Sic Headed To Slammer?

For those of you used to the usual incessant barrage of content from our website, we apologize for the dearth of fresh news today. Our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a Sic Willie) and his crack legal team have been busy fighting his extradition to the Pee Dee region of the…

sic or slammer

For those of you used to the usual incessant barrage of content from our website, we apologize for the dearth of fresh news today. Our founding editor Will Folks (a.k.a Sic Willie) and his crack legal team have been busy fighting his extradition to the Pee Dee region of the state on rumored contempt of court charges related to this case.

So far no charges have been filed, but we’ve been told they are forthcoming.

Also, the process wasn’t helped when Sic rang up the S.C. Fourth Solicitor’s office earlier today and issued a stern “do not fuck with me” warning.

Classy, guy … classy.

Anyway, lawyers have been on conference calls all day in the hopes of reaching an amicable resolution. And we’ll be honest, there’s a majority within the judicial branch that does NOT want to go down this route (fearing an arrest of Sic will turn him into some sort of First Amendment martyr).

Oh well … stay tuned. We’ll be sure to let you know if anybody decides they feel froggy enough to “jump.”


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JHJ February 8, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Will Folks continually derides the State of South Carolina, but there is no other state which could turn Sic Willie into a celebrity. Love it.

Lloyd D February 8, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Will Folks has pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence in a Columbia court.

The 31-year-old Folks was arrested in July and accused of shoving his fiancee, Ashley Smith, into furniture during a heated argument. A week after Folks was arrested, he denied accusations that he shoved her.

Folks received a 30-day suspended sentence, meaning he will avoid jail time as long as he stays out of trouble for the next six months. He also was ordered to attend anger management classes and not to contact his ex-fiance Ashley Smith.

William H. "Buz" Martin February 8, 2013 at 7:26 pm

You think he’s a celebrity NOW? Wait until this shit really blows up. And blow up it will. Critical mass is a-massin’ for a danged ol’ big-ass bang, or a whole series of ’em, even as we speak.

Right now, in bars, bistros and strip joints from Myrtle Beach to 5-points and even more points in every direction from there in the burgs, boroughs and backwaters of SC, politicians, poli-ops, poli-toadies, pollywogs and political pudd-pounders of every stripe and gender are seeking to relieve — via way too much booze and maybe a few tokes o’ the stanky fuzzy bud in the parking lot or a bump or three o’ the white stuff in the john — the severe cases of clinchedtitus sphincteritus consultiasis they got when they learned that their IP addresses might be tracked down for anonymous/pseudonymous comments on FITS posts by that ol’ bench-buzzard who obviously first got perched up there by Pitchfork Ben Tillman his own evil self.

Many a call, text, tweet, email and FB msg will be fired off from those boozy enclaves in the hours to come. The upshot of it all that clamorous cacophony in The Cloud will be who will give up who and for what venue and when and what’s in it for me and mine and fuck you don’t EVER text/call/msg me again motherfucker!!!!

When the cyber-smoke clears and they all wake up in whatever beds they’ll fall or luck into come last call, THEN is when the fat will truly be in the fire … the die will be cast … and the pedal will be put to the metal. And then … maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day, maybe in a week or a month …


shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 8:24 pm

…. Buz, both your insight and analysis are amazing. Good work!

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 11:30 pm

Thanks. In the interest of full disclosure, I found out last week that I’m related by marriage to the descendents of Pitchfork Ben Tillman. Ain’t that a trip?

TA February 9, 2013 at 11:37 am

Thank you Governor Haley

JHJ February 8, 2013 at 2:39 pm

And one other thing. Watch out Will, there are a lot of powerful people in South Carolina who would love to put you somewhere where they have to pump in sunshine, especially in Charleston (you would think it would be Columbia, but, nope, it’s Charleston), but haven’t found the right circumstances. But the Pee Dee is a sub-set of South Carolina nullification tradition, and for years was run by the Jack Lindsay, Ed Cottingham and Billy Goldberg triumvirate, and all of their progeny. THEY are sufficiently inbred in the Pee Dee to try something really goofy.

Mike February 8, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Good God man! Ride it for all it’s worth! They’re gonna make you a damn legend if they’re not careful.

“Livin’ in their heads rent free” as my old platoon sergeant used to say…

? February 8, 2013 at 2:41 pm

Yay for Sic! More hits and media attention. Ha!

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 4:20 pm

Yep. And meanwhile, down here in Horry and the PeeDee …

“Brer Fox, he lay low.”

Sic being Brer Rabbit, of course.

(And we know who won THAT one.)

JHJ February 8, 2013 at 2:44 pm

As well, remember that there are parts of the state that regard the State of South Carolina as a foreign power. The Pee Dee is one of them.

Lloyd D February 8, 2013 at 2:48 pm

(Columbia) September 28, 2005 – Former gubernatorial spokesman Will Folks has pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence in a Columbia court.

The 31-year-old Folks was arrested in July and accused of shoving his fiancee, Ashley Smith, into furniture during a heated argument. A week after Folks was arrested, he denied accusations that he shoved her.

Folks received a 30-day suspended sentence, meaning he will avoid jail time as long as he stays out of trouble for the next six months. He also was ordered to attend anger management classes and not to contact his ex-fiance Ashley Smith.

Sailor February 8, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Do you have a degree in ancient history? While I don’t condone this behaviour, it’s hardly on the level of rape or murder. In fact this happens several times a day and no charges are ever laid. Give it a fucking rest.

Smirks February 8, 2013 at 6:59 pm

Willie has his own fan club!

Earl Capps February 8, 2013 at 8:34 pm

Having been through two divorces, I’ve learned there’s usually more than one side on these kind of things. If after eight years, there’ve been no other incidents of this kind, which there haven’t, I tend to believe the charges were bullshit in the first place.

So Lloyd, take the time and effort to find something original and factual. Otherwise, how about drop it and move on?

