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2024US & World

Kamala Harris Unveils Immigration Policy

Harris vows to provide “a roadmap to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers…”

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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) released its party platform prior to this week’s quadrennial national convention in Chicago, Illinois. The ten-point document includes Democrat’s vision of a “21st century immigration system,” and challenges former president Donald Trump‘s handling of the issue while providing a different vision for American immigration policy.

The 1,836-word proposal, which denigrated numerous Trump-era policies relating specifically to the treatment of Illegal immigrants, often conflates legal and illegal immigration.

“Out of many, we are one,” the document begins. “That bedrock American idea has animated our country from its earliest days, inspiring people from every corner of the earth to participate in our great democratic experiment.”

While the document acknowledges that “our immigration system was broken long before President Trump came into office” it fails to expand on what exactly is problematic about how our current system functions, and instead immediately moves on to state that: “Immigrants are part of our families. They enrich our culture. They grow our food, care for our loved ones, serve in our armed forces, and provide critical health care services.”



Democrats’ platform promised to “provide a roadmap to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers” who currently call America home, vowing to “eliminate unfair barriers to naturalization, reduce application backlogs, and make our immigration processes faster, more efficient, and less costly.”

Despite vice president Kamala Harris‘ multiple years serving as Joe Biden‘s “border czar,” to ostensibly address Democrat’s issues with the former administration’s policies, the document claims a Harris administration would “start by righting the wrongs of the Trump administration” – rescinding Trump’s “fabricated national emergency” to put an end to the construction of “an unnecessary, wasteful, and ineffective wall on the southern border.”

Harris also promised to “immediately terminate the Trump administration’s discriminatory travel and immigration bans that disproportionately impact Muslim, Arab, and African people” while supporting “legislation to ensure that no president can enact discriminatory bans ever again” as a part of “our fight to end systemic and structural racism in our country.”

Democrats also intend to “reinstate, expand, and streamline protections for Dreamers.”




Trump’s attempts to rescind the Obama-era policy which allowed illegal immigrants who arrived as children to avoid deportation were held up court throughout most of his administration, but recent rulings against the program indicate a potential Harris administration may have to go through the legislature should they choose to fortify the Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. FITSNews recently reported on the Biden administration’s bid to make all DACA recipients eligible for U.S. debt subsidized healthcare.

During Biden and Harris’ four years in office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have recorded more than 10 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide, as well as two million known “got-aways” – border crossers who successfully evaded capture and entered the country.

While the DNC hailed “immigrants” for “building and sustaining” our “communities, our congregations and our schools,” Democrat mayors across the country have publicized their struggles to keep up with the immense burden millions of illegal immigrants place on city social services.


Democrat mayors Eric Adams of New York and Brandon Johnson of Chicago. (Via: Facebook)

Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson sounded the alarm, warning “we have roughly 15,000 people living in shelters, temporary shelters, here in Chicago … 27 shelters total and 4,500 children in our Chicago public schools system, needing health care.”

“It won’t just be the city of Chicago that won’t be able to maintain this mission,” Johnson warned. “It’s the entire country that is now at stake.”

New York mayor Eric Adams also broke party lines as his city’s public infrastructure began to crumble. Adams told New Yorkers the city had “a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us.”

Adams added that the city could be “destroyed” by the immigration crisis. 

(Click to view)

(Via: FITSNews YouTube)

Despite the clear consequences of mass migration on the ability of Democrat-run cities to provide public services, the party’s position is clear – immigration is America’s future.

“A 21st century immigration system that honors our values is an essential prerequisite not just to recovering from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, but to strengthening our democracy and guaranteeing America’s long-term economic competitiveness,” the platform concluded. “That’s why Democrats believe in improving and increasing opportunities for legal, permanent immigration.”

Although most Republican politicians campaign aggressively against illegal immigration, many within the GOP agree that (legal) immigration guarantees “America’s long-term economic competitiveness.”

With the latest data indicating that Americans reproduce at well below a replacement birth rate, immigration is the only way economic models built on the assumption that population will continuously expand can function absent a spike in American fertility.

Japan’s stagnant economy stands as an example of the fiscal havoc wrought on nations experiencing a sharp decline in fertility. Economic pressures have recently caused policymakers in Tokyo to double the amount of foreigners eligible for work visas.



