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The latest Baba Yaga for the far left is “the rise of Christian nationalism.”
They may have a point… it’s a scary bunch, and it would be embarrassing as hell to have the Republic fall to a bunch of well-regulated altar guilds and chancel choirs.
I’ve always assumed I must be a “Christian nationalist” myself, so I figured I’d look into what makes me so scary. Fortunately, I found Andrew Whitehead, who has written a book on the subject. He brought me up to speed, stating the following things as fact:
*** Christian nationalism does not want a government for the people by the people. It wants a government for a particular people, by a particular people. Namely, politically and religiously conservative white American Christians.
This was news to me. What I thought I wanted was government that revolves around the Constitution, where the Ten Commandments are considered good and positive ideas. If the candidate running is a Christian and agrees with that, I’m in. If the candidate is a Rastafarian, I’m in.
*** The anti-democratic propensities of Christian nationalism preserve the unequal access to the political process enjoyed by white, natural-born, conservative Christian citizens. Moves to expand who can pull the levers of power imperils this access. Therefore, Christian nationalism will discard democracy, if necessary.
Well, I admit we don’t think much of democracy, but that’s because it’s an ancient Greek form of government. It’s safe to say we stand pretty fast with America’s Constitutional Republic – given it was Christian nationalists who invented it.

That said, I’m confused about my unequal access to political process. Are we talking about voting? And the idea that thousands of impoverished minorities are living in shanties in the Francis Marion Forest, and can’t get an ID? Because there are exactly zero of those, I’d say access to voting is pretty equal — especially since anyone who has trouble getting to the voting booth can request an absentee ballot.
Maybe he’s talking about the winning of political races? Gotta admit, until the creation of Single Member Districts, whites Americans certainly had the advantage. Now in 2024, blacks make up 12.3 percent of America, and hold 13 percent of the seats in the House. That seems a tad equal, doesn’t it?
As for Whites, we make up 63.8 percent of the population, and hold 73 percent of the seats in the House — which would seem unfair, until you eliminate all the white Democrats who aren’t practicing Christians (or apparently don’t allow their faith to ever enter into their thinking). That would knock us down to about 36 percent. I’m pretty sure the Republic can survive that sort of disagreement ratio.
***Comfort with violence is a natural byproduct of Christian nationalism’s obsession with power. At times, the only way to get people to do what they should—as God commanded—is with the use (or threat) of force.
Can’t argue with that one. On the other hand, the BLM/ANTIFA rioters could barely get a good looting in before it was time to sing another hymn or attend a communion service.
***A desire for strict ethno-racial boundaries around who is a “true” American, where non-white and non-natural born citizens are viewed as unworthy of full participation in American civic life.
A South Carolinian wouldn’t be able to argue against that stance, except for the pesky fact we Christian nationalists elected (and re-elected) the only black Republican U.S. senator in the entire nation.
***Now, many Americans believe Christianity played an important role in the founding period or that the founding fathers were religious in one way or another. No reputable historian disputes these claims.
Well, if “no reputable historian disputes these claims,” what’s the point?
***However, Christian nationalism… views this particular expression of Christianity as the undisputed framework of the U.S. and wants all levels of the government to preserve that framework.
Ah! That’s the point! Yes, I adamantly reject the idea of a government that uses the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule to guide its direction. We should err more towards atheism, where everyone is just a meat puppet, and there is no greater good than our personal desires.
***Survey after survey show between 15-20 percent of Americans strongly embrace the tenets of Christian nationalism, while another one-third support it, albeit less fervently.
Good Lord, this article keeps beating itself into the ground. It’s 20 percent (at best) versus 80 percent? We’re talking about Americans here, not Spartans fighting the Persians at the Gates of Fire. What in the hell is the 20 percent gonna do? Send Congress a strongly worded letter? Do one of those stupid Internet petitions?
***Americans who embrace Christian nationalism want to ensure the country does not turn its back on God.
This is scary? Would it be better if the U.S. government broke up with God like Joe Biden broke up with America — via a tweet?
Dear God, Although all of Western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian ethics, and all the laws regarding morality issues like murder, rape, and pedophilia derive from your teaching, we gotta end this toxic relationship. We’ve decided to switch over to Allah, because his teachings will allow us to have more fun. You know, legalized murder, rape, and pedophilia — but especially murder. We need to invest more time in murdering gays, lesbians, and Jews.
*** Christian nationalism is also closely linked to believing true American patriots may have to resort to physical violence in order to save the U.S.
Well, okay… I guess it was okay to be a volunteer warrior inspired by Christian nationalism during the Revolution, the French and Indian Wars, the Barbary Wars, the War of 1812, WWI, WWII, the Gulf Wars, and the War in Afghanistan… but now violently fighting to save America is a no-go?
Should we identify all the Christians in the military, and if they have a patriotic sticker on their car, go full Minority Report and pin future-crimes on them?

***Americans who embrace Christian nationalism are more likely to:
Deny voter suppression is a problem.
(It’s not).
Believe it is “too easy to vote in the US.”
(In states where no ID is required, it is).
Believe voter fraud is rampant.
(In states where no ID is required, it is).
Support having a civics test in order to vote.
(I do, on par with the one below).
How does the government pay for the programs they create?
Who fought in the American Revolution?