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 9:16 pm

Earl Capps, I will say of that comment what Quakers sometimes say at their “programmed” meetings, “That Brother speaks my mind.”


“I’ll take ‘Things I never thought I’d say to Earl Capps’ for 400, Alex.”

Earl Capps February 8, 2013 at 11:17 pm

Boz, does this mean you’ll pick up my bar tab next time I’m in town?

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 11:37 pm

Let me think about that. That’s a heavy commitment, from what I hear. Might have to take out a loan. Har har! JK.

If you are the real deal Earl, though, I do hope you’ll start posting on South Carolina The People again. I’m over wanting to bust your chops about stuff, since you moved so far away and ain’t so much about our mess down heah.

Earl Capps February 8, 2013 at 11:43 pm

Boz, I’m living in Fort Mill, South Carolina these days. New house, new job. Between the new job and teaching two nights a week, I run from 8 am to 10 pm most days, but I’m still writing plenty about stuff going on in SC.

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 11:55 pm

OK, I’m sure it’s you now. Yeah, let me know when you come down here. Who knows, if my ship comes in before you do, I can get us into this really really exclusive joint called P.F. Changs. See … I know people … Heh.

toyota kawaski February 8, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Go Fits Go

Lloyd D February 8, 2013 at 2:50 pm

And pussy Wil Folks has no lawyers. He’s just a really short man with balding hair who tries to act big to cover up the fact that he’s a small man. Next time you want to beat up on women Wil, give me a buzz, I’ll meet you anyplace, including behind the Metts Motel here in Lexington. Guarantee you, you won’t beat up on any more women afterwards.

Smirks February 8, 2013 at 7:02 pm

Man, someone’s feathers are ruffled. Come on, limp dick, anyone can act tough on the internet. No one’s impressed.

Good Gravy Man February 8, 2013 at 9:43 pm

I agree with Smirks, anyone can act tough on the internet. Perfect example, see the lame dick, bull shit article above.

Personaly favorite: “And we’ll be honest, there’s a majority within the judicial branch that does NOT want to go down this route.” Can I go out on a limb and bet my left arm that the majority of the judiciary doesn’t know, care or give the slightest shit about any of this?

Knott February 8, 2013 at 2:52 pm

Don’t you just love it when convicted woman beater Wil writes about himself in the 3rd person?

Lloyd D February 8, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Little Wil doesn’t have any lawyers either. He’s just making it all up, trying to act big, when he’s a small man. Wil has to ask women at the Walmart to reach things on the top shelf for him because he can’t reach it himself.

Lloyd D February 8, 2013 at 3:03 pm

Wil Folks is a convicted wife beater. Wil Folks is a short, balding man who feels he needs to act big online to cover up for the fact he is small man in real life. No one in the media is paying any attention to Little Wil acting up here. And you can’t ban me Wil, like you did earlier today, so don’t bother trying.

But once again, anytime you want to beat up on women, give me a call, you got my number, we can meet at Sesqui park, and I’ll educate you enough so you won’t beat up another woman again.

Mike February 8, 2013 at 3:15 pm

Wow dude…your obsession is showing.

Earl Grey, Warm February 8, 2013 at 3:51 pm

It’s also making your ass look big.

Silvio Dante February 8, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Move along, Lloyd.

Nolff February 8, 2013 at 3:20 pm

I was wondering about the lack of posts today.

Roseanne February 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Wil is writing about himself in the 3rd person again. What in the world causes that?

darksied calling February 8, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Will after reading this I called a couple attorney friends at the beach to see what the latest gossip was…in short you my friend may be in for more trouble than you can imagine. It seems that your articles about GS Chamber of Commerce,Bike Week,Ken Ard,Tom Rice,Coastal Kickbacks,et al (I had to stop somewhere folks) really have rubbed a number of heavy hitters the wrong way and Judge Cottingham has handed them the proverbial means to deal with you.

Current rumor is that Senior LEO’s and prosecutor’s have asked for DOJ and SCAG opinions on if your blogs (especially the one from earlier today)rise to level of contemptable actions. The gossip is a possible yes. The current thinking is to have warrants served and have you extridited back to Horry. Once there not only would the Viers case be part of the questioning but also the validity of your claims about the affair with Nikki Haley (just one of several items)so as to establish creditability. The aim is to get out of you all your sources (remember bloggers dont have freedom of press protection)as well as out those of us who post comments (this is to see who in city/county/state govt has been talking/posting-ya’ll can see where that is going).

Also if they can discredit you and that is their ultimate aim, they want to leave you in such a position that almost anyone with a grude can file civil suit against you. The ultimate aim is to force you and FITS to shut down. Now might be a good time for a winter vacation, if memory serves me right its summertime in Rio and Brazil doesnt have an extradition treaty back to US. By the way its about $1800 and a 9 hour flight non-stop.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 3:51 pm

…… If it’s true about getting info about Nikki/Will – then goes his book deal!

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 4:06 pm

… If this his plan to get his allegations on the record and public, then he’s a gutsy guy! I don’t believe that he would post many of his articles here if he didn’t have a plan, and with backup. So, watching and waiting……………

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 4:15 pm

What shifty henry said.

JC February 8, 2013 at 4:18 pm

Has Judge Cottingham issued a gag order regarding this case? If not, how can Fits be charged with contempt of court? Since he is not in the presence of a judge, the rules of indirect contempt are applicable, and Fits must wilfully violate an order of the Court to be guilty of contempt. To my knowledge, no signed order has been violated regarding this case. It would seem like the Fourth Circuit Solicitor and Judge Cottingham are way out of line on this.

? February 8, 2013 at 4:40 pm

What? You’ve never seen a back dated order?


If they want him bad enough they’ll find a way…they may not make it stick…but they’ll screw with him a bit- just to try to shut him up a bit.

