rob Godfrey, to attack Sellers for creating a “political opportunity” and attempting to “exploit (it) for personal gain.” Then the rotund mouthpiece – who is easily north of 300 pounds – proceeded to lecture the rail-thin lawmaker on how important it was for him to “work with the governor on fighting obesity.”


“I’m very surprised that Governor Haley has rejected my challenge to live on a food stamp budget for a week,” Sellers responded. “Once again we see that the governor’s rhetoric and actions are two entirely different things. It is disappointing that Governor Haley doesn’t understand the problem; but it’s even more disappointing that she is refusing to try and understand the problem.”

Nice …

Of course Sellers wasn’t finished eating Haley’s lunch.

His second blow? Challenging Haley to support his healthy school lunch legislation, which would “ban sugary, high-fat foods from school lunch programs and remove calorie-loaded snacks and soft drinks from school vending machines.”

“Obesity in South Carolina starts in the schools,” Sellers said. “If Governor Haley truly wants to fight this epidemic, I would ask for her support in helping pass my healthy school lunch bill.”

Speaking of school, Sellers just took Haley back there.

At the end of the day, South Carolinians make poor dietary decisions because most of them don’t know any better. That’s why we support market-based reform of our state’s worst-in-the-nation public education system. And within that free market system, schools ought to make their own decisions regarding “sugary, high-fat foods” as opposed to having the state make that decision for them.


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mandingo wannabe February 23, 2013 at 8:59 am

bakari is a nice fellow. he works well with others, especially white women. from the white girls on gvernors staff to white women of the senate and house staff. he drinks with them, he screws them, he lobbys them. i am jealous
too bad the cop that arrested him for dui was not a white girl he would have gotten off, loterally and figeratively.

Maggie Mae February 23, 2013 at 10:35 am

You are a hypocrite – bet you walk on water and have NEVER make any mistakes

Jennifer Levine February 23, 2013 at 1:47 pm

Ah, miscegenation. The 19th and early 20th centuries called. They want their “argument” back.

mandingo wannabe February 23, 2013 at 7:59 am

bakari is a nice fellow. he works well with others, especially white women. from the white girls on gvernors staff to white women of the senate and house staff. he drinks with them, he screws them, he lobbys them. i am jealous
too bad the cop that arrested him for dui was not a white girl he would have gotten off, loterally and figeratively.

Maggie Mae February 23, 2013 at 9:35 am

You are a hypocrite – bet you walk on water and have NEVER make any mistakes

Jennifer Levine February 23, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Ah, miscegenation. The 19th and early 20th centuries called. They want their “argument” back.

Philip Branton February 23, 2013 at 9:45 am

Hmm….maybe this is just one way Bakari is sending signals to Katon that he wants to be friendly with SC STATE …too..!?

Philip Branton February 23, 2013 at 8:45 am

Hmm….maybe this is just one way Bakari is sending signals to Katon that he wants to be friendly with SC STATE …too..!?

nitrat February 23, 2013 at 10:24 am

How about a photo of Godfrey?
I had never pictured a guy with 3 chins waddling to a microphone. I would love to see him.

nitrat February 23, 2013 at 9:24 am

How about a photo of Godfrey?
I had never pictured a guy with 3 chins waddling to a microphone. I would love to see him.

shifty henry February 23, 2013 at 10:36 am

We need to see photos of Nikki in a string bikini – and I mean 360 degrees around all the way. Give her six months on a diet and then compare with more photos. Then let her tell us what the true problem with obesity is – because junk food is only one part of the problem.

shifty henry February 23, 2013 at 9:36 am

We need to see photos of Nikki in a string bikini – and I mean 360 degrees around all the way. Give her six months on a diet and then compare with more photos. Then let her tell us what the true problem with obesity is – because junk food is only one part of the problem.

freethinker2013 February 23, 2013 at 10:59 am

As a moderate conservative, i’d rather listen to Gamecock supporting with a few drinks under his belt than that Clemson nut anyway.
Think about it: conservatives want less gov’t intervention, now we’re emulating the micromanagement of Mayor Bloomberg micromanaging diets via banning trans fats and salting in restaurant cooking. As diners can salt food all they want, plus hiking restaurant taxes to pay for his programs. Additionally, First Lady Michelle’s quite rational campaign to focus on better dietary habits has been said by conservative blogs to fail due to school children’s preferring more tasty familiar foods. Having been a volunteer at a minority middle school, I recall the poignant picture of 50 students, by count all but one bypassing the option of having an apple with their meal. Also, research shows that if the average adult totally eliminated bacon cheeseburgers from their diet, it would theoretically add three months to life expectancy, which most say would not be worth it. How much more free enterprise are we going to drive out of business besides twinkles? Or is this, like so many things, sticking it to the poor? The plan is well-intentioned but as the old “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” show more wisdom than high-faulting erg-writing specialists, the government can’t micromanage human behavior and such intrusion will have limited positive consequences and unanticipated negative ones.

