
“Fake News” Update

THE LATEST CABLE NEWS NUMBERS … With the exception of last year’s presidential debates and election night returns, I haven’t watched cable television news in years.  It’s just not a medium I particular enjoy … or trust. I’m in the minority among registered voters, though, it would appear. According to…


With the exception of last year’s presidential debates and election night returns, I haven’t watched cable television news in years.  It’s just not a medium I particular enjoy … or trust.

I’m in the minority among registered voters, though, it would appear.

According to the latest data from Rasmussen, “(m)ost voters turn to cable news for political coverage, and Fox News remains the top channel for these viewers.”

“But voters still remain dubious of much of the political news they are getting,” the pollsters added.

In a typical week 75 percent of voters say they watch cable news “occasionally.”  Of those, 21 percent say they watch it “several times a week” while 25 percent say they watch it “every day.”

Fox News leads the way among the mainstream cable channels, with 42 percent of respondents saying the network is their first choice for news compared to 35 percent for CNN and 19 percent who watch MSNBC.

According to Rasmussen those numbers are “little changed from last year.”

Do viewers trust the information they are receiving?  Not especially …

Thirty-seven percent of voters say they “trust the political news they are getting” compared to 36 percent who say they do not trust it.  Another 26 percent were “unsure.”  Of interest?  Fifty percent of Fox viewers say they trust the political news they are receiving from cable compared to 43 percent of MSNBC viewers and 33 percent of CNN viewers.

Rasmussen surveyed 1,000 likely voters on January 2.  Its data has a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points.

What about you?  Do you trust the news you get from cable television?  Vote in our poll and post your thoughts in our comments section below …


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