Personally, I think they risk much if the MSM decides to report it…but they don’t like FITSnews much either I’m guessing, so it might be worth the risk.

tomstickler February 8, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Look up the “Elmer Fudd” case from a few years back to get an idea of the sort of snooping the Myrtle Beach powers get up to.

Smirks February 8, 2013 at 7:13 pm

I’m sure if they could force him to blow money on lawyers to fight this, they’d consider it a worthwhile venture just to fuck with him.

Ruse to Steal IP Addresses February 8, 2013 at 3:32 pm

The word is this is the excuse they have been seeking in order to pick up the IP addresses of people posting here.

Interesting to see if they stick to the Bessinger articles or go for the whole batch –

Earl Grey, Warm February 8, 2013 at 3:53 pm


darksied calling February 8, 2013 at 4:06 pm

from what I can gather they want to go back 4 years to before Sanford went hiking in the mountains.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 4:08 pm

…. Probably most of the regulars have posted on those articles, although some folks have been noticeably absent lately.

tomstickler February 8, 2013 at 4:42 pm

Yes, where is BigT?

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:10 pm

…… @tom—- EXACTLY!

Tootsie February 8, 2013 at 6:23 pm

Looks like authorities can already get any IPs from Fits that they want.

From Myrtle Beach Online:

“The state executed “several search warrants” to learn the IP addresses where the comments were made and who the addresses were registered to. One was the Clarion Hotel in Columbia, where Viers was staying at the time some comments were made and the other was his Myrtle Beach home.”

Anonymous February 8, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Good luck with that. Court orders and search warrants must be narrowly tailored. They can’t just get a blanket order for all ip addresses. Viers’ posts got outted because they were evidence of a crime.

Original Good Old Boy February 8, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Wouldnt be surprised if these rumors are simply to keep people scared from posting, because they aren’t going to be able to get the ip addresses unless they are evidence of a crime (unless they are going to break the law over it). And then they can only the specific posts that may be evidence ( not the posts about boobs). In a civil suit someone can get a court order for a particular IP if, for example, there is a defamation lawsuit filed.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 3:52 pm

….. and do I really need any more excitement in my life?

Old Bike Dude February 8, 2013 at 4:02 pm

Better pack the soap on the rope.

Jackie February 8, 2013 at 4:07 pm

Let me see if I understand this …I’m not a lawyer or a geek … anybody who posted shit about that gals fake rack is going to jail??
Rut-rho !

? February 8, 2013 at 4:11 pm

Looks like I’m in major trouble. Maybe we can get cross examination on whether her tits are fake or not and be exonerated.


Nolff February 8, 2013 at 4:25 pm

I think I said something too.
All that legal shit is over my head.
I plead the fif.

? February 8, 2013 at 4:36 pm

No worries fellas, we’ll share legal costs and have a party. I know some real shit head attorney’s that will make life difficult for the offended parties.

When it’s all done you’ll think, “Damn, that was a lot of fun for the money.”

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:27 pm

…… and I’ll bring the cards (haw-haw) —-

Isotope Soap February 8, 2013 at 6:12 pm

Awesome! Maybe we’ll enjoy some mustard BBQ?

Freddy the Lobster February 8, 2013 at 4:08 pm

Looks like the post burglary comments from Thad Viers are in the “Thad Viers Lawyers Up” article dated March 23, 2012.

Sparklecity February 8, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Good Luck

And if you require a defense fund, I’ll pony up


(by way of North Carolina and proudly, West by God Virginia)

Sarge February 8, 2013 at 4:40 pm

And you folks and Folks might remember how many times has royally pissed off her royal highness, Queen Jean Hoefer Toal who is completely in charge – just ask her – of the South Carolina Judicial systerm. And Cottingham is one of her LONG time drinking buds.

Doesn't matter February 8, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Listen, if you hate South Carolina so much, then move. Folks, there are 49 other states in this union where you are able and welcome to reside. I respect your opinions and insight. I even find many of your articles informative, but I question your articles’ factual backgrounds. That being said, please stop bashing everyone in this state. Sometimes people are just doing their jobs. Sometimes people just make mistakes. You of all people should recognize that people are capable of making errors in judgement. I hope that you can allow this blog to grow into a legitimate news outlet, but you must first come to grips with the fact that you have got to stop bashing everyone and everything in this state. It destroys your credibility.

Smirks February 8, 2013 at 7:25 pm

Sit, Will. Good boy. Roll over, Will.

Seriously, who are you? You write like you’re someone behind this.

Judy Chop Casual Hero February 10, 2013 at 11:35 am

Sorry, Smirks I believe that “Doesn’t Matter” is correct on most of his assessment. I have said many times that Will Folks has become like that sideshow carnival character who sits on the board over the water tank and bashes everybody who walks by just to take their money.

“Hey Fatso, you and your homely wife live on doughnuts? Man, I bet your dog is uglier than your wife. Your dog is so ugly you have to shave his arse and teach him to walk backwards.” The crowd gathers and more people stand in line to throw the ball to shut the barker up.

Will Folks bashes every politician, questions everyones intellect, rips every sports team apart, and fawns over everything with two tits. He knows how to generate hits and comments, too. He is a genius at this cyber game. I’m just wondering how long he can juggle.

ohnonotagain February 8, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Hey, I’m all for standing your ground on First Amendment grounds.
But telling lawyers and judges not to “Fuck” with you, even just in print, is stupid. Just ignorant, ill-informed, uneducated.
And it’s all well and good to put such bold talk in your description of the events.
But I doubt it actually happened. Did you tape it? We’d love to hear a copy, then. Otherwise, just plain dumb.

ohnonotagain February 8, 2013 at 4:46 pm

Oh yeah. there’s no such thing as extradition from one county to another.
Not really. Warrants are serviceable anywhere in the state. Extradition is state to state or country to country.
Use of a big word to make it seem like you are in a bigger pinch.
My guess is if anything comes of this, it will be Cottingham calling you a pissant little prick from the bench.

