by KATHY MANESS || I am the mother of three children, a former teacher, and a lifelong Republican (or a “Hard Republican” as the RNC calls me). Re-elected to serve on Lexington Town Council four times by some of the most conservative voters in South Carolina, I have a proven, conservative track record spanning decades. On the day I announced my campaign for State Superintendent, dark money launched a smear campaign filled with lies and half-truths calling me a liberal in hopes of deceiving voters.
Why? My record proves I will always put what’s best for our children first over the interests of rich and powerful adults and their profit or power. Some don’t like that. Now hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent to spread deceit. They are afraid of the growing grassroots support for my campaign from parents and teachers who care about the future of our schools. They are we will defeat their money and a handpicked candidate they can control.
In 2020, I was honored to be the first person from South Carolina to serve as President of the National League of Cities, a non-partisan organization of all cities, towns, and villages across America. As President of the NLC, I gave a standard introduction when the Speaker of the House and the Vice-President spoke to the organization. Sadly, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took the White House that year. Instead of introducing Vice-President Pence and President Trump calling me to the White House as I’d hoped, it was Kamala and Biden. Heartbreaking!
(Click to view)

(Via: Will Folks FITSNews)
Adding insult to the disappointment, dark money began spreading fake news. Edited responses to those introductions, twisted and taken out of context, continue to be promoted by dark money supporting Ellen Weaver to deceive voters and lie about my positions.
As the mother of special needs and gifted children, I know every child is unique. At the core of my philosophy on education is decisions are best made by those closest to each student. Parents first, then teachers and principals, not politicians and bureaucrats who think they know what’s best for our children and believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. I have fought for this principle for decades. For example, in 2015 I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with my Congressman Joe Wilson as he introduced his Local Control of Education Act.
That’s why I am running for Superintendent- to return power to those who know what each child needs best. I’m running to ensure my granddaughter Olivia and every other South Carolina student is fully prepared upon graduation for the three E’s- employment, enlistment, or enrollment in higher education.

I believe having quality teachers in our classrooms is the key to providing great education. Unfortunately, South Carolina doesn’t have anywhere close to enough teachers. We have over 1200 teacher vacancies in South Carolina. That means class sizes that are too large, too unruly, where students can’t get the individual attention they deserve.
I’m running to let teachers teach. We have to stop teaching to the test, a back door to a National Curriculum. Teach reading and math not push political agendas and indoctrination. Teach critical thinking not critical race theory. We must prepare students for a job in a 21st Century economy. We need more money in the classroom not the bureaucracy. We need less paperwork and red tape.
I am the only candidate with a plan, knowledge, and experience to fully address these and other critical issues facing South Carolina schools. I ask for your support to create a brighter future for South Carolina through real education reform.
(Via: Kathy Maness for Superintendent)
Kathy Maness is a town council member from Lexington, S.C.
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BANNER VIA: Kathy Maness for Superintendent