freethinker2013 February 23, 2013 at 9:59 am

As a moderate conservative, i’d rather listen to Gamecock supporting with a few drinks under his belt than that Clemson nut anyway.
Think about it: conservatives want less gov’t intervention, now we’re emulating the micromanagement of Mayor Bloomberg micromanaging diets via banning trans fats and salting in restaurant cooking. As diners can salt food all they want, plus hiking restaurant taxes to pay for his programs. Additionally, First Lady Michelle’s quite rational campaign to focus on better dietary habits has been said by conservative blogs to fail due to school children’s preferring more tasty familiar foods. Having been a volunteer at a minority middle school, I recall the poignant picture of 50 students, by count all but one bypassing the option of having an apple with their meal. Also, research shows that if the average adult totally eliminated bacon cheeseburgers from their diet, it would theoretically add three months to life expectancy, which most say would not be worth it. How much more free enterprise are we going to drive out of business besides twinkles? Or is this, like so many things, sticking it to the poor? The plan is well-intentioned but as the old “you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” show more wisdom than high-faulting erg-writing specialists, the government can’t micromanage human behavior and such intrusion will have limited positive consequences and unanticipated negative ones.

Torch February 23, 2013 at 11:02 am

Wonder if Halley and her crazy DSS director Koller have discussed this with the Feds. Don’t think they can make these changes without Federal approval. She doens’t want to accept anything that the Feds want to do so why should they help her image. What little image she has.

Moman50 February 23, 2013 at 12:27 pm

You have hit upon it.Haley couldnt careless about any of this,just more of her silly “anti guvment ” stuff.Her supporters eat this crap up.

Torch February 23, 2013 at 10:02 am

Wonder if Halley and her crazy DSS director Koller have discussed this with the Feds. Don’t think they can make these changes without Federal approval. She doens’t want to accept anything that the Feds want to do so why should they help her image. What little image she has.

Moman50 February 23, 2013 at 11:27 am

You have hit upon it.Haley couldnt careless about any of this,just more of her silly “anti guvment ” stuff.Her supporters eat this crap up.

Gillon February 23, 2013 at 11:07 am

Why can’t SC do both? They seem like no-brainers. Adopt Haley’s idea to limit food stamp recipient’s acess to junk foods, and pass Seller’s healthy school lunch bill. Or would asking the two parties to work together for the benefit of the people of the state be too much to ask?
Of course we could just be content with the libertarian view that you have the right to be fat and unhealthy (with gov’t. subsidies) if you so choose, or that somehow FITS’ oft-mentioned “free market” reform of the educational system will somehow lead to healthier citizens.

Gillon February 23, 2013 at 10:07 am

Why can’t SC do both? They seem like no-brainers. Adopt Haley’s idea to limit food stamp recipient’s acess to junk foods, and pass Seller’s healthy school lunch bill. Or would asking the two parties to work together for the benefit of the people of the state be too much to ask?
Of course we could just be content with the libertarian view that you have the right to be fat and unhealthy (with gov’t. subsidies) if you so choose, or that somehow FITS’ oft-mentioned “free market” reform of the educational system will somehow lead to healthier citizens.

Free Lunch February 23, 2013 at 11:16 am

SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Commonly referred to as “food stamps.”

The purpose of the program is to SUPPLEMENT (defined: Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.) low income individuals and families. It isn’t intended to provide every morsel. The average benefit of roughly $35 per person per week is not intended to be the entire grocery budget. As far as a lack of Whole Foods or fancy grocery stores, just go to Aldi and buy fresh fruits and vegetables. There are about 20 stores in SC and the prices are much less than other grocery stores. Besides, when you throw in the free or reduced breakfast and lunch that the kids receive at school, or the summer feeding programs that fill the gap when school is out, then you are talking 11 meals (3 on Sat, Sun and one on M,T,W,R,F) supplemented by $35 for each person. Assuming a family of four, that is $140 a week to supplement the grocery bill.

worthyenemy February 23, 2013 at 11:30 am

If a company is failing who do you blame labor or management? Any sane person would say management, because they make the decisions. But for some strange reason here in SC it’s easier to blame the poor for being poor. Where are all these good jobs, and the great education system, and the decent wages being paid? You know the things that actually bring people out of poverty? All of you guys are so full of shit it’s laughable. Until you start holding the people in charge accountable for our fucked up state then do us all a favor and shut the hell up.