Rup Roh February 8, 2013 at 4:50 pm

Where did this story go?
And we understand Crustyham … err, Cottingham … is dying to play the role of dashing hero to this large-chested damsel in distress.

But this old fart needs to check himself – and fast.

First of all, he has absolutely no business threatening people’s First Amendment freedoms simply because he’s trying his damnedest to remember what an erection felt like … however many decades ago that may have been for him. Second, his biased comments at this hearing strike us as grounds for recusal – not to mention an investigation into his competency to remain on the bench.

Oh … and as for Cottingham’s threat to put us in jail, we have three simple words: Bring it on.

Ole Lexington Dude February 8, 2013 at 9:19 pm

I had to put up with this blowhard, redneck asshole Cunningham a few years ago in Lexington. As those of us from the Pelion area know and can recognize at only the slightest glance, he is white trash redneck stock of the oldest variety. He threw out some names of people he thought important and we could not have cared less. There was enough eye rolling behind his back to make an entire courtroom of potential jurors seasick. People like him is the reason SC is going backwards. His daughter is a redneck bitch also.

htimskram February 8, 2013 at 4:57 pm

I hope they turn him into a martyr for the first amendment. If love to have this go national and take down a lot of crooked politicos.

Crooner February 8, 2013 at 4:58 pm

What, you think spending the night in the poky gonna give you some street cred?

The fact that they have no reason to arrest you won’t keep them from doing so and keeping you in all weekend until you can be arraigned Monday afternoon. Then they’ll let you out when you sign an agreement not to pursue any remedy relating to the legality of your arrest. You’ll be so tired of bologna sandwiches by then you’ll sign anything.

But don’t give up your posters identities. You’ll be done if you do.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:30 pm

….. Crooner, make that COLD bologna sandwiches!

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:25 pm

… I love you guys for expanding my knowledge, because you made me look up another phrase, “indirect contempt.” I wikied Contempt of Court and found this tidbit, which is extremely interesting (to me,anyway) —-

United States

Under American jurisprudence, acts of contempt are divided into direct or indirect and civil or criminal. Direct contempt occurs in the presence of a judge; civil contempt is “coercive and remedial” as opposed to punitive. In the United States, relevant statutes include 18 USC 401-403 and Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 42.[10]
1.Direct contempt is that which occurs in the presence of the presiding judge (in facie curiae) and may be dealt with summarily: the judge notifies the offending party that he or she has acted in a manner which disrupts the tribunal and prejudices the administration of justice. After giving the person the opportunity to respond, the judge may impose the sanction immediately.
2.Indirect contempt occurs outside the immediate presence of the court and consists of disobedience of a court’s prior order. Generally a party will be accused of indirect contempt by the party for whose benefit the order was entered. A person cited for indirect contempt is entitled to notice of the charge and an opportunity for hearing of the evidence of contempt and, since there is no written procedure, may or may not be allowed to present evidence in rebuttal.

Contempt of court in a civil suit is generally not considered to be a criminal offense, with the party benefiting from the order also holding responsibility for the enforcement of the order. However, some cases of civil contempt have been perceived as intending to harm the reputation of the plaintiff, or to a lesser degree, the judge or the court.

Sanctions for contempt may be criminal or civil. If a person is to be punished criminally, then the contempt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, but once the charge is proven, then punishment (such as a fine or, in more serious cases, imprisonment) is imposed unconditionally. The civil sanction for contempt (which is typically incarceration in the custody of the sheriff or similar court officer) is limited in its imposition for so long as the disobedience to the court’s order continues: once the party complies with the court’s order, the sanction is lifted. The imposed party is said to “hold the keys” to his or her own cell, thus conventional due process is not required. The burden of proof for civil contempt, however, is a preponderance of the evidence, and theoretically punitive sanctions (punishment) can only be imposed after due process but the due process is unpublished.

In civil contempt cases there is no principle of proportionality. In Chadwick v. Janecka (3d Cir. 2002), a U.S. court of appeals held that H. Beatty Chadwick could be held indefinitely under federal law, for his failure to produce US$ 2.5 mill. as state court ordered in a civil trial. Chadwick had been imprisoned for nine years at that time and continued to be held in prison until 2009, when a state court set him free after 14 years, making his imprisonment the longest on a contempt charge to date.

Civil contempt is only appropriate when the imposed party has the power to comply with the underlying order.[11] Controversial contempt rulings have periodically arisen from cases involving asset protection trusts, where the court has ordered a settlor of an asset protection trust to repatriate assets so that the assets may be made available to a creditor.[12] A court cannot maintain an order of contempt where the imposed party does not have the ability to comply with the underlying order. This claim when made by the imposed party is known as the “impossibility defense”.[13]

The United States Marshals Service is the agency component that first holds all federal prisoners. It uses the Prisoner Population Management System /Prisoner Tracking System. The only types of records that are disclosed as being in the system are those of “federal prisoners who are in custody pending criminal proceedings.” The records of “alleged civil contempors” are not listed in the Federal Register as being in the system leading to a potential claim for damages under The Privacy Act, 5 USC section 552a (e)(4)(I).[14][15]

[edit] News Media in the US

In the United States, because of the broad protections granted by the First Amendment, with extremely limited exceptions, unless the media outlet is a party to the case, a media outlet cannot be found in contempt of court for reporting about a case because a court cannot order the media in general not to report on a case or forbid it from reporting facts discovered publicly.[16] Newspapers cannot be closed because of their content.[17]

darksied calling February 8, 2013 at 5:47 pm

“In the United States, because of the broad protections granted by the First Amendment, with extremely limited exceptions, unless the media outlet is a party to the case, a media outlet cannot be found in contempt of court for reporting about a case because a court cannot order the media in general not to report on a case or forbid it from reporting facts discovered publicly.[16] Newspapers cannot be closed because of their content.”