While culturally unified nations like Japan have proven themselves capable of implementing these economic resuscitation policies, it’s more likely Americans will be forced to watch unmitigated mass migration further erode their societal institutions.

In Japan, high value immigrants who have the ability to improve the nation’s economic standing are selectively allowed in.

In Europe and America, hordes of future wards of the state are allowed to overwhelm borders under the auspices of “refugee status” – despite voters electing officials who promise to restore law and order to their nation’s borders.

If this weren’t the case, the DNC wouldn’t have described the immigration system as “broken” only to paradoxically suggest a set of policies which would further entrench the illegal immigration industrial complex.

This is why Harris’ role of “border czar” is so unenviable. It’s impossible to claim that our immigration system isn’t “broken” … but it is also impossible for Harris to fix the system as it is broken by design and working exactly as intended.

Unfortunately, the DNC’s platform indicates that Harris wins the White House this November, the situation is likely to only get worse.




(Via: Travis Bell)

Dylan Nolan is the director of special projects at FITSNews. He graduated from the Darla Moore school of business in 2021 with an accounting degree. Got a tip or story idea for Dylan? Email him here. You can also engage him socially @DNolan2000.



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Squishy123 (the original) August 20, 2024 at 9:19 pm

I laugh everytime I see that picture of Dylan. Looks like a 12 year old wearing grandpa’s suit and not happy about it.

Nanker Phelge August 20, 2024 at 10:58 pm

Opie, just be straight about it and cut to the chase that the whole border drama and “pro-life” claptrap is really all about keeping America white. Especially poor white folks.

Frank August 21, 2024 at 1:24 pm

Why all this verbiage? She said she would sign the bi-partisan border bill that was negotiated between Biden and Senate Republicans and is the toughest border bill in history. If Trump had not killed it, it would already be law. And illegal border crossings are now below where they were when Trump was President. What is left to solve?

JustSomeGuest August 22, 2024 at 12:15 pm

DN and Will, first, no human being is “illegal.” A human being can be “born out of wedlock” or “undocumented” but NEVER “illegal” or illegitimate” as was (and still is) said of children born out of wedlock.
EVERY human being is legal and legitimate by the power of life itself. Remember “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”?
Life is FIRST; and those who use “illegal” and “illegitimate” to refer to living human beings cannot possibly be truly pro-life. You either respect all human life or none at all. That is why I do not even believe in the so-called “rape, incest. and life-of-the-mother” exceptions that Trump loudly claims he believes in and for the first time said something good about Ronald Reagan for believing in those exceptions.
A word about “life of the mother” though. That is pure intellectual laziness. Modern medicine, which can push viability of preemies to 20 weeks and earlier, can, if it REALLY wanted to, find ways to save both lives of mothers and fetuses at the same time. The unsalvageable fetuses are USUALLY taken care of by NATURE itself through spontaneous miscarriages.
Having made the pseudo-left hate me, let me make the pseudo-right hate me even more.
And, of course, DN and Will already hate me plenty.
Listen carefully to J.D. Vance’s acceptance speech, “we will let immigrants in under our own terms.”
He did not claim, “under the law or the Constitution.” He claimed “our own terms.” Whose are “our” terms?
They are the terms of his hillbilly family who want to spend their time smoking, drinking, and verbally and physically injuring each other while immigrants slave around to grow food and empty hospital bedpans without occupational safety.
Trump also said in his press conference after promising mass deportation, “we will bring immigrant in because they are needed for agriculture and for the tech and AI that is coming.”
It is not beyond imagination that J.D. Vance’s hillbillies want to bring immigrants in as LITERAL slaves.
Indeed, it is not beyond imagination that “Son of Project 2025” would advocate for invading Mexico, not to prevent immigration from Mexico, but to capture Mexicans and bring them in as LITERAL slaves.
Notice, J.D. Vance also now says, “the country your GRAND-parents built.” Your parents’ contribution to this country do not count if they were immigrants. They could have won a Nobel Prize in some science for an American university. But if your parents were first-generation immigrants when they did so, you have no right to partake of this country.
And DN, did it ever occur to you that Dreamers would RESCUE, rather than burden, what you call “the U.S. debt[-]subsidized healthcare” if only they were allowed to work in it as equal, well-trained professionals and pay taxes on that work?
It is indeed “broken by design and working exactly as it is intended to work”: replacing slavery which was frankly called slavery with slavery which is enforced by terrorizing working, possibly VERY creative, human beings by calling them “illegals.”
And why is that? In my opinion free from false humility, because America never developed the tools, the competence to treat human labor equally.
Nor did Europe for that matter. After almost exterminating each other in two World Wars in the 20th Century, Europe needed workers “under its own terms.” So, let Eastern Orthodox Christians exterminate each other in Russia-Ukraine wars and the refugees will flee to Europe as the new slaves not called slaves.
Let the South Sudanese exterminate each other and the refugees will flee to Europe as the new slaves not called slaves. Etc., etc., et cetera.
REAL “pro-life” means. not just opposing abortions, but seeing the potential of EVERY human life of making wherever that life is found or goes a better place.
Now, let ME, God willing, make your outlet a better place and let this comment through.