Free Lunch February 23, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Life is not being an employee of a company. It is about answering to yourself and for yourself. Personal responsibility starts with…wait for it…the person. Not the politicians in charge, not their friends, neighbors or family. Personal responsibility starts with the man in the mirror. I dont have a dog because I travel for work and I would not be able to properly care for my dog. So if I can make that decison about a four legged friend, then maybe people should start using some logic when they decide to have children. You know, maybe they could start by asking themselves: can I afford to feed a child? Can I pay for the health care of a child? Can I put a roof over a child’s head? Am I emotionally and mentally able to provide the love, support, and care to another human being? I dont blame the poor for being poor. I do blame them for compoundong their problems by bringing children into this world that I am expected to feedm, provide health care, and then get blamed for their stupid decisons by being told that the taxpayers aren’t giving them enough to feed their kids and family.

unclewillie1 February 24, 2013 at 8:41 am

Ahh, so you support access to birth control for the poor? It would certainly save money.

nobody February 23, 2013 at 3:02 pm

I generally blame macroeconomic conditions and/or technological breakthroughs….so, um, yeah.

Also, I challenge anyone to eat $35 worth of Little Cesar’s at one sitting.

Maggie Mae February 23, 2013 at 12:49 pm

Do you think North, SC has an Aldi????

XX February 23, 2013 at 2:17 pm

I have a family of 4 and I spend $170 per week on groceries. With a little more planning, I could easily feed my family on $140/week. That’s a generous amount in my opinion.

Free Lunch February 23, 2013 at 10:16 am

SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Commonly referred to as “food stamps.”

The purpose of the program is to SUPPLEMENT (defined: Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole.) low income individuals and families. It isn’t intended to provide every morsel. The average benefit of roughly $35 per person per week is not intended to be the entire grocery budget. As far as a lack of Whole Foods or fancy grocery stores, just go to Aldi and buy fresh fruits and vegetables. There are about 20 stores in SC and the prices are much less than other grocery stores. Besides, when you throw in the free or reduced breakfast and lunch that the kids receive at school, or the summer feeding programs that fill the gap when school is out, then you are talking 11 meals (3 on Sat, Sun and one on M,T,W,R,F) supplemented by $35 for each person. Assuming a family of four, that is $140 a week to supplement the grocery bill.

worthyenemy February 23, 2013 at 10:30 am

If a company is failing who do you blame labor or management? Any sane person would say management, because they make the decisions. But for some strange reason here in SC it’s easier to blame the poor for being poor. Where are all these good jobs, and the great education system, and the decent wages being paid? You know the things that actually bring people out of poverty? All of you guys are so full of shit it’s laughable. Until you start holding the people in charge accountable for our fucked up state then do us all a favor and shut the hell up.

Free Lunch February 23, 2013 at 11:52 am

Life is not being an employee of a company. It is about answering to yourself and for yourself. Personal responsibility starts with…wait for it…the person. Not the politicians in charge, not their friends, neighbors or family. Personal responsibility starts with the man in the mirror. I dont have a dog because I travel for work and I would not be able to properly care for my dog. So if I can make that decison about a four legged friend, then maybe people should start using some logic when they decide to have children. You know, maybe they could start by asking themselves: can I afford to feed a child? Can I pay for the health care of a child? Can I put a roof over a child’s head? Am I emotionally and mentally able to provide the love, support, and care to another human being? I dont blame the poor for being poor. I do blame them for compoundong their problems by bringing children into this world that I am expected to feedm, provide health care, and then get blamed for their stupid decisons by being told that the taxpayers aren’t giving them enough to feed their kids and family.

unclewillie1 February 24, 2013 at 7:41 am

Ahh, so you support access to birth control for the poor? It would certainly save money.

nobody February 23, 2013 at 2:02 pm

I generally blame macroeconomic conditions and/or technological breakthroughs….so, um, yeah.

Also, I challenge anyone to eat $35 worth of Little Cesar’s at one sitting.

Maggie Mae February 23, 2013 at 11:49 am

Do you think North, SC has an Aldi????