Note this applies to traditional MSM;recent court rulings have held that bloggers are not granted the same protections as the MSM, therefore they can be covered by ordered by a court not to report or blog on case and they can be ordered shut down, subject to appeal.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 7:36 pm

,,,, Thanks, I wasn’t trying to put up a defense for Will but only presenting it for whatever it’s worth since we are not privy to the legal facts and maneuvering.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 7:37 pm

,,,,, I’ve never heard the term “indirect contempt” – that’s why I looked it up.

Dan February 9, 2013 at 10:35 am

Why not just provide the weblink instead of copying and pasting an 18-inch excerpt?

hhuuhh?? February 10, 2013 at 9:11 am

darksiedcalling: are you saying that a blogger doesn’t have the First Amendment rights of a corporation?

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:41 pm

…. WHAT – ME WORRY? For all Fitsnews posters, I offer the following list of defenses, and you get to pick any three —-

1) — absurdism
2) — caricature
3) — farce
4) — hyperbole
5) — irony
6) — lampoon
7) — malaprop
8) — parody

Alias Buz Martin, Cerified Entertainer February 8, 2013 at 6:07 pm

I LIKE that list and will take one of each. I like it all — because the absurdism evident in the caricature of myself I’ve presented here with all my farcical and hperbolic comments over the last few years on this blog should be evident to anyone who has read then carefully.

My comments have veritably DRIPPED with irony, as I’ve deftly lampooned one public figure after another. The rollickingly hilarious malapropisms in them have surely popped right off the screen at the more discerning and intelligent readers, making them piss their pants with laughter.

In the guise of an insightful outsider and cranky old fart know-it-all avenging reformer I am obviously a parody of my true self, and all I have presented here should be read in that light.

Hahaha! I mean — who didn’t know that?

Alias Buz Martin, Cerified Entertainer February 8, 2013 at 6:10 pm

See? See? I have even parodied cranky old farts what dont spell so gude.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 6:17 pm

…. see what we’ve missed since you’ve been gone – a classic!

Alias Boz Martin, Certified Entertainer February 8, 2013 at 6:44 pm

Ah thankyouverymuch. I’ll be here all week

… if I’m not in J. Reuben Long.

That reminds me. If they put me in there, I need to tell them I’d like a brand new CPAP, and not one that any busted Horry County Police officers or the Horry County Horse-fucker might have wheezed and drooled into.

Sailor February 8, 2013 at 8:31 pm

Boz, I always put on my depends before reading your stuff!

Earl Capps February 8, 2013 at 8:40 pm

Careful there, Boz. If they’re thin-skinned enough to not appreciate your sense of humor, they won’t likely want you entertaining the inmates either.

Buz Martin February 8, 2013 at 9:18 pm

Earl Capps,

DANG! And I do a KILLER “Folsom Prison” with a yodeling break!

Constitutional Law February 8, 2013 at 5:41 pm

Judge Edward Cottingham is an old corrupt fool. He wants legal trouble to come knocking on his on front door? Then so be it. I can almost assure you, that old fart will go down in flames. He is stepping over the bounds of protected constitutional and civil rights law.

I think it would be wonderful to strip Cottingham of his dirty black robe. Don’t you? HAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 5:45 pm

….. An example of irony —

— We get jail time and Will gets to visit us!


darksied calling February 8, 2013 at 5:52 pm

I would add remember this is Horry County aka The Independent Banana Republic of Horry County.

Brer Rabbit February 8, 2013 at 6:15 pm

Some wisdom from Uncle Remus:

De howlin’ dog know w’at he sees.

Fiddlin’ nigger say hit’s long ways ter de dance.

Rooster makes mo’ racket dan de hin w’at lay

Don’t rain eve’y time de pig squeal

Save de pacin’ mar’ fer Sunday

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 6:35 pm

….. on the lighter side, tomorrow is officially —–


Stinkin' Yankee February 8, 2013 at 6:39 pm

Well, Sic, yesterday it was: “Oh … and as for Cottingham’s threat to put us in jail, we have three simple words: Bring it on.” Today it was shutting down the blog so you could lawyer-up…a bit afraid that there might be some big tattooed Aryan nation-types in the Horry County lock up looking at your skinny little bald head or ass???


William H. "Buz" Martin February 8, 2013 at 6:51 pm

Where did he say he’s shutting down the blog?

Do crackheads have some kind of special filters that make words appear that nobody else can see?

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 7:41 pm

….. I’ll translate it for you —-

“Give the rigmarole to the clangery-whang if they care for such fiddlededee; but the thingumbob kiss of whangeery-bang keeps the higglede-piggle for me”

Boz Martin February 9, 2013 at 12:17 pm

Thanks shifty henry. That clears it up to a more acceptable level of inanity.

jimlewis,owb February 8, 2013 at 7:04 pm

I would like to think there is more than one attorney who would love to make their bones by shoving the United States Constitution down the throat of South Carolina Politicians and pulling it out of their fucking ass.

Cockroaches cannot take the sunlight. The little sons of bitches would piss on the Sun if their deformed peckers would allow it.

FitsNews is one, if not the only South Carolina forum currently available, which takes risks and allows its posters and commenters to put out for all to read either what is actually taking place or pretty damn close to what is going on.

Initially I posted anonymously. Really don’t know why but just did.

In time I came to the conclusion that if as a citizen of this State and of the United States I could not express my opinions under my given name then what in the hell kind of government have I been supporting all these years.

If this Contempt issue continues to snowball, if the Courts come after you personally/professionally, this website, the authors of the articles, the tipsters and especially those who comment then I will support the fight financially as much as I can.

I have just processed a Donation to FitsNews and will continue to send monthly what I can.

