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"Crony" Capitalism is just... Capitalism August 30, 2024 at 10:14 am

Crony capitalism is like the Legion of Doom, take away the “cronyism” and you still have a bunch of supervillains.

Red Uprising August 30, 2024 at 11:05 am

“This is just more Big Tech hypocrisy when it comes to ‘climate action.'”

It’s almost as if corporations under capitalism prioritize profits above all else, and therefore not only will capitalism fail to address climate change until the extinction of the species (because there’s no profit in it), it will turn its joke of a response to it into a profit-seeking venture as well.

Conservatives actually do realize this. It’s literally what they point out with carbon credit scams, where some fake factory in China gets “shut down” so some real factory in America gets to keep pumping out CO2 and we all pretend something positive happened. It’s an obvious con. The problem? Conservatives flock to defend the con artist trying to weasel its way out of corrective action for the messes it has helped create. Conservatives demand society just give up and let capitalism fully externalize the very real costs that come with global warming.

Conservatives can’t bring themselves to admit that, at our best, we still aren’t doing enough, because that implies we should be doing more. It makes their position that we should be doing even less 100% untenable. Thus we get the natural conclusion of such cognitive dissonance: “Global warming is just a hoax! It’s not me who’s out of touch, it’s all of those scientists!”

Capitalists can’t innovate a solution to a problem when they are themselves the problem.

Fill Wolks August 30, 2024 at 12:08 pm

Here, Will boosts an article that points out flaws with the energy bill pushed by the utility companies, which he fully endorsed with no question of the utility companies’ motives or concern for how the bill reduced consumer protections. Some real cognitive dissonance going on.

PGT Beauregard III Top fan September 2, 2024 at 12:34 pm

Herein Fits complains about cutting manufacturing property taxes from 10.5% to 4%. Meanwhile, on the woe is me homebuilder Fits was paid to promote lowering the property tax on rental housing from 6% to 4%.


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