XX February 23, 2013 at 1:17 pm

I have a family of 4 and I spend $170 per week on groceries. With a little more planning, I could easily feed my family on $140/week. That’s a generous amount in my opinion.

Smirks February 23, 2013 at 11:53 am

Healthy school lunches are nice, but Sellers is mistaken if he thinks it will fix childhood obesity. PE is one hour or less out of the day. Healthy school lunches are one meal out of the day. Who gives a shit if the kid eats broccoli and has to do situps if he goes home and sits in front of a giant TV screen chowing down on pizza, chips, and ice cream?

I’m not going to oppose his plan, kids should have healthy meals at school, but for fucks sake, stop blaming the schools and start blaming the parents. Changing how schools feed/exercise kids, awareness programs, bans on big sodas and toys in happy meals, etc., doesn’t stop bad parents from being bad parents. Childhood obesity is often tantamount to child abuse. You are setting your kid up to have weight problems for the rest of their lives because you can’t do your damn job as a parent. Nothing anyone else tries to do is going to stop you from making your kid a fatass. Get a grip and raise your kids right.

If people can’t afford to eat healthy on food stamps and can only afford junk food, maybe that tells you the program isn’t doing what it should be doing. Start enforcing heavy limits on junk food, place a limit on meats, and then analyze the program and adjust as necessary. It may take a while but our state could very well be THE model when it comes to this stuff.

And honestly, limits on junk food (and meats) isn’t all about forcing the poor to go on a diet, it is also about the notion that people shouldn’t pig out on their hand outs. You want soda, oreos, and cheetos? Bust your ass, earn some bucks, and buy it. Food is a necessity, junk food is not.


RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 1:24 pm

Smirks, you are not a parent of a school age child. PE is an hour i less a DAY? Once a week at best in most schools.

RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 1:25 pm

You are right hatit iswrong to blame theschools.

Smirks February 23, 2013 at 10:53 am

Healthy school lunches are nice, but Sellers is mistaken if he thinks it will fix childhood obesity. PE is one hour or less out of the day. Healthy school lunches are one meal out of the day. Who gives a shit if the kid eats broccoli and has to do situps if he goes home and sits in front of a giant TV screen chowing down on pizza, chips, and ice cream?

I’m not going to oppose his plan, kids should have healthy meals at school, but for fucks sake, stop blaming the schools and start blaming the parents. Changing how schools feed/exercise kids, awareness programs, bans on big sodas and toys in happy meals, etc., doesn’t stop bad parents from being bad parents. Childhood obesity is often tantamount to child abuse. You are setting your kid up to have weight problems for the rest of their lives because you can’t do your damn job as a parent. Nothing anyone else tries to do is going to stop you from making your kid a fatass. Get a grip and raise your kids right.

If people can’t afford to eat healthy on food stamps and can only afford junk food, maybe that tells you the program isn’t doing what it should be doing. Start enforcing heavy limits on junk food, place a limit on meats, and then analyze the program and adjust as necessary. It may take a while but our state could very well be THE model when it comes to this stuff.

And honestly, limits on junk food (and meats) isn’t all about forcing the poor to go on a diet, it is also about the notion that people shouldn’t pig out on their hand outs. You want soda, oreos, and cheetos? Bust your ass, earn some bucks, and buy it. Food is a necessity, junk food is not.


RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 12:24 pm

Smirks, you are not a parent of a school age child. PE is an hour i less a DAY? Once a week at best in most schools.

RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 12:25 pm

You are right hatit iswrong to blame theschools.

RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 1:26 pm

A lo of farmers marketsvare getting the ability to use SNAP, BTW.

RHood2 February 23, 2013 at 12:26 pm

A lo of farmers marketsvare getting the ability to use SNAP, BTW.

dumbassery February 23, 2013 at 5:24 pm

Rep Sellers is the shit.

Uncle Remus February 23, 2013 at 9:37 pm

He certainly is the same color!

unclewillie1 February 24, 2013 at 8:49 am

NOW we are getting somewhere!

dumbassery February 23, 2013 at 4:24 pm

Rep Sellers is the shit.