Remember what General George Armstrong Custer said when he topped the hill at the Little Big Horn,

Goddamn, that is a lot of Fucking Indians

SparkleCity February 8, 2013 at 9:36 pm

Like I poster earlier,

Sometimes I don’t agree with FITS and SOME of the posters but I do support the venue of free expression. This site is preferrable to right wing-nut talk radio and the idiots who support that medium (especially the GSP market area)

I’ll pony up in spite of our differences

Actually, to complement them…………

My Name February 8, 2013 at 7:19 pm

Willy. You’re a dick. I’d like to buy you for what you’re worth and sell you for what you think you’re worth. Sleeping with Nikki Haley isn’t much to brag about but I probably would too if I were you.

I’m on your side on this one though.

? February 8, 2013 at 7:21 pm

“Initially I posted anonymously. Really don’t know why but just did.”

It’s called “self preservation” Jim.

I admire you greatly for posting with your name.

There is a reality though that doing so can bring risk, if not outright attack. The Framers knew this, and others.(my favorite being “Federal Farmer””)

I believe anonymity helps debate, and uncovers truth. It can be used to distort it as well.

In the end though, it’s an important part of a free society.

Anyone that fears words/ideas, usually does for less than noble reasons…and seeks to hurt those anonymous purveyors in other ways because they can’t counteract the words/ideas.

Tetley February 8, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Well, at least this seems to have distracted Will from posting as his “Big T” persona. Now, Will, if you can narrate the unfolding drama as Ballsack, all will be well.

? February 8, 2013 at 7:30 pm

The irony of this whole situation with Sic is that he probably rolled over on Thad, by releasing the IP addresses of his posts in which he incriminated himself.

In fairness to everyone, Sic warned some time ago(around the SS sex articles) that posting comments that indicated crime committal wasn’t going to be protected.

It’s just interesting that the judge is bitching about FITS when it was FITS that probably aided the case against Thad.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 7:47 pm

….. It will be interesting to see what develops overnight, cause I’m truly looking forward to the morn.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 7:50 pm

…. In fact, there hasn’t been much excitement around my house since Uncle Dale walked by the Venus Fly Trap with his zipper open.

Earl Capps February 8, 2013 at 11:20 pm

Shifty, don’t tell us the details, ok?

shifty henry February 9, 2013 at 4:03 am

Earl, we do have the pictures from the emergency room, but we can’t post them here.

shifty henry February 8, 2013 at 9:03 pm

…. I notice that Will is taking this seriously because the handcuffs in the photo are cold, hard steel and not covered in velvet.

Joe February 9, 2013 at 7:42 am

It is very easy to change your IP address, both for your cell phone and your computer. There are even pay proxy services that will shield your IP.

The bigger issue is that the government no longer has to get a judge to sign a warrant to access your phone, internet, power, or other records. They can simply get an executive search warrant signed by an crime agency department head to “monitor” your records for criminal activity if such activity is “suspected”.

As far as bloggers not having freedom of the press. Well we will have to work on that. More and more “bloggers” are becoming reliable reporters of facts that the mainstream media tends to ignore. Though Fitsnews may be somewhat opinionated, in many cases they report more factual information than regular newspapers and tv news shows, especially regarding the Myrtle Beach area.

Raspy February 9, 2013 at 8:26 am

I hope Will fares well and nothing bad happens to him. He is the best investigative reporter and news source SC has. He is the only one with the balls to tackle the really dirty politicos!

Jeffy01 February 9, 2013 at 9:40 am

Uh oh….somebody asked for a big ole dose of creepy old guy

Alias Boz Martin, Certified Entertainer February 10, 2013 at 10:07 am

Ah, but NOBODY asked for even a spoonful of insignificant age-obsessed, Boz-obsessed young dipshit.

2big2fall February 9, 2013 at 10:22 am

I had a terrible dream last night. I was outside a courthouse in Myrtle Beach parading around dressed up like a wino and carrying a hinge-top box strapped onto my crotch with a “FREE WILLIE” sign attached.

Bessinger’s spawn came into the picture…naked as a jay bird, wildly jumping around on a pogo stick …chasing me around beating me senseless with a gigantic pair of barbecue slathered boobs.

The judge joined in the melee but he wasn’t wearing black robes. He was wearing a pink zoot suit and was screaming something about Puerto Rican statehood.

It was wonderful. I just wish she would have used tomato or vinegar based sauce instead of the mustard juice.

WTF! It was a damn dream. It doesn’t have to make a lick of sense…

shifty henry February 9, 2013 at 11:16 am

— hinge top box? at least you were covered (but you are either bragging (top opening) or advertising

— zoot suit? you’re telling your age

— tomato/vinegar? mustard is my favorite

— wish Candace would appear to me in a dream

— stop eating Cheetos before going to sleep

— sometimes this works for me when I have a good dream: when I wake up I repeat three times “to be continued” – occasionally this works the next night

Soft Sigh from Hell February 9, 2013 at 5:06 pm

“— zoot suit? you’re telling your age”

Is anyone here old enough to actually remember the early 1940s (the “Zoot suit riots” Where were they? LA?).

Not I.

Soft Sigh from Hell February 9, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Boobeque probably has some potential.

Buz Martin - just another humble admin @ SCThePeeps February 9, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Ancient and potentially wizened as I am (if my current diet does its magic well and I don’t get all that unsightly excess hangage cut off so my belly doesn’t have that “flapjack hanging on a nail” look to it) I am too young to remember the heyday of the zoot suit with its mandatory reet pleet. They were in serous decline by the time my radically premature self and my twin that didn’t make it popped into the world and went straight to the cooker.

However, to my mind, one who speaks of a zoot suit or dreams of someone wearing one is not showing their age, as much as showing an awareness of pop culture and fashion of the 20th Century. To me, that’s an endlessly fascinating subject. Thankfully, there will always be the old movies, posters, magazine stories and ads to keep that goofy-cool fashion alive.

When I get trimmer and my ship comes in, I will buy me a vintage zoot suit and haunt everyone’s wildest dreams in it. btw, contrary to rumors started, I think, by Philip Brandon, “my ship” has NOT been taken over by Somali pirates in league with the lizard-blood landfill cartel in the Pee Dee. At least the ransom note I got yesterday didn’t SEEM to be from them.