Jennifer Cox Top fan August 26, 2024 at 3:36 pm

Kamala has failed as border czar, her one job as VP. She was foisted upon the Democrats without the nomination process, and she went from speculation she would be replaced as VP when Biden was still in contention to run this November to now she’s their hero? I guess they do what they’re told… Obey…

JustSomeGuest August 27, 2024 at 5:37 am

Biden, like Obama before him, was the deporter-in-chief.
Still, there is a difference between that and “mass deportation.” which harkens back to the mass isolation-in-camps of Japanese Americans in World War II instead of using their talents and patriotism to win that war faster.
Whether we are in Cold War III or a hot World War III is coming, God forbid, America shall only weaken itself by breaking families apart with deportations of immigrant spouses and parents of natural-born U.S. citizens.
A house divided ….

JustSomeGuest August 27, 2024 at 5:27 am

Okay, so FITS will not let me post here under my preferred nom de plume. So, I am trying again under “JustAnotherGuest” and will not hesitate to tell FITS to go coercive-control himself if he blocks me.
But after watching the recent “48 Hours + Postmortem,” the trailers for Juror 785’s and Juror Z’s Fox Nation interview, and beginning to learn who Valerie Bauerlein really is, I have to make the assertion that Paul and Maggie were killed by a cabal of lesbian women in the area who conspired with Malicious Mandy Matney (“MMM”) and Sanctimonious Sandi Smith (“SSS”) to cause Stephen Smith’s case to be reopened. “Someone had to die” says SSS in the “48 Hours”). That is the real motive, not some STUPID theory that Alex did it to gain sympathy.
With that, here is my post under another Callie Lyons story:
Whether FITS is paid to promote Valerie Bauerlein’s book or is just pumping Valerie up to get back at Malicious Mandy Matney (“MMM”), the real test of whether Will loves his children more than money is how he will face up to his role in getting Richard Alexander Murdaugh (“RAM”) falsely convicted of what was done to Paul Terry Murdaugh (“PTM”) and Margaret Kennedy Bransetter Murdaugh (“MKBM”).
Will, your children will learn from what they see you do, not what they hear you lecture to them or what candy you give them.
Let this comment of mine through because it is WRONG of you to continue to pump Valerie Bauerlein’s book after her inadvertent admission.
Valerie Bauerlein’s publisher told her “who’s the reader going to root for?” so she cleaned up David Owens, the man WE KNOW lied to the grand jury about blood on Alex Murdaugh’s shirt.
If Valerie Bauerlein ever was a real journalist (and I doubt anyone who ever worked for The State Newspaper could have been), she stopped being one and became a book peddler just like Malicious Mandy Matney (“MMM”) and the rest of them.
The differences between MMM and Valerie is that MMM caused what was done to Paul and Maggie and that MMM got to profiting first.
In MMM’s book, she claims she refused to shake Valerie’s hand. There is no honor among thieves when they are trying to divide the loot. The only so-called honor is that the thieves do not argue loud enough so outsiders could hear them.