Name one member of Congress.
There are millions of Americans—left and right—who’d fail this test. These people are too far removed from what our government does to have a say in what our government does.
Anyway… for those remotely interested, I’ll tell you what a real supporter of Christian Nationalism is:
- A Christian, who believes Judeo-Christian ethics should be considered when making laws.
- A person who is proud to be an American, because of what our nation stands for.
If you read history, you’ll encounter lots of them. Like, virtually every living American from 1776 until the progressives, globalists and Deep State operatives began to seize power – a process which began sometime around 1963, when the CIA murdered JFK.
Prioleau Alexander is a freelance writer, focusing mostly on politics and non-fiction humor. He is the author of four books: ‘You Want Fries With That?,’ ‘Dispatches Along the Way,’ ‘Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?‘ and ‘They Don’t Call It The Submission Process For Nothing.’
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If the Christian Nationalists want a one party system of government, I know a nice, tropical isle where they can move to
Hey! Our Libertarian Paradise has pirates!!!
Republicans only hate sharia law because they don’t want the competition in oppressing everyone else.
This guy has to pay FitsNews to post this silly garbage. I can’t see how paying this guy would be of any benefit to this blog. I can never make it past the first paragraph with this weird dork.
I guess hate clicks are still clicks.
A significant percentage of people who came to the American colonies were fleeing oppression by Christian Nationalists. We fought a Revolution against the Number 1 Christian Nationalist of his day, George III. Of course, upon arriving in the colonies many of the “Christians” fleeing oppression by other Christian Nationalists, immediately set up their own Christian Nationalist government, and as a result, we had among other things, the Salem witch trials, reduced rights for non-Quakers in PA, reduced rights of Non-Catholics in Maryland, the killing of Non-Mormans by Mormons in the Utah Territory, the church sanctioned enslavement of Africans, etc., etc. And lets not even discuss what the Spanish did to non-Christians in Mexico and South America. Because throughout history when you mix Church and State, they merge.
But that said Donald Trump is no Christian. He just dupes Christians. The jury on whether he is the AntiChrist is still out. He sure as heck seems to meet most of the scriptural descriptions. As for the Ten Commandments, can you name the ones Donald Trump has not broken? It should be easy. The number is short.
By the way, most Christian Nationalists are not real Christians, either. They play at being Christian. They love those Old Testament rules but mostly ignore the rules set out by Christ. You know the new covenant that replaced the old covenant. They simply require too much sacrifice for modern Christian Nationalists. That love your brother, welcome the stranger, feed the poor, treat the sick, don’t lay up wealth on earth, don’t let children die of starvation, etc. etc are just not their thing.
“And they shall wear the mark of the beast on their forehead.” Red MAGA hats anyone?
Christian Nationalism and its Project 2025 are on the ballot this November. The figurehead of Christian Nationalism is a pathological lying, rapist, crook, fraud and anti-American dolt.
The American voters are going to put a collective foot up the ass of these weirdos and send them into the dust bin of history. Putin found a group of useful idiots in MAGA he could fund and use to drive a political wedge into our society. The gig is up, assholes. The ‘finding out” part of your journey is beginning
How can anybody who considers themselves truly a Christian possibly support Donald Trump, who by his words and his actions is the antithesis of the term. And the term nationalism implies patriotism and love of country. When has Donald Trump ever put his country ahead of his own personal welfare, ever?
Cognitive dissonance. It’s why cults can exist and Trumpism is a cult.
Matthew 22:36-39
Matthew 25:34-45
I’d hate to be at judgement day witnessing Donnie’s highlight reel knowing I voted for him, made him my identity, and essentially made him the modern day equivalent of a golden calf.
What are Judeo-Christian ethics, and do they differ from Judeo-Christian beliefs? Do Jewish ethics differ from Christian ethics? We know Jewish beliefs differ from Christian beliefs.
No offense, but it kind of sounds like you are making stuff up to make it sound like you are not talking about a government where Christians are given a higher status in society than non-Christians, more rights than non-Christians, and where non-Christians are forced to conform to Christian beliefs as defined by the Christians who are in office at any given time.
I am assuming in your vision, only Christians could be elected to office as non-Christians might not understand what the Judeo-Christian “ethics” they need to insert into the law are. I mean are we just talking about the 10 Commandments, which are Jewish, not Christian? Are we talking about the Beatitudes which are Christian but not necessarily Jewish? Are we talking about Matthew’s warning to clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, feed the poor, and treat the sick? How about all those Old Testament Jewish laws relating to how immigrants from a foreign nation are to be treated? You seem to have left a lot of gray area here my man.
I am curious how Prioleau and the Colonel feel about Trump’s latest insult to the military. Saying the Medal of Freedom he gave to a lady who gave him a lot of money was better than a Medal of Honor because soldiers who received the Medal of Honor were usually dead or full of bullets.
Are there any more insults this guy could give to the people who have died for this nation or were wounded in the defense of this nation? Do you need any more proof that Trump has not changed from his belief that people who die for their country are losers and suckers? Do you need any more proof that Trump does not value military service? Do you need any more proof Trump is unfit to serve as the Commander in Chief of our nation’s bravest and best?
I think that you are asking questions that they, and most Trump supporters, would prefer to ignore.
Incel loser douchebag creep says what?