I’ll keep everybody posted.

Buz Martin - just another humble admin @ SCThePeeps February 9, 2013 at 5:30 pm

Crap … forgot to close that HTML tag, dang it all to hang. Thankfully, this is not one of those blogs where the italics would carry over to subsequent posted comments if it wasn’t closed.

jx123 February 9, 2013 at 11:29 am

like the predictions of indictments in lexington, much ado about nothing.

Ginger February 9, 2013 at 3:18 pm

The case of the bulbous penis and the fraudulent breasts…

Sherlock Holmes is matched only by modern-day Sic Willie.

GoneButNotForgotten February 9, 2013 at 4:58 pm

Hey Sic: Does the name Kenny Lancaster ring any bells with you? Hope it does, cause you’re fixin to get your bells rung on account of what you did to him. Payback’s a bitch, brother.

OK, Be Right Over! February 9, 2013 at 6:44 pm

Maybe Kenny needed to keep his dick in check?

Crystal Ball Ninja, Judy Chop February 10, 2013 at 9:17 am

Don’t matter if you are right or wrong you have to have a plan when you bob and weave through the universe. When you walk on the internet high-wire — some want to see you fly, others want to see you fall.

Old Sic puts his ego and his pecker ahead of his smarts. Kinda like playing high stakes poker with your cards showing. Not smart.

Will reminds me of King Richard the Lionheart. He marches into battle everyday, all puffed up, with his adoring Fits Faithful minions cheering him on. Sic has the tallest horse and the most followers and he rides through the internetdom smacking all of the SC buffoons down, day after day.

And then one day a little old hunch back man, in a black robe, pops out of the bushes with a cross bow and sends a dart sailing. And then and there the chink in the armor is discovered and the whole game is over.

Just a metaphor. However, a lot of people are trying to find a way to shut this site down. You can’t slay dragons your entire life. There are no old knights, just knights of old.

Anonymous February 10, 2013 at 9:48 am

Speaking of kings and such, and since some folks miss old BigT, and also to break the current monotony, I’ll share this puzzler as it was told to me—-

Way back during the Middle Ages one of BigT’s ancestors was a traveling troubadour. Arriving at a castle he was greeted by the king who welcomed him and offered him food and lodging for the night in return for his providing singing and musical entertainment.

After a huge feast the king brought out his three daughters who provided entertainment for BigTroubadour

— the first daughter sang the most beautiful songs he ever heard T

— the second daughter danced the most alluring dance he had ever seen

— the third daughter played on a flute the most exotic tunes he had ever heard

Afterwards, the king said, “As is my well-known custom for hospitality, my guests are allowed to sleep with his choice of bedmate.”

Question: who did BigTroubadour sleep with?

Buz Martin - just another humble admin @ SCThePeeps February 10, 2013 at 10:26 am

Crystal Ball Ninja, Judy Chop,

Respectfully, your comment is premised on what I predict will prove out as an unsupportable assumption: That Will does not have a plan already in place for a contingency such as this.

Keep in mind that all of those same people have been wanting to get FITSNews shut down for a long time now. Keep in mind that a serious attempt at that will immediately garner nationwide attention from the media. Maybe even beyond the USA. It’s a classic “The whole world’s watching!” situation.

As for the “There are no old knights, just knights of old” comment, that may be so, as far as it goes. But thanks to Father Time, guess which knight is currently more likely to remain this side of dirt the longest, regardless of the outcome of the coming engagement?

Hint: It sure as hell ain’t The Ancient Barrister.

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 11:19 am

Plagiarized from the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” —-

I fear not thee, ancient Judge!

I fear not thy skinny hand!

Tho thou art short, and pudgy, and brown,

As is the ribbed sea-sand.

I fear not thee and thy glittering eye,

And thy skinny hand, so brown.

I fear not thee, saith Will Folks!

This body dropt not down!

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 10:36 am

Will didn’t tag himself as “SIC” by accident. I believe he has been working on a plan for a long time. My thought is that he is like the Little Piggy who built his house with bricks, but his has trapdoors – just waiting to see who gets caught – and I don’t believe he is doing this without some excellent backup and support.

Judy Chop Casual Hero February 10, 2013 at 11:48 am

Shifty Henry, me thinks you have been dabbling in the joke department a tad too long. When someone asked Charles de Gaulle, premier of France why he never laughed nor smiled, Mr. de Gaulle replied, “What do you take me for, an idiot?”

Sic’s only backup is a girl named Nancy in Atlanta, his kinky wife, an attorney with a very tiny shingle, and an obese cat who dines on salsa from Casa Linda’s. Don’t laugh…

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 12:28 pm

By keeping my nurses in good humor with my sharp mind and intellect, they slip in extra helpings of mashed potatoes and jello for me, thank you!

Please don't Mace Me February 10, 2013 at 2:10 pm

I think Nancy may be working in Chucktown these days Judy

Tank February 10, 2013 at 12:02 pm

Do we need to Kickstart your bail fund?

katrina February 10, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Bloggers legal issues

Online defamation law

Go into the good fight with your eyes open, Will. Don’t give up control of your legal affairs to ambulance chasers. If you do, bend over and spread, even if the attack is baseless.

Fairness and respect for law is not an objective of SC legal proceedings. Clients aren’t protected from the incompetent and unethical conduct of lawyers in trial proceedings.

My statements are factually irrefutable. See Judiciary Accountability Report. See also operations management and fundamentals of business process design. If it isn’t measured, it isn’t delivered.

Fact: SC ruling process isn’t measured for compliance to, and respect for, law. Process is measured for legal profession docket management concerns (scheduling, case load, etc.)

Fact: Trial courts issue unfair rulings. See higher rulings, overturned lower rulings for non justiciabilty, improper application of law, lawyer shenanigans, etc, AFTER client legal affairs already damaged by lawyer screw ups. Case law only samples trial court rulings. What’s the measurement on fairness of trail rulings that aren’t appealed? ZIPPO.