SubZeroIQ September 24, 2024 at 4:03 am

Seeing the photos of Mayor Eric Adams after the news of his ALLEGED federal investigation sadly reminds me of a cynical rule of politics and, apparently of judging in South Carolina: if you are committing improprieties (or are on the direct or indirect take as a judge), or are unqualified but want to move up in your career, just find an unpopular person or group and start beating up on them.
There is also an unspoken phenomenon which Kamala Harris would do well to acknowledge: MOST blacks do not like immigrants, even immigrants from Africa.
That is the natural self-protective effect of the minority: telling the majority, “I am more like YOU than that OTHER.” So, the native-born black is telling the white, “my skin may be that Haitian’s color and darker than yours BUT like you (and unlike that cat-eating other) I was born here and got civilized in your ways.”
Already, Janet Jackson is calling Kamala Harris “not black,” meaning Kamala’s parents were not born in an American ghetto and Kamala did not act in a 1980s American sitcom about life in the projects.
Trump is likely to win, not because immigration is a real problem (it never was) but because there is little more powerful in politics than promising your constituents that you will grab some foreigners’ money and give it to your voters.
Remember “take the oil [from Iraq]” and “make Mexico pay [for the wall]” in 2016?
In 2024, it is “we will tax China like they have never been taxed before.” Nice job if you can get it!
While America was busily de-industrializing itself and sending deranged Mica Millers to Africa, China was opening Confucius Institutes and building dams and agricultural projects throughout Africa.
The only things China needed from the U.S. recently were agricultural products. But with the U.S. making immigrant agricultural workers miserable, China will soon be able to be self-sufficient and/or get its minerals and food from a China-developed Africa. So, instead of China telling Trump “No way” and Trump, in the imagination of his dupes responding, “Yes way,” China will tell Trump to go tax himself.

SubZeroIQ September 25, 2024 at 9:19 am

It did not take long for me to be vindicated.
For those who dismissed as too-far-fetched (or worse) my warnings. ONLY A MONTH AGO (in a comment above) against some evil dark dream of a LITERAL new slavery, look no farther than North Carolina.
IF, but only if, now-Lieutenant-Governor and Republican-gubernatorial-hopeful Mark Robinson’s postings on “Nude Africa” are truly his, what did he write there?
He fantasized about bring slavery back AND HIMSELF “owning a few [slaves].” He did not specify black slaves, not that it would make his fantasy any less shocking.
Nor should anyone be shocked (as I naively was when I first learned it) that when slavery was legal, few free blacks themselves owned a slave or two, as did some Jewish people. Dreams of owning another human being is the secret sin not on the list.
And just as I am WAY ahead of my time in detecting the lurking evil, I am WAY ahead of my place in prescribing the cure/prevention: learn the JOY of doing for yourself even what you consider menial tasks.
In my SubZeroIQ world, no task is too menial (from threading a needle to cleaning a tub) for me to revolutionize it and make it an intellectual achievement.
So, go enslave yourself to the beauty of self-reliance and innovation.
AND go preach my ideas to the Mark Robinsons and his ilk.
God speed and God bless.

SubZeroIQ October 13, 2024 at 2:58 pm

Kamala Harris does not have a Moslem problem. It is the Palestinians who have an Islamist problem.
And just so you and all the history-and-geography illiterates who may write on your blog or read it know: Not all Palestinians are Arabs; not all Arabic speakers are Moslems; not all Israel’s citizens are Jewish; and not all the world’s Moslems care about people who identify as Palestinians.
The problem for all of us is the Islamist agenda which is as anti-Coptic, anti-Hindu, anti-Armenian, and even anti-Shi’a, as it is antisemitic, depending on the place in the world the Islamists take root.
Smart U.S. policy should be able to dis-tangle Islamist movements from anti-colonial movements. So far, it has not done so BECAUSE it has not even tried.
Intellectual laziness, sometimes manifested in pseudo-analytic wordiness, is the real enemy.
I shall, God willing, leave you to think about that for yourselves.

SubZeroIQ October 14, 2024 at 6:14 pm

Just so everyone knows: this year’s ALL THREE Nobel Prize winners in Economics are foreign-born immigrants to the U.S.
The Bible’s 36 admonitions to “love the sojourners among you as the native, for your strangers in the land of Egypt” is NOT a suicide pact BUT a prescription for strength.
Just as Egypt’s Pharaoh recognized the talents of Joseph (a Hebrew prisoner standing before the throne) and used them to rescue Egypt AND the surrounding lands from famine, the U.S. should love immigrants and renew its strength and vitality from them.
Do you know why micro-chips are now made only in Taiwan? Because U.S. universities and industries were too arrogant and xenophobic to let Taiwanese engineers work in the U.S. and rise in its universities’ teaching ranks. So, they took their talents and energies to their own homes and established industry there.
Congratulations under-educated WASP men! Trump loves you but you cannot do elementary arithmetic, neither can your grandchildren.
Enjoy your ignorance and mediocrity.


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