Uncle Remus February 23, 2013 at 8:37 pm

He certainly is the same color!

unclewillie1 February 24, 2013 at 7:49 am

NOW we are getting somewhere!

the real deal February 23, 2013 at 5:59 pm

the farmers market dollar general dollar tree accept ebt alias food stamps get the story straight sellars and schools have taken out all the sodas

the real deal February 23, 2013 at 4:59 pm

the farmers market dollar general dollar tree accept ebt alias food stamps get the story straight sellars and schools have taken out all the sodas

truthl February 23, 2013 at 6:01 pm

so why did koller and blanco get a 10% raise and the frontline workers cannot get anything let alone the real workers at DSS

truthl February 23, 2013 at 5:01 pm

so why did koller and blanco get a 10% raise and the frontline workers cannot get anything let alone the real workers at DSS

Cleveland Steamer February 24, 2013 at 12:10 am

Years ago a good part of the population thought smoking was good for you (probably a higher percentage in this fair state). With todays marketing even smart folks are misled, Walk down the aisles at Aldi, or the Teeter for that matter, the huge majority of what is available is not what’s good for you, it’s what makes money, hell they even sell us water now. We eagerly SNAP it up. My daughter came home after learning a proper diet and insisted we start eating better. To make her a little bit happier I started buying things she requested. I’m not a healthy eater even on my best day, but she is steering me in a better direction. My point is it starts with ed…edu…edjukation. I was taught decent eating in school back when the Jesus rode the dinosaurs, but NC BBQ, ice cream, Pepsi, Lipitor, and very scientific marketing could easily put me at 300 if it were not for an unusual metabolism.

Cleveland Steamer February 23, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Years ago a good part of the population thought smoking was good for you (probably a higher percentage in this fair state). With todays marketing even smart folks are misled, Walk down the aisles at Aldi, or the Teeter for that matter, the huge majority of what is available is not what’s good for you, it’s what makes money, hell they even sell us water now. We eagerly SNAP it up. My daughter came home after learning a proper diet and insisted we start eating better. To make her a little bit happier I started buying things she requested. I’m not a healthy eater even on my best day, but she is steering me in a better direction. My point is it starts with ed…edu…edjukation. I was taught decent eating in school back when the Jesus rode the dinosaurs, but NC BBQ, ice cream, Pepsi, Lipitor, and very scientific marketing could easily put me at 300 if it were not for an unusual metabolism.

Squishy123 February 24, 2013 at 12:27 am

Maybe Sellers can first attempt to go a week without getting stopped for speeding or DUI. Think he can do it? Neither does he.

Squishy123 February 23, 2013 at 11:27 pm

Maybe Sellers can first attempt to go a week without getting stopped for speeding or DUI. Think he can do it? Neither does he.

Squishy123 February 24, 2013 at 12:28 am

If Sellers thinks the child obesity problem starts at school, then maybe he can explain why we have 100 pound first graders.

Squishy123 February 23, 2013 at 11:28 pm

If Sellers thinks the child obesity problem starts at school, then maybe he can explain why we have 100 pound first graders.

gamercock February 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm

What is this infactuation you have with Bakari Sellers? Quit giving him the PR. He’s a drunk.

gamercock February 24, 2013 at 5:30 pm

What is this infactuation you have with Bakari Sellers? Quit giving him the PR. He’s a drunk.

James Fleming Jr February 25, 2013 at 10:53 am

Lets talk about drinking alcohol!

James Fleming Jr February 25, 2013 at 9:53 am

Lets talk about drinking alcohol!

Neil February 25, 2013 at 11:54 am

Was bakari drunk when he ate her lunch? Not sure why we should care what a repeated DUI offender says about anyone.

Neil February 25, 2013 at 10:54 am

Was bakari drunk when he ate her lunch? Not sure why we should care what a repeated DUI offender says about anyone.

swampland February 27, 2013 at 12:03 pm

USDA / CNN — “Healthy food isn’t really more expensive”

swampland February 27, 2013 at 12:03 pm

USDA / CNN — “Healthy food isn’t really more expensive”

dark chocolate March 9, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Haley need to sit down cause at the end of the day she think that she helping people but she is really hurting them. For example what if we have a child that have low blood sugar and don’t have any money to buy a piece of candy but only got food stamps but at the end of the day u can’t purchase anything sweet,so what is that child going to do? That lady need to take a reality check. And live in a world were she is on food stamps for a month and ser how far she go….. I got to FUCKING LAUGH AT THAT STUPID ASS LADY

dark chocolate March 9, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Haley need to sit down cause at the end of the day she think that she helping people but she is really hurting them. For example what if we have a child that have low blood sugar and don’t have any money to buy a piece of candy but only got food stamps but at the end of the day u can’t purchase anything sweet,so what is that child going to do? That lady need to take a reality check. And live in a world were she is on food stamps for a month and ser how far she go….. I got to FUCKING LAUGH AT THAT STUPID ASS LADY


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