Fact: Clients legal affairs aren’t protected from being fouled by unethical lawyers. See disciplinary rulings on lawyers. Rulings occurred AFTER client endured lawyer foulness. Foulness not likely (see below) to be reported.

Fact: Legal profession so called ‘regulation process’ guarantees failure to regulate. It’s a farce. Process exists only in administrative function. So called ‘process’ uses lawyer personal motivation to initiate report from adjudication function, into administration function. Lawyer is to altruistically give up income generating time paid by client(or spend clients fees)to dig into another lawyer’s work and ‘report’ misconduct for administrative function to process. Meanwhile litigation goes on. Puhlease!!! This crap can’t meet minimum requirements of any, even a bad, business process. Aside from other design failures, it’s stupidly moronic to assert human PERSONAL motivation as an intrinsic BUSINESS process element. Numbskulls.

Finally, because of the above, it’s a certainty that clients pay lawyers for conduct that is unethical and incompetent. The proportion of clients who pay for this crap is unknown. The client MIGHT get the money back – if the lawyer gets disciplined, and it the discipline order says to pay it back.

Martindale Hubbell February 10, 2013 at 5:14 pm

Katrina, Will Folks should put you on retainer. You are 1,000% correct. Sic thinks that by taking the high road and waving the 1st Amendment around like a stainless banner he will become a hero.

His “bring it on” statement is pathetic as well as sad. Perhaps he should start practicing talking to his wife through a little hole behind a glass wall and maybe they can pass each other love notes — like when you cash your check at the drive-in window at Wells Fargo.

Do you think he could get a pardon from the Governor? Oops. He done screwed that up too.

His “second” book might actually be better than the first. Title?: ” I Can Clearly See S.C. From The Big House” by Will Folks

Martindale Hubbell February 10, 2013 at 5:14 pm

Katrina, Will Folks should put you on retainer. You are 1,000% correct. Sic thinks that by taking the high road and waving the 1st Amendment around like a stainless banner he will become a hero.

His “bring it on” statement is pathetic as well as sad. Perhaps he should start practicing talking to his wife through a little hole behind a glass wall and maybe they can pass each other love notes — like when you cash your check at the drive-in window at Wells Fargo.

Do you think he could get a pardon from the Governor? Oops. He done screwed that up too.

His “second” book might actually be better than the first. Title?: ” I Can Clearly See S.C. From The Big House” by Will Folks

Martindale Hubbell February 10, 2013 at 5:16 pm

Not sure how that happened? Must have sneezed on the Post Comment button. Sorry for the double post.

Golden Hiller February 10, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Have a feeling Nikki will say no trial.

Buz Martin February 10, 2013 at 7:18 pm

A clean slate?

Woo-hoo! We’re off the hook! It’s all been dispersed into The Cloud now, in micro-mini-nanobytes so jumbled and scattered that they amount to less than a popcorn fart in a hurricane as evidence of anything. Somebody fire up that bong!

Can I hear a ThankyewJayzusUH!????

Buz Martin February 10, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Uh-oh. I spoke too soon. I see evidence that it’s all coming back.

Ditch the bong. Bring out the 180 proof absinth.

MajorC February 10, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Man talk about economy mode. FitsNews now looks like its being run out of a basement by some USC student geek. I’m disappointed!

Boz Martin February 10, 2013 at 7:18 pm

A clean slate?

Woo-hoo! We’re off the hook! It’s all been dispersed into The Cloud now, in micro-mini-nanobytes so jumbled and scattered that they amount to less than a popcorn fart in a hurricane as evidence of anything. Somebody fire up that bong!

Can I hear a ThankyewJayzusUH!????

Boz Martin February 10, 2013 at 7:21 pm

Uh-oh. I spoke too soon. I see evidence that it’s all coming back.

Ditch the bong. Bring out the 180 proof absinth.

MajorC February 10, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Man talk about economy mode. FitsNews now looks like its being run out of a basement by some USC student geek. I’m disappointed!

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:43 pm

This is the last attempt to post tonight.

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:47 pm

Well, it seems that I got through on about the sixth attempt, but I don’t know what I did differently – ????? I couldn’t find a link to the the red bar: “validation, etc” — it seems that I have to type in posting name and email address — time consuming –hmmmm

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:55 pm

It appears that I have to go back to my XP to post and type in my info each time. Uh Oh! There is now a vote up/down link — now I’ll find how popular/unpopular I am. But you guys asked for that several months ago — it’s a good thing, though. Good night, all!

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:43 pm

This is the last attempt to post tonight.

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:47 pm

Well, it seems that I got through on about the sixth attempt, but I don’t know what I did differently – ????? I couldn’t find a link to the the red bar: “validation, etc” — it seems that I have to type in posting name and email address — time consuming –hmmmm

shifty henry February 10, 2013 at 8:55 pm

It appears that I have to go back to my XP to post and type in my info each time. Uh Oh! There is now a vote up/down link — now I’ll find how popular/unpopular I am. But you guys asked for that several months ago — it’s a good thing, though. Good night, all!

Smirks February 11, 2013 at 10:17 am

Question: The site says there were lots of comments but it appears the old ones don’t show up here. Were they just erased? Hrm.

Keep us updated on this stuff, Willie.

John Osborne February 11, 2013 at 12:31 pm

He changed the entire site it deletes the previous content

Smirks February 11, 2013 at 9:17 am

Question: The site says there were lots of comments but it appears the old ones don’t show up here. Were they just erased? Hrm.

Keep us updated on this stuff, Willie.

John Osborne February 11, 2013 at 11:31 am

He changed the entire site it deletes the previous content

Isotope Soap February 11, 2013 at 7:09 pm

Damn, there goes my three squares.

Isotope Soap February 11, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Damn, there goes my